PagePaP geg 1 ofof 1414 +2/'7+('$7( 681'$<-$18$5<7+ 7+(),)7+7(;&$87+(1 )$55,(5(5 9(7(5,1$5,$15(6($5&+(5 6(0,1$50,1$5 3527(&7,1*7+(+256(7+(+22)$1'7+( 6(6$02,'6 DPWRSP=22021/< https://gluck.ca.uky.edu/2021-cauthen https://uky.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_O8-n_D2mRTOtZ3g3EnSOYwg3EnSOYw PagePaPageg 2 ofof 1414 3527(&7,1*7+(+256(7+(+22)$1'7+(3527 +( 6(6$02,'621*2,1*5(6($5&+6 TheThe FiFifthfth Tex Cauthen Farrier / Veterinarian / Researcher Seminarw ill be an entirelyentirely =220=220 SeminarSemin Sunday, Jan. 24, 2021, 9.00 AM, 9,578$//<from the Gluck EquineEquine Research Center. The focus of this seminar is the Horse, the Hoof and the Sesamoids. It begins with a welcome to The Gluck Equine Research Center by the Director, Dr. David Horohov, following which Dr. Stuart E. Brown II, DVM, overviews safety matters and moderates the morning session which presents an update in the area of motion sensor technology. The Equinosis technology presents first, with Dr. Abbie Haffner outlining racetrack data collection, followed by an analysis of the results by Professor Kevin Keegan. Next we have an update from Dr. David Lambert on accelerometer data acquired at racing speeds in Thoroughbred Horses. We then go Singapore, where Dr. Bronte Forbes brings us up to date on use of the Equinosis “Lameness Locator” technology by the Singapore Turf Club, followed by Dr. Ryan Carpenter who will present on west coast approaches to injury mitigation and Dr Mathieu Spriet, who will review current research with Positron Emission Tomography. The morning program closes with a round table discussion moderated by Dr. Stuart Brown, including Drs. Haffner, Keegan, Lambert, Forbes, Carpenter and Spriet, with Mr. Sandy Hawley, Dr. Pedro de Pedro and Dr. Rob Holland as invited discussants. There will then be a 9,578$/ lunch break, most generously 9,578$//< hosted by Mr. Doug Watkins and Breeder’s Farrier Supply of Lexington. The afternoon focuses on the proximal sesamoids and is moderated by Prof. Scott D. Stanley. Sesamoid structure and function are first reviewed by Mr. Mitch Taylor and Dr. Jenny Hagen of Leipzig, Germany, following which Dr. Deborah Spike-Pierce of Rood and Riddle addresses sesamoiditis in yearlings and effects on racing performance. Then Mr. Steve Stanley presents on shoeing strategies that optimize sesamoid bone protection, followed by presentations from Dr. Cage Cruise and Professor Michael Savoldi. The session closes with a round table discussion, moderated by Prof. Stanley with Mr. Taylor, Dr. Hagen, Dr. Spike- Pierce, Mr. Steve Stanley, Dr. Cage Cruise and Prof. Savoldi, Mr. Hans Albrecht and Dr. Thomas Tobin. The guests of honor are Doug, Kerry & Steve Cauthen; the organizing committee is chaired by Mr. Hans Albrecht and includes Dr. David Horohov, Dr. Scott D. Stanley, Dr. Pedro De Pedro, Dr. Rob Holland, Dr. Stuart Brown, Dr. Fernanda Camargo, Dr. Clara Fenger, Mr. Sandy Hawley and Dr. Thomas Tobin. The full videotaped seminar will be available on the Gluck Equine Research Center website also on the American Farriers Association Communications Committee on their internet newsletter/eblast. As previously, this event has been submitted for 6.75 hours of Continuing Education Credits by the Kentucky Board of Veterinary Examiners for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians and also submitted for 5.5 American Association of Professional Farriers (AAPF) Continuing Education Credits, for more information, www.ProfessionalFarriers.com. Page 3 of 14 3527(&7,1*7+(+256(7+(+22)$1'7+( 6(6$02,'621*2,1*352*5(66 9:00 – 9:05 a.m. Welcome to the Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center Dr. David Horohov, PhD. Professor, Department of Veterinary Science, Director, the Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center, College of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, University of Kentucky. 0251,1*6(66,21 9:05 – 9:15 Chair: Dr. Stuart E. Brown, II, DVM Equine Safety Director, Keeneland Association. An Overview of Equine Safety Matters and Related Issues. 027,216(16257(&+12/2*,(6$1'7+(5$&,1*+256( 9:15 – 9:30 Applying Lameness Locator Technology on the Racetrack: Ground Rules for Getting Going Dr. Abigail Leigh Haffner, DVM, Shell Equine Services, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 9:30 – 10:00 Progress Report on Lameness Locator Technology and the Prevention of Racing and Training Related Injuries in Thoroughbred Racehorses Prof. K. G. Keegan, DVM, MS, ACVS Professor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri 10:00 – 10:30 Analysis of Accelerometer Data Acquired at Racing Speeds in Thoroughbred Horses Dr. David Lambert, BVSc., MRCVS, Equine Analysis Systems, 107 W Main Street, Midway, KY 40347 10:30 – 11:00 Lameness Locator Technology; Ongoing Progress in Singapore racing Dr. Bronte Forbes, BSc, BVMS, MACVSc, MBA, MRCVS, Veterinarian, Singapore Turf Club, Singapore, Malaysia 11:00 – 11:20 Injury Mitigation: The West Coast Perspective Dr. Ryan Carpenter, DVM, MS, DACVSEquine Medical Center in Cypress, CA. 11:20 –11:40 Current Research with Positron Emission Tomography in racehorses Dr. Mathieu Spriet, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVR & ECVDI School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis Page 4 of 14 11:40 – 12:00 48(67,2165281'7$%/(',6&866,21 Chair: Dr Stuart E. Brown, DVM Dr. Abbie Haffner, Dr. Kevin Keegan, Dr. David Lambert, Dr. Bronte Forbes, Dr. Ryan Carpenter, Dr. Mathieu Spriet, Mr. Sandy Hawley, Dr. Pedro de Pedro, Dr. Rob Holland. 