M. WcRae, PUBLISHED BV THE UNITED FARM ERS of ALBERTA OFFICIAL ORGAN OF The united farmers of alberta the alberta wheat pool AND OTHER PROVINCIAL MARKETING POOLS Vol. IX. CALGARY, ALBERTA, FEBRUARY 15th, 1930 No". 4 The First Ten Days in the Alberta Legislature Provincial Treasurer Estimates Surplus in Fifth Budget Speech Executive Urges Every Local U.F.A. to Arrange Membership Drive And to Complete Drive Before Spring Work Begins Official News From the Alberta Wheat Pool Statement on Wheat Situation 2 (98) THE U. F. A. February 15th, 1930 THE DOMINION BANK$ Condensed Statement as at December 31st, 1929 LIABILITIES Capital Paid Up 6,996,030 00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 9,370,573 96 Dividend and Bonus payable January 2nd, 1930 279,537 .05 Former Dividends unclaimed 3,576.64 Total Liabilities to the Shareholders $ 16,649,717 65 Deposits by the Public 113 ,35 1 , 584 03 Advances under The Finance Act 6,500,000 00 Balances due other Banks in Canada 1,582,539 13 Balances due Foreign Banks 2,803,658 29 Notes of the Bank in Circulation 7,690,312 .00 Bills Payable 22,632 .00 Liabilities not included in the forcing 539,791 .88 $149,140,234 .98 Letters of Credit Outstanding 5,041 ,068 .30 $154,181,303 28 ASSETS Cash on Hand $ 11,069,028 .41 Deposit with Central Gold Reserves 1,500,000 .00 Cheques on other Banks 10,781,725 .68 Bank Balances 3,502,030.94 Gash Assets $ 26,852,785.03 Government and Municiptal Debentures, Railway and other Bonds and Stocks 19,841,184 .10 Call and Short Loans in Canada on Bonds and Stocks 14,076,369 .51 Call and Short Loans elsewhere than in Canada 7,004,038 .66 Assets Immediately Available ^ $ 67,774,377 .30 Commercial Loans 75,107,876 .95 Bank Premises 5,809,840.50 Deposit with Dominion Government for security of Note Circulation 329,862.50 Other Assets 118,277 .73 $149,140,234 .98 fiabifitiesof Customers under Letters of Credit as per contra 5,041,068 .30 $154,181,303 .28 A. W. AUSTIN, President. T. L. Eminson, Aldercyde Phone R2720 MEMBERS OF THE P. G. Goodvrin, Aldersyde FLOCKS ASSOC The Highwood Hatchery ALBERTA REGISTERED AND APPROVED ALDERSYDE OFFER Stron.. vigoroui, well developed cockereU for »le, high P"><*°?^°? "'P^^. Production bred B»by Chiclu. S. C. Whit. loading breed.. Barred Rock.. White Wyandotte.. S.C. White Leghorn, and other Leghorns. B. P. Rock*. R. I. Red*. White Wykndotte* and Light Suasex. FOR PRICE LIST APPLY TO SECRETARY Ciutom Hatching R.R.I. North Edmonton, Alt.. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST J. H. HARE, February I5th, 1930 SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVERTISING Commercial Display 35c per agate line One Year »2.00 $4.90 per inch Single Copies 10 c«nta No discount for time or space Make remittances by money order or postal Classified 5c per word prepaid note. We cannot accept responsibility for cur- PubUsbed on the 1st and ISth o( each month by rency forwarded through the mail. New copy must reach us 8 days in advance THE tJNITED FARMERS OF ALBERTA of publication to insure insertion. Change of Address—When ordering a change Longheed Building for liquor, of address, the former as well as the present CALGART - ALBERTA No advertisements taken patent the altera- medicine, or speculative investment schemes. address should be given; otherwise Official Organ of reliable advertisements will be 'ion cannot be made. THE ALBERTA WHEAT POOL None other than THE ALBERTA LIVESTOCK POOL knowingly accepted. Readers will confer a favor CIBCULATION THE ALBERTA DAIRY POOL by advising us promptly of unsatisfactory dealings with advertisers. \verage net paid circulation, six months THE ALBERTA EGG AND POULTRY POOL THE ALBERTA CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE ending February 1st, 1930 ..44,984 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Editor A. M. TURNER W. NORMAN SMITH W. H. McCARDELL H. E. G. H. SCHOLEFIELD, J. JESSE STRANG FEBRUARY 15th, 1930 No. 4 Vol. IX. CALGARY. ALBERTA. Principal Contents recommended the building up of broadcasting facilities throughout the Dominion on the basis of public service. Editorial - -•- ^ News of Organization - * A very vigorous "lobby" is being arranged by private Urge Local Membership Drive Before Spring „ 6 interests which are opposed to pubhc ownership and - of Our Wasted Natural Gas 6 Untold Value if, as has been forecast, the Government refer the whole Provincial Treasurer Estimates Surplus - 9 question to a committee, without it an essential Comment and Gossip from the Capital - JO making Fourth Session of Sixth Legislature Opens 11 feature of the Government program, the opponents of 17 Enactment of "Baker" School Bill Urged nationalization will gain heart, and its supporters will Office 18 News from Alberta Wheat Pool Uead be placed under a