Financial Assistance for proposals under purchase of Books [ Bulk Purchase (Scheme I) and Publication (Scheme II)] Grant in Aid Committee has considered all the proposals placed before them on 29th Grant in Aid Committee Meeting (GIAC) held on 3rd and 4th January, 2014 in all the languages. A list of Languagewise proposals either recommended/not recommended as the case may be by the GIAC is as follows with full details of Name of Author/Copy right holder, address, Title of the book with remarks thereon :. Kindly note a separate letter from the Institute will be sent individually to all informing the GIAC decision shortly. Serial No. Name and Address Title of the Book Remark No of copies (only if Under recommended) Scheme Andamanese 1 Prof. Anvita Abbi Dictionary of the Great Andamanese Language 70 Daksminapuram, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Recommended New Delhi, Delhi-110067 No.F.50-35(2)/13-14/Anda/GIA/(1) 8 Copies under : Bulk Purchase Assamese 2 Shri. Anubhav Parashiar Gowalparia Lokageet Anu Pratima Banmah Pondey Eskebee, M. R. D. Road, Silpukhari, Not Recommended Guwahati, Assam-781003 No.F.50-1(2)/13-14/Asm/GIA/(2) Nil under : Bulk Purchase 3 Shri. Anubhav Parashiar Kolakar Eske Be, M.R.D. Road, Silpukari, Recommended Guwahati, Assam-781003 No.F.50-1(1)/13-14/Asm/GIA/(3) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 4 Shri. Babatombi Singh TH Anglo Assamese Manipuri Hindi Word Book Vill. And P.O. Singari Basti, P.S. Hojai Recommended Nagaon, Assam-782435 No.F.50-1(4)/13-14/Asm/GIA/(4) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 29th GIAC Meeting on 3rd and 4th January, 2014 Page 1 of 111 Serial No. Name and Address Title of the Book Remark No of copies (only if Under recommended) Scheme 5 Dr. Ebbat Ali Hajong Janogoshithi Vill. Krishnai-Chariali, P.O. Krishnai, Recommended Goalpara,, Assam-783126 No.F.50-1(3)/13-14/Asm/GIA/(5) 150 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 6 Shri. Ganesh Ch Kurmi Assamar Chah Janagusthi : Nirgusthigata Aaru Natun Siring Gaon, P.O. Nirmali Gaon, Samajik Parichay West Milan Nagar, Recommended Dibrugarh, Assam-786003 No.F.50-1(2)/12-13/Asm/GIA/(6) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 7 Smt. Rupa Borah Mukti Chandmari, Tinali, Recommended Tinsukia, Assam-786125 No.F.50-1(1)/12-13/Asm/GIA/(7) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 8 Shri. Anubhav Parashar Byaktitwar Jilingani Silpukhuri Eskebe, M.R.D.Road, Recommended Gwahati, Assam-781003 No.F.51-1(1)/2013-14/Assm/Grnt/(551) 100 Copies under : Publication Badaga 9 Dr. Ragupathy B A-Badaga-English-Tamil Dictionary D. No. 59, College Quarters, Opp to Shadee Mahal Stone House Hill Post Recommended Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu-643002 No.F.51-35(3)/2013-14/Badaga/Grnt/(552) 100 Copies under : Publication 29th GIAC Meeting on 3rd and 4th January, 2014 Page 2 of 111 Serial No. Name and Address Title of the Book Remark No of copies (only if Under recommended) Scheme Bengali 10 Smt. Anupam Kar Swastha Parishebar Aloke Florence Nightingale C/o Dr. Ashis KR Dasgupta, Banamalipur, Recommended Agartala,, Tripura-799001 No.F.50-2(13)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(8) 50 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 11 Dr. Barunjyoti Choudhurwbhy Adhunikata Adhunikottorbad Uttar-adhunikata: Assistant Professor, Department of Bengali, Tattva O Prayag Assam University, P.O. Durgakona, Recommended Subject to production of Cachar, Assam-788011 document No.F.50-2(6)/12-13/Ben/GIA/(9) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 12 Dr. Bidyut Jyoti Bhattacharjee Srimad Bhagawad Gitar Bhabadhara 77/13, Ramakrishna Sarani, Niranjan Nagar, Ghoghomali, Recommended Siliguri,, West Bengal-734006 No.F.50-2(16)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(10) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 13 Dr. Gopalchandra Bayen Natoker Darpana Village-Balsi, Paschimpara, P.O. Balsi, Recommended Dist-Bankura,, West Bengal,-722206 No.F.50-2(9)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(11) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 14 Shri. Jyotirmoy Sengupta Assamer Bangla Little Magazine Chotogalpo Charchar H.No. 42, Gobinandanagar, Prekkhapot O Kromobikas Nambamallika Nibas, P.O. Lalganesh, Recommended Guwahati, Assam-781034 No.F.50-2(9)/12-13/Ben/GIA/(12) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 15 Dr. Kalipada Pradhan Rachana Sangraha Headmaster, Jahalda High School, Jahalda Recommended Subject to production of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal-721443 document No.F.50-2(19)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(13) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 29th GIAC Meeting on 3rd and 4th January, 2014 Page 3 of 111 Serial No. Name and Address Title of the Book Remark No of copies (only if Under recommended) Scheme 16 Shri. Kuntala Rudra Arun Mitrer Kabita: Palak Pathar Kathamala Baganpara, P.O. Santiniketan Recommended Birbhum, West Bengal-731235 No.F.50-2(18)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(14) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 17 Shri. Malayasankar Bhattacharyya Kochkamtapurer Itikatha 1/83, Nellienagar Recommended Subject to revision Kolkata, West Bengal-700078 No.F.50-2(5)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(15) 100 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 