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AS III • 0,411 , 41°14 via ,b..4 •aliumaa as ASNSH *moms • w .3 1 NOLLVININIISNOD • \ r 10 , 1/4.16, -------- MO' .41.4 8061 'S 1132IVW "D NOLDNIIISVM 140111VIS 3111Vc1 VW03111.1 ‘41W4.5 __„fAt 2 ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD MARCH 5, 1908 Colds: Their Cause, Prevention, practical advice on the different phases tlithttolprs' of our work than any other one small fag and Cure book printed. It outlines the qualifica- THE hearty reception which this book tions to be possessed by ministers, Bible Conducted by the Department of Circulation of has met everywhere has well established the Review and Herald Publishing workers, canvassers, Sabbath-school its popularity. The suggestions on pre- teachers, and all others engaged in the Association vention, if carefully followed, will keep work of winning souls for Christ. These any one free from this annoying ailment. outlines have been selected from the Home and Health—A Household The appendix, which is devoted to writings of Mrs. E. G. White. The book coughs, is one of the best chapters in the contains 48o pages, and sells for $r a Manual book. Attractively bound in leatherette, copy. sent post-paid, for 25 cents. BETWEEN the covers of no other book Orders for any of the foregoing pub- that we have issued, can be found such lications may be sent to any confer- an amount of varied and useful infor- ence tract society, or to Review and mation. Open the book at any page, A Friend in the Kitchen Herald Publishing Association, Takoma and you are sure to find some sugges- THIS book has proved true to its title. Those who 'have availed themselves of Park Station, Washington, D. C., New tions of interest and profit. York City, or Battle Creek, Mich. This book represents many years of its helpful recipes, are loud in their arduous labor. The section on simple praises. home treatments would fully repay any The author, a housewife of rare abil- one who bought the book. Many serious ity, has brought together in a small com- Literature in the Slavic Tongues maladies are avoided by the use of some pass the best recipes. The book is not IN the REVIEW AND HERALD Of Janu- of these remedies before complications filled with unpractical combinations, but ary 3o, in the report of the organi- set in. the different dishes suggested are tempt- zation of the Russian Union Conference, The chapter on " Emergency Treat- ing and appetizing, and are practical for it is stated that one way our American ments " is most practical. How many every-day use. brethren can encourage our brethren in times you have wished you knew just Bound in flexible cloth, 25 cents, post- Russia is to circulate Russian, Lettonian, what to do for a burn, a cut, or a bruise. paid; in stiff boards, oilcloth, 5o cents, Esthonian, and Polish literature among Here it is, right in this chapter — the post-paid. their neighbors. most simple and effective treatment. Belt w will be found a list of books The complete book has 590 pages, di- and tracts which the Review and Her- vided into the following sections: Sec- The New Health Tracts ald carries in stock. tion r, The House; Section 2, General PATENT MEDICINES,— Life and Health Esthonlan Publications Housekeeping; Section 3, Diet; Section Leaflet No. 6, is written by Dr. W. A. Steps to Christ $ 5o 4, Care of the Body; Section 5, The Care George, and is a fearless review of the Lettonian Publications and Training of Children; Section 6, more important patent nostrums which Steps to Christ $ 5o The Home Treatment of Disease. are being daily offered to the public. An Bible Readings (pamphlet) 05 It is substantially bound in cloth, full earnest appeal is made to all not to use Christ and His Righteousness (pam- law sheep, and morocco. Prices: — these harmful preparations. Price, 75 phlet) 15 Cloth, marbled $3.00 cents a hundred; 9 cents a dozen. Is the End Near ? OI .or Full law sheep 4.00 SIMPLE TREATMENT OF A COLD,— Life Sabbath and Sunday Full morocco 5.00 and Health Leaflet No. 7, is by Dr. The Bible, Its Origin 02 Send for sample pages. G. H. Heald. Every one will welcome Full Assurance of Faith .02 this little tract. The simple remedies Second Coming of Christ 04 here prescribed by the author of that Millennium 02 popular little book, " Colds," will be Immortality Only in Christ 04 Life and Health found