This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com JFK Assassination System Date: 5/7/2015 Identification Fonn Agency lnfonnation AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10224-10127 RECORD SERIES : HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 92-3171-89 . Document Infonnation ·· ORIGINATOR : FBI FROM : HILL, RALPH R. TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 12/0111960 'PAGES : 102 SUBJECTS: SGI, AKA, ASSOC, B/F INT, GAMBLING ACT, CONFERENCE, POUT AFFIL, TRA, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION: Unclassified RESTRICTIONS : ·4 CURRENT STATUS : Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 01 /21 /.1998 OPENING CRITERIA : INDEFINITE COMMENTS: v9.l 382 Docld:32298847 Page 1 · ~.Ot'ID PD-'l'l (6-11-65) Q. _p. l / FEDERAL BUR2:AU OF INVESTIGATION RI!:PORTING OP'P'ICE OP'P'ICE OP ORIGIN DATE !INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD CHICAGO I CHICAGO I~:- /- t. o 9/7 - 11/23/60 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED BY RALPH R. HILL I. DAR CHARACTER OF CASE ANTI-RACKETEERING Dftb/\ / - ~ r .. Tbe title is being marked changed to include additional :. .·\ .. aliases utilized by GIANCANA as reflected by investigation in Salt Lake City and Miami DiYisions. l\ REFERENCE: Report of SA RALPH R. HILL dated 9/12/60, at Chicago. .-, \~ r One copy of Referenced Report. LEADS JIIAIII AT MIAMI AND MIAMI 0 BEACH FLORIDA. Will continue to follow and report on the activities of GIANCANA and his associates while in that area. • "'! '.. _,.·· ~ ··""- -~- ~ - · · · \. ~ SPECIAL AGE APPROVED IN CHARGE PIES MACE: ·-~---j ·t;;)" 3 - Bur~u (92-3171) (RM) 2 - Miami (92-170) (lM) 2 - New York (92-793) {RM) (Encl: 1) 1 2 - .Salt Lake City (92-312) · .;;(RM) - ·---4 . RE~ ,<st 2 Springfield (RM) '.,::';: ·_ !8 DEC 5 1960 2 - , Chicago (~2"":349) ;~ ,'~, !(/) ----------------~~---------1 _.: < . ll'·~l :J\.) • : ! 'Li, ;),)\./ ~, :. .. -: ~_;._.>') •:· . ··-. PROPERTY OF FBI.-This report is loaned to you br the FBI, and neither it nor its contents are to be distl-ibuted outside the agency to which loaned. · \ Docid:32298847 Page 2 - I CG 92-349 Another feature of this conversation is the fact that GIAtiCA!fA flew in to Chicago.from San Francisco on 11/5/60, and ~OB DALITZ, who bas connections with the Stardust and Desert Inn Hotels i:il LasVt:tgas, also came into town over the week end of 11/5/60. Purpoae.of these two individuals appearing then could be­ adjudication over the above-described situation. It could also apply to the aituationwhereia MARSHALL CAIFANO embarrassed ~ertain people in Las Vegas. \.\. · MOB.and U()ONEY, mentioned ~n the above conversation, are one, in the same; ·namely, ~SAMUEL GIAHCANA. "' . Approximately a week before this conversation took place, IIARS~L CAI,ABO was in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Desert .Inn Hotel ... and was ordered to leave Las Vegas by local authorities and. he refused to do so. Daring his stay in Las v,gas, CAIFANO was the subject of much controversy and became involved in a fist fight with a reporter for the "Las Vegas Sun" •. CAIFAHO left Las Vegas, Nevada, on 10/30/60. ~ SU.~432-C advised that Major RIDDLE, President of the Dunes Hotel, Las Vegas; JACK BNTRATTER, President of the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas; MILTON :PRELL, Pre.. ident of tbe Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas; and othe:r Las Vegas Hotel owners and executives, were extremely upset over the recent activities of MORRIS.DALITZ and his associates in. their efforts to take over the Rivier.a Hotel in Las. Vegas, in defiance of the Nevada Gaming Control Board. These persons·feel that this is bringing unnecessary pressure on all of the ''Strip" hotels and will undoubtedly result in additional restrictive legislation. According to ,su 432-C, these-hotel owners.also blame the Desert Inn group for the raids on the casinos by the G&.ming Control Board, which has been carried out in.