JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. VOL. XXVI. 32° V1..cton,a, In,sti:tu1;e, c,,-;ryrr.gltt. Statrfi,rd)s Geo9'eEstah• MAP TO ACCOMPANY A PAPER BY M. EDOUARD NAV ILLE, READ BEFORE THE V ICTORIA INSTITUTE . JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF ~ht ijict11ria Justitut~, OR, J gifosopgital £otidg of inat ~ritain. EDITED BY THE HONORARY SECRETARY, CAPTAIN FRANCIS W. H. PETRIE, F.G.S., &c. VOL. XXVI. LONDON: (~ultli.dl)clt lll! tbe hdtitute.) INDIA: W. THACKER & Co. UNITED STATES: G. T. PUTNAM'S SONS, N.l". AUSTRALIA. AND NEW ZEA.LAND: G. ROBER'l"SON & Co., Lni:: CANADA: DAWSON BROS., Montreal. S. AFRICA: JUT.A. & Co., Cape Town. PARIS: GA.LIGNA.NI. 1893. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LONDON! '."'RINTED B't HARRUIO?'l A.ND SONS, PRINTEltS IN ORDINARY TO UER M.4..IE:-lTY ST. MARTIN'S LANE, W,O, CONTENTS. -- PAGE MAP TO ACCOMPANY DR. NAVILLE'S ADDRESS ..•. Frontispiece. ANNUAL MEETING. THE TWENTY-FIFTH REPORT 1 SPEECHES BY Sm JOSEPH FAYRER, K.C.S.I., F.R.S., THE ARCHDEACON OF Mm CHINA, AND OTHERS •••• 9 THE ANNUAL ADDRESS, "ON THE RouTE OF THE ExoDus." BY DR. NAVILLE ...• 12 SPEECHES BY THE RT. REv. BISHOP STALEY, Sm JoHN CooDE, Sm THEODORE FoRD, &c. 31 MEETING 34 FROM REFLEX ACTION TO VOLITION. BY DR. ALEX. HILL, MASTER OF DOWNING COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE .••• 35 DrscussION. REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT, Sm G. G. STOKES, BART., F.R.S., srn: JOSEPH FAYRER, K.C.S.I., F.R.S., AND OTHERS 47 THE AUTHOR'S REPLY 52 MEETING, JAN. 18, 1892 55 ADDRESS OF SYMPATHY WITH HER MAJESTY, ON THE DEATH OF H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CLARENCE AND AVONDALE 55 ADDRESS OF SYMPATHY WITH THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES, ON THE SAME 55 MEETING, FEB. 1, 1892 56 MESSAGE FROM HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN ACKNOWLEDGING THE lNSTlTUTE'S ADDRESS .••. 56 MESSAGE FROM THEIR RoYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES ACKNOWLEDGING THE lNSTITUTE'S ADDRESS 56 PAPER "ON THE WEAK SIDES OF NATURAL SELECTION." BY J. w. SLATER, EsQ., F.C.S., F.E.S. 57 VI CONTENTS OF VOL. XXVI. PAGE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY PROF. E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., AND OTHERS 67 COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED ...• 72 AUTHOR'S FINAL REPLY 82 MEETING 84 MEETING 85 ON SERPENT-WORSHIP AND ON THE VENOMOUS SNAKES OF INDIA AND THE MORTALITY CAUSED BY THEM, BY Sm JOSEPH FAYRER, K.C.S.I., LL.D., M.D., _F.R.S ••••• fllustrated 85 DrscussION. REMARKS BY Srn RICHARD POLLOCK, K.C.S.I., SURGEONS-GENERAL BEATSON, CORNISH, C.I.E., c. A. GORDON, C.B., Q.H.P., ADMIRAL GRANT, C.B., AND OTHERS SPECIAL COMMUNICATION FROM DR. AUGUSTUS MUELLER, OF YACKANDANDAH, VICTORIA, ON SNAKE POISONING, AND HIS :RESEARCHES TO OBTAIN AN ANTIDOTE 116 NOTE.... 121 MEE'IING .... 123 KING GCDEA Illustration 123 PAPER "ON SOME OF THE RECENT DISCOVERIES !N THE REALM OF ASSYRIOLOGY, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE BABYLONIANS." BY THEO. G. PINCHES, EsQ., OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EGYPTIAN AND ASSYRIAN ANTIQUITIES, BRITISTI MUSEUM 123 AKKADIAN AND SEMITIC TYPES .... .... Illustration 128 APPENDIX. AKKADIAN DOCUMENTS WITH TIIE TEXTS DISCOVERED BY MR. HoRMUZD RAssAM 149 DiscussroN. REMARKS BY MR. W. ST. C. BoscAWEN, M. BERTIN, REv. W. ST. C. ThmALL, M.A., ANJJ OTHERS 171 CoMMUNICATIONs. FRoM MAJOR C.R. CoNDER, R.E., D.C.L., &c. 177 AUTHOR'S FINAL REPLY 184 MEETING 185 PAPER" ON THE PHILOSOPHICAL BASIS OF THE ARGUMENT FROM DES]GN." BY THE REV. J. H. BERNARD, D D., ARCHBISHOP KING's LECTURER, TRINITY COLL., DuBLlN .... 185 1 CONTENTS OF VOL. XXVl. Yll PAGE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY PROF. E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., AND OTHERS 197 MEETING 208 MEETING 209 PAPER "ON THE ENIGMATICAL FLINT Booms BEARING THE NAME PARAMOUDRA, AND WHICH ARE ONLY KNOWN IN THE CHALK OF NORFOLK AND ANTRIM." BY E. CHARLESWORTH, EsQ., F.G.S. .• • Illustrated 209 DISCUSSION 220 ON THE GLACIAL PERIOD AND THE EARTH-MOVEMENT HYPOTHESIS. BY PROFESSOR JAMES GEIKIE, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. .... 221 DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY PROFESSORS E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., LOGAN LOBLEY, F.G.S., AND OTHERS.... 249 COMMUNICATION FROM PROFESSOR WARREN UPHAM, ASSISTANT, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.... 234 THE AUTHOR'S REPLY 257 LETTERS RECEIVED 259 ORDINARY MEETING 265 NOTES ON USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL STONES OF ANCIENT EGYPT. BY SIR J. WILLIAM DAWSUN, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S. .... 