PAGE FIVE FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1950 ARIZONA SUN Buy From These Advertisers and Watch Your Paper Grow QUICK TAKES By Baer Questions And History Os Negro Boxers Is Answers Are statements TRUE or FALSE? See answers below. Seven correct, Excellent; Six Good; Interesting In Fight Annals Five, Fair. By ALEJANDRO R. ROCES Sullivan’s conqueror. Gentleman 1. The world’s largest art gal- Six out of every ten prize-fight- Jim flatly refused a return match lery is in Londan (T or F?) ters in the United States are Ne- with the Australian. In his later 2. Walter Winchell once was a groes. The reason for this is three- years Corbett, who had fought vaudeville dancer? (T or F?) fold: First, there are no other three world champions (Sullivan, Jeffries) stated, 3. The falcon is the fastest flying available jobs. Second, you can- Fitzsimmons and bird. (T or F?) not Jim Crow a knockout punch. “Jackson could whip any fighter I hitting ever saw.” 4. The Arctic is one of the “sev- And third, the dream of the (T F?) jackpot. Fitzsimmons, who dethroned en seas.” or Louis permanently re- Corbett, declined a match with the 5. Plants can grow without light With Joe (T F?) tired from the ring, the National Negro saying, “He’s the greatest or Boxing Association recognizes Ez- fighter that ever lived. He’s the 6. Parisians invented perfume (T For rea- F?) zard Charles as heavyweight cham- father of them all. that or , pion of the world. In the lighter- son, I do not care to fight him.” 7. The great auk is extinct. (T or weights, two other present world Jackson was champion of Aus- F?) tralia and England but the New champions are Negroes “Sugar” 8. Fish become seasick. (T or F?) Ray Robinson and Ike Williams. York papers considered him the uncrowned heavyweight champion 9. The present century began But Negro prominence in the Australians Jan. 1, 1901. (T or F?) ring begin this genera- of the world. The did not in have made him immortal by build- It is possible to finger- Negroes have played a 10. alter tion. The in his honor. (T F-) big part in cauliflowered sport ing a monument prints. or t the m since its earliest periods. The fa- In spite of all attempts to keep •£-01 'X_6 \L-8 JrL ther of bare-knuckle boxing in the tanned fighters away from the *(sußi;dXSa) a-9 ’X-S \L-fr *OJ!MS America was a Virginia slave, ring, many of Fistiana’s all-time Xauuixqo) £-g \L-Z ‘(sußd) a-I Zachary Molineaux, who retired greats are Negroes. Double cham- :sj3msuv undefeated in 1788. • Joe Lashley, pion, Little Chocolate (George an African, was fighting in Eng- Dixon), is the greatest bantam and way back in 1791. Bill Rich- featherweight that ever laced a land been mond, the first American to fight glove. A watering trough has Every Tuesday on English soil, was a mulatto. erected in his memory in Broome New The first, to turn fighting Street, City of York. The person lightweight division has never seen 8:30 P.M. into a profession in America was ~ and you say you've never listened to 'Your Home son of Zachary the equal of Joe Gans. The orig- Tom Molineaux, Walcott, Beautiful'?" Tom is also credited inal Joe a Barbados Molineaux: gro, welterweight Ameteur being to is the best that for the first American of a bell. fight fight in England. He ever answered the sound a title Only four inches above five feet, Contest- fought Tom Cribb, one of Eng- career of 19 years, while leading impossible to remove the names of he knocked out the great heavy- land’s greatest champions. Moli- white fighters have only 11. Negro fighters from the records fight weight, Joe Choyinski, in seven Session neaux won the but was cheat- —the same Choyinski that Today there is very little color without taking away boxing’s high- Jam out decision. The col- rounds ed of the had battled Jim Jeffries to a 21 discrimination in the roped square, est and most thrilling moments. ored man was ahead for 22 rounds. inexhaustible, except a states PUBLIC INVITED followers unless round draw! The in few southern Cribb’s knew that Henry Armstrong, is the only boxer where mixed athletic competitions they took drastic actions, their