3374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 12, By Mr. J. A. ANDERSON: ProtestofLocalAssemblyNo. 3678, of Victor H. Newcomer, of Jacob Reichard, of Elias Smith, of Harry Hey­ Wainego, and of Local .Assembly No. 780, of Weir, Kans.• against the ser (executor), of Hezekiah Myers, ofThoiiUlS H. Crampton, of David free-ship bill-to the Select Committee on American Ship-building and M. Mullendore, of G. Findley Smith, of W. E. Boheler (executor), of Ship-owning InterestB. James Resley, of Jacob Friend (executor), ofWilliam Shifter, of Chris­ By Mr. BARKSDALE: Papers in the claim of James F. Wooley, of tian Easterday, of David and Moses Po:ffinberger, of W a.shington County; Lincoln County, Mississippi-to the Committee on War Claims. of EugeneL. Dorr, of John H. Lighter(administrator), ofThomasJohn­ By Mr. BARRY: Petition of Local Assembly No. 4334, Knights of son, of J. E. Harley, of David Best, and of James W. Pearre (trustee), Labor, of Water Valley, Miss., against the free-ship bill-to the Select of Frederick County; of Elbert Perry and of Rachel Ann Offselt, of Committee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. Montgomery County, asking that their war claims be referred to the By 1\lr. BOYLE: Petition of Brownsville Assembly, Latrobe Local Court of Claims-to the same committee. Assembly, Carpenter Progressive Assembly, Buena Vista Industrial As­ Also, petition of Samuel Nigh, ofT. H. Edwards (executoror'John sembly, Webster Triumph Star Assembly, and Scottdale Local Assem­ Heger), of George Hoking, and of Rachael Ann Offsett, for payment of bly, of the wage-workers of the United States, in favor of the passage war claims-to the same committee. of laws for the unlimited coinage of silver-to the Committee on Coin­ Also, petition of R. H. Gordon, iu relation to silver coinage--to the age, Weights, and Measures. Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. By Mr. BRADY: Papers in the claim of Alex. Downan, administra­ By Mr. MORRISON: Mep1.0rial of wage-workers of different States, tor of Thomas Farrell, of Prince George County, Virginia-to the Com­ for unlimited coinage of silver-to the same committee. mittee on War Claims. By Mr. O'NEILL: Petition of Mrs. Sarah A. Clements, widow of By Mr. BURROWS: Remonstrance ngainst the passage of the free­ Robert Clements, formerly of the One hundred and tenth Regiment ship bill~ f~om the Knights of Labor of Kalamazoo, Mich.-to theSe­ Pennsylvania Volunteers, asking for a pension-to the Committee on lect Committee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. Invalid Pen~ns. • By Mr. CARLETON: Petition and papers relating to the pension . By :Mr. PRICE: Memorial of Knights of Labor ofthe States of .Ala­ claim of Edwin A. Scutt-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. bama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District By Mr. CRAIN: Memorial of KnightB of Labor of Galveston, Tex., of Columbia, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho Territory, Indiana, illinois, Kansas, favoring the establishment of a harbor of Tefuge at Sandy Bay, Rock­ Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, J'lfaryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, port, "M:ass.-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana Territory, New Jersey, New By Mr. DAVENPORT: Petition of citizens of Hammondsport, N. Hampshire, Nevada, Nebraska, Rhode Island, Texas, New Mexico, Y., relative to free coinage of silver-to the Committee on Coinage, Oregon, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah Territory, Virginia, West Weights, and Measures. Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming Territory, Washington Territory em-· By Mr. DA W~ON: Petition of John A. Randall, for invalid pen­ bracing 480 assemblies, on the coinage and currency laws-to the Com­ sion-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. mittee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. Also, petition of John M. Dale, forremovalofcharge of desertion-to By Mr. ROMEIS: Petition of 40 Knights of Labor from Waterville, the Committee on Military Affairs. Ohio, against the passage ofthefree-ship bill-to the Select Committee Also, petition of W. W. Green, praying that his war -claim be re­ on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. ferred to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. ROWELL: Petition for the re1iefof Nicholas Lochboklec­ By Mr. DINGLEY: Petition of Knights of Labor, Local Assembly to the Committee on War Claims. 4727, of Bath, Me., for appropriation for a harbor of refuge at Rock­ By Mr. SAYERS: Petition of the.clerks in the several departments port, Mass.