266 REMARK'!. BY MR. W. H. HuDLESTON, F.R.S., PRESIDENT OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY; PROFESSORS E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S' AND J. L. LOBLEY, F.G.S. ; MAJOR CONDER, R.E., D.C.L., LL.D.; MR. w. BRINDLEY, F.G.S.; MR. J. D. CRACE AND OTHERS 282 APPENDIX. OPINION OF Sm J. W. DAWSON, C.M.G., F.R S., ON THE CAUSES OF CLIMATAL CHANGES-Vide THE DISCUSSION ON THE PAPER BY PROFESSOR GEIKIE .... 289 LIST OF MEMBERS, &c. 295 RULES i. OBJECTS AND CONTENTS OF ALL THE VOLUMES OF THE JOURNAL. "'* * '/'he Jnstitute's object being to investigate, it 1n1ist n?t be held to endorse the various views expressed at its meet(nqs. -♦--- HE Twenty-Sixth Volume of the Journal of the Transac­ T tions of the VICTORIA INSTITUTE is now issued. It is a record of the various important questions taken up in papers by competent authors, ca1·efully investigated, and impartially discussed at the Meetings by those who have studfed the subjects considered. The papers and discussions in this volume are upon the following subjects:-" On the Route of the Exodus," by Dr. EDOUARD NAVIJ:iLE, who for a long series of years has taken a leading place among Egyptian explorers, and to whom the world owes the discove1·y of Pithom, Bubastis, and other ancient sites; the remarks of the Right Rev. Bishop STALEY, D.D., Sir JOHN COODE, K.C.M.G. (the late), Sir 'l'HEODORE FoRD, and others are appended. "From Reflex Action to Volition," by Dr. ALEX HILL, Master of Downing College, Cambridge, in writing on which he, as an anatomist, describes the structural relations of the several parts of the central nervous system, the brain, " the machine with which the mind works''; combats the views advanced by W eismann and his school-that evolution takes advantage of "chance" differences between animals-and believes m X PREl!'.A.CE, the transmission of acquired mental characteristics in man, i.e., of modified brain tissue. He urges that modern research proves that man is responsible for his actions. The President, Sir JosEPH F AYRER, K.C.S.I., M.D., F.R.S., Dr. ROBERT Jmrns (of Earlswood), Dr. ALFRED T. SCHOFIELD, and others joined in the discussion. "The Weak Sides of Natural Selection," by Mr. J. W. SLATER, F.C.S., F.E.S.; m considering which Professor E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., . Dr. H. B. GUPPY, Dr. GERARD SMITH, M.R.C.S., and several naturalists took a part. " On Serpent Worship and on the Venomous Snakes of India, and the Mortality caused by them," by Sir JOSEPH F AYRER, K.C.S.I., M.D., F.R.S., who very carefully describes the characteristics of every variety of Indian snake, thus making his work of much value to those resident in India; the subject was discussed by Sir RICHARD POLLOCK, K.C.S.I., and many Indian medical men.-'I'he circulation of proof copies of this paper among many Indian and Colonial Members, caused a valuable communication to be sent in by Dr. AUGUSTUS MUELLER, giving a careful and useful account of the success attend­ ing his method of applying an antidote in cases of snake bite in Australia.• "Notes upon some of the Recent Discoveries in the Realm of Assyriology, with special reference to the private life of the Babylonians," by Mr. T. G. PINCHES, of the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum; this subject was considered by Major C. R. CONDER, R.E., D.C.L., M. BERTIN (the late), the Rev. H. G. TOMKINS, and other Assyriologists. " The Philosophical Basis of the Argument from Design," by the Rev. J. H. BERNARD, D.D. "On Enigmatical Flint Bodies named Paramoudra," by Mr. * It is understood that a further trial of this remedy bas since been recommended to the authorities by the President of the Medical Board at the India Office. PREFACE. Xl EDWARD CHARLESWORTH, F.G.S. (the late); in which the Institute possesses the last work done by one of the oldest and most careful of geologists. "The Glacial Period and the Earth-Movement Hypothesis," by Professor JAMES GEIKIE, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. The general interest felt in this subject, and its indirect bearing on the question of · the Age of Man, tended to make many take part in its discussion, and in the appendix to the volume, a resnme of many current opinions will be found. "Notes on Useful and Ornamental Stones of Ancient Egypt," by Sir J. WILLIAM DAWSON, C.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S.; the author describes these, and the use to which they have been put by various nations ancient and modern : the subject, so full of interest to students both of sacred and secular history, was considered by many, including Mr. W. H. HUDLESTON, F.R.S., President of the Geological Society, Professors E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., and J. LOGAN LOBLEY, F.G.S., Major C. R. CONDER, R.E., D.C.L., LL.D., Mr.
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