44 John Marlor (February 11, 1789- October 13, ships, and from 1793-1795, he was a member 1835) was the architect and builder of the Ma- of Congress. In 1806 he participated in deter- sonic Hall on Hancock Street, as well as several mining the location of the 35 degree of lati- outstanding private homes. His marker includes tude that separates Georgia from North Caro- symbols of masons’ tools. lina and Tennessee. Errors crept into the cal- 45 Abner Hammond (Jan. 25, 1762-Jul. 9, culations. As a result, the survey line runs 1829) served as a Lieutenant and later a Cap- about four miles south of the actual 35th de- tain in the South Carolina Troops during the gree line, thus making Georgia slightly smaller Revolutionary War. He raised a volunteer com- than it ought to have been. Consequently pany and joined his brother at the Siege of Au- Chattanooga is in Tennessee rather than in gusta in 1781. He served as Georgia’s Secre- Georgia. Carnesville, GA was named for him. tary of State from 1811 to 1823. 47 Seth N. Boughton (1801-March 29, 1877) 46 Thomas Petters Carnes (name on marker is was the fiery editor of the Federal Union misspelled) (1762-May 5, 1822) served as a newspaper from 1851 until his death in 1877. colonel in the Maryland Line in the Revolution- He was an outspoken champion of Southern ary War. He held various offices and judge- rights, Georgia, and Milledgeville. This brochure is supplied by the Smart phone walking tour and grave Friends of Baldwin County Cemeteries. Its location web site: web site: http://walk.friendsofcems.org http://FriendsofCems.org/Baldwin/ Milledgeville was Georgia’s Use your smart phone’s web browser to capital from 1807 until 1868. As Memory Hill web site: access our online walking tour or grave part of the planning of Milledge- http://FriendsofCems.org/ finder web site. The online walking tour ville, four public squares of 20 MemoryHill/ has more information than is possible in acres each were established, This website has an index to all identifiable this brochure. with one square (the South graves that existed prior to 2012. square) set aside for public use. If your phone has GPS or geolocation ca- In 1809, the Methodist church, To access a Locate a Grave function pabilities, you can also see a map of your with approximately 100 mem- using your smart phone, go to: location in the cemetery along with the bers, was built in the South http://walk.FriendsofCems.org grave location that you are trying to find. square, and a cemetery was es- (see more information on right) Hint: hold top of phone toward direction tablished in about 1810. Other you are walking for “full featured tour”. If churches began building in State- For more info, email you have map problems, select the “Basic house square, rather than the [email protected] Tour” and hold top of phone toward north South square. Eventually the (gazebo/Franklin St). Methodist church moved to Statehouse square also, and the Scan this code with Maintenance and Problem South square became the Mil- your cell phone to Reporting ledgeville City Cemetery. In the automatically load mid 19th century the cemetery the walking tour Please note that the City of expanded on its north side Hill but is still a city cemetery maintained by the city and grave location Milledgeville owns the cemetery, through various land acquisitions of Milledgeville. The cemetery contains over 7700 web site: and the City’s Department of Public and now totals 30 acres. In identifiable graves and at least 1200 graves with no Works maintains it. For assistance about 1945, the Milledgeville City markers or names. For a searchable index see call (478) 414-4037. Cemetery was renamed Memory the last page of this brochure. Copyright all enclosed material © 2015 Friends of Baldwin County Cemeteries, Inc. Numbered signs in the cemetery corresponding to the numbers in this brochure were donated by Grimes Signs. Soldiers and Statesmen 1928. Among her most memorable columns erected in March 1858 at a cost of $20,000. It her or push her backwards. Her act is still buried in Memory Hill Cemetery were those of 1939, when she became the is 37 feet tall not including the figure at the sometimes performed by magicians and is Total numbers of soldiers or statesmen known to be technical adviser for the filming of Gone With top that represents Hope. known as the “Annie Abbott” act. Charles buried in Memory Hill or recognized with markers: the Wind upon the recommendation of Marga- 34 Andrew J. Micklejohn (Co B. 1st. GA. Batt.) Haygood, (November 10, 1855-February 27, ret Mitchell. Myrick advised on Southern man- (died Nov. 24, 1861) was the first local battle 1886), husband