very helpful. The tract is just Sabbath of the Lord .02 A PROGRESSIVE, practical, monthly what you will want to give to your Spiritualism or health journal, teaching in simple lan- friends and neighbors, and will open Righteousness of God guage the application of the funda- the way for the introduction of more Power of Forgiveness mental, hygienic principles which govern important questions. Price, 5o cents a Importance of Prophecy .01 human life; demonstrating how to main- hundred, post-paid; 6 cents a dozen. Blessed Hope or tain health and prevent disease; contain- Search the Scriptures or ing instruction from some of the best Which Day and Why? or and most successful practising physicians New Publications in Press Tobacco in the Light of the Bible or upon the treatment of common diseases ; " THE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO HEALTH," Polish Publications warning against some of the daily prac- by Dr. F. M. Rossiter. This book is Steps to Christ $ 5o tises that pave the way for disease. sure to meet a hearty reception, judging LATIN TYPE Each number contains treatises on the by the many letters we have received Is the End Near ? .or nature of diseases, and prescriptions for inquiring when it will be ready. We Millennium .02 home treatments. It is a health journal believe it will be appreciated, too, and Second Coming of Christ 04 that will be equal to a home physician that its contents" will not disappoint those Sinner's Fate and a trained nurse. It brings to the who secure it. Definite date of publica- Sufferings of Christ .o6 home needed and appreciated informa- tion can not be given now, but the work World Clock .oI tion. It teaches obedience to natural is being hurried along as rapidly as con- Seven Reasons 02 laws, and revolutionizes, the common sistent. Prospectus for canvassers' use GOTHIC TYPE manner of living, preparing the mind will be ready this month. Blessed Hope and heart for a higher life. The following health publications are Is the End Near? .or The journal is generally liked. The now in the printer's hands, and will be Second Coming of Christ 04 public is easily interested in it. Those ready soon. Each will contain 32 pages, Sufferings of Christ .o6 who are handling it, selling single copies with attractive cover, and the price will World Clock or and soliciting for annual subscriptions, be five cents : — Russian Publications are having good success. Records of " TOBACCO USING — A Dispassionate Bible Readings tro one hundred copies a day are being Discussion." Steps to Christ 5o constantly made in different parts of the "THE TOBACCO HABIT, as Related to Bible References 04 field. Physical, Intellectual, and Moral De- Blessed Hope or Prices generacy." Full Assurance of Faith 02 Single copy, ro cents; 2 to 25 copies, " CHRONIC CONSTIPATION : Its Causes New Testament Sabbath 02 5 cents; 25 to 500 copies, 4 cents. An- and Rational Treatment." Sufferings of Christ .04 nual subscription price, 75 cents. Lib- Which Day and Why? or eral discount on annual subscriptions State of the Dead given to agents. Send for sample copy Gospel Workers Address all orders for this literature and special rates on large quantities. ONE of the most practical books to Review and Herald Publishing As- Address, Life and Health, Takoma Park, printed by the denomination for the gen- sociation, 32 Union Square, East, New D. C. eral use of workers. It contains .more York, N. Y. THE REVIEW AND HERALD "Here is the Patience of the Saints: Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of yesas." Rev. 14:12. VOL. 85. TAKOMA PARK STATION, WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1908. No. 10 &whit to Um Prorlatuation of "tip Priest and the Sanctuary," in which the IN the face of the indifference and tuaz IfncP briturrrh sanctuary in type, in prophecy, and in criticism and opposition this advent movement goes steadily forward. There unto iip *Muth" antitype, and the ministry of our great is hardly a country of any importance High Priest in the final work of atone- ISSUED EACH THURSDAY BY THE on the face of the earth where this truth ment, will be considered. There seems has not gained a foothold, and it has Review & Herald Publishing Association to be a special demand for the pres- been planted in many obscure corners of the world.
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