WEATHER FORECAST ittws WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT For 36 hours ending 5 p.m., Thursday: Royal—Black Oxen. Victoria and vicinity—Fresh to high 1'Uyhouse—The Love Flower. CV?*rfX..to ,*2®tt»«rly winds, unsettled Columbia—Soft Boiled. and mild, with rain. \ <'apiti.l—Six Cylinder Love. Dominion—The Humming Bird. VOL. 64 NO. 31 VICTORIA, B.C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1924 PRICE FIVE CENTS T French Chamber Britain Would WILLIAM H. TAFT, Poisonous Food SWARAJISTS OF INDIA Votes For Reduction Not Oppose Ending CHIEF JUSTICE OF Killed Eleven in WILSON FUNERAL IN THE U.S., IS ILL in Nation’s Outlay of Greek Dynasty Town in Oregon Paris, Feb. 6.—The Chamber of Athens, Feb. 6.—Henry Morgen- PRESSING GOVERNMENT tha$ head of the League of Na­ Albany. Oregon. Feb. 6. — Only U.S. CAPITAL TO-DAY Deputies voted td-day unani­ tion* Commission for the Succor one of a party which composed a mously in principle the bill for of Greek Refugees, hoe inter- family reunion here last Saturday economies in the governmental vened in the Greek political crisis remained alive to-day. With the FOR AN EARLY CHANGE expenditures for 1924 amounting by obtaining an assurance from death of Paul Gerbig to-day close­ Greet Britain that that country to 1,000,000,000 francs. ly following the deaths of Mrs. A SIMPLE CEREMONY would not object to the plan for Reinhold Gerbig and three-year- The=) Socialists, adopting new the republicans to abolish the old Margaret Gerbig, the total Ask For Round Table Conference on Measures For tactics, began a "movement to Gluckebourg dynasty by a vote death toll of poisoning from food oblige the Government to effect in tha National Assembly, pro­ eaten at the dinner reached eieveif. No Military Display As Body of Late Ex-president Establishment of Responsible Government; Hint at these economies in military and vided this should result in politi­ Horst Ruehling, two years old. naval expenditure* alone. cal stability.’ whose parent* already have died, Carried to Tomb; Thousands in Streets Paid Silent Policy of Obstruction; Course of Gandhi, No Longer is the sole survivor. Tribute to Memory of Distinguished Fellow-coun­ in Prison, Watched by Observers Home preserved beans are be­ lieved to have been the cause of tryman Premier Reveals More the botulism. Delhi, British India, Feb. 6.—The demand of the Swarajists Washington. Feb. 6 (Canadian Press)—Without pomp, yet or home rulers for a round table eonfetenee_l£> discuss measures Facts of McRae's Long with the highest honors in the power of the nation to bestow upon for the establishment of a responsible government will come'up r _a private citizen, the body of Woodrow Wilson, war-time President for discussion next Friday. -» ,—— RECLAIMING OF of the Baited States, was laid to rest to-day in the quiet little It is intended to give the Government a month in which to Bethlehem t'Impel of the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. agree to the jiarty*s proposal and if the Government refuses to Career of Exploitation Sixty of the elosest friends of the former President attended acquiesce it is said the Swarajists intend to’ adopt a policy of the brief and simple service at his home and some 4j>00 found refusal to sell supplies to the Government and general obstruction. places in the cathedral whilé the Episcopal service for the dead Forty-One Miners Lost Lives was conducted——- * London. Feb. 6—Gandhi, thé Indian The private service at the home consisted simply of the red­ Nationalist leader, who was released Oliver Warns Against Putting Resources of B.C. Into in Disaster in Minnesota Monday from a six-year prison term Hands of Man Who Made Millions Out of Schemes ing of the 23rd Psalm, a passage, from a devotional book and by order of the Bombay Government, recitation of a prayer. __ ___ _ owes his freedom to (he state of his in Which, He Says, Innocent Investors Lost Their Torrent of Water Suddenly health since an operation for appen­ Twenty carriages composed the funeral cortege, which moved dicitis rather than to any fundamen­ Money; Shows Flagrant Errors in Provincial Party’s ..........Poured in Pit tal change in the British Govern­ through streets flanked hy dense masses of people who stood in ment's policy toward the Swarajist, RETURNING AFTER P.G.E. Figures; Denies Pact With Bowser Crosby, Minn.. Feb. (y—Col­ tribute to the man who had or home rule movement, according to led the United States through the an observer close to the Indian Gov­ lapse of part of the bottom of a Great War. Congress stood tdie in ernment Department. Premier Oliver, in his speech before Esquimalt Liberals last swamp take sent, a torrent off honor of