M n ò m W b & & t v $ x ESTABLISHED 1920 CITY OF LINDEN, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY JUNE 2 2 7 Ï9 ÎT MARGIJUES SIGNS MAYOR TO ENFORCE ALLEGED OWNER OF COUNCIL CLEARS WAY FOR ERECTION BOARD COMPLAINT ORDINANCE ON DOGS STILL IN CUSTO DY David Israel, alleged to be the OF HUGE DISTILLERY IN EDGAR ROAD owner of the property at 304 Balti­ Council Now To Proceed McManus Proclamation more avenue, where a still was Preliminary Work Started liquors will be shipped out in the With Hearing Warns Dog Owners raided last week, was paroled in his On $750,000 Project course of a year. Only gins will Emanuel Margulies, of 127 North own custody for the Grand Jury be manufactured at the local plant. \\ HEREAS, the number of per­ An ordinance for the construc­ The company has manufacturing Wood avenue, prominent member of sons frequenting the streets of the Monday morning. He was arrested tion of sewers at site of the distil­ the Board of Directors of the Lin­ rights to many wrorld renowned gins city becomes greater during the by Sergeant John Skolsky and lery to be erected by Distiller Ltd., including Gordons, Burnetts, and den Taxpayers’ League, Tuesday af­ summer and fall of the year, and charged with violating Section 50 Inc., in West Edgar road, between Vickers, which wdll be distilled and fixed his signature to the charges WHEREAS, during that period Stiles street and Smith street, was bottled here. According to Mr. against the Board of Health arising of the State Alcoholic Beverage cogs are apt to become rabid and last night passed on first reading Nicolson, gin does not have to age, out of the report of the special Control Act. dangerous to the public health, at an adjourned meeting of the City and may be shipped out for con­ investigating committee of the City THEREFORE, I, MYLES J. MC­ John Pedro, of 1014 Hussa street, Council which was called to expe­ sumption immediately, so that there Council, and as a result, a public MANUS, Mayor of the City of Lin­ was held in $500 bail by Recorder dite the early passage of the ordi­ will be no delay in the operations hearing on the charges will be held den, by virtue of the powers vested Louis Rakin last Tuesday in con­ nance and clear the way for the and sale of the products of the lo­ by the Council on Wednesday eve­ nection with the operation of the ’ i nie by an Ordinance entitled, initiation of work on the project. cal branch of the company. The ning, July Li. Margulies signed the still. "An Ordinance Concerning Dogs," Tuesday evening Howard Chapman, parent corporation in Glasgow holds complaint with the approval of an approved April 2nd, 1925, do here­ an architect, of 420 Lexington ave­ the manufacturing rights to Haig executive meeting of the Board of by direct that no dog shall be al­ nue, New York City, obtained a & Haig and other famous makes of Directors of the League. lowed to leave the premises of the building permit in behalf of the Scotch Whiskey, but these cannot Upon his request, Margulies was person owning or entitled to the MID-WEEK CRASHES company from Building Inspector be made in this country because of given the privilege of the floor to custody of such dog unless securely Charles B. Keimig. The estimated different atmospheric conditions. explain his attitude and reasons for c tnfined upon a leash and accom- cost of the building is $400,000 and Mr. Nicolson said that the cor­ his action. He pointed out that he INJURE FOUR MEN p mied by a person over the age the building permit fee to the city poration has secured its permit acted as a public spirited citizen o: twelve years, or unless said dog xvas $456. It is estimated that the (Continued on Pago 8) and was interested in seeing that is securely muzzled. This order to Truck Driver Hurt When completed distillery with equipment the Board of Health function prop­ remain in effect for a period of installed will cost approximately erly. He characterized the diffi­ Cut O ff By Car n netv days. $750,000. culty and unpleasant publicity as Given under my hand and the John Nicolson, general works COUNCIL TO MEET chronic and long having tried citi­ Four persons were injured, one Seal of the City of Linden, manager for gcotland and overseas zens’ patience. He pointed out that seriously, as a result of a heavy toll Union County, New Jersey, for the Distillers Coy Ltd., of 64 six of the teven members of the of accidents Wednesday and Thurs­ WITH UNEMPLOYED this 18th day of June, 1934. Waterloo street, Glasgow, Scotland, Board were total strangers to him day. Anthony Galati, 26 years old, MYLES J. McMANUS, parent