DOCUMENT 5.5.2 5.5.2 Applicant’s updated Stodmarsh HRA screening matrix, updated NSER table 3.1 and 3.2 and all relevant European Site Conservation Objectives to inform the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) National Grid (Richborough Connection Project) Order Application Ref: EN020017 October 2016 Page intentionally blank Richborough Connection Project Volume 5 5.5.2 Applicant’s updated Stodmarsh HRA screening matrix, updated NSER table 3.1 and 3.2 and all relevant European Site Conservation Objectives to inform the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) National Grid National Grid House Warwick Technology Park Gallows Hill Warwick CV34 6DA Final October 2016 Page intentionally blank Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.5.2 Document Control Document Properties Organisation Amec Foster Wheeler Author Alastair Miller Approved by Ian Simms, Amec Foster Wheeler Title Applicant’s updated Stodmarsh HRA screening matrix, updated NSER table 3.1 and 3.2 and all relevant European Site Conservation Objectives to inform the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) Document Reference 5.5.2 Version History Date Version Status Description/Changes 07/10/16 1 Final 1st Issue Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.5.2 Page intentionally blank Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.5.2 Purpose of this update, October 2016 a) This document 5.5.2 contains updated HRA matrix 5 Stodmarsh Special Protection Area (SPA) previously contained within Doc 5.5.1, updated No Significant Effects Report (NSER) Tables 3.1 and 3.2 previously contained within Doc 8.2.1 Appendix C and all relevant European Site Conservation Objectives (and Information Sheets on Ramsar Wetlands) to inform the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES). b) For deadline 2, Doc 8.2.1 Appendix C contained revised versions of the NSER Tables 3.1 and 3.2 that were issued in response to Question Q1.2.8 in REP2-17 to include all of the relevant qualifying features as listed on the Natura 2000 data forms / Ramsar Information Sheets available on the JNCC website. These tables have now been further revised in response to Q2.2.1 and Natural England’s response in REP4-28 and further consultation with Natural England regarding Action 7 arising from the Issue Specific Hearing (ISH) on Landscape, visual and biodiversity effects including alternatives, 30 September 2016. The European site qualifying features within these tables have now been updated to reflect those contained within Natural England’s European Site Conservation Objectives rather than those stated within the JNCC Natura 2000 standard data forms. c) In line with Natural England’s recommendation Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 are updated to include the breeding bird assemblage and following further consultation post the ISH (on Landscape, visual and biodiversity effects including alternatives, 30 September 2016) to include waterbird bird assemblage (rather than wintering bird assemblage as stated by Natural England in REP4-28) for Stodmarsh SPA and to include the breeding bird and waterbird bird assemblage (rather than wintering bird assemblage as stated by Natural England in REP4-28) for The Swale SPA to bring those qualifying features in line with those stated in the Natural England Conservation Objectives. d) Natural England will issue confirmation of the use of waterbird assemblage to replace wintering bird assemblage for both Stodmarsh SPA and The Swale SPA at Deadline 5. e) The difference between the qualifying features detailed in the JNCC Natura 2000 standard data forms and Natural England’s European Site Conservation Objectives has also resulted in the need to amend HRA matrix 5 Stodmarsh SPA contained within Doc 5.5.1 to include the breeding bird assemblage. f) Action 6 arising from the ISH on Landscape, visual and biodiversity effects including alternatives, 30 September 2016 requests submission of the Conservation Objectives for three European Sites not requested within Q1.2.7. These sites are Thanet Coast & Sandwich Bay SPA, Stodmarsh SPA and The Swale SPA. For completeness, the current conservation objectives as issued by Natural England for all eleven European sites included within the NSER are included within Annex C of this document. g) All Natural England’s responses to Q2.2.1 contained within REP4-28 and subsequence consultation have been implemented within this document. h) There are no material or written changes to the NSER following the amendments to Tables 3.1, 3.2 or NSER Appendix A HRA Matrix 5 and therefore no changes to the assessment contained within, or findings of, the NSER. i) A schedule of the updates made to the HRA matrix 5: Stodmarsh SPA Doc 