Committee: Date: Classification: Agenda Item No: Strategic Development 29 th May 2008 Unrestricted 8.1 Report of: Title: Observations to Olympic Delivery Corporate Director Development & Renewal Authority Case Officer: Ref No: PA/08/00615 and PA/08/00682 Richard Murrell Ward(s): Bow East 1. APPLICATION DETAILS Location: Land East of River Lee Navigation and Land North of Carpenters Road (known as Kings Yard) contained within Planning Delivery Zone 4, London E15 Existing Use: Vacant site, previously light industrial (B1 Use Classes) Proposal: 1. Observations to the Olympic Delivery Authority for a reserved matters application and submission of details with respect to OD 4.1 (i) to (xvii), OD 4.2, OD 4.3, OD 4.4 and OD 4.5 of Outline Planning Permission (Ref: 07/90010/OUMODA) for the Olympic, Paralympic and Legacy Transformation Planning Applications: Facilities and their Legacy Transformation dated 28/9/2008 for The construction of a new Energy Centre building housing combined heat and power units, absorption chillers, gas boilers, electric chillers and associated plant and use of an existing 2 storey building to house biomass boilers, offices and a visitors centre and provision of 3 car parking spaces 2. Observations to the Olympic Delivery Authority on the construction of inter-connecting flue between the existing two storey building and the proposed energy centre. Drawing Nos: Reserved Matters application Drawing numbers : - OEC-KY-G100-P-00-009, OEC-K1-G200-P-00, OEC-K1-G200-P-01, OEC-K3-G200-E-S, OEC-KY-G200-E-N-AL, OEC-K1-G200-S-CC, OEC-K1-G200-S-AA, OEC-K1-G200-E-E, OEC- KY-G200-E-S-AL, OEC-K2-G200-S-DD, OEC-K1-G200-P-RF, OEC- K1-G200-E-N, OEC-K1-G200-E-S, OEC-K1-G200-E-W, OEC-K1- G200-S-DD, OEC-K1-G200-BB, OEC-K2-G200-P-RF, OEC-KY-G100- P-00-004, OEC-K2-G200-E-S, OEC-K2-G200-E-N, OEC-K2-G200-E- E, OEC-K2-G200-E-W, OEC-K2-G200-S-AA, OEC-K2-G200-S-BB, KY-H100-P-00-007, KY-G100-P-OO-EX, OEC-KY-G200-XP-00, OEC- KY-G200-XP-AL, OEC-KY-G200-XP-RF, KY-G200-XE-AL, KY-G200- XS-AL, OEC-K2-G200-P-01, OEC-KY-G100-P-00-006, OEC-K2- G200-P-00, OEC-K1-and G200-P-02. Appendices: Inclusive Design Design and Access Statement Telecommunications Emissions Dispersion / Air Quality Statement Statement of Participation Noise Report Equalities Statement Energy Appraisal Water Use Statement External Lighting Accommodation for loading and unloading, set down and pick up of vehicles Context Drawings Interconnection Flue Planning Application Drawing numbers – OEC-K3-G100-P-00-004, OEC-K3-G200-E-E, OEC-K3-G200-E-N, OEC-K3-G200-E-S, OEC-k3-G200-P-01, OEC- K3-G200-P-02, OEC-K3-G200-P-RF and OEC-K3-G200-S-BB Appendices: Design and Access Statement Emissions Dispersion / Air quality Statement Other Submissions Feasibility study for the Mounting of Telecommunications Equipment to the Olympic Park Energy Centre Feasibility study of Biomass Fuel Delivery to King Yard by Barge Historic Building: No Conservation Area: No 2. SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS 2.1 The Council would raise the following observations in relation to the above proposals In overall terms the Council is impressed with the design of the proposed Energy Centre and flue stack. The retention of the existing western building is also welcomed. However, the Council have a number of concerns over detailed aspects of the proposals which should be resolved prior to the determination of the application. - The Council objects to the current design of the Energy Centre as it does not make provision for the future installation of telecommunications equipment within the flue stack, and it has not been demonstrated that the Energy Centre will not be required to host such equipment. - The Council objects to the omission of a graded entrance route to the Visitors Centre in the retained building. - The Council objects to the failure to provide a step-free access to the Energy Centre control room. - The Council objects to the approval of any design of the retained building that does not make provision for barge deliveries, or that precludes barge delivery in the future. - The Council would object to the discharge of any previous S106 commitment to deliver up to 50% of biomass fuel by barge without further justification. - The Council would object to the proposal unless the ODA demonstrate that consideration has been given to extending the CHP/CCHP scheme beyond the boundary of the Olympic site into surrounding communities. - The Council would object to the proposal unless the ODA demonstrate that the CHP infrastructure delivered as part of the Energy Centre would not prejudice the future delivery of a more comprehensive network in the Fish Island area. As a minimum the Council need to be satisfied that connection facilities to the west are capable of being provided in the future and that there are no impediments as a result of this development that would