corporation was present and that he was not prompted by j of 64 Willow avenue, Garwood, was Relief Workers Seek To Attest: Mayor. Tuesday at a conference of city of­ personal motives. He expected un- 1 admitted to the Elizabeth General IKViNG WEINBERG, ficials, architects, other representa­ Oust Local Directors (Contlnued on P age 8) | Hospital suffering from a possible City Clerk. tives of the company, and Julius fracture of the skull and nose sus- Finkel, Elizabeth realtor, who Acting upon the request and pe­ I tained when the truck he was driv- handled the deal for the sale of tition of the Linden Unemployed | ing was cut off by an unidentified land. Mr. Nicolson, expressed him­ Protective Association, the City POLICE HOLD PAIR ! automobile at Lidgerwood and self as highly pleased with the co­ Council will meet with representa­ FIVE LICENSE FEES ; Ashton avenues at 1:05 P. M. Wed- operation of the local officials in tives of that group Thursday, June NABBED IN CHASE i nesday, mounting the sidewalk and arranging for the granting of the 28, at 9 P. M. to discuss their ¡FIXED BY COUNCIL I striking a building at 2432 Lidger- permit and obtaining sewer facili­ charges of unfair discrimination | wood avenue. The side of the ties. The new' Industrial Relations and methods in the administration Speedy Response Catches j building and a street marker at the Committee also rendered valuable of Emergency Relief in this city lav ern Burglars Costs To Range From $50 j corner were damaged. He was assistance in the preliminary work. and their request for the removal Up To $350 taken to the hospital by Walter Temporary plans were filed with of Director Arch G. Warren and Quick action by the police result­ Wilson and William Stewart, both Mr. Keimig Tuesday evening and a Deputy Director Wray. If warrant­ ed ia tile apprehension of two men Resolutions adopted by the City of 314 Ashton avenue. permanent set of plans have been ed, the Council will then meet with early Thursday morning immedi­ Ct uncil Tuesday evening establish­ Robert Richey, 22 years old of j drafted by the architect which are County and State authorities to ately after they had broken into the ed the range of fees and kinds of 11 Locust street, Carteret, received to be filed today. The contract for press these requests. tavern of Thomas O'Brien, 746 licenses to be in force in this city first aid at fire headquarters for in­ the purchase of the land, compris­ In a letter from Michael J. Con­ Brunswick avenue, and had stolen in accordance with the State regu- juries received when the car ne ing 5.6 acres and an option to buy nolly,, secretary of the Linden Un­ a bagatelle machine which they had lat ions on the sale of alcoholic bev- was driving collided with a car two additional acres, was signed employed Protective Association, attempted to rifle. er iges. All licenses, with the ex­ driven by Frederick Vininski, of 117 Tuesday afternoon. In addition, the the group pointed out to the Coun­ Answering a call from Benjamin ception of seasonal licenses, will he East Munsell avenue, this city. The Pennsylvania railroad will construct cil that it is comprised of 500 Fernandez, oi 440 Laurel street, at in effect from July 1 for a period accident occurred at 9 P. M. Wed­ a siding from its main line, running members all of whom are proceed­ 12:55 A- M- he desk sergeant im­ of a year and are not transferable. nesday at the intersection of Wood through this city, to the rear of the ing in an orderly manner in pur­ mediately communicated with Pa- Five different license forms will and Morris avenues. plant and its special loading plat­ suing their requests. The letter 101 men Podo, la and Chesney In the be available: Plenary Retail Con- An unlicensed driver of a motor­ form. The building will be a fire asked that the Council take inter­ scout car by recall light. On going su nptlon license, for consumption cycle was slightly hurt and his pas­ proof construction of steel and est in their strike and cooperate to the scene the patrolmen were in­ in the premises, fee $350; Seasonal senger received a possible fracture brick with a concrete roof. It will with the strikers. formed that the two men had ear­ Retail Consumption, for periods of of the left leg when their vehicle front 352 feet on Edgar road and Taking up the matter under new ned the machine into the fields in M;.y 15 to September 15, and No­ collided with an automobile driven the wings will run back 243 feet. business at the Council meeting the rear of Simmons Bed Company.
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