of Dixie Haygood and a Dep- Revolutionary War (1775-1783): 10 ners and traditions during its filming. casualty of the Civil War, having been killed uty Sheriff, was shot twice at point blank nd range in the chest, by Elias N. "Sam" Ennis War of 1812 (1812-1815): 8 5 Lt. Col. John M. Brown (2 Regiment Geor- during the bombardment of Ft. Pickens, near gia State Troops) (April 12, 1839-July 26, Pensacola, FL. His body was returned to Mil- during a prohibition rally. Seminole War (1835-1842): 2 1864) was the brother of Georgia Governor ledgeville and buried in a ceremony that the 41 Carlos Wilson (1843-Oct 8,1906) was a bu- Joseph Brown. He was wounded “while gal- entire city attended. gler in Company F, 2nd Michigan Cavalry in Mexican War (1846-1848): 4 lantly leading his regiment in a charge on a 35 Benjamin White (1793-1866) Surgeon Gen- the Union army. Like the other Union veter- War Between the States (1861-1865) battery of Federal artillery” in Atlanta on July eral of the Georgia State Troops. He did not ans buried here, he came to Milledgeville after Confederate: 326 22, 1864 and died in the Governor’s Mansion want a gravestone and so his friends planted the Civil War. Here he became an inventor, Federal: 4 in Milledgeville on July 26, 1864. this oak as a headstone for his grave. patenting a Cotton Seed Planter and Guano th Distributing Machine. 6 General George Doles (4 GA Vol. Infantry, 36 Dr. Andrew J. Foard (died March 18, 1868) Spanish American (1898): 12 Baldwin Blues) (May 14, 1830-June 2, 1864) This tombstone, erected in 1896, misspells the 42 David Brydie Mitchell (Oct. 22, 1760-Apr. Buffalo Soldiers (1866-1951): 3 This “diamond blue granite” monument was name. "Foard" is correct. Dr. Foard was the 22, 1837) served as governor of Georgia from unveiled July 25, 1894 at the annual reunion 1809-1813 and 1815-1817, during which time th Medical Director of the Army of Tennessee. In World War I (1914-1918), World War II of the 4 GA Regiment. Doles served gallantly February 1865 he was promoted to Medical he passed an act to prevent dueling and set (1941-1945), Korean War (1950-1953), Over 250 in battles in Virginia. At Spotsylvania, in Inspector of the armies and hospitals in the up a system at the state penitentiary in Mil- Vietnam War (1959 -1973): 1864, his brigade suffered very high casual- States of Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mis- ledgeville that was more than simple imprison- ties. Doles was criticized for his actions by sissippi. After the war he was a professor at ment — teaching prisoners to learn a trade. Statesmen: 48 some newspapers. At the battle of Cold Har- the Washington Medical College in Baltimore. Julia Force (died May 30, 1916) (is in an un- bor, perhaps thinking of the criticism, he ex- marked grave next to the large tree) On Feb- Please use caution when walking the cemetery. The posed himself excessively to enemy fire. He 37 Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar (Jul ruary 25, 1893 Julia Force calmly shot her two was shot through the chest and died the fol- 15, 1797-Jul 4, 1834) Judge of the Ocmulgee sisters in the head. At trial she was acquitted ground is uneven and contains obstacles and fire Circuit. Lamar committed suicide. A false leg- ants. Travel at your own risk. Also please respect lowing day. by reason of insanity. She spent the rest of end relates that he had hanged an innocent her life in the Georgia Lunatic Asylum. There the monuments, fences and plants, as these repre- 7 Mary V. Little Adams (Jun 20, 1847-Feb 2, man and was remorseful; there was no ques- 1867) This marker is carved by stone carver, she was befriended by a matron, a grand- sent memorials to those interred in Memory Hill. tion at the time of the man’s innocence. J. Artopé of Macon, and shows an angel hold- daughter of Governor Mitchell, Johnanna His brother Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar was Mitchell Darnell. Mrs. Darnell arranged that For a smart phone version of this walking ing a quill and book, symbolizing the book of the second President of the Republic of Texas. life, and a stump with ivy, symbolizing a life Julia Force would be buried, as was she her- tour, please see last page of this brochure. left unfinished when cut off by death. 38 Bonner Dogs: Nick and Bruno (died 1926 self, in Governor Mitchell's lot. and 1931), favorite dogs of Charles Bonner. 1 Flannery O'Connor (Mar 25, 1925-Aug 3, 8 Edwin Jemison (2nd LA Infantry) (Dec. 1, 43 Tomlinson Fort (Jul 14, 1787-May 11, 1859) 39 Legislators Despite the bronze plaque, only 1964), Milledgeville's most famous daughter.
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