Environmental Assessment Report Summary Environmental Impact Assessment Project Number: 40642 August 2008 People’s Republic of China: Guangxi Wuzhou Urban Development Project Prepared by the Wuzhou municipal government for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This summary environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 1 August 2008) Currency Unit – yuan (CNY) CNY1.00 = $0.1464 $1.00 = CNY6.8312 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank dB(A) – A-weighted decibel Dongtai – Wuzhou Dongtai State Assets Operation Corporation Ltd. EIA – environmental impact assessment EIRR – economic internal rate of return EMC – environmental management company/consultant EMP – environmental management plan EPB – environmental protection bureau GEPB – Guangxi Environmental Protection Bureau GIS – geographical information system IEM – independent environmental monitor NO2 – nitrogen dioxide PLG – project leading group PM10 – particular matter smaller than 10 micrometers PPMS – project performance management system PRC – People’s Republic of China SEIA – summary environmental impact assessment SEPA – State Environmental Protection Administration SO2 – sulfur dioxide TEIAR – tabular environmental impact assessment report WDRC Wuzhou Development and Reform Commission WEMS – Wuzhou Environmental Monitoring Station WEPB – Wuzhou Environmental Protection Bureau WMG – Wuzhou municipal government WPMO – Wuzhou project management office WWRB – Wuzhou Water Resources Bureau WUIMB – Wuzhou Urban Infrastructure Management Bureau WWTP – wastewater treatment plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ‰ – per mill (per thousand) ha – hectare km – kilometer km2 – square kilometer m – meter m2 – square meter m3 – cubic meter m3/d – cubic meters per day mg/m3 – milligrams per cubic meter mm – millimeter NOTE In the report, “$” refers to US dollars. CONTENTS Page MAPS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 2 III. DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT 11 A. Physical and Ecological Resources 12 B. Economic Development 13 C. Quality of Life Values 15 D. Natural and Cultural Heritage 17 IV. ALTERNATIVES 18 A. With- and Without-Project Scenario 18 B. Project Alternatives 19 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 20 A. Incremental Environmental and Social Benefits 20 B. Design Considerations 22 C. Soil Erosion 23 D. Water Quality and Drainage 24 E. Air Quality 26 F. Noise 27 G. Solid Waste 29 H. Flora 31 I. Land Acquisition and Resettlement 31 VI. ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 32 A. Environmental Protection Investments 32 B. Environmental Benefits 32 C. Economic Internal Rate of Return for Environmental Management 32 VII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 33 A. Objectives 33 B. Mitigation Measures 33 C. Organization for Environmental Management 33 D. Inspection, Monitoring, and Reporting 34 E. Mechanism for Feedback and Adjustment 34 F. Environmental Management Capacity in Wuzhou 34 VIII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE 35 A. Information Disclosure and Public Consultations 35 B. Future Information Disclosure and Public Consultation Program 36 IX. CONCLUSIONS 37 A. Project Benefits 37 B. Environmental Safeguard Assurances 37 C. Overall Conclusion 38 APPENDIXES 1. Environmental Management Plan 2. Air Quality Monitoring Points in Wuzhou City 3. Water Quality Monitoring Points in Wuzhou City Map 1 106 o 00'E 111o 00'E GUANGXI WUZHOU URBAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA H U N A N 26 o 00'N 26 o 00'N G U I Z H O U Guilin Hechi Yizhou Lipu Liuzhou Baise Y U N N A N Tianyang GUANGXI ZHUANG Tiandong AUTONOMOUS REGION Wuzhou Pingguo Litang Longan Guigang Tanluo NANNING Daxin VIET NAM Yulin Fusui Chongzuo G U A N G D O N G Pingxiang Ningming Qinzhou Fangcheng Dongxing 22 o 00'N N 22 o 00'N Beihai 0 25 50 75 100 125 Kilometers Project City Provincial Capital City/Town G u l f o f T o n k i n Port Expressway National Road Provincial Road Railway River Prefecture Boundary H A I N A N Provincial Boundary International Boundary Boundaries are not necessarily authoritative. 106 o 00'E 111o 00'E 08-1577 HR TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OF WUZHOU IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ZAOCHONG RESETTLEMENT SITE PINGMINCHONG GEOHAZARD HONGLING SITE ROAD NETWORK 0 8 M - 1 7 a 0 5 p a H 2 R MAJOR GEOHAZARD SITES IN URBAN WUZHOU IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Guijiang R. Textile Factory East Mudslide Technical School Technical School Mudslide Longmumiao Mudslide DATANG Pingminchong Mudslide Pingming Road Primary School Dying Factory East Mudslide TV College Public Health School 7th Secondary School Bangshan West Mudslide Shiguchong Mudslide Pharmaceutical Group Corporation South Mudslide Zhongshan Bingquanxilu Mudslide Jizhuangshan Park Teacher Bangshan Mudslide Farm Machinery Company Mudslide Northeast Mudslide College Yiyuanchong Mudslide Hebin Park Xijiang Bridge Xijiang River Changzhou Island Park Mudslide Area School N Main Road Other Road River 0 1 2 The Xijiang River is called Xunjiang River 0 before it receives Guijiang River. 