695 The CanadinnM ineralo gi st Vol. 31,pp. 695-710(1993) PYROSMALITEIN CANADIANPRECAMBRIAN SULFIDE DEPOSITS: MINERALCHEMISTRY, PETROGENESIS AND SIGNIFICANCE YLIANMING PAN, MICHAEL E. FLEET, ROBERT L. BARNER E-llPYUAN CIIEN Depanmentof Geology,University of WesternOntario, Lnilon, OntarioN6A 587 ABSTRACT Pyrosmalite-seriesminerals [(Fe,Mn)sSi6Or5(OH,Cl)10]are reportedfrom metamorphosedsulfide depositsin three Canidian Precambrianmining camps: Matagami, Quebec (Archean, Zn-Cu-Ag-Au), Manitouwadge, Ontario (Archean' Cu-Zn-Ag-Au) and ThompsonNickel Belt, Manitoba (hoterozoic, Ni-Au-PGE). As a result of electron-nricroprobedata, pyrosmaliteis found to form a continuoussolid-solution series from a value of Mn/(Fe + Mn) of 0.08 to 0.85, and is n sink for bi. texturat characteristicsand elementpartitioning indicatetlat pyrosmalitecrystallized during both regional metamorphism and late-stagehyttrothermal activity. However, the initial Cl-emichment in the host lithologies may have occurred during seafloorhy&othermal alterationas an integral part of the syngeneticore-forming processes for the associatedbase-metal nin- eralization.Identification of pyrosmalitein volcanogenicmassive sulfide flfMS) depositsprovides further supaortfor a brine- pool model for ore genesisind suggeststhat the precious-metalmineralization commonly associatedwith these sulfide depositsmay havebeen related to Cl-rich fluids. Keywords:pyrosmalite-