Total Force Teamwork Leads to Mission Success Page 8

Total Force Teamwork Leads to Mission Success Page 8

=VS5V Thursday, August 9, 2018 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH 7HDPEUDLQVWRUPVLGHDV ;V[HS-VYJL[LHT^VYRSLHKZ[VTPZZPVUZ\JJLZZ WHNL 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH %DFNWR6FKRRO)DLUDKLW :HHNLQSKRWRVSDJH ,PDJHVIURPWKHZHHN 1HZV)HDWXUHVSDJH %DUUHWWQHZWK$)FRPPDQGHU 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZAVL;OHJRLY (*.HSH_`HPYJYHM[[HRLZVMMMYVT7H[YPJR(PY-VYJL)HZL1\S` ;OL[O(PY4VIPSP[`>PUNHUK]HYPV\Z\UP[Z[OYV\NOV\[ &RPPXQLW\SDJH 4HJ+PSS(-)[LHTLK\W^P[O7H[YPJR(-)[VWYLWHYLHUKKLSP]LYHWWYV_PTH[LS`WV\UKZVMJHYNV[VTLTILYZMYVT (YHQWV&KDSHOPRUH [OL [O(PY9LM\LSPUN>PUNPUZ\WWVY[VMHYV[H[PVUHSKLWSV`TLU[ NEWS/FEATURES ;LHT4HJ+PSS[LZ[Z[OLILZ[MVY7OVLUP_9H]LU I`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ:JV[[>HYULY UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH1VCMJD"GGBJST The Phoenix Raven program, established in February 1997, consists of elite security forces members charged with providing security for Air Mo- bility Command aircraft anywhere, anytime. MacDill is one of six AMC bases that enables the Phoenix Raven mis- sion. “We have to be able to respond anytime that AMC gives us that call,” said Tech. Sgt. George Glover, 6th Security Forces Squadron Raven pro- gram manager. “We were there after we got the call that Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico--and will keep being anywhere at any time we are needed. “We ensure rapid global mobility by training hard and always being prepared.” Regardless of base, every Raven must complete a rigorous three-week Phoenix Raven Qualification Course at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehu- rst, N.J. Once trained, Ravens maintain a robust skillset. They are experts in combatives, contingency response, airfield landing assessments, security and intelligence. Becoming a MacDill Phoenix Raven candidate 7OV[VI`(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ:JV[[>HYULY MacDill’s 6th SFS goes above and beyond in preparing potential Ravens <:(PY-VYJL(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ8\VU.YLLUHULU[Y`JVU[YVSSLYHZZPNULK for the official course by hosting its own three-week training program, test- [V[OL[O:LJ\YP[`-VYJL:X\HKYVUWLYMVYTZHW\SS\WH[4HJ+PSS(PY ing resiliency and instilling confidence in candidates. -VYJL)HZL1\S`6]LY[OLSHZ[LPNO[`LHYZ4HJ+PSSOHZHaLYVWLYJLU[ To be eligible, a candidate must keep their physical fitness test score ^HZOV\[YH[LH[[OLVMMPJPHS7OVLUP_9H]LU8\HSPMPJH[PVU*V\YZLH[1VPU[ above 90 percent, however a high score doesn’t make the training easy. )HZL4J.\PYL+P_3HRLO\YZ[51ILJH\ZLVM[OLPYJOHSSLUNPUN7OVLUP_ “Going through Raven training, whether here or at Joint Base McGuire- 9H]LUZWYLWHYH[PVUJV\YZL Dix-Lakehurst, was extremely difficult,” said Senior Airman Nathan Ouel- lette, a 6th SFS Phoenix Raven trainer. “Ravens need to have resiliency “We can teach someone to be stronger and can get someone to run fast- and heart because if you are not mentally ready, it won’t matter how good er, but it’s up to the candidate to have that will to continue to press for- of physical shape you are in.” ward even when they are physically exhausted and have nothing left in the Resiliency measures one’s capacity to recover