CORNELL ALUMNI NEW MARCH 21, 1940 VOLUME 42 NUMBER 23 When PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY You Go OF CORNELL ALUMNI East or West, Stop off NEW YORK AND VICINITY ITHACA RE A RETA*—Folded and Intβrfolded facial flssves LANG'S GARAGE at for the retail trade. S'WIPE'S*—A soft, absorbent disposable tissue; GREEN STREET NEAR TIOGA packed flat, folded and Inlerfolded, In bulk or CORNELL boxes, for hospital use. Ithaca's Oldest, Largest, and Best FIBREDOWN*—Absorbent and non-absorbent Storage, Washing, Lubrication, Expert Repairs ERNEST D. BUΠON '99 JOHN L. BUTTON '25 DAILY AIR CONDITIONED TRAINS cellulose wadding, for hospital and commercial use. FIBREDOWN* CANDY WADDING—in WE<;τw/<RD Light type, a.m. EAS1ΓWARD several attractive designs. BALTIMORE, MD. ReαdDown Dark type, p.m. Re<3d Up t11:45 8:10 9:40 Ly. New York Arr. 8:35 7:45 FIBREDOWN* SANITARY SHEETING— 11:59 8:25 9:55 Newark 8:18 7:29 12:15 8:30 9:45 " Phila. 8:15 7:45 For hospital and sick room use. WHITMAN, REQUARDT & SMITH 9:09 4:10 *5:21 Arr. ITHACA Lv. 12:52 *11:12 *Tradβ mark reg. U.S. Pal. Off. Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, THE GENERAL CELLULOSE COMPANY, INC. Plans, and General Consulting Practice, Enjoy a Day or Week End GARWOOD, NEW JERSEY EZRA B. WHITMAN, CE. Ό1 in Ithaca D. C. Taggart'16 ... Pres.- Treas. G. J. REQUARDT, C.E. Ό9 B. L SMITH, CE. Ί4 9:09 5:21 4:10 Lv. ITHACA Arr. 11:01 12:52 West Biddle Street at Charles 12:30 8:20 7:05 Arr. Buffalo Lv. 8:05 10:00 11 HENRY M. DEVEREUX, M.L '33 10:58 4:55 7:30 Pittsburgh 10:35 11:45 5:20 3:00 1:15 " Cleveland " 12:20 5:41 YACHT DESIGNER 12:45 9:30 7:40 Arr. Chicago Lv. 10:15 WASHINGTON, D. C. *New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at 295 CITY ISLAND AVE. 9 p.m. from Ithaca CITY ISLAND, N. Y. THEODORE K. BRYANT •[Daily except Sunday, sleeping car New York to Ithaca open at 10:30 p.m. LL.B. '97—LL.M. '98 HARRY D. COLE '18 Matter Patent Law, G. W. U. '08 Patents and Trade Marks Exclusively REALTOR 309-314 Victor Building Business, commercial or residential properties in Westchester County. Appraisals made. KENOSHA, WIS. RKO Proctor Building Mount Vernon, N. Y. MACWHYTE COMPANY LAW OFFICES Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire WILLIAM HARRIS '09 Rope Sling, Aircraft Tie Rods, Strand and Cord. Literature furnished on request 60 Park Place NEWARK, N. J. JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. Ί3 PRES. & GEN. MGR. CORNELL PICTURES Cable Address R. B. WHYTE, M.E. Ί3, GEN. SUPT. "The finest book of Cornell pic- Market 3-°25<ίθ-1-2-3 "Wllhar" tures ever published; superb in selection, arrangement, and re- production ... a real thrill." STANTON CO.—REALTORS YOUR BUSINESS CARD GEORGE H. STANTON '20 In the Professional Directory reaches Only $1.00 postpaid Real Estate and Insurance 5000 Interested Cornellians. MONTCLAIR and VICINITY For Special Rate write: Thirty familiar Campus buildings CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS and scenes—air views—gorges— 16 Church St., Montclair, N.J., Tel. 2-6000 3 East Ave. ITHACA, N.Y. waterfalls. In decorative portfolio with plastic binding—each one suitable for framing. Write name and address on margin, clip this ad and mail THEY SAY--- with dollar bill to "I have dreamed some old Cornell dreams CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS with the help of OUR CORNELL " "The book stirred up pleasant and rich 3EαstAve. ITHACA, N.Y. memories and made delightful reading. ..." "OUR CORNELL has been read several times. The little volume well presents those phases of Campus life so close to the heart of a Cornellian. ..." "It will help me to describe to parents the peculiar atmosphere of Cornell. ..." IF YOU MOVE "There is always room in my library for such treasures about Cornell. ..." Please notify the "OUR CORNELL is brilliant " ALUMNI NEWS Clip this ad, write name and address on margin or attach your lift list and personal cards to be of your enclosed, and mail with payment to: ... New Address Promptly POSTPAID CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS, 90 Pages—Gold Stamping 3 East Avenue, Ithaca, N.Y. Please mention the NEWS CORNELL ALU I Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XLII, NO. 2.2. ITHACA, NEW YORK, MARCH 2.1, 1940 PRICE, 15 CENTS ALUMNI CLUBS AT WORK and motion pictures of the Campus were MESSENGER LECTURERS With Secondary Schools shown. Archeologist and Composer Cornell Clubs all over the country are During the spring recess, March 30 to Messenger Endowment Fund brings to already at work in a concerted program April 7, the' * traveling professors" of the the University this term a British author- of informing