are illegal. Joe Louis is mainly AT During to hold three titles at the same D. A. PARKER & SON man would lose the title. time. is the great- responsible for flattening Jim Crow the fight, one of Cribb’s handlers Jack Johnson & est defense fighter of all times. in the ring. But Jim Crow is only Painters Decorators nearly bit the Negro’s thumb off. upright ever down—and not out. And even to- Tildon White round Englishman The most pugilist that Licensed Contractors In the 23rd the shuffled his shoe in rosin is Joe day if a contest between a white pould not come to scratch. His boy fighter close, No Job Too Large nor Too Small fight by accus- Louis. These men will live long and colored is Post No. 40 seconds delayed the lighter boy usually gets the Try Us For Your Next Job concealing after Jim Crow is dead. the ing Molineaux of lead decision. Ph. 4-2284 805 S. Montezuma St. 301 E. Henshaw Road weights his bare hands. While The last able Negro to be de- in But the fact remains that it is the referee investigated this false nied a title match was Harry Wills. accusation, Cribb recovered and For six years Wills was Dempsey's knocked out Molineaux in the 33rd most persistent and capable chal- round. English sportsmen later lenger. That this fight never ma- admitted that the American should terialized was not mainly Demp- have been declared champion in the sey’s fault Dempsey had never 23rd round. objected to fighting a Negro. He In the last century boxing would had fought them before. Tex not have made such a progress in Rickard, then the leading fight England without the participation promoter, was ordered to drop any of colored pugilists. Negroes from plan for an interracial bout by the America, Africa, Australia and the governor and by the chairman of British West Indies were then very the New York State Boxing Board. popular in the English squared cir- Under another promoter, the cham- cle. England was then the prom- pion and the challenger signed to ised land for the American Negro fight in Philadelphia. Wills was boxer. There his skill was acknowl- guaranteed $350,000. He received edged and respected. King Edward $50,000 cash and a SIOO,OOO note WII, a fight fan, was so pleased that was never made good, when with the performance of Edward Dempsey called the fight off. Un- R. Rollins, that he sent for the col- like Sullivan, Dempsey never stat- ored fighter, shook his hand and ed that he would not fight Wills later gave 'him a gold-topped on account of his color. malacca cane as a personal gift. Fighters like Joe Louis, Henry It was John L. Sullivan, first Armstrong, John Henry Lewis, Ti- heavyweight champion, ger Flowers and A1 Brown have modern liv-. t who first drew the color line in the all been great proponents of clean ring. “I can lick any man of wom- fighting and clean living. Their on an born!” roared Sullivan. But behaviour both sides of the i[{nnnfflMt|rnnnmß : xS when challenged by the Australian ropes has given boxing a standard Peter Jackson, John L. replied, “I unequalled in the history of the '' Wm ißß^pi. : \J, ? will not fight a Negro. I never ring. wt' have and never shall.” Statistics from the past five dec- Jackson fought a 61 round draw ades show that top-ranking black with “Gentleman” Jim Corbett, fighters have an average fighting Zhere Is good ) vAT music oh the ) world friendly f\\ Telephone Hour • pp flavor. I >( MONOAY NIGHT • NBC BTATIONf Oscar Levant, Ezio Pinza, Gladys Swarthout, Nelson Eddy, Jose Iturbi these are a few of the Ask for A-1 Pilsner. There's Si tows, famous guest stars to appear on the Telephone Hour no better beer ot any price! in coming weeks, with the Bell Telephone Orchestra. ' You are cordially invited to visit the A-1 Pilsner plant Cultivate the pleasant habit of listening every and see the complete brewing process. Visiting hours Monday —7 P.M., NBC Network. are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. En^ 5K ' ¦ l** Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph The Co. ARIZONA BREWING COMPANY, INC.* 12th ST. AT MADISON « PHOENIX, ARIZONA.
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