tODAI NEWS TODAY Nine Irrigated Idaho Counties VO L. x x m . NO. J06 - « CBWT& TWn» PALLS, IDAHQk. MONDAY. A PW L 22. 1940 OFFICIAL COT NEW SPAPER ‘ ALLIED, NORWAY FORCES JOIN IN NAZI DRIVE High Court Rules OEiy 10 FACE Scene orimpending Battles in NoiTvay German Advance Slowed Anti-Picket Laws PL_....... As Reinforced Defending ONUNMIEADE Troops Bar North Pat] Unconstitutional ■y tAML B. STEELE MZW tO R K . April 33 WASHINGTON. April 22 (U.R)--*rhe sopreme court today trict A tto m ^ lliom a* E. Dewey ■nhtb iraeps losded By RALPH POSTE faced the prospect today of pro- md iMHiel lo^oetoMr held anronstitutional antl.picketing l* w s in Alabama and .Gem«»4wtd pert ^ STOCKHOLM, April 22 (U.R)—British troops, rein, secutlnf Oocrge Scallse. head of the by tanks, are fighting aide b y side with Norwegian i Acting in almost identic&l appeals brought by labor’s two to .^lle d “Charwomen's union," on ehargea of >100,000 extortion, while ALY m SPAIN In tho Hamer-Elverum area of .southern Norway, it \ big rival organizations, the tribunal overruled state court w a g i^ bis Republican presidential ported today, in a new and determined stand again decisions sustaining the laws. The convictxona of two men campalgD. Attoirtic Oeeofi Gorman troops driving northward from the Oslofjorc. arrested under these laws were set aside. Scallse, the 44-yesr-old Interna- It w aa indicated the German drive already had been - Uontl preiddient of the BuUdln^ :t Justice Frank Murphy, the newest-member of the court, Service Anployes International a n d that one Norwegian forcc wn.s holding Raendsfiord, lU V wrote both decisions, holding that peaceful picketing does union, waa freed on >40,000 bond, thc .<(outhem end of Raendsfjord lake only'26 norOi m ■■■" not constitute such an “aggravated danger” to an employer half supplied to cash and half Oslo. pledged by his union, a few hours IritHli traops Im M ai MVEmE Swcdiah press reports from the frontier were that. Nor­ as to warrant such restraints ^ t« r be bad been seized, in white as were* imposed -by these PARIS. April 33 (UJD-^Franoe and wegian and British trogpaha^ Runs for Governor silk pajamas, by Dewey’s detecUves Oreat Britain, seeking to establish “sweeping” la w s , Justice to a >» hotel room at 3 friendly relations with both Spain toSwe^iihfreiiHer.Mli 11 ICillcd taken Hamar, on lf k « Wb;; James C. McReynolds dissent­ day. and Italy, have made It plain at the sen. 46 miles n o rth e as t'^ Im U by Genaoat. ed from both decisions. same tim e that any itaUan move Raendsfjord. against Jugoslavia would cause WeU informed BrtUtli q o a rtm . The coart held that the rlgbU of John. KazuSel, argued a t the (hem to cease recognialng Italy as a labor art the picket line are com* raignmmt before Judge jM ob In Head-on expressed doubt thaaa teiwita ware non-belligerent. It waa reported to­ true. But It seemed certain ft B r l^ - parable to the property and builneai Oould Bchunnan. Jr.. that the arrest day. rights o f employera,' and m uit be tih torce had n a d a tta w ar te w i u a Dewey politie&l plot. Gonaan pwlking #«t It was Intimated th« basis for protected with equal rlgilanee. •reglertec* CTaim h m (^r Crash the oudbrandsal valley, trom TteaJhe»«a, coaielidatia« friendly relations w ith.$paln had Murray X Ourfeln. Dewey's assis­ dalsnee. on the North sea coaH. fegr Sane Arimienl H aiecf trithh elftM iik been laid and there, were reporw SLATTON, Uton., April 32 tant, told the judge If the char­ from the frontier that QeneraUsai- OliD-Blghway police said today the Utdde-AndalRM-UOebaiBiMr- Joseph A. Padway, counsel of the women were as fond of Scallse as •lo railroad i APL. taklne the case of 3yron mo FVancliM Franco, the S pan ii^ they believed excessWe speed “up dsy square In the OermanT path.-, Kande) bnpUed. no on^ would dare naUonallst chleftato, might sboo to 80 miles per hour” had caused Thornhill, BrownvUle. Ala., used M MOea Noftk. ' try to make poUtlcal-^»pltal out make It plain through a reaffirma­ deaths of 11 young persons to a virtually the same argument iNBA TtUtktM of him. tion of Spain's absolute neutrality, head-on collision of two automo- the court as did Lee force w u reported to b e t a t » i r _ Scallse said he was being “PeRler- he totended to keep out o f' the blle.1. counsel of the C IO to the ’case of As aUled expedlUonarr fareas eballented Germany’s grip on Norway tehammer regtoo. W mO«a aa rtb pt ..ed.'