8 Kilometers M - 1 7 a 0 5 p b H 3 R LOCATION MAP OF SUBPROJECTS IN WUZHOU IN THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Project Area and Phase I of Urban Expansion Phase II of Urban Expansion Project Site Outer Ring Expressway Main Road Other Road WUZHOU Planned Railway (Luoyang-Zhanjiang) INDUSTRIAL PARK River r t o e v G i u R il in g n a i j i u G ZAOCHONG NEW COMMUNITY SITE Railway Station PINGMINCHONG GEOHAZARD RESETTLEMENT & PREVENTION HONGLING ROAD NETWORK to Guangdong Xijiang River XIJIANG FOURTH BRIDGE Changzhou Island SOUTH BANK ROAD NETWORK Xinj iang River TANGYUANG INDUSTRIAL PARK CANGWU DISTRICT ing to Nann N 0 1 2 3 4 0 8 M - 1 7 Kilometers a 0 5 p c H 4 R I. INTRODUCTION 1. This report summarizes the results of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the Guangxi Wuzhou Urban Development Project. It is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Policy (2002) and Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on the basis of prepared domestic EIA reports that meet the requirements of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) EIA Law, 2003,1 and associated regulations. The domestic EIA reports include three environmental impact statements and two tabular environmental impact assessment reports (TEIARs) as follows: (i) TEIAR for the Pingminchong geohazard resettlement and prevention; (ii) TEIAR for the Zaochong resettlement site; and (iii) environmental impact statements for the Hongling road network.2 2. Qualified local institutes prepared the domestic EIA reports using methodologies and standards consistent with relevant guidelines established by the PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA). The Guangxi Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) approved the environmental impact statements for the Hongling road network; and the Wuzhou EPB (WEPB) approved the TEIARs for the Pingminchong geohazard resettlement and prevention and Zaochong resettlement site. The project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) consultants assisted in finalizing the EIA reports, particularly in preparing the environmental management plans (EMPs). 3. Soil erosion prevention plans were prepared for the bridge, road networks, Pingminchong rehabilitation site, and Zaochong resettlement site in accordance with the PRC Law on Soil Erosion Prevention Control, 1991. The Wuzhou Water Resources Bureau reviewed and approved the soil erosion prevention plans. 4. As part of the preparation leading to the PPTA, ADB commissioned a geohazard situation analysis to better understand the issues and needs in Wuzhou.3 Domestic feasibility studies and resettlement plans were prepared under the guidance of the PPTA consultants. The findings of these studies were incorporated in the summary environmental impact assessment (SEIA). 5. A detailed description of the EMP is presented in Appendix 1. The EMP entails a summary of the anticipated impacts and mitigation measures, environmental monitoring program, public consultation program, responsibilities for implementation and supervision, institutional strengthening and training plan, reporting and supervision, work plan, cost estimates for environmental management, and mechanism for feedback and adjustment. 1 Ministry of Environmental Protection. 2003. EIA Law of the People’s Republic of China. Beijing. 2 The EIA Institute of the Guangxi Academy of Transportation Sciences (Class B EIA Certificate) prepared the environmental impact statements for the Hongling road network. The EIA Division of the Wuzhou Academy of Environmental Protection Sciences (Class B EIA Certificate) prepared the TEIAR for the Pingminchong geohazard resettlement and prevention, and the Jiangxi Academy of Environmental Protection Sciences (Class B EIA Certificate) prepared the TEIAR for the Zaochong Resettlement Site. 3 Chuan, Tang. 2007. Geological Hazard Management in Wuzhou (prepared for Asian Development Bank). Chengdu University of Technology: State Key Lab for Geohazards Prevention. 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 6. Urban development in Wuzhou is severely constrained by its geological and geographic conditions. The city is located in a mountainous region; two rivers divide it into three parts. The city proper is on the north bank of Xunjiang River,4 which is further divided by Guijiang River into (i) the old urban center on the east, and (ii) a fast-growing urban center on the west. The south bank of Xunjiang River is undeveloped.
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