speciAL colleccioNS t)OUQLAS U13RAK? queeN's uNiveusiTy AT klNQSTTON KINGSTON ONTARIO CANADA ^? -•* L. 3,03 0. os~s SOME QUERIES Concerning the election of ^embers For the Enfuing PARLIAMENT. L N V N, Printed in the Year M DC XC. u, r\ 3 / (3 ) Some Queries concerning the Election of Members of the Enfuing Parliament. Hether the King hath not lately by A&ions, as well as Promifes, declar'd himfelf for the Inrereil of the Church of England; and whether thofe Republicans, who have al- ways made it their bu fine fs to libel Kings, can more ef- fectually abufe his Prefent Majefly, than in traducing him as their Friend, and in ufmg, as heretofore, a Kings Name sgainft his Defign and Intereft ? z. Whether thole are true to the Intereft of that Church, who endeavour'd in the laft SefTion to incapaci- tate fome of the bed Members of it ; and who wc/e ib far from granting that A (tiffed y which the King dc- fir'd and propos'd, that they carried their Fury back to more than one proceeding Reign,,and let affife ail Aeh of Indemnity, but that, which mod o^ them need, in the Year 1660 ? defirp a 3. Whether fince the Dificniers co not now Toleration for thenjfelves, \* inch u c have already graf- ted, but openly threaten and purine their Revenge en us, it is not neceflary that tfefe apparent dangers, at lead, (hould awaken 11$ pu t.ofour Lethargy ; and whether the Negligence of the Church of England, which en fikc occafions heretofore, was thought the rcfult or Pity and Good Nature, would not now be edeem'd the EJecT: of Cowardi?e and Stupidity ? 4. Whether thofe Gentlemen of the Sword, who have Offices in Ireland, would not be better imploy'd in a Council of War than a Senate-Houfe ? Whether, if they think it convenient, it would not be proper for them to make one Vifit to the Remains of their Regiments there, and to contribute by fome other means to the Reducing that Kingdom, than by giving Taxes ? ..A3 3- Whe- ; CO 5:. Whether thole reftlefs Phanaticks, who have been bred up in Rebellion, and have always fince been aclrive Promoters of Sedition, ought not in confcience to defrft now, and to be contented with the finale glory of having once ruin'd this Kingdom? 6. Whether thofe Worthy Gentlemen have been juft- expos'd, in a late impudent Pamphlet, that were seeaitf ^ Ireland, /ttofe more na^y f° r Ending a fpeedy Relief into than that mre for changing the Right of Succeffion in an Hereditary gmyl^i Kingdom; and whether they may not poflibly deferve a ' Lond. place again in the Houfe , though they thought it more Expedient for this Nation co beat K. fames out of that One Kingdom, than to Vote his Daughter out of Three ? 7. Whether the King be not now fenfibie, that mofl of thofe hafty Abdicators did not change the Succeflion out of kindnefs to him, but out of a farther Defign of bringing in a Commonwealth, or, in other words, of making this an Elective, and precarious Monarchy i 8. Whether the Temper of thofe Excellent Members deferves Cenfure, who have promoted a General Pardon, and in that an Univerfal Quiet and Satisfaction; and who were not very active in fufpending the Biihops, unwhip* ping Oats, and in Excepting every body out of the no- Aft of Indemnity ? 9. Whether any Man can juftly fland Recommended to your Choice by no other Advantages than thofe of an old Treafon, and a long Exile for it ? and whether one may reafonably be thought to have improv'd his Crime into Vertue, and to become a Patriot of his Coun- try, by being outlaw d into Holland ? 10. Whether fuch men as thefe may not poflibly be Factors for Geneva and Amfterdam, and more mindful of their late Fellow-Burgers than their old Countrymen and whether their frequent proteftation, That they are trueEngliJbmen.woM not convince the greateftSceptick,(if he C s ) he underftands their veracity,) That they are notio. ii. Whether our good Brethren the Dutch, according to their ufual kindnels, would not, in all probability, have forborn to arred us for their Debt, till the Conqueft o{ Ireland had put us in a capacity of repaying them; and whether thofe Men, who in the abfence of moil: of the Members, gave 600000/. to the Dutch, did not more confider their own good will to the Creditors, than our ability. n. Whether it was not a flrange indance of Judice, 1 do not in a Knight of the Shire, to move tor a new ailelsment j^/j"^" of his own County ; and whether if the County do not gj^ choofe him again, They will not demonftratively (hew, sfrR.Cot- thatthey have more kindnefs for their Money than their jjjjjj^*" Reprefentative ? 