considerable handicap. They are not, Official Pool Statement on Wheat Situation 18 opposing interests, Billion Bushels of Grain Sold in Six Years — 19 like the possessed of large funds. Interests of the United Farm Women 24 They must depend upon a rallying of citizens of public 24 Sixteenth Convention of the U.F.W.A - spirit throughout the Dominion, to strengthen them in to Come" _ 26 "State Medicine Sure the task which lies before them. U.F.A. Junior Activities _ ~ — 28 "The Junior Ufa's Band" 28 Citizens who are closely in touch with the situation Consumer Co-operation Next Step 30 at Ottawa believe it to be of the utmost importance News from Head Office Alberta Livestock Pool 32 that organizations throughout the Dominion which are ~ - 32 The Co-operative Audit Bureau in favor of public ownership should make their desires known to the Government at once, and also to their Parliamentary representatives. EDITORIAL Recognizing this, the Calgary U.F.A. Local, at a » meeting held on February 13th, adopted unanimously the resolution quoted below, which was telegraphed to A MOMENTOUS SESSION Premier King the same evening and forwarded to H. Since the formation of the Province in 1905 there has B. Adshead, M.P., and the Secretary of the U.F.A. been no such momentous issue before the Alberta Legis- group, H. E. Spencer, M.P. It is probable that this lature as that of formulating a policy for the admini- matter will be raised in many other Locals of the Asso- stration of the natural resources which, under the terms ciation within the next few weeks. It is undoubtedly of the agreement with the Dominion Government, wil deserving of the most serious attention of the mem- soon come under Provincial jurisdiction. bership. Canada's past policy has largely lacked foresight. The resolution adopted by the Calgary U.F.A. was Governments have been in many respects criminally in the following terms: wasteful of the immensely valuable resources with which "Whereas, the Annual Convention of the United our country is endowed. Public interest, —the interest Farmers of Alberta, on advice of the Central Board often of future generations of Canadians—has been too of the A^ociation who had made full inquiry into the sacrificed to private interest. Today, Alberta is faced matter, strongly urged the adoption of the recom- with an unique opportunity. No Government in the mendations of the Royal Commission on Radio Broad- Dominion has ever stood higher in public esteem and casting in favor of Public Ownership of Broadcasting no other has enjoyed the trust of the electorate in so facilities; election of great a degree as the Government for the "And whereas, it is announced in the press that a has which the U.F.A. has been responsible. None had vigorous lobby is likely to be carried on at the forth- a more positive mandate. If the Government should coming session of Parliament by powerful vested in- venture upon a bold departure from precedent, should terests opposed to the establishment of Radio Broad- embark upon a policy in which the interest of the whole casting as a public service; private interest community is placed above that of any "Therefore be it resolved, that the Calgary Local whatsoever, it can depend upon the support of an of the U.F.A. hereby urges the Dominion Government overwhelming majority of the people of the Province to take full responsibility as a Government for the in rural and urban communities alike. introduction and advancement of legislation provid- * * * ing for the nationalization of Radio Broadcasting as THE RADIO LOBBY recommended by the Royal Commission." * * * Reports from Ottawa are to the effect that the Cab- inet is divided upon the subject of the report of the CO-OPERATIVE BUYING Royal Commission on Radio Broadcasting which, after Elsewhere in this issue we publish the report prepared a thorough investigation both in Canada and abroad. by the Alberta Council of Co-operation and adopted by (Continued on page 7) I'ebfuary l.Otli, IMSO 1 (lUU) THE U. F. A. NEWS OF THE ORGANIZATION Aetivltles of U.F.A. Locals and Distriet AsBoelatlons and Information Irom Central Oflieo— Notea on Co-operation for 1929 included 6 carloads of fence Peace River Federal posts, 2 carloads of cement, INDEX TO "THE U.F,A." 2 carloads of corral poles, 8 carloads of lumber, and Convention A full index of the 1929 issues SlOO worth of honey. of The U.F.A. has been prepared, Premier Brownlee and Other Speakers and copies may be secured from the office at 25 cents each. Business to a total of around $965 was to D. M. Kennedy's Fay Tribute handled by Dinton U.F.A. Local in 1929, Work states a report from Alex J. Paul, secre- tary. A. C. Johnston is president and and recitations which were much appre- T.
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