---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, -! VOL. XXIII NO. 48 THURSDAY I NOVEMBER 8, 1990 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Roemer defeats Hiler 1n• close race (AP) - Democrat Timothy year-old LaPorte native lost his Roemer, the first challenger to home county by nearly 2,000 defeat an Indiana congressional votes and polled only 40 per­ l incumbent in a general election cent of the vote in St. Joseph j since 1982, said Wednesday his County. j victory over GOP Rep. John Indiana's nine other congres­ j Hiler resulted from an sional incumbents all won re­ J accumulation of political election. Winners and losers punches, not a knockout blow. alike complained of mean-spir­ "I don't think there was any ited campaign tactics. 1 one issue," Roemer said. "My opponent ran a negative Hiler largely absolved the and not always honest cam­ Bush administration of any im­ paign against me, not a positive portant role in his defeat elec­ campaign on his ideas," said tion day, but admitted the John Johnson, the unsuccessful president's reneging on his Tlm Roemer GOP challenger in the 5th Dis­ campaign tax pledge didn't father-in-law, Sen. J. Bennett trict. "Unfortunately, the deck is help. Johnston Jr., D-La., to await stacked for incumbents." "I think we died the death of voting returns. Democratic incumbent Jim a thousand nicks," Hiler said. Jontz defeated Johnson, a Val­ Roemer, 34, launched a tele­ Hiler, won election in 1980, paraiso businessman, to win a vision advertising blitz late last defeating House Whip John third term in what had been month suggesting Hiler may Brademas. He faced strong projected as the state's closest have used his position on the challenges during off-year congressional race. House Banking Committee to elections throughout the 1980s. benefit the Farmer's State Bank Four years ago, Hiler won re­ Democrat Phil Sharp of of Wyatt, in which Hiler owns election by 4 7 votes in a re­ Muncie said his successful part interest. count over Democrat Thomas campaign for a 1Oth term Ward. Hiler charged back in a showed voters are fed up with spiteful campaigners. "I hope • Election news/ pages 4-5 1988 rematch when George Bush led the Republican ticket those who run negative cam­ and beat Ward by 18,000 votes. paigns in the future will feel Hiler emphasized his opposi­ The last incumbent House there is peril," Sharp said. tion to the tax increases in­ member to lose in Indiana was Sharp and Republican chal­ eluded in the federal budget Republican Joel Deckard, who lenger Michael Pence, an Indi­ compromise accepted by lost the 8th District seat to anapolis attorney, had called each other liars during a vitri­ The Observer/Marguerite Schropp Congress and the White House. Democratic challenger Frank ' Roemer, 34, a former aide to McCloskey. olic 2nd District campaign. Spare change Sen. Dennis DeConcini, D-Ariz., Vice President Dan Quayle Pence first challenged Sharp in Saint Mary's Sophomore Molly Walsh contributed some money to won by 2,800 votes in northern visited the 3rd District on Mon­ 1988. the Business Club's fund-raising jar. This activity was part of a Indiana's 3rd District. Roemer day, urging the party faithful to see ROEMER I page 4 contest to celebrate National Women's Business Week. was joined in South Bend by his turn out for Hiler. But the 37- Students should beware of bogus financial aid services By CHRISTINE WALSH scholarships. treme caution when deciding good reason to believe that the so the brochure states. Business Editor The Financial Aid Office at whether or not to use such ser­ recently received scholarship Saint Mary's has gotten no calls vices, said Nucciarone. "All in­ service is a fraud, said Russo. The service guarantees that if Students should be wary of from students saying that they formation concerning financial The College Scholarship ser­ the student "applies to each subscribing to the College have received mailings from the aid is publicly available and vice brochure claims that it will source furnished by College Financial Aid Service, a 'private service. free. There should be no schol­ take data from your 'Private Financial Aid Service and does scholarship service', which has arship information that private Sector Financial Aid Form' not receive at least $100 by mailed applications to a large According to Mary scholarship organizations have (included in the package of in­ Aug. 31, 1991, your research number of Notre Dame students Nucciarone, assistant director that is not available elsewhere," formation), enter it into their fee will be returned to you." this week, according to Joseph of Financial Aid at Saint Mary's, Nacciarone said. computer data bank and However, the brochure states Russo. director of Financial Aid. another scholarship service "compare your skills, activities, that the guarantee is valid only called U.S. Agencies was A similar wave of bogus and interests to all 180,000 if the student sends in the A number of students re­ soliciting to students in search mailings offering financial aid known private sector awards." 