Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online) SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF KANJIA LAKE 1&2* 1 G. N. INDRESHA AND A. K. PATRA 1. P. G. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERY AND AQUACULTURE, UTKAL UNIVERSITY, BHUBANESWAR – 751004. 2. * REGIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, PO: RRL, BHUBANESWAR-751013. Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: Kanjia lake spread over 75 hectares of area is popularly known as Received on: 4th Oct 2013 Nandankanan lake situated between 85° 48’ to 85° 50’ E longitudes and between 20° 23’ to 20° 25’ N latitudes. The study of various physico-chemical Revised on: 15th Oct 2013 parameters were carried out over a period of two years from Nov.2009- Oct.2011. Sampling of water for various physico-chemical parameters from Accepted on: 16th Nov 2013 four different sites was carried out every month from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. The analysis of physico-chemical parameters was carried out in the site and in Published on: the laboratory using standard methods of APHA- AWWA-WEF, 1999; st 1 Jan 2014 Abbasi, 1998; and by using Systronics P-4 water analysis kit (E-Merck). Study Volume No. revealed the seasonal changes in physico-chemical parameters and the Online & Print parameters are within the desirable limits as prescribed by BIS (1991). During 47 (2014) the period of study air temperature, water temperature, water depth, Page No. transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, chlorides, nitrates, 55 to 64 phosphates, total hardness, total alkalinity, turbidity, salinity and total dissolved solids were determined. Life Sciences Leaflets is an international KEY WORDS: Fresh water biodiversity, Lakes, Water quality, Physico- open access print & e journal, peer chemical parameters. reviewed, worldwide abstract listed, INTRODUCTION: published every month The word limnology is derived from the Greek word limne - marsh, pond and with ISSN, RNI Free- Latin word: limnaea - thing pertaining to a marsh. Limnology is the study of membership, downloads and access. the structural and functional interrelationships of organisms of inland waters as they are affected by their dynamic physical, chemical, and biotic environments http://lifesciencesleaflets.ning.com/ PEER-REVIEWED Page | 55 Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online) (Wetzel, 2001). Thus limnology is the study of inland waters i.e. lakes (both freshwater and saline), reservoirs, rivers, streams, wetlands, and groundwater as ecological systems interacting with their drainage basins and the atmosphere. Freshwater biodiversity is the over-riding conservation priority during the International Decade for Action ‘Water for Life’ 2005 to 2015 and beyond”. Freshwater represents only about three percent of all water on earth and freshwater lakes and swamps account for a mere 0.29 percent of the earth's freshwater and rivers hold only about 0.006 percent of total freshwater reserves (Gleick, 1996). It is estimated that freshwater wetlands alone support 20 per cent of the known range of biodiversity in India (Deepa & Ramachandra, 1999). Around 10,500 species of fishes inhabit freshwaters, of which 10,000 are considered as exclusively freshwater fishes (Daniels, 2002). Freshwater ecosystems may well be the most endangered ecosystems in the world. Declines in biodiversity are far greater in fresh waters than in the most affected terrestrial ecosystems (Sala et. al; 2000, Dudgeon et. al; 2006). The threats to global freshwater biodiversity can be grouped under five interacting categories viz. overexploitation, water pollution, flow modification, destruction or degradation of habitat and invasion by exotic species (Allan and Flecker,1993; Postel and Carpenter, 1997; Jackson et. al; 2001 and Rahel, 2002). All natural lakes are ecosystem with regular food production-consumption and scavenging cycles. They are self-regulated and balanced (Abbasi, 1997). The quality of life is linked with quality of environment. Hence the biological components of fresh water depend solely on physico-chemical conditions. Analysis of physical and chemical parameters of water is therefore essential (Salodia, 1996). The variations in the physico-chemical parameters of the lake has been studied in India and abroad by Dhamija and Jain (1994), Swarnalatha (1994), Kagalou et.al; (2001), Sedamkar and Angadi (2003), Salaskar and Yeragi, (2003), Abegaz et. al;(2005), Sachidanandamurthy and Yajurvedi (2006), Akin et. al; (2008), Mathur et. al; (2010), Verma et. al; (2011), Telkhade et. al; (2012), Joshi and Patel (2012), Hardikar and Acharya (2013) and Siddhartha et. al; (2013). Odisha situated in the east coast of India, bestowed with 6.66 lakh hectors of fresh water resources. Orissa has Ansupa and Kanjia Lake under fresh water sector and Sar (810ha.), Samang (300-350ha.) and Chilika lake (0.79 lakh ha.) under the brackish water sector (Dash, 2005). Chilka, Kuanria wetland, Kanjia wetland, Daha wetland, Anusupa lake are identified under National Wetland Conservation Programme (Anon, 2010). Chilika -the largest brackish water lagoon has been