18 Shri. Matilal Sarkar Shiksha Ekti Sangram Vill-Milan Sangha, Bardowali, Recommended Agartala, Tripura-799003 No.F.50-2(8)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(16) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 19 Ms. Maya Saha Biswas Ekomedadytium Raja Rammohan Ray No. 45 C, New Ballygaunge Road, Recommended Kolkata, West Bengal-700039 No.F.50-2(6)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(17) 50 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 20 Shri. Pannalal Roy Rajmala Ba Tripurarthihas Granther Aloke Old Kalibari Lane, Krishnanagar, Recommended Agartala, Tripura-799001 No.F.50-2(10)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(18) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 21 Dr. Prabir Kumar Laha Bharater Sangbadpatra Ganamadhyam itihaser No. 68, Kalpanji College Street, Recommended Kolkata, West Bengal-700073 No.F.50-2(2)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(19) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 29th GIAC Meeting on 3rd and 4th January, 2014 Page 4 of 111 Serial No. Name and Address Title of the Book Remark No of copies (only if Under recommended) Scheme 22 Shri. Pradyot Kumar Maity Purba Medinipur Jelar Swadinata sangrm O Abasbari, Ward No.1, Sangramder Katha-1st Vol. P.O. Tamluk, Recommended Purba, Medinipur, West Bengal-721636 No.F.50-2(11)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(20) 142 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 23 Shri. Sadhan Das Tripurar Akhyane Longtarai Vill P.O. Golaghati, P. S. Takarjala, Dist Sipahijala, Sub: Bishalgarh, Recommended Bishalgarh, Tripura-799102 No.F.50-2(7)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(21) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 24 Dr. Sajal Basu Socialist Andoloner Itikatha C/o Indian News Service 35B, Nirmal Chandra Street, Recommended Kolkata, West Bengal-700013 No.F.50-2(11)/12-13/Ben/GIA/(22) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 25 Dr. Sampa Sinha Ashalata Singher Sristilok: Atmadarsaner Bichitra Block-1, flat-4F, Silparup Clubtown Estate, 87, Recommended Dumdum Road,, West Bengal-700074 No.F.50-2(14)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(23) 166 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 26 Dr. Shila Basak Banlar Kingbadanti Tarubela, 27 B, Recommended Gariahat Road/south, West Bengal-700031 No.F.50-2(1)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(24) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 27 Dr. Sisir Kumar Singha Bimal Singha-er Galpa Upanyas: kathasahitye natun P-16, Niva Park Extention, Diganta. Post Brahmpur Recommended Kolkata, West Bengal-700096 No.F.50-2(12)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(25) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 29th GIAC Meeting on 3rd and 4th January, 2014 Page 5 of 111 Serial No. Name and Address Title of the Book Remark No of copies (only if Under recommended) Scheme 28 Dr. Subimal Misra Dwijendranath Basur Bijnan Rachana Sangraha 31A/1, Beer para lane, Dumdum, Recommended Kolkata,, West Bengal-700030 No.F.50-2(4)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(26) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 29 Dr. Sukumar Maiti Tamralipter Sanskritic Eithihas Vidyasagarpur, P.O. Inda Recommended Kharaghpur,, West Bengal-721 305 No.F.50-2(15)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(27) 111 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 30 Shri. Sushil Kumar Biswas 'Nirajana' Gitanjali Rabindra Atmaunmochan School Bagan, P. O. Bolpur, Recommended Birbhum,, West Bengal-731204 No.F.50-2(3)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(28) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 31 Shri. Tara Pada Basu Dharmamangal Kaby Nari 409, Raja Ganj (Radha Gobinda Palli), P.O. Natun Ganj, Recommended Budrdwan, West Bengal-713102 No.F.50-2(17)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(29) 200 Copies under : Bulk Purchase 32 Shri. Achinta Marik Postcard:Nirbikar Morupathojatri(Eng-Postcard: a Road,P.O-Midnapore Journey to the desert) Head Post Office Recommended Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal-721101 No.F.51-2(2)/2013-14/Bengali/Grnt/(553) 100 Copies under : Publication 33 Dr. Amaresh Chandra Biswas Nazrul Sahitya manaratabad 3A/1, Hridaypur Station Road, P.O.Hridaypur Recommended Kolkata 24 PGS(North, Kolkata-700127 No.F.51-2(5)/2013-14/Ben/Grnt/(554) 100 Copies under : Publication 29th GIAC Meeting on 3rd and 4th January, 2014 Page 6 of 111 Serial No. Name and Address Title of the Book Remark No of copies (only if Under recommended) Scheme 34 Shri. Basanta Barman Uttarer Sambad Janak Suhas Chandra Talukdar Sudha Niwas (1st Floor) Premendra Mitra Street, 1No. D P.O.Rabindra Sarani, Siliguri Recommended Subject to revision Darjeeling, West Bengal-734 006 No.F.51-2(6)/2013-14/Ben/Grnt/(555) 100 Copies under : Publication 35 Shri. Gopal Chandra Bayen Naksha Silpee Bhaleanicharan P.O.Balsi, Village: Balsi, Paschimpara, Not Recommended Bankura, West Bengal-722206 No.F.51-2(3)/2012-13/Ben/Grnt/(556) Nil under : Publication 36 Dr. Kalipada Pradhan Bankim Parikrama Headmaster, Jahalda High School, Jahalda Recommended Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal-721443 No.F.51-2(8)/13-14/Ben/GIA/(557) 100 Copies under : Publication 37 Smt.
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