outstanding students in Faculty committee will again be busy at ity on Anglo-Saxon art and, with the secondary schools about the University, meetings arranged by Cornell Clubs for Goldwin Smith and Jacob Schiff lecture looking toward their application for secondary school students, with under- foundations, an internationally famous admission. graduates also invited. Professor Durham composer of music. Last week, members of the Faculty will be in Chicago, 111., March 2.9, to- Last week, Dr. Paul Hindemuth, Ger- committee on relations with secondary gether with Emmet J. Murphy '2.2., man composer and former conductor of schools interviewed boys and spoke at Alumni Secretary. April i and x, Profes- the Frankfurt Opera, gave the first of a meetings arranged by three Cornell Clubs sor Durham goes to Minneapolis and St. series of six Tuesday afternoon lectures in New England, and in Essex County, N. Paul, Minn.; April 3 he will be in Mil- comprising "An Introduction to the J. March 14, Professor Charles L. Durham waukee, Wis.; April 4 will visit Culver Technique of Composition." Suited to '99, Latin, Dr. Eugene F. Bradford, Di- Military Academy; and April 5 will be audiences without technical background rector of Admissions, and Ray S. Ashbery in Indianapolis, Ind. or experience in musical composition, his 'x5, Alumni Field Secretary, attended a Professor Adams will spend several lectures show how the composer uses party for boys at the University Club in days of spring recess assisting with the musical thoughts in building his com- Hartford, Conn., arranged by the Cor- secondary school programs of the Cor- positions, and include actual composing. nell Club of Hartford. With them were nell Clubs of Washington, D. C., Dela- For ten years he has been professor of R. Selden Brewer '40, Raymond W. Kruse ware, and Maryland. Professor Jordan composition at the Hochschule in Berlin, '41, and Harold B. Zook '40, Musical will work with Clubs in Albany and but because of sympathy with non- Clubs performers. March 16, the party, Schenectady. Aryan musicians in Germany he has except Dr. Bradford, attended a gather- April 3, the Cornell Club of Cleveland, stayed out of that country the last three ing arranged by the Cornell Club of Ohio, is making plans for "the largest years. He came to America at the in- Springfield, Mass., and that evening Pro- Cornell smoker ever held in Cleveland," stance of Cornell, Wells College, and the fessor Durham and Ashbery were at a at the Cleveland Club at 8. Coach Carl University of Buffalo, on a special visa Club party for boys in Pittsfield, Mass. Snavely and Murphy will speak, under- issued by the American consul at Geneva March 15, Professor Bristow Adams, graduates at home for spring recess are and with assurances of a safe passage Agriculture Publications, Dr. Bradford, being invited, and an entertainment pro- from the British and French embassies in and Ashbery were at a schoolboy party gram is being arranged with George W. Washington, because of the official given by the Cornell Club of Essex Teare 'in. as master of ceremonies. nature of his work here and his own dis- County, N. J., at the Rock Spring tinguished standing as an artist. Country Club. The same day, the Cornell Women To Give Teas Dr. Hindemuth has twice previously Club of Cleveland entertained prospective Cornell Women's Clubs are arranging visited America for concert tours as a Freshmen, with Dr. Harry Peters, head- spring recess teas for local high school violist. He is the author of four operas, master of University School, as a special girls, with undergraduate women to other large orchestral works, four string guest and speaker. speak of life on the Campus. These are quartets and other chamber music, and a Earlier, Professor Riverda H. Jordan, under the general direction of Mrs. Allan large number of short compositions for Education, chairman of the Faculty com- H. Mogensen (Adele A. Dean) '2.3 for voice and for piano, violin, viola, 'cello, mittee, visited St. Louis, Mo., Kansas the Federation of Cornell Women's and other instruments. Two recent books City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr., in the Clubs, with Marjorie H. Lee '41 as of his expound a new theory of harmony interests of secondary school work. Din- chairman of student speakers and Mrs. which is considered the'' most important ner of the Cornell Club of St. Louis Feb- Walter J. Purcell (Dorothy A. Korherr) contribution to the scholarly aspect of ruary 2.9 was attended by fifteen men. In '30 of the Alumni Office in charge of ar- music theory that has come from the Kansas City March i, with John F.
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