quickly from difficult situ- tank,” said Glover. ations, but it’s more than just a mental and physical toughness. See RAVENS, Page 12 -VYPUMVYTH[PVUHIV\[IHZLVWLYH[PVUZK\YPUNLTLYNLUJPLZVYUH[\YHSKPZHZ[LYZJHSS[OL:[YHPNO[;HSR3PULH[ COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE 4HJ+PSSVU[OL^LI Website: The Action Line provides two-way communication between the Facebook: 6th Air Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. Per- sonnel may submit questions, concerns or comments via email to MacDillAirForceBase [email protected]. Instagram: macdill_afb Twitter: @macdill_afb 0DF'LOO7KXQGHUEROW 86JRYHUQPHQWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHWKH'HSDUWPHQW IDFWRURIWKHSXUFKDVHUXVHURUSDWURQ RIWKH$LU)RUFHRUWKHWK$LU0RELOLW\:LQJ 1HZVLWHPVIRUWKH0DF'LOO7KXQGHUEROWFDQEHVXEPLWWHG 3XEOLVKHU-RH'H/XFD 7KHDSSHDUDQFHRIDGYHUWLVLQJLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLQFOXGLQJ WRWKHWK$LU0RELOLW\:LQJ3XEOLF$IIDLUVRIILFH+DQJDU LQVHUWVRUVXSSOHPHQWVGRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWHHQGRUVHPHQWE\ /RRS'UVXLWH0DF'LOO$)%)/&DOOWKH7KXQGHUEROW (GLWRU1LFN6WXEEV WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHWKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFH DW(PDLODPZSDPDFGLOOWKXQGHUEROW#XVDIPLO WK$LU0RELOLW\:LQJRUWKH7,PHV3XEOLVKLQJ&RPSDQ\RIWKH 'HDGOLQHIRUDUWLFOHVXEPLVVLRQVLVQRRQ:HGQHVGD\VWR 7KH0DF'LOO7KXQGHUEROWLVSXEOLVKHGE\WKH7LPHV3XEOLVK SURGXFWVRUVHUYLFHDGYHUWLVHG DSSHDULQWKHQH[WZHHN·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´$VVRFLDWHG3UHVV6W\OHERRN DUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRIILFLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH SK\VLFDOKDQGLFDSSROLWLFDODIILOLDWLRQRUDQ\RWKHUQRQPHULW DQG/LEHO0DQXDOµDQG$LU)RUFH,QVWUXFWLRQ 2 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, August 9, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT NEWS/FEATURES :>6;[LHTPUP[PH[LZPUUV]H[P]LPTWYV]LTLU[ZMVY(- I`:LUPVY(PYTHU9P[V:TP[O UI"JS.PCJMJUZ8JOH1VCMJD"GGBJST People, money and time are critical to the world’s greatest Air Force, and Team MacDill proves daily that people are air power’s greatest asset. The 6th Maintenance Group at MacDill Air Force Base created a working group known as the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats team to bring people together, share ideas and execute innovative operating methods within career fields from maintenance to force support in both active duty and reserve units. The SWOT team’s focus is to use strengths and opportunities to maximize Air Force resourc- es (money) and increase efficiency (time). The team also eliminates weaknesses and threats that may hinder mission success. “When we created our working group we de- cided on the name SWOT because just like a SWAT team, we want to break down barriers,” said Tech. Sgt. Eric Holton, NCO in charge of the maintenance flight support section assigned to the 6th Maintenance Squadron. “By breaking 7OV[VI`:LUPVY(PYTHU9P[V:TP[O down barriers, we can educate people on the im- portance of continuous process improvement and <:(PY-VYJL;:N[,YPJ/VS[VU5*6PUJOHYNLVM[OLTHPU[LUHUJLMSPNO[Z\WWVY[ZLJ[PVUHZZPNULK get people thinking about ways to improve the [V [OL [O 4HPU[LUHUJL :X\HKYVU ZPNUZ V\[ OHaHYKV\Z TH[LYPHSZ [V (PYTHU Z[ *SHZZ (THUKH way we do