COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2007 SESSION OF 2007 191 ST OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 84 SENATE The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Father Hahn, who is the guest today of Senator Brubaker. TUESDAY, November 13,2007 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker Knoll) in the Chair. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR PRAYER NOMINATIONS REFERRED TO COMMITTEE The Chaplain, Reverend PETER 1. HAHN, of St. Peter's Cath­ The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com­ olic Church, Columbia, offered the following prayer: munications in writing from His Excellency, the Governor of the Commonwealth, which were read as follows and referred to the Let us bow our heads in prayer. Committee on Rules and Executive Nominations: Dear God, our infinitely loving Father, the psalmist proclaims MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD that Your law is perfect and that it refreshes the soul. We are OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS assembled this day and every day in the light of Your eternal wisdom and truth, from which that law flows. October 30,2007 Bless these men and women, the Members of the Senate of the To the Honorable, the Senate Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, our brothers and sisters whom of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: You have chosen to serve. Give them courage and insight. Give them the grace to always act in Your love, to deliberate with In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, Anthony Scarantino, (Public Mem­ civility and respect, always remembering that each is a brother ber), 1213 Zorba Drive, Apartment 6, White Hall 18052, Lehigh and sister in the Lord, a child of God of inestimable value. May County, Eighteenth Senatorial District, for reappointment as a member they never lose sight of the fact that their work is Your work to of the State Board of Funeral Directors, to serve for a term of five years help build a more just and peaceful society. May they never for­ and until his successor is appointed and qualified, but not longer than get that their foremost task must always be to protect the sanctity six months beyond that period. and the dignity of all human life, and that without this protection, EDWARD G. RENDELL any society is doomed to inevitable destruction. May they pro­ Governor mote virtue and religion, foster liberty and equality, oppose all vice and immorality, and seek the common good with a special MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD OF SOCIAL regard for the poor and the most vulnerable among us. WORKERS, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY Protect them from the seduction of power, for Jesus has re­ THERAPISTS AND PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS minded us, what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world October 30, 2007 but lose his immortal soul? Shield them from the illusion that they are somehow the arbiter or determiner of law, that they To the Honorable, the Senate might rather always remember that You are the source of all law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: and that their sacred responsibility is to receive that law and ap­ ply it in those ways that You inspire them. May they humbly In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, Ami Michele Hooper-Knox, M.S., recognize that any action they undertake that opposes Your law NCC, CAC, LPC, 10487 Mapleton Road, Shippensburg, 17257, Frank- is illegitimate and an affront to Your absolute and universal sov­ lin County, Thirty-third Senatorial District, for appointment as a mem­ ereignty. ber of the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Thera­ We ask for mercy for all of our transgressions. We seek more pists and Professional Counselors, to serve for a term of four years and until her successor is appointed and qualified, but not longer than six and more each day to be transformed by the power of Your grace months beyond that period, vice Ronald Hayes, Broomall, whose term so that our society may be transformed in Your love. expired. We ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God EDWARD G. RENDELL forever and ever. Amen. Governor 1274 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE NOVEMBER 13, MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA advice and consent of the Senate, Caroline M. Hofifer, 340 Rock Hill Road, Millersville 17551, Lancaster County, Thirteenth Senatorial Dis­ OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION trict, for reappointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher November 2,2007 Education, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 2013, and until her successor is appointed and qualified. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: EDWARD G. RENDELL In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the Governor advice and consent of the Senate, Dr. James Argires, 245 Eshelman Road, Lancaster 17601, Lancaster County, Thirteenth Senatorial Dis­ MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF trict, for appointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Education, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 2011, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, vice Joseph Hennessey, Lan­ November 2, 2007 caster, whose term expired. To the Honorable, the Senate EDWARD G. RENDELL of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Governor In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, William Mcllwaine, 53 Brenner MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF Street, Millersville 17551, Lancaster County, Thirteenth Senatorial MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA District, for reappointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher Education, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 2013, and until November 2,2007 his successor is appointed and qualified. To the Honorable, the Senate EDWARD G. RENDELL of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Governor In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF advice and consent of the Senate, Julianne Dickson, 130 East Vine MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Street, Lancaster 17602, Lancaster County, Thirteenth Senatorial Dis­ trict, for appointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher Education, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 2013, and until November 2,2007 her successor is appointed and qualified, vice James Stengel, York, To the Honorable, the Senate whose term expired. of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: EDWARD G. RENDELL In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the Governor advice and consent of the Senate, Brian A. Rider, 35 Emlyn Lane, Mechanicsburg 17055, Cumberland County, Thirty-first Senatorial MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF District, for appointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher Education, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 2013, and until OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION his successor is appointed and qualified, vice Sue Walker, East Peters­ burg, deceased. November 2,2007 EDWARD G. RENDELL To the Honorable, the Senate Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF advice and consent of the Senate, Abram W Dififenbach, 296 Strasburg MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Pike, Lancaster 17602, Lancaster County, Thirty-sixth Senatorial Dis­ OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION trict, for reappointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher Education, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 2011, and until November 2, 2007 his successor is appointed and qualified. To the Honorable, the Senate EDWARD G. RENDELL of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Governor In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent of the Senate, Gerald Robinson, 158 Hess Boule­ MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF vard, Lancaster 17601, Lancaster County, Thirteenth Senatorial District, MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA for reappointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION Millersville University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher Education, to serve until the third Tuesday of January 2013, and until November 2,2007 his successor is appointed and qualified. To the Honorable, the Senate EDWARD G. RENDELL of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Governor 2007 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 1275 MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES OF In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA advice and consent of the Senate, Ray Melcher, 37 Michigan Drive, Sinking Spring 19608, Berks County, Forty-eighth Senatorial District, OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION for appointment as a member of the Council of Trustees of Kutztown University of Pennsylvania of the State System of Higher Education, to November 2, 2007 serve until the third Tuesday of January 2013, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, vice Dianne Lutz, Wemersville, whose term To the Honorable, the Senate expired.
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