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. /81&+:(//$&78$//<$9,578$//81&+%5($. 75<,1*7232.($/,77/()81 Courtesy of Mr. Doug Watkins and Breeders Farrier Supply, Lexington, KY. $)7(512216(66,21 Chair: Dr. Scott D. Stanley PhD, Professor of Equine Toxicology and 1:00 – 5:00 PM Pharmacology, the Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center 6(6$02,'6758&785($1')81&7,21$1'237,0$/3527(&7,21675$7(*,(6 1: 00 – 1:45 The Structure and Function of the Proximal Sesamoid Bones Mr. Mitch Taylor, CJF, AWCF, Kentucky Horseshoeing School. Dr. Jenny Hagen, DVM, University of Leipzig, Germany 1:45 – 2:15 Sesamoiditis in Yearlings and Effects on Racing Performance. Dr. Deborah Spike-Pierce, DVM, MBA, Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, Lexington, K<. 2:15 – 3:00 Shoeing Strategies to Optimize Protection of the Proximal Sesamoid Bones and Related Structures Mr. Steve A. Stanley, APF, Stanley Farrier Services, Versailles, K<. 3:00 – 3:15 $)7(512219,578$/&2))((%5($. 3:15 – 4:00 How Modification to the Hoof Shape can affect the Structure and Function of the Sesamoid Bones and Related Structures Dr. Cage Cruise, DVM, Bluegrass Equine Podiatry, 557 Sims Pike Georgetown, K<, 40324 4:00 – 4:30 Classification and Documentation of Proximal Sesamoid Fractures in Thoroughbred Racehorses. Professor Michael T. Savoldi, Professor Emeritus California State Polytechnic, University Pomona, C$ 4:30 – 5:00 48(67,2165281'7$%/(',6&866,21 Chair: Professor Scott D. Stanley. Page 5 of 14 Mr. Taylor, Dr. Hagen, Dr. Spike-Pierce, Mr. Steve Stanley, Dr Cage Cruise, Prof. Savoldi, Dr. Rob Holland, Mr. Hans Albrecht and Dr. Thomas Tobin. 5:00 PM Æ (QG=2206(66,21±7+$1.<28 Page 6 of 14 ZOOM SPEAKERS AND SUMMARY BIOGRAPHIES 'U 5REHUW(+ROODQG-U. DVM, PSC, graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Mississippi State College of Veterinary Medicine in 1994. From Mississippi he went to The Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center of the University of Kentucky where he obtained his PhD in Equine Virology in 2001. While studying at UK Dr. Holland also served as a regulatory veterinarian with the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, seeing horse racing from both sides of the regulatory fence. Dr. Holland has consulted globally with countries and jurisdictions to contain and prevent spread of disease, including with the USDA and many state veterinarians and is well versed in how to make your horse healthy again. 0U 0LFKDHO6DYROGLis Professor Emeritus and Resident Farrier at the W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center and Professor of Farrier Science, Animal & Veterinary Science, California State Polytechnic University. He was also chair of the American Farrier’s Association Equine Research Committee (2000 - 2006) and named American Farrier’s Association educator of the year in 2005. He is an internationally known author and researcher and is currently the director of the Equine Research Center in Shandon, California. 'U3HGUR'H3HGURhas been an Equine Internal Medicine practitioner in Lexington for over seven years. In Fall 2016, he joined the faculty at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine where he teaches Large Animal (Equine) Internal Medicine. He is working with research groups in different areas focusing on performance horses. He serves as a veterinary consultant for equine non-profit programs in Lexington and travels to the area frequently to work with a selection of clients and for data collection. 0U+DQV$OEUHFKWis a West Coast native who trained in Farriery at The Pacific Farrier School in the late 1980s and thereafter taught Farriery at CAL Poly Pomona University for a number of years. He has been active nationally and internationally, having lectured, consulted and shod horses to win widely throughout the United States and also in Ireland and England, including lecturing in German at the Hanover University Veterinary School and shoeing horses to win in Dubai, Doha and elsewhere. Since the mid-1990s he has been based in Central Kentucky. Page 7 of 14 'U )HUQDQGD&DPDUJRtook her DVM at Londrina State UniversityLQBrazil in 200 and her PhD in Equine Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology at the Veterinary Science Department, University of Kentucky in 2007DQGLVQRZDQ $VVRFLDWH3URIHVVRUDWWKH$QLPDODQG)RRG6FLHQFHV'HSDUWPHQWDWWKH 8QLYHUVLW\RI.HQWXFN\,QKHUUROHVKHoversees, coordinates and provides leadership for the 4-H Horse Program in KentuckyWHDFKHV(TXLQH+HDOWKDQG 'LVHDVHDQGGRHVUHVHDUFKLQFROODERUDWLRQZLWK8.+HDOWK&DUHUHJDUGLQJKRUVH UHODWHGDFFLGHQWVWRSURPRWHVDIHUSUDFWLFHVLQHTXHVWULDQVSRUWV.
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