13. Whether there ever was a better Parliament in General, than that of K. James the Second, and whether any body would approve the Re-election of thofe worthy MemberSjWho do not wi(h for a new Monmouth, and ano- ther Argyle 2 14. Whether many honed Gentlemen, of Nice Prin- ciples, did not defid "from danding at the lad Election, as having raited more Scruples to themfelves than they could eafily anfwer ; and therefore not hoping to untie the Gordian Knot, put it for once into the hands of thofe men who could effectually cut it. And whether now thefe Gentlemen will not be concerned to redeem their neglect, and the more diligently to avert the blow, by how much the lefs careiul they were to prevent the flroke. 15-. Whether the Clergy of the C.of E. are not con* cenvd to be as diligent againd Phanaticifm now, as of late againd Popery ; at lead, fuch of them as have a greater Refpect for Pulpits and Chappels, than for Tubs and Barns ? i<5.-Whe* I o incapacitated 1 6. Whether if thofe men who were for procuring or consenting to Surrenders, {hall again Vote for their Judges, they will not give a fignal Inftance of their forgiving humour, and (hew to the World, that they have a great (hare of good Nature, though perhaps not an equal portion of Senfe ? Heroick for all %u.jybe- 17. Whether it would not be — thofe Publick-Spirited Gentlemen, to take up Mr. S 's Refo- SacheteVe ' rm! lution of never {landing again till they can be chofen by honefi Regulators only ? 1 8. Whether the incapacitating Claufe was not brought into the Houfe by Mr. Sach and whether the Fol- lowing Lift be not a true account of thofe that feconded him in it? Be it Enacted by the Authority afore/aid, That every Mayor, Recorder, Alderman, Steward, Sheriff, Common- Council-man, Town-Clerk, Magiflrate, or Officer-, who did take upon him to confent to, or joyn in, anyfitch Surrender, or hfirument purporting fuch Surrender as aforefiid. Or did folicit, procure, profecute, or did pay or contribute to the charge of profecuting any Scire facias, Qjo Warranto, or Information in the nature of Quo Warrauto,£y this Aid de- clared void, (hall be, and is declared, adjudged, and Enatted to be for the fpace of feven years uncapable, and difibled to all Intents and Purpnfes, to bear, or execure any Office, Imployment,or Place of Truft, as a Member offuch refpettive Body Corporate, or in or for fuch refpeclive City, Town, Burg or Cinque- port, whereof, or wherein he was a Member, at-, or be- fore the time of making fuch Surrender, or Inflrument purpor- ting fuch Surrender, or the fuing out, or profecuting fuch Scire facias, Quo Warranto, or Information in nature of Quo Warranto, any thing in this Ail contained, or any other Cafe, Statute, or any Ordinance, Charter, Cuftom, or any thing to the contrary in any wife notwith(landing. The ( 7 ) The Honourable Edward Rujjel£f% . Thomas Trench ard, Efq;. William Duncombe, Efq;. John Burn'dge, Efq;. Sir Henry Wmchccmbe, Paronet. i*ir John Morton, Bar. H-nry Pvivle, Efq;. j^w Manly, Senior, Efq;. Sir Algernoon May, Knight. Sir Matthi w Andrews, Knight. Sir Willi im Rich, Baronet. Htnry Mildmay, Elq:. Sir Henry Fane, Knight of the Bath. 7/rf*£ Rcbow, Efq;. Thomas Tiffing, Lfq;. Sir Thomas Middktcn, Knight. The Hon. Thomas Wharton, Efq;. Sir John Guije, Bar. Sir Thrnas Lee, Baronet. Sir Ralph Dtttton, Bar. Thomas Lewis, Efq:. Sir Duncombe Colechefier, Knight. William Jepbfon, Elq;. Thomas Majler, Efq;/. Sir William Drake, Knight. John How, Efq;. Richard Hampden, Efq;. Richard Dowdejwell, Efq;. John Hampden, Efq;. Sir Eduard Harly, Knight of the B. Ifaac Newton, Magift. Art. Paul Foley, Efq;. Sir Robert Cotton, Knight and Bar. John Dutton Colt, Efq;. John Maynwaring, Efq;. Jc£» Birch, Efq;. Roger Whitley, Elq;. Sir Thomas Pope Blount, Bar. Hugh Bojcawen, Efq;. Sir Charles Cafar, Knight- William Harbord, Efq;. Sir William Cowper, Bar. Edward Rujjel, Efq;. Sir Thomas Byde, Knight. Sir Henry Ajhurfi, Knight, The Honourable Sidney Worthy, alias Anthony R&we, Efq;. Mountague, Efq;. Hugh Fortejcue, Efq;. The Hon.Sir^rei^.KtoftheS.-.'/. Robert Hjrly, Efq;. Sir John Knatchbull, Bar. Sir Peter Colleton, Bar. 5 Sir William Honywood, Bar.- Jonathan Prideaux, Efq,. Henry Lee, Efq;. Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven, Bar. Sir T/&0. 7*y/or, Bar. Sir Henry Capell, Knight. Charles Lord Brandon Gerrard. Sir Philip Gell, Har. The Hon. Richard Lord Colchejter. The Honourable Anchit till Gray, Efq;. Bennet Lord S harard. Sir George Treby, Knight. Thomas Babingttn, Efq;. The Honourable Robert Rujjel, Efq;. Sir Edward HuJJey, Knight* Sir Francis Drake, Bar.
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