Repubfic of fie Phi$ppirres Depaffient of Education Region lll DIVISION OF BULACAN l City of Malolos Tel. No. (044) 662-60'11 + Fax No. (044) 662-4314 October 4,2012 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. ,t51 s, 2412 2012 PROWNCIIAL ATHWTTC ilTIEDT To: Division/District Supervisors Principals/OlC's of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads of Private Schools Chairrnan of Participating EDDIS/Unit 1. The Division of Bulacan, in coordination with the four (4) Educational Districts, elementary and secondary public schools, NVSAA, SMHS, MPHS, & BULPRISAA will hold the 2012 Provinciat Athletic lUleet at the Bulacan Sports Complex, Sta. lsabel, City of Malolos on 2. The objectives of this athletic meet are: a) to ensure the continuing sports spirit among the pupils/students; b) to showcase the stakeholders'strong desire to have a sustainable programs for children at an early stage, pursuing sports excellence, discipline and values inherent in the practice of sports and physical education; c) to widen the base for talent identification, selection, recruitment, training and exposure of elementary and secondary pupils/students; and d) to provide a data base for a valid and universal basis to further improve the school sports development program. 3. Austerity measures shall be observed in the conduct of this meet in all levels. Ceremonies shall kre in the simplest mode and format. Also, athletic uniforms shall be made of the least expensive materials available in the local market. 4. The age qualification should be observed in sports where age limitation is a requirement as per Palaro Manual 2010 and DepED Memorandum No. 76, s. 2008. 5. General instructions, guidelines, program of activities, officials of the meet and the work committees are given in Enclosurres A, B, C, D and E. 6. The screening of athletes')tes' records should be screened b.y thg_ P*iy_igq911- .S-greening Comrnittee Chairmen and p-p-1_s_ q[..!he 3-ll fl-qgJ, D. o. on iffffi for the elementarydivisionand..ffi.forthesecondarydivision.Therewillbeanelementary division and :,|!l'lli$ interview of athletes on the following dates and venues: ELEMENI'ARY SEGONPARY EDDI$ I - Nov. 13. A.M. - Pulilan C/S Calumpit NHS E:DDI$ ll - Itlov. 13 P.M. - Guiguinto C/S Dr. F. de Jesus HS / GNVHS (NVSAA) E:DDIS lll - Nov. 14 A.M. - San lldefonso North C/S C. F. Gonzales NHS EDDIS lV - Nov. 14 P.M. - Marilao C/S Prenza NHS Nov. 15 A.M. - San Miguel NHS P.M. = MPNHS Nov. 16 - A.M. - BULPRISAA Final ticreening of documents will be on ,,,,$i$$.1*1ffi,##, ,,at 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. Replacement and substitution of disqualified athletes are allowed during the screening period, Transportation of the Division Screening Members will be taken from the 2012 SEF. 7. Heads of delegations, athletic managers, coaches and chaperons are responsible for the age eligibility as well as discipline of their athletes and the proper observance of all rules and regulations governing the athletic meet. 8. Each participating athletic delegation should take charge of the subsistence ( meals, snacks and transportation ) and uniform of their own contingent the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. ---i pe dtrua,1e:$olegatiori;w[it#.ilibt,be]ong. However, snacks wilt be provided by the r.n"g"r"nt through the:2a12 SEF. Provisions for meals, snacks and honorarium of Prbfessional/liational Referees/Umpires, tournament managers, select work committees and other allowa5fe e*p"nr"t shall be taken also from lhe 2012 SEF subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations 9. The meeiing of all EDDIS and Unit Chairmen will be at the 3'd Floor of the Division Office on October 31, 2A12 at g:00 o'clock in the morning while the meeting of all Tournament Managers will be on November 15, 2012 at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon at 3d Floor, Division Office, City of Malolos. 10. Please give your preferentialattention to the content of this Memorandum. EDNA SANTOS ZE iI Ed. D..CESO V Schools Division Sl lerinteno'ent@ Encl. : As stated. References: Division Memorandum No. 66, s. 2011 Division Memorandum No. 129, s.2011 Division Memorandum No. 73, s.2012 Allotment: 1 - ( D.O. 50-97 ) To be indicated in the Perpetyal lndex under the following subjects: ATHLETICS PROGRAMS OFFICIALS PUPILS STUDENTS ( lnclosure No. 1 to Div.