frustrate these connections being made in the future. This would include the location of, sufficient capacity for and no obstruction to the routes of those potential connections. The Council would also make the following requests for further information / clarification which should be provided prior to the determination of the application:- - Additional information detailing accessible access routes from the site perimeter to the building entrances and of the detailed design of the accessible toilets. - Additional assessments into the potential for windborne noise disturbance from the interconnecting flue structure - Additional assessment of the potential impact of any external lighting on flight paths to City Airport and the closest residential properties. - Detail of the energy efficiency measures that would be applied to the new building and the retained building. - Does the ODA intend to supply power from the Energy Centre to domestic customers? - Can the ODA confirm that the management of the Energy Centre will sign a statement of commitment to only procure the biomass fuel from a sustainable and certified fuel supplier? - Details need to be provided of site-wide voltage optimisation to tap down over-supply of electricity from the grid - That an assessment is made to determine the carbon cost of any external lighting proposals Requests for conditions A condition should be placed on any permission setting maximum permitted noise levels at closest residential receptors. A condition should be placed on any permission restricting the hours of operation of external illumination unless it is demonstrated that it would not have any impact on residential amenity. 3. RECOMMENDATION 3.1 That the ODA Planning Decisions Team should consider the views and issues the London Borough of Tower Hamlets set out above under Summary of Observations. 3.3 That the Corporate Director Development & Renewal be delegated authority to make further observations and or recommendations as necessary to the ODA. 4. PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DETAILS Proposal Background 4.1 The application site is known as Kings Yard and is located to the East of the River Lea Navigation and to the North of Carpenters Road. The site forms part of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Site. It is located within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets; however the Olympic Delivery Authority acts as the local planning authority. 4.2 Outline planning permission was granted in September 2007 for development associated with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the subsequent Legacy Transformation (ODA Reference: 07/90010/OUMODA). This outline permission established the principle of the erection of a new Energy Centre on the Kings Yard site and the retention and conversion of the existing western building. 4.3 The Outline permission prescribed the minimum and maximum ‘built envelope’ the proposed energy centre could occupy. This included a footprint of a maximum of 82m long x 42m wide, and a maximum height of 20m. The flue stack could be a maximum of 48m above ground level. 4.4 The detailed design of the proposed Energy Centre and the treatment of the retained western building were reserved by conditions. These conditions also ensure the proposal accords with other aspects of the approved Olympic masterplans. Detail in relation to the following conditions has been submitted to the ODA for approval:- Conditions OD4.1 (i) to (xviii) require the submission of plans and a range of supporting technical information (the full text is attached as Appendix 1). Condition OD 4.2 relates to the treatment of the retained Energy Centre building Condition OD 4.3 requires the provision of a visitors centre Condition OD 4.4 requires detail of, and restricts the amount of, parking provision Condition OD 4.5 requires loading and unloading from vehicles to take place within screened loading docks. 4.5 The proposed Energy Centre must also accord with requirements specified in the Olympic S106 agreement. A full list of the relevant conditions and S106 requirements is appended to this report. 4.6 These reserved matters have now been submitted for approval to the Olympic Delivery Authority and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets has been consulted as a neighbouring Authority. Detail of proposal 4.7 The submissions relate to the provision of an Energy Centre on an area of land known as Kings Yard located off Carpenters Road, E15. The Energy Centre comprises a Combined Cooling Heat and Powe r (CCHP) Plant, gas boilers and biomass boilers. The Energy Centre will supply heating to all developments and venues in the Olympic Park, heating to northern parts of the Stratford City development, cooling to the IBC/MPC and electricity to the grid.
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