158 143 At High Mass the priest opens the taber- Body and Blood from all mine iniquities, nd although we He uncovers the chalice, genuflects, nacle and removes the ciborium contain- and from every evil: and make me ever be unworthy, With and takes the Host between the ing the Reserved Sacrament, placing it cleave unto thy commandments, and suf- A thumb and forefinger of his right on the corporal. Then, he says this prayer fer me never to be separated from thee: hands extended as before, hand: and holding the chalice with silently: Who with the same God the Father and through our manifold sins, his left, he signs with the Host three O Lord Jesu Christ, Son of the living the Holy Ghost, livest and reignest God, times from lip to lip of the chalice, God, who by the will of the Father, and world without end. Amen. to offer unto thee any sac- saying: the cooperation of the Holy Ghost, hast through thy death given life unto the I will receive the Bread of Heaven, and rifice; yet we beseech thee world: deliver me by this thy most sacred call upon the name of the Lord. to accept this our bound- en duty and service; not y wh om, and with When the deacon and subdeacon have returned to the altar, they genuflect with the weighing our merits, but priest, who invites the communicants to receive the Blessed Sacrament, saying: wh om, in the u nity pardoning our offences. Bof the Holy Ghost, With the Behold the Lamb of God; He joins his hands and Host itself he signs twice behold him that taketh away the sins of the world. All: Lord, I am not worthy signs thrice over the Host between himself and the that thou shouldst come under my roof, and chalice together, say- chalice, saying: all hon- but speak the word only, and my soul shall be healed. ing our and glory be unto At High Mass the Communion Antiphon is sung. Holy Communion is given. thee, Elevating the chal- hrough Jesus ice and Host together, he During the distribution of Holy Com- Meanwhile the priest presents the chal- Christ our Lord. says: O Father almighty. munion, the priest says either: ice to the minister, who pours into it T The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, a little wine, wherewith he purifies which was given for thee, preserve thy himself: then he continues: body and soul unto everlasting life. Let thy Body, O Lord, which I have tak- or: en, and thy Blood which I have drunk, cleave unto my members: and grant; The Body of Christ. that no stain of sin may remain in me, Through - out all a - ges, world with - out end. A - men. whom thou hast refreshed with these The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, pure and holy sacraments: Who livest which was shed for thee, preserve thy and reignest world without end. Amen body and soul unto everlasting life. or: He washes and wipes his fingers, and The Blood of Christ. takes the ablution: he wipes his mouth Let us pray. As our Sa - viour Christ hath commanded and taught us, and the chalice, which, having folded Afterwards, when all have received the the corporal, he covers and places on Sacrament, the priest says: the altar as before: then he proceeds Grant, O Lord, that what we have taken with the Mass. with our mouths we may receive in pu- rity of heart: and let this temporal gift The Lord’s Prayer continues We are bold to say: Our Fa - ther avail for our healing unto life eternal. on page 156 144 157 days: He kisses the paten that by the on the paten. Then from the part which EUCHARISTIC PRAYER 3 help of thine availing mercy we may remains in his left hand, he breaks a English Canon with 1549 Oblation ever both be free from sin and safe from particle, saying: Who liveth and reigneth all distress. He puts the paten under the with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, Holding his hands extended over Host, uncovers the chalice, genuflects, God. He joins the other half, which he the oblations, he says: rises, takes the Host, and holds It with holds in his left hand, to the half laid both hands over the chalice, breaks It in upon the paten, and retaining the small ear us, O merciful the middle, saying: Through the same particle in his right hand over the chalice, Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. He places which he holds with his left by the knob HFather, we most the half which he holds in his right hand below the cup, he sings or says: humbly beseech thee; and grant that we receiv- ing He signs thrice over the oblations, these thy crea tures of bre ad The priest shall say the Prayer of He signs with the particle Itself three times over the chalice, as he sings or Consecration as follows: and wi ne, according to says: ll glory be to thee, thy Son our Saviour Jesus almighty God, our heav- Christ’s holy institution, Aenly Father, for that thou of in remembrance of his thy tender mercy didst give death and passion, He thine only Son Jesus Christ signs once over the Host, to suffer death upon the Cross may be partakers of his for our redemption; who most blessed Bo dy and At High Mass the choir begins the Then bowing with hands joined upon made there (by his one once over the chalice and Agnus Dei. Meanwhile the priest puts the altar, he says secretly: O Lord Jesus oblation of himself once Blo od. the Particle into the chalice, saying Christ, who saidst to thine Apostles, secretly: May the mingling and hal- Peace I leave with you, my peace I give offered) a full, perfect, and lowing of the Body and Blood of our unto you: regard not my sins but the sufficient sacrifice, oblation, Lord Jesus Christ avail us who receive faith of thy Church: and vouchsafe to and satisfaction, for the sins it unto everlasting life. Amen. grant her peace and unity according to He covers the chalice, genuflects, rises thy will: Who livest and reignest God, of the whole world; and did and bowing to the Sacrament, joins his throughout all ages; world without end. institute, and in his holy hands, and beating his breast thrice, Amen. says in an audible voice: Gospel command us to con- O Lamb of God, that takest away the At High Mass the priest kisses the altar, tinue, a perpetual memory sins of the world: have mercy upon us. and gives the Peace to the deacon, he of that his precious death, O Lamb of God, that takest away the says: Peace be with you. The deacon sins of the world: have mercy upon us. responds: And with thy spirit. The sa- He joins his hands, until his O Lamb of God, that takest away the cred ministers (and servers) exchange coming again: sins of the world: grant us thy peace. the Peace. 156 145 Communion Rite ho, in the same night and signs once over the LORD’S PRAYER, FRACTION that he was betrayed, Host, and, when he had and HOLY COMMUNION WHe takes the Host, took given thanks, he brake bread, He raises his eyes it, and gave it to his disci- to heaven, bows his head, ples, saying: Take, eat. Holding the Host with both hands between the thumbs and forefingers, he utters the words of consecration distinctly, and with great care over the Host, and at the same time over all, if more are to be consecrated. This is my Body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. Having pronounced these words, he straightway genuflects and adores the consecrated Host: he rises, shews it to the people, replaces it upon the corporal, and genuflecting again adores: and he does not any more separate his forefingers and thumbs, except when the Host is to be handled, until the ablution of his fingers. Then, having uncovered the chalice, he says. ikewise after supper, he signs over it with his He takes the chalice right, and when he had Lwith both hands, he took given thanks, he gave the Cup: He bows his it to them, saying: Drink head, and with his left ye all of this. hand holding the chalice, He pronounces the words of consecration carefully, and continuously, over the chalice, holding it slightly raised. For this is my Blood When he says Deliver us from evil. we beseech thee, from all evils, past, of the New Testament: Amen., (or after the doxology at Low and present, and to come: and at the Mass where it is the custom for the priest intercession of the blessed and glorious which is shed for you and for many to lead the Lord’s Prayer right through) Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with for the remission of sins. the priest takes the paten between the thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and with Andrew, and all the Saints, He signs fore and middle fingers of his right Having pronounced these words, he sets down the chalice upon the himself with the paten from forehead hand, and holding it upright upon the corporal, and continues: altar, says secretly: Deliver us, O Lord, to breast favourably grant peace in our Do this, as oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of me. 146 155 He genuflects and adores, rises, Host saying: and once over unto thee; humbly beseech- our manifold sins, to offer shews it to the people, puts it down, covers it, and again adores.
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