'Private Sector Financial Aid ceived information through the of financial assistance during opportunities (going by the After a match is found, the Form' postmarked on or before mail Wednesday from the October Break. U.S. Agencies names: Academic Council on student will receive "an exhaus­ Nov. 30, 1990. College Financial Aid Service, often sends a representative to Financial Assistance and tive, custom report," including If students do receive a re­ promising that for a $45 students' homes to consult with National Scholarship Resources 15 to 20 likely sources of finan­ sponse from these scholarship 'research fee' the service would students and their families on Administration, Inc.) was re­ cial aid tailored to the particu­ organizations, it is likely that provide students with a list of available scholarships for a fee ceived by Notre Dame and Saint lar individual. "We will help you the lists received will contain private organizations to which of $50 per month. Mary's students at about the get your share of the more than the student could apply for Students should exhibit ex- same time last year. There is SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS ... " see AID I page 6 Revolutio·n Day upset by Red Square gunman MOSCOW (AP) - Mikhail hard-line Communists and rad­ Gorbachev sought political ical reformers marched in harmony by joining a Moscow and other Soviet cities Revolution Day march shouting slogans and carrying Wednesday but the mood was banners critical of Gorbachev's broken when a man brandish­ moderate reforms. ing a hunting rifle fired two Gorbachev, struggling to forge shots in Red Square before he a mainstream consensus in an was hauled off. increasingly polarized society, A group of plainclothesmen said his reforms were wrestled with the gunman, who "understood and accepted by shot in the air and into the the people." ground before he was carried "We all now stand a real away. No one was reported chance to transform our society hurt, and the chairman of the into a normal, healthy, just and KGB security police indicated ultimately prosperous society The Observer/Marguerite Schropp the man was deranged. through the second great Call-in campaign Besides the traditional mili­ see SQUARE I page 6 A Saint Mary's student works diligently as a volunteer for "Put St. Mary's First," a recent fund-raising tary parade in Red Square, campaign. page 2 The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1990 INSIDE CoLUMN WEATHER Forecast for noon, Thursday, Nov. 8. Gulf crisis is Lines show high temperatures. not just tanks and tents Yesterday's high: 40 Last week President --------­ Yesterday's low: 3 8 Bush said that if pro­ Nation's low: -16 voked, he would at­ (West Yellowstone, tack Iraq without he­ Mont.) sitation. He denied Nation's high: 87 that he was preparing (Fort Myers, Lakeland, the country for war, Miami, and West Palm just that he was doing Beach, Fla.) his job. Claiming that Florentine he's trying to it re­ Forecast: Sunny but solve it peacefully, he Hoelker very cool today, high in later added, "I Assoc. News Editor the mid 40s. Low tonight don't like being on the defense. I like being near 30. Tomorrow will be on the offense." FRONTS: cloudy with a 30% He seems intent on proving this-last •• chance of rain, high 40- night I heard that Bush is sending thou­ • 45. COLD• • WARM STATIONARY• • sands more troops to Iraq from Europe. By ©1990 Accu-Weather, Inc Christmas there will be 300,000 troops Pressure there. ®© Bush has compared Saddam Hussein to HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY Hitler in order to prove his point that we're fighting for freedom. At first I believed him. Via Associated Press GraphicsNet I don't anymore. Nothing is that simple. The whole Iraqi crisis involves so many things­ ideology, religion, economics, politics, and I think mainly, oil. OF INTEREST I have no intention of belaboring this point, but we should not forget that the is­ The Center for Social Concerns will be Sign-ups for Art Expo '90 have been extended sue is incredibly complicated, and that it af­ hosting a hospitality luncheon today from 11:30 a.m. to throughout the week. All interested should go to the SUB fects us in many ways. I'm sure we've all 1:30 p.m. at the CSC. Hearty chicken soup, salad, muffins, office or call 239-7757 by Friday. heard of someone who's gone to the and dessert will be served.
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