· .al\ of the hotels visited by MARSHALL CAIFANO, men1:ioned a~ve • \__'--\ ) . Standard Garbage Disposal .Company CG•6343-C* advised on 11/10/60, that GIANCANA, MUilRAY HUMPHREYS ...,, and .GUS ALEX were present on that date during. · which the tollcwiDg was diSCUI!I&ed: ~) - lQ. ... ·C()VER PAGE Docid:32298847 Page 3 \ ' { ' CG 92;..349 River Road Motel 5400 River Road Rosemont, Illinoi.s On 9/12/60, MURRAY ~UMPHREYS, GUS _.LEX :and an unknown individual had a conversation on that date, according to .. CG 6343-C*, which is as follows: \A ALEX: MOE ain't gonna call me until 12:00 • . I'll lay you twoto one he forgets to call. I told him I'd wait until 12:15. HUMPHREYS: . What did I want to talk to MOE about? Ob ye~h. · When you go out, he's got that, his brothers are in that motel up north and they've got their own laundries up there • . They found out it was too costly, it's·being torn and every~ thing. They ·reached out for a linen company, anyhow, the Greek told MORRIE GORDON that he'd try to get the stop. Ask him to tell his brother to interview MORRIE, that's all. MORRIE wants an appointment with his brother. They'r~ reac~ out. I have to get for NANCY, • • • his boy are in the army. I know · NANCY's brothers are in the army ••• The motel referred to by HUMPHREYS "up north" is the River Road Motel, which is allegedly owned by GIANCANA and managed by CHARLES GIANCANA, brother of SAMUEL GIANCANA. Apparently this motel has been oper~ting their own laundry service and were desirous of obtaining the services of the Superior Towel and Linen Company, .which is owned by MORRIE GORDON, an associate ot MURRAY HUMPHREYS. \A._ Key Club, 1739 North Manheim Road Stone Park, Illinois PCI WILLIAM OTTO FREEMAN .advised SA RAYMOND F. HOGAN on 10/11/60, that a new establishment, called the Key Club, 1739 North Manheim Road, Stone Park, Illinois, was being operated by ROCCO PRANO and MIKE "The Brew" MORENO, as a membership only clubo - lX = CoVER PAGE r~--------------------------------~----------------------------------------_J i Docld: 3229884 7 Page 4 l . :f::"·, f·:':.,"\ ( ) ( : '~.- CG 92-349 · A confidential s()urce of the. .J3alt Lake. Qity Office advised S~ C4JlROLL l'. NE~IN on 1~/14/60, . · th~t .G.IAN.C.4NA·. was in .Reno, . Nevada, on ll/2'.Juid 3/66,c andc. left , for \ ~hicago ()D ,·ll/4/60, . probably via. United ::·Air ·Lines : to . ~~n . Francisco. and ·-then .to · Chicago•<· ,The informant advised· that GI~C::UA was in• ~no to •"s49e .his girl . frien~; .whose identity is unknown to ·the .informant • .While in Reno, Nevada 9 GIANC,A.NA regis.tered at the , El. Cortez · }J9:t;el on 11/1/60 P . un-der ·the :ume of•:· R. ~ · ~OSTA, 4101. South .·· · Ta~.ylor : : . Drive, Cincinnati. Obi~· 'v\ · ·· In connecti_on. with the above ... information, •. reference ; is made ··to. infoJ;mation which .reflects that . (i~C.t\N~ arrived in Chicago v.ia United :.Air Lilmes : Flight 840 ~ from .: San .Francisco; at 8:05 .p.m • .. on .11/5/60;. \1\. · D 730-PC advised.on 10/26/60, that he bad determined that . SAM . G,IAHCU4 ...was registered. into .• Room 606 of . the )?ontainebleau Hotel, ,Miami.:Beac:b, :F.lorida,- under: the · D&Dl~ · SAJ4 MORRI:3 .• . The informa1it said that. GI.NCANA at that :.time. had b~en at this hotel ·for about 2 1weeksp ·that :be .was alone and, not · observed in · the . ~Qapany of. any women. G_IANC~A spent much. of his . time in .. the lower . lobby . of the; Fontai~e bleau .·and was .15een ·.. entering the coffee shop, drug store and cocktail lounge •. G~ANCA:NA :was observed in .the company .of !.fA.X EDER, .. Aka. Maxie .: Raymond, FBINo. 2364138 J"'[JLJ!:S LEVl'!'T~ ;·: FJ)I No. 1821304; and JOE <FISCHE'!'Tl. ·. The. .informalmt said · that he . bad not- observed MtJitRA'f,. Hl1MPHRE'f~~ ··. whom be:J k~mows personally.t at tbe ,Fontainebleau, however, inf ormal!llt. sa~d that : liUlW~R'S · was present·· at .. the wedding of . BQNI'fA.. Gll:AN'CANA 9 daughter~ .of .. SAM .GIANCANA, in 7/59,. and that the wedcUng arrri.llllgements were made . by _:; ~OF?. F. .~~qHJn:1'I ... '/ Tbe .. informal!lt stated ..that ' he·.· has observed an ·indiv..idual . who ·· always ' appears .!to 'lurk <in the' ·'bickground .:·near: GI~C~A, .. bUt . · who. never meets GXANCAMA 0 S ' frieillids and. never enters .. into. the conversat!Qas·. · .. ..Illllfo .XO:ma.· nt.. ide··· ll!· tif.i.. ed t~~s individual · .on · 10/31/60, as being ,: RA~~ · DI C.ASTANZO. '\_ ) ~.··· 2K- . ..COV:ER :PAGE Docld:32298847 Page 5 ...· . h ( I '. .~ \..:.....; CG 92-349 I On ,10/27/60, . this· informant , a~vised tba.t he o]:)served GI~CAN'A in the presence of . · "P~T-S¥'' CMlU{, whose. correct name ··is 'MORIUS,.CLARK of _· :Chieago,- Illinois • . .. !~formant stated.· that he ·also observed - G~PQ~~ in -the prese-nce. ·of-' an ~ndiv: idual · - knowJLto him as .. V:AN TRAUB, possibly·_ from· .Chicago. \A ( On 10/31/60p MM ·130oi>PC stated that- .on the eyen~ng .. of 10/27/60, he observed GIJ\NC.AllA .: in the Poodle -,. Room ._ C9cktail L()unge :< of ·the-.. J!'.ontainebleau Hotel with 3. ;'Unknown ~ndivid.Ual~JJ'-\_ 'on ll/l/60,, this informant ~r.
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