5.5.1, Tables 3.1 and 3.2 of Doc 8.2.1 and Natural England’s European Site Conservation Objectives contained within this document is provided in Table A. Final 1 October 2016 Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.5.2 Table A - Amendments to HRA matrix 5: Stodmarsh SPA, Tables 3.1 and 3.2 of Doc 8.2.1 and Natural England’s European Site Conservation Objectives Ref. Description of Amendment Reason 1 Amended screening matrix number 5 for At the request of the Examining Stodmarsh SPA (in Word and pdf formats) is Authority: ISH on Landscape, provided using the additional qualifying visual and biodiversity effects interest (breeding bird assemblage). Included including alternatives as Annex A of this document. Action Point 7 In response to Q2.2.1 and at Natural England’s recommendation in REP4-28 2 As recommended by Natural England Table At the request of the Examining 3.1 and Table 3.2 have been updated to Authority: ISH on Landscape, include breeding bird and waterbird visual and biodiversity effects assemblage for The Swale SPA. including alternatives Action Point 7:Item 3.1 As recommended by Natural England Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 be updated to include In response to Q2.2.1 and at breeding bird and waterbird assemblage for Natural England’s Stodmarsh SPA. recommendation as confirmed by email correspondence 06/10/2016 Included as Annex B to this document. 3 Submission of the Conservation Objectives At the request of the Examining for three European Sites not requested within Authority: ISH on Landscape, Q1.2.7. These sites are Thanet Coast & visual and biodiversity effects Sandwich Bay SPA, Stodmarsh SPA and The including alternatives Swale SPA. For completeness, the current Action Point 6: Item 3.1 conservation objectives as issued by Natural In response to Q2.2.3 and at England for all eleven European sites Natural England’s (including Information Sheets on Ramsar recommendation during Wetlands) included within the NSER are consultation included as Annex C to this document. Final 2 October 2016 Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.5.2 Annex A REVISED STAGE 1: SCREENING MATRIX 5–STODMARSH SPA Evidence for, or against, likely significant effects (LSE) on the European sites and their qualifying features is detailed within the footnotes to the screening matrices below. Matrix Key: = Likely significant effect cannot be excluded = Likely significant effect can be excluded Stage of development: C = construction O = operation D = decommissioning Where effects are not applicable to a particular feature the matrix cell is greyed out. Final 3 October 2016 Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.5.2 HRA Screening Matrix 5: Stodmarsh SPA Name of European site: Stodmarsh SPA EU Code: UK9012121 Distance to Richborough Connection Project 0.45km European site Likely Effects of Richborough Connection Project (NSIP) features Effect Direct habitat loss Pollution and Displacement Collision risk In combination effects disturbance /barrier effect (Indirect) Stage of C O D C O D C O D C O D C O D Development Hen harrier (Non- a a a a a c e e e breeding) Gadwall (Non- a a a a a d breeding) b b b b b Bittern (Breeding a a a a a f and Non-breeding) Gadwall (Breeding) a a a a a d b b b b b Shoveler (Non- a a a a a g breeding) Breeding Bird a a a a a h Assemblage b b b b b Waterbird a a a a a h Assemblage b b b b b Final 4 October 2016 Richborough Connection Project – Volume 5, Document 5.5.2 Evidence supporting conclusions a. As detailed in Table 3.2 of the Screening Assessment of the NSER Doc 5.5, these qualifying interest features would not be susceptible to direct effects resulting from disturbance or damage as there is no land take/ land use or access required across the SPA. In addition to which, indirect effects resulting from pollution would be avoided through the incorporation of embedded environmental measures. For the water environment these measures are detailed in Doc 5.4.3C(B) CEMP Paragraphs 4.5.2, 4.5.5-4.5.18 and 4.5.21-4.5.28; Doc 5.4.3B(A) Embedded Environmental Measures Schedule, Generic measures, Water Environment, WE-A to WE-AP and Appendix H, NSER Doc 5.5. For Air Quality the measures are detailed in Doc 5.4.3C(B) CEMP Paragraph 4.8.2, and Doc 5.4.3B(A) Embedded Environmental Measures Schedule, Generic measures, Air Quality AQ-AA to AQ-AU. For Noise and Vibration the measures are detailed in Doc 5.4.3C(B) CEMP Paragraph 4.9.2, and Doc 5.4.3B(A) Embedded Environmental Measures Schedule, Generic measures, Construction Noise N&V-A to N&V-H. They are secured through draft DCO (Doc 2.1(B)) Schedule 3, Requirements 5 and 6. These receptors would therefore not be subject to any LSEs.
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