6 ^ 0 _ DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1980 In N.H., Ted Prezthanks fires a salvo N.Y. union at gun lobby for support By HARRISON RAINIi By FRANK V A N RIPER Of The Ntws Wash-r^ton Bureau Washington (News Bureau) — Manchester, N.H.—In an appeal to President Carter wound up a week New Hampshire voters to override . of Iran-watching and remote-control the powerful gun lobby in their politicking yesterday by holding a state, Sen. Edward Kennedy yester­ 29-second endorsement session with day issued a denunciation of groups a New York union leader and a that he said are "distorting and dis­ highly photogenic White House rupting the political process." reception for Pittsburgh’s world Kennedy charged that his position in champions of baseball and football. aver of banning short barrel pistols has Carter, who le ft fo r a weekend at Hen "misrepresented and distorted" in Camp David late in the afternoon, met media advertisements in advance of next very briefly with John J. Kramer, presi­ Tuesday’s presidential primaries in New dent of the 47.000 member Public Em­ Hampshire. ployes Federation of New York. Later, A group calling itself Go New Hamp­ the President gave a reception fo r the shire (gun owners of New Hampshire) champion Pirates and Steelers. has marshalled considerable opposition The Employe Federation's executive to Kennedy around the slogan " If Ken­ nedy wins, you lose." The group contend? committee endorsed Carter for renomi­ nation this week and Carter posed for that Kennedy eventually wants to have Republican presidential candidate George Bush nets assurance of support from the government register all guns. pictures with Kramer and the union's Edward Meride, 70, of Haworth, N.J. yesterday in Naples, Fla. Kennedy, speaking before high schooi secretary treasurer, Constance Cabelle, pupils, reiterated Ins position that he in the Oval Office. Also w ithin camera would not interfere with the "legitimate paign that is low budget. We like to tell ported Thursday that Brown took out a range was former New York State interests" of sportsmen using rifles and people we need money. You are asking loan for approximately $50,000. Democratic Chairman Patrick Cunning­ pistols. Instead, he said he wants to ban whether I have borrowed money for my While the governor was speaking in ham, the union's new lawyer. hose small handguns known as Saturday campaign—not yet. But I certainly might Concord, rock singer Linda Ronstadt was “ I'm very grateful for the endorse­ iii'iht specials, "whose only purpose is to if 1 had to." visiting his campaign headquarters ment of 47,000 members,'’ Carter said hoot individuals." Brown commented after addressing an throughout the state, rallying his into a forest of microphones and cam­ Yesterday was Kennedy's 48th birthday audience at St. Paul's School in Concord workers eras. “ I deeply appreciate it and I'll try *:d he was joined by his mother. Rose. where he is seeking support in Tuesday’s “ 1 have never been involved (in poli­ not to let them down." Ins three children in getting a birth- primary election. tics) But the issues are real important “ Lights, please." a White House aide this time," Ronstadt said during a y cake from senior citizens in a union Denies rumors said. Click went the cameras. And that ail in Manchester. stopover: Keene. “ I think we might go was it. The meeting was over and report­ Meanwhile, in Concord. California Earlier, he denied reports that Tom to war. 1 cel it is important to have ers and photographers were ushered ;ov. Edmund G (Jerry) Brown Jr. said Quinn, one of his top aides, planned to someone around who is saying that we out. Exactly 29 seconds had passed. esterday that news reports thal he re­ resign after the New Hampshire primary. can conserve gasoline instead of going to Later, on the While House driveway, vived a $50,021 loan to keep his presiden­ World War 111." Kramer told newsmen that Carter had tial candidacy afloat "border on dirty “ 1 consider this almost bordering on On the Republican side of the New done “ an adequate job and deserves re- tricks." But Brown also said that lie dirty tricks." Brow n said. "These kinds of Hampshire political picture, former election." would borrow money if he had to. things, are really outrageous... Some of California Gov. Ronald Reagan and Only adequate? “ Well, let's say he’s 'That is ridiculous ” Brown said of our campaign staff are working for free.' George Bush plan to square o ff in a done a great job, according to our the loan report. "We are running a cam­ The San Francisco Examiner had re­ debate tonight in Nashua. union," Kramer replied. have cash flow problems by the end of next year. He WHAT ELSE IS Bush, Ron out on some slates? suggested borrowing revenues from one fund to make Two Republican presidential candidates. George Bush up shortages in another. and Ronald Reagan, have failed to qualify fo r tne But Harvard Prof. William C. Hsiao, while agreeing primary ballot in several New York City districts, that the funds are in trouble, argued that the short-term NEWS according to the city's Board of Elections. steps proposed by the administration are Band-Aids that ■ ■ ■ M i l l — i ' l l — Bea Dolen, executive director of the board, declined w ill “ only postpone the day of reckoning.'’ METRO to say yesterday in how many of the city’s districts the candidates came up short in their petitions, but Bush reportedly failed in six districts and Reagan in two. WORLD Troy wins stay on jail term Final rulings on their eligibility for the March 25 Former City Councilman Matthew Troy won a last- primary election w ill be determined by the courts if the minute stay in Queens Supreme Court late yesterday, candidates challenge the board's findings, according to Un-shekel Israel from pound less than 24 hours before he was due to start serving the Dolen. Jerusalem (Special)—After almost 2.000 years, Israel first of 26 consecutive weekends behind bars for stealing has gone back to the shekel. At a secret, specially $37,000 from a client. convened meeting here yesterday, the cabinet decided to Earlier in the day.Troy had lost an appeal before NATION scrap the Israeli pound as the national unit of currency Special Supreme Court Justice Ernst Rosenberger in and revert to the Biblical coinage of the Jews—the Kew Gardens, where Troy s lawyer David Lubash. tried Flu toll still at epidemic level shekel. to have Troy s conviction set aside on grounds of double The last time shekels, then half ounce gold or silver jeopardy. He argued that the former city councilman Atlanta (AP)— Deaths from influenza and pneumonia coins used by the ancient Hebrews, were minted here had served 60 days in federal prison on his plea of guilty reached epidemic proportions in the United States for was during the first century A.D. The new shekel w ill be to tax evasion charges stemming from the same the fourth consecutive week, the National Center fo r worth 25 cents. misappropriation. Disease Control said yesterday Finance Minister Yigal Hurvitz said in a special radio Troy went home to get ready for jail as Lubash The center said that so far this winter the flu and TV message that the new currency would serve as a rushed over to Supreme Court m Jamaica, where Justice epidemic has been caused prim arily by influenza B, psychological boost to the Israeli public, which has been Joseph Calabretta granted a 120-day stay to give Lubash known as B-Singapore. suffering the effects of a llO'/i annual inflation rate, and time to perfect his appeal. -Thom as Pugh Deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia reached 700 would help flush out “ black money "—hoards of unde­ fo r the week that ended Feb. 16.200 more than the clared income held in cash by tax-dodging Israelis. Trial starts in nurse killing anticipated epidemic threshhold. the agency said in its —Bruno Wassertheil Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. A lawyer for Nalhan Giles, indie ted for the murder of nurse Bonnie Anne Eush. argued yesterday that Bush Turks lift Aegean flight curbs met with Giles in November 1978 to buy drugs from him Probe Volkswagens on safety Ankara (AP)—Turkey lifted its restrictions yesterday and lhat she was alive and with another man when Giles Washington (AP)—The National Highway Traffic on the use of air space over the Aegean Sea. and Greece left. Safety Administration announced yesterday lhat it has reciprocated, clearing the way fo r resumption of direct Giles' trial opened in Manhattan Criminal Court launched an investigation of diesel powered Volkswagen commercial flights that were halted when Turkey invad­ yesterday. autos because of reports of runaway acceleration. ed Cyprus in 1974, Foreign Minister Hayrettin Erkmen Giles, 33. on parole from Aftica prison at the time, The agency warned owners of 19771980 Rabbit and said. claims that Bush, a 25 year-old supervising nurse at 1979-1980 Dasher diesel models that a possible safety In Athens, government sources confirmed that Mount Sinai Hospital who lived with her parents in defect may exist, causing Hie driver to experience Greece would go along. The restrictions had forced Fairview. N.J . was accompanied by a “ tall man" he uncontrolled acceleration travelers to fly circuitous routes or to drive or lake a didn't know when he met her on Nov. 24.1978. It said more than 98.0001977 1979 vehicles might be train across closely guarded borders.
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