* The reference was to Wcst- the blfgeit batUea of the war t* date loom over the area shown hi tbU £uit>pean war and continue to re^ • Sheriff Oeorge Nelson saM the John C&rlMn. v h o was ctmvlcted of ‘brook Pegler. columnist of the New Hamar in the Oudbrandadal violating a ahasta county, Calif, war map of the day. Nads were reported nuhiog up troopa by plane construct his country. crasli Sunday was the worst York World-Tetegram and other A alighUy less unfriendly tone to highway Bcddent'tn the hlstorjr Oennao-alrplaoa'.-boiB ordinance. relaforoa thaU forces alTMdy ia Uie Seandiaavian eevntry. - newspapers.-whO' revealed recently lU Ilan press commcnt toward the of the state. Andalsies, on the' coast; Dnmhaa. Both attorneys contended the lawt Scallse had gerved a four-year fed> allies has been noticed In offldal midway down the railroad 19‘ Tidated «onsUtutioaal UberUes of Pour boyti and two glrU who c n l penitentiary term for white quarters here. But It Is emphasixed re reuimtog.to their hwnes in lehammer, and Ldlehammer ttMft free speeeh and fret assembly taken aa tadi oonflmaUon «l slavery bi bis youUa; that he lived this modification, though perhaps B car after a party were killed; ven tnst atsumenta of the sute that in a ST'toom .mansion with-an ad- Inspired, has not been back«> up by Plve of the seven young persons the BriUsb advance and the VktJIr S prohibition o f pfifteUBK U * In Connec- the slightost ofHcUl-intimation that howl of,a,»^d.)n.»onwg|an.j ' proper use of poUea p o w ; Flood Converges on to tbs o t ^ car waro iclUed. ticut: th a tiw earned 125,000 a year Italy is ready for ai\y negottaUoxu. British tiQOpa. ■ r OrtlaiinM and expenses trom the union with­ To both Spain and Italy. It was BtlUsb sources eanlbiDed'I out ever bafbig been voted Into Jhat w e of _tt>t_i|rtftO- • n » Oalifomia a m wu-brought aald here the allies were not pre­ office by t^e tmion membership. pared to' alter es^enUaUy the p m - forcesln Norway was i---- aB .aitttt .of.simtlar onltnanrM la As a swand offender, he would Eivie Middle States Bridge Bonds ent status to the Mediterranean. other raunUM of the state. Oartseo face a mandatofy priiwn term of 15 CLEVELAND, April 22 (U.PJ—The flooded Ohio river ' i t u toBTlsted a fU i c u ty ln i % ban* T hat was taken to mean Britain ‘ > ao years tf oonvicted. covered lowlands in five states of ita great valley today, meant to keep aib ra ltv , M alU and B«r In s phtkei line at a Shasta OrdetMl *-P(eked Oliay Reaches \ eye, an atm an 4 > 'lic'f« Z ceaQty . tunnel project. had driven thousands of persons from their homes and had Its control of the Sues canal; that Dewey m a in Ban Ftanctsoo on a France meant to maintain firm in. ]Pr«atiiWQ cfaargfld the fihttta cnmpal^ tr4> at the ttme of the inundated a few villages, but the crest was expected to pass control of Tunisia; and th a t a n r ' Keeatrtttte^ar Wamat ,' ' eouBtar ordtnape* tfrownvenied na* arrest but it was learned be had or­ witJiout any major disaster. oonoessions must be aside trom Needed Total The report of the .aUed xe ew te* Uonal poUqr of (iremoUng coUectlTt dered “that convktod ex-pandere'* Although the water already had theae paints. Any doubt as to whether bargaininc u d a s M for a speelfie of Hamar.caiqe .cbkfljr.tor .B iv picked up. The charte against sta rts to recede in some placet, it H ie allies appeared to be coaytoc- Stookholm AnooUadrit r ' lu lin r th at {ilek«Ung,Mt «n « u r r AROUND 'could be secured &t>re a aufftelent Scallse and two co-defendasts was was rising in the Clncbmatl region cd Italy was under Intense Qenaan «liPBd «lvfi Uberties."v . t^r of bondhqiden la Uxat ter ii>v eonipJf*d to «ctort mcnor i»y t h a at thaiBla'of i foot averr two h ' — Vfmxstt to }Qth to the wan Ttw TtwrnWU vat ^ to tak» over. th a'T w ht and br Ibe time a crest of M* ODly field vhlQh weU tofotmed ,sa)U .-Jm ».lntercouU 9 bridge- wptaflj • TWMett nake Itjtdr.ttee AtvO'SO was .. Bted' tXW perMns on tha <____ niI«,.<Ala.. durtaf . a strike. I t was niqved reporU f t o n Soiae. ■ _ J6 m d i.400 on the Kobtuekjr ^ SallDUu down-tOvjD^lavla. agned the pieiteting was peaeeful. tynn Driandl of the Pltet fleemr- _ .... ..... ................ artit • Aif' th«t wUl bave noved not of iheir threat­ b u t the s U U wgued ^ mere,pres.
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