extensively studied by many authors viz. Siddiqi and Rao (1995), Ray and Padhi,(1999), Nayak and Behera (2004), Nayak et. al;(2004), Balachandran et. al; (2005) and Patra et. al;(2010). Kanjia lake situated in between Nandankanan zoo and botanical garden serves multipurpose as it is used for the recreation of the visitors, supply of fresh water to the zoo, water supply to the botanical garden. At the same time it has got immense socioeconomic value as the fishermen from the local village derive their livelihood. With its rich biodiversity and strategic location it would serve as an excellent site for the http://lifesciencesleaflets.ning.com/ PEER-REVIEWED Page | 56 Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online) wetland education. Its rich shoreline, flora and fauna can serve as a living laboratory for the wetland education programme (Anon., 2006). It is designated as a wetland of National importance by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (Anon., 2010). However, there have not been much studies on the limnological aspects of the Kanjia lake. A survey has been carried out by Chilika Development Authority to generate baseline information for formulating a management plan (Anon., 2006). Kamal et. al; (2009) studied the vertebrate faunal diversity of Kanjia lake. However, only baseline information is available on the various physical and biological components of this important lake which is strategically located. No comprehensive account and long term study has been made available on the various physical and chemicals parameters of the Kanjia lake. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted for lake Kanjia, a perennial lentic and shallow fresh water body situated in between Nandankanan zoo and botanical garden close to temple city of Bhubaneswar. Kanjia lake spread over 75 hectares of area is popularly known as Nandankanan lake situated between 85° 48’ to 85° 50’ E longitudes and between 20° 23’ to 20° 25’ N latitudes. Physico-chemical characteristics of water of Kanjia lake were studied at monthly intervals for two years from November 2009 to October, 2011 by choosing four different sampling stations representing different regions of the lake. viz. S1 – nearer to boating and Hippopotamus enclosure in the zoological garden side, S2 – an undisturbed area of the lake, adjacent to rest house of the zoo, S3 –used for washing and bathing and an outlet, S-4 towards the botanical garden side and also towards inlet of the lake where horticultural runoff is likely to enter. The grab samples were collected from four different sites to assess their physical and chemical and biological parameters at monthly intervals in the middle of every month between 10:00 - 12:00 pm. (Jain et. al; 2008). Samples were collected separately from each spot in one litre polythene jerry cans. Different physico-chemical parameters such as air temperature, water temperature, water depth, transparency, pH , dissolved oxygen, conductivity and transparency were measured in the field itself by physical methods or by using Systronics P-4 water analysis kit ( E-Merck) whereas, the analyses of remaining parameters like chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, total hardness, total alkalinity, turbidity salinity and total dissolved solids were determined in the laboratory by methods suggested by APHA- AWWA-WEF,1999; Abbasi ,1998; and by using Systronics P-4 water analysis kit ( E-Merck). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The values of different physico-chemical parameters of the water of Kanjia lake from all the samplings points during November, 2009 to October, 2011 are given in Table-1 and Fig.1. The values are the mean values of seasonal observation from all the 4 sampling points. Air and water temperature: The maximum and minimum ambient temperature of Kanjia lake ranges from 23.430C to 36.850C and the water temperature varied from 21.75 0C to 36.230C. The highest http://lifesciencesleaflets.ning.com/ PEER-REVIEWED Page | 57 Life Sciences Leaflets FREE DOWNLOAD ISSN 2277-4297(Print) 0976–1098(Online) temperature was noticed during the summer season and lowest was during the winter season Generally water temperature was corresponding with air temperature indicating that the samples collected from shallow zone have direct relevance with air temperature as given by Welch (1948) as shallow water reacts quickly with changes in atmospheric temperature. Transparency: Suspended materials in water produce turbidity and reduce light penetration. Transparency is inversely proportional to the turbidity of water. In the present study, transparency was recorded to be maximum during winter and summer which was equal to depth of water. The water was observed mostly transparent except the monsoon season. It was observed that in most of the sampling stations transparency was equal to water depth. pH : The pH value recorded ranges from 6.84 to 8.02. The highest value of pH was recorded during summer season and the lowest was recorded during monsoon season. It was found that the lake was slightly acidic with pH value of 6.84 during monsoon season.
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