things.” )Y\UKHNLHUPUZWLJ[PVUZJYL^JOPLMHZZPNULK[V[OL[O4?:H[4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL1\S` ;OHURZ[V[OL:[YLUN[OZ>LHRULZZLZ6WWVY[\UP[PLZHUK;OYLH[Z;LHTLHJOZOVWOHZP[ZV^UOHa See SWOT, Page 15 HYKV\ZTH[LYPHSZPNUV\[ZLJ[PVUHSSV^PUNMVYPUJYLHZLKHJJV\U[HIPSP[`HUKKLJYLHZLK^HZ[LJVZ[Z 4VYL[OHUH[[LUK4HJ+PSS)HJR[V:JOVVS-HPY I`5PJR:[\IIZ 5IVOEFSCPMUFEJUPS Mission success depends on taking care of Airmen and their families. That’s the idea behind the Back to School Fair held each year at MacDill Air Force Base. This year is no different. The event, held Saturday, provided free essentials for students including I.D.s, physical and vaccine appointments, school supplies, and important information about the new school year. “It takes away stressors that military families have (during the hectic back-to-school season),” said Nelly Richards, MacDill school liaison officer. “If the families are happy, the mission can be accomplished.” Parents Nancy and Anthony Jackson couldn’t agree more. “It helps a lot,” said Nancy Jackson, who praised the 6th Force Support Squadron’s Military and Family Readiness Center and the USO for “doing a very good job” organizing the event and ensuring lines moved quickly. Anthony Jackson said the fair took away the burden of school shopping 7OV[VI`5PJR:[\IIZ for the family, which is a big load off his mind. +HULSPZ+PHaJOLJRZV\[ZVTLVM[OL[OV\ZHUKZVMZJOVVSZ\WWSPLZZL[ “We pretty much knocked out our back to school shopping,” he said. “It V\[MVYJOPSKYLUH[[OL)HJR[V:JOVVS-HPYOLSK:H[\YKH`PU/HUNHYH[ 4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL;OLL]LU[OLSWLKTHU`MHTPSPLZ^P[OZ\WWSPLZ See SCHOOL FAIR, Page 10 \ZLM\SPUMVYTH[PVUHUKYLX\PYLTLU[ZMVY[OLJVTPUNZJOVVS`LHY MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, August 9, 2018 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM 3 WEEK IN PHOTOS 7OV[VI`:[HMM:N[1LUZLU:[PKOHT (<:(PY-VYJLHUKH9V`HS(\Z[YHSPHU(PY-VYJL-(3PNO[UPUN00HYL[V^LKVU[OLMSPNO[SPULK\YPUNHTVUZVVUH[3\RL(PY-VYJL)HZL(YPa1\S` :L]LYHSHPYJYHM[THPU[LUHUJL\UP[ZZ[VWWLK[OLPYTHPU[LUHUJLVWLYH[PVUZ[V[HRLJV]LYMYVT[OLK\Z[ 7OV[VI`:LUPVY(PYTHU*OYPZ[PUL.YVLUPUN 7OV[VI`;LJO:N[+HUH-SHTLY (PYTHUZ[*SHZZ+LUUPZ-P[LSLM[HUK(PYTHUZ[*SHZZ)YPURSL`6^LUZ <:(YT`.LU1VZLWO=V[LSJVTTHUKLY<:*LU[YHS*VTTHUK IV[O[O3VNPZ[PJZ9LHKPULZZ:X\HKYVUNYV\UK[YHUZWVY[H[PVUVWLYH ^LSJVTLZ/PZ9V`HS/PNOULZZ7YPUJL2OHSPKIPU:HSTHUHTIHZZHKVY [VYZJVUK\J[]LOPJSL[PLKV^UWYVJLK\YLZVU9V`HS(PY-VYJL4PSKLUOHSS VM[OL2PUNKVTVM:H\KP(YHIPH[V[OL<:[V4HJ+PSS(PY-VYJL)HZL ,UNSHUK1\S`.YV\UK[YHUZWVY[H[PVU(PYTLUKLSP]LYOLH]`LX\PWTLU[ 1\S`;OL[^VSLHKLYZKPZJ\ZZLKT\[\HSZLJ\YP[`JVUJLYUZPU[OL [V\UP[ZVUHUKVMMIHZLHUKHSZVWYV]PKL[YHUZWVY[H[PVU[VVMMPJPHSHW <:*,5;*64HYLHVMYLZWVUZPIPSP[` WVPU[TLU[ZHUKLUZ\YL(PYTLUYLJLP]L[OLPYTHPSI`KVPUNKHPS`THPSY\UZ [VHUKMYVT9(-(SJVUI\Y` 4 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM Thursday, August 9, 2018 MACDILL THUNDERBOLT MACDILL THUNDERBOLT Thursday, August 9, 2018 WWW.MACDILLTHUNDERBOLT.COM 5 NEWS/FEATURES 4HQ.LU)HYYL[[[HRLZJVTTHUKVM[O(PY-VYJL I`4HZ[LY:N[4PRL(UKYPHJJV UI"JS'PSDF1VCMJD"GGBJST SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. — Maj. Gen. Sam Barrett took command of 18th Air Force from Lt. Gen. GI Tuck during a ceremony here July 31. Tuck will move to the Pentagon, where he will serve as the director for logistics, J-4, Joint

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