*rr Menrorandum No. 151, s. ZOIZ) .v, 1. The different events and the number of athletes, coaches and chaperons are as follows: A. ELEMENTARY DIVISION EVENTS NO. OF PLAYERS COACH CHAPERONS TOTAL 1. Arnis IBI 2 1 4 2. Arnis fcl 2 1 4 3 Athletics tBl 12 2 14 4. Athletics tcl 12 2 1 15 5. Badminton IBl 4 1 5 6. Badminton tGl 4 1 1 o 7^ Baseball fBl '12 1 13 8. Basketball fBI 12 1 13 9. Boxino fBI 2 1 3 10. Chess fBI 2 1 3 11. Chess fcl 2 1 3 12. Football tBI 15 1 16 13. Men's Artistic Gvm TMAGI 3 1 4 14. Women's Art. Gvm TWAGI 3 1 4 15. Rhvthmic Gvmnastics [t 3 1 1 5 16. Lawn Tennis IBI 4 1 5 17. Lawn Tennis tcl 4 1 I 6 18. Sioa-Takraw IBI 4 1 5 19. Softball tcl 12 1 1 14 20. Swimmino fBl 10 1 11 '10 21. Swimm{no tGl 1 1 12 22. Table Tennis IBI 4 1 5 23. Table Tennis tcl 4 1 1 6 24. Taekwondo tBl 6 1 7 25. Taekwondo tGI EI 1 1 8 26. Volleyball tBI 12 1 13 27, Vollevball IGI 12 1 1 14 TOTAL 178 29 I 216 B. SECONDARY DIVISION EVENTS NO. OF PLAYERS COACH CHAPERONS TOTAL ,l 1. Archerv IBI 4 5 2. Archery tcl 4 1 1 6 3. Arnis fBt 5 1 6 4. Arnis tcl 5 1 1 7 5. Athletics tBI 15 2 17 6. Athletics fcl 15 2 1 18 7. Badminton tBl 4 1 5 8. Badminton tGl 4 1 1 6 9 Baseball fBl 12 1 13 10. Basketball IBI 12 1 13 11. Basketball tel 12 1 1 14 12. Boxinq IBI 5 1 t' 13. Chess fBI 2 1 3 14. Chess tcl 2 1 3 15. Football lB'l 15 1 16 16. Men's Artistic Gvm IMAGI 3 1 4 17. Women's Art. Gym IWAGl 3 1 4 18. Rhvthmic Gvmnastics tGl 3 1 1 5 19. Lawn Tennis tBl 4 1 5 20. Lawn Tennis tcl 4 1 1 o 21. Sepak-Takraw tBI 12 1 13 22. Softball tcl 12 1 1 14 23. Swimmino tBl 10 1 11 24. Swimmino IGI 10 1 1 12 25. Table Tennis tBl 4 1 5 26. Table Tennis tcl 4 1 1 6 27. Taekwondo fBI 6 1 7 28. Taekwondo tcl 6 1 1 I 29. Vollevball tBl 12 1 13 30. Vollevball tcl 12 1 1 14 TOTAL 221 32 12 265 *.:=;\ 2' Seeding/Pairing of teams will be done.drling.the=meeting_of all chairmen on ffiUer 31, 2a12 atthe 3'd Floor, bivision office, 9:00 o,cloc[ in itr" morning. Names of the members 3' of the competing teams must be checked with the official list of entries by the Chief Scorer/Recorder/TournameniManager fronn time to time. !.** " Prgtest shatl be in writing and duly signed by the her otficiat-repiesentbtive and rn"', UfHffi" g-ffitT' or the::I::r concerned team with the Chair of the DSAC. protes6-iii6O-nfli,iru persor.Uhffiffi automatically dismissed without prejudice of refilling the same ,pon compliance of the abovementioned requirements. Provided however, that lven if the protest does not compty witn said requirements, the DSAC may "MOTU PROPIO," investigate and resolve the protest itintre is an obvious truth on the merits of the allegation. Protest shalt be accompanied by affidavit, witnesses and/or evidences to support thereof. The protest shall be acted'immediatefy ny tne ?SAC upon receipt thereof. Decision of the DSAC shali be appealable only to the Schools Division Superintendent. Cases of misrepresentation, impersonation'and violation of similar nature, may still be filed even during and after the provincialAthietic Meet. 5' Protest on technicalities arising from the games shall be resolved in the following manner: 5'1 The Tournament lVlanager concerned is empowered to conduct an on{he-spot investigation and decide immediately on any protest so as not to disrupt ihe progress of the game; 5.2 lf the protesting party is not satisfied with the decision of the Tournament Manager, a formal protest duly signed by the coach concerned and the Head of Delegation, maybe filed with the Board of Directors not later than twelve (12) hours after the incident. 5.3 The decision of the Board is final. Any 6. violation of the rules on eligibility is punishable by lifetime ban from participating in school sports competitions without prejudice to the filing of appropriate administrative and'crimr:nal charges against erring officials and athletes. 7 ' When a violation on eligibility rules is proven in team competitions, the games in which the individual has taken part shall be declared forfeited in favor of the opposing team. The individual performance, ln case of individuat events, shall be nullified. I' All officiating officials and coaches shall observe the Code of Gonduct and proper Decorum anywhere and anytime and must serve as models to the athletes. Any official and coach who fail to observe this, shall be dealt with accordingly. 9" The international rules and regulations of the different sports/events shall govern the conduct of the meet. However, international rules which were amended by the grouni rules shall be adopted to suit local conditions.
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