the dead; the great Gov­ This vie* is generally accepted as III 1 FLAG OF U.S. AT ernment departments had closed for the immediate cause of the horn? night.. handled General A. I). McRae, Provincial Party leader, water into the .Milford iron mine I the day and in many states, a* the rule leader's release. However, other without gloves. near here late yesterday and | funeral service proceeded, the wheels observer* of Indian affairs, while C.P.R. Steamship Manager of commerce, industry and municipal agreeing that Gandhi's freedom does After explaining the General"s connection with various com­ took the lives of forty-one min and state government halted fur a not necessarily mean aify departure to Leave England Feb. 15 panies in which the investors had lost money, the Premier de­ ers. caught like rats in a trap. few minutes in tribute» from the general British policy, are manded : “ If General .McRae is able, by the cunning of his brain, Washington, Feb. 6—-William More thati 150 feet under of the opinion that it is a concession (apt. ,1. Troup, manager Howard Taft. Chief Justice of Unknown Persons Put it THRONGS IN STREETS to the agitators with a view to maln_ to extract a net profit of $9.000,000 out oL the disposition of ground forty-eight miners were Hours before the funeral cortege tslning law and order during the «£ the B. C. Coast Steamship the Vnited State* and former There Because German present critical period, when the 5,f>00.000 acres of prairie lands, hojv much would he be able to working whey with hardly a left the saddened home, the street* Service, who has been in Eng­ President, was taken ill with filial along the way it would pass. Swarajists may possibly secure con extract for the benefit of himself* and his associates were he warning, water burst through Colors Not Half-Masted acute indigestion to-day ami was At spaced Intervals all the way up trol of the Legislative Assembly at land for the past three months entrusted with the administration and disposal of the. lands, the the roof, flooding the ^mine to the cathedral. soldiers and Delhi. in connection with the award of timber, the fisheries and mineral wealth of the Province of British unable to act as an honorary within fifteen minute* to Within At Last German Flag Dis­ marines held the road open. HIS COURSE WATCHED |>allbearer at the funeral of the few feet of the top of the shaft played in Memory of It was a silent spectacle, without contracts for the eonstrnetion of Columbia f” late ex -President Woodrow Wil- Alarmed at the first rifmbltng martial display or the mourning of The question now agitating the The Premier charged that General -the eartWen roof amt nmtiery gav'* Wilson"" great hands. The crowds could not minds of Britîâh offîrai* regardlitg two new coastwise passemr-r McHav had purchased land UTTW son. The Chief Justice’s attack wa.v, seven miners near the shaft hear the private service at the home Gandhi is not his release or the cause steamship» for the Canadian Pacific Ill-starred and disastrous Port Mann^Victoria Will was said to be yielding to treat darted up the stairs to safety, but and only a few caught the echoes of of it. but what the home 'rule lender Railway, will leave Knjlaml on Peb- land scheme for *436.330 and sold their forty-one comrades, caught in Washington. Feb. 6 Sonic- the more formal ceremony at th* will do with jila ney. freedom^ 4L wtHtng wateesr ww* -*4- tnrië-lictareu ilaTk'$a*t nrmmg tistiroi. where Uie body was - en­ :"fie'^an'^tea^f“'The dis " 'apt. Troup placed contracts for The Canadian Western Lumber Vote Liberal, most instant death. tombed Yet the vast throng stood contented classes wherever he the two new steamships to John Company, with which the General Final figure* announced to-.day bv ■nil daylight this morning :t hour by hour. Just to watch in chooses. Likewise it is admitted Brown & Company, of Clydebank. had been connected, had attempted Carlow Asserts comitany officials put the death list I'niled Strife* flag on a slender silence as the - casket was carried tHat his followers, ready and waiting Scotland. The two boats will each to evaxie provincial taxation by in­ at forty-one. The pumps at work are swiftly by. be of 6,000 tons register and will be corporating th** municipality of flagstaff was planted on the to acclaim him. are as numerous- and Victoria will return four Liberals, drawing out the water at a rate of as intent on the satisfaction of their operated in the < ’ariadian Pacific Fraser River Mills, the Premier STORM DEATH TOLL 12.600 galions a minute and expert- l*wn of the German Embassy, NO MILITARY DISPLAY coastwis* service out of title port.
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