-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. of the Army ~ouinst the reduction of :salaries-to the Committee on By Mr. EVERHART: Petition of citizens of Chester County, Penn­ Military .Affairs. sylvania, asking for constitutional amendment against the sale, manu­ By Mr: STA.HLNEQKER: Petition of H. C. Allen and of John C. facture, and importation of alcoholic be:verages-to the Select Commit­ Purdy, in favor of Hoose bill 3973-to the Committee on Ways and tee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. Means. By Mr. FREDERICK: Petition from citizens of forty-twoSta.tes and Also, petition of Mrs. William W. Deen, president of the Woman's Territories for the unlimited coinage of silver-to the Committee on Christian Temperance Union, of Sing Sing, N. Y., in fiivor of the edu­ Coinage, Weights, and "Measures. cational bill-to the Committee on Education. Also, resolutions of Knights of Labor, asking that a commission be ap­ By Mr. SWINBURNE: Petition of manufacturers of Albany County, pointed to investigate and report evils existing on the Gould Southern New York, in favor of the ratification of the proposed treaty between railway system-to the Committee on Railways and Canals. the United States and Mexico-to the Committee on Ways and Means. By 1\ir. GILFILLAN: Petition of citizens ofMinneapolis, Minn., in By Mr. VIELE: Papers relating to the claim of Samuel Schiffer, of favor of woman suffrage-to the Committee on the Judiciary. New York-to the Committee on W a.r Claims. By 1\Ir. GOFF: Petition of Daniel A. Riblet, for increase of pension­ By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of Nn.rcissa V. Hewlett, and of Au­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. gustine M. Hewlett, asking that their war claim be referred to the By Ur. GROSVENOR: Petition of Zenas Osborne and 29 others, of Court of Claims-to the same committee. Meigs County, Ohio, fur free silver-to the Committee on Coinage, The following petitions praying Congress for the enactment of a law Weights, and Measures. requiring scientific temperance instruction in the public schools of the Also, memorial of Grand Army of the Republic Veteran Rights Union District of Columbia, in the Territories, and in the Military and Naval of Ohio, favoring employment of veterans-to the Select Committee on Academies, the Indian and colored schools supported wholly or in part Reform in the Civil Service. by money from the national Treasury, were presented and severally Also, :pap~rs in the claim of Fernando Connor-to the Committee on referred to the Committee on Education: War Claims. By. J'l!r. J. A. ANDERSON: Of citizens of Cloud and Washington Also, memorial of the secretary of the Ohio State University, ofOhio, Counties, Kansas. · urging that the experiment station of that institution be given the By Mr. BAYNE: Of citizens of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. money for experiments in agriculture-to the Committee on Agri- By Mr. OUTHWAITE: Memorial of the faculty of Otterbein Uni- culture. versity, and many other.-citizens of Westerville, Ohio. • Also, petition. of Local .Assembly N o.1516, Knights of Labor, of Ohio, By Mr. PAYSON; Of citizens of Kankakee County, illinois. against the free-ship bill-to the Select Committee on American Ship­ By Mr. RIGGS: Of citizens of Pike County, lllinois. building and Ship-owning Inter"8Sts. By Mr. ROWELL: Of citizens of De Witt, Marion, and McLean Br .Mr. HERMAN: Petition of ex-Union soldiers in Oregon, for the Counties, illinois. 4 passage of the Weaver bill-to the Committee on Territories. "By Mr. 0. B. THOMAS: Of citizens of Vernon and La Crosse Coun­ Also, petition from citizens of Roseburg and from Southern Oregon, ties, Wisconsin. for extension of. time for the completion of the Oregon and California Railroad-to the Committee on Ra.i.lways and Canals. Also, petition from citizens of Southern Oregon, for the investigation SENATE. of the wagon-road grants to said State-to the Committee on thePub­ licLands. MONDAY, April 12, 188G. By Mr. J. T. JONES: .Appeal from the wage-workers of the United States, for unlimited coinage of silver-to the Committee on Coinage, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BuTLER, D. D. Weights, and Measures. · · The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday was read and approved. By Mr. LYMAN: Petition of 650 local assemblies of the Knights of .PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Labor of the various States of the Union, asking legislation on the silver The PRESIDENT pro tem.pore presented a memorial of Knights of question-to the same committee. Labor of Lucas County, Ohio, and a memorial of Knights of Labor of Also, affidavit in support of House bill 7242, for the relief of Ran­ .Ashtabula, Ohio, remonstrating against the passage of the free-ship som L. Harris-to the Committee on War Claims. bill; which were referred to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. McCOMAS: Petition ofSamuel Shilling, of Susan Hoffman, He also presented the petition of H. D. W estly and other colored of John Ashe, of H. B. Rohrback, ofLoui.sa.Koontz, ofJohnMurdock, people of Texas, praying for protection and redress of grievances; which of .Abram D. Given, of J. M. and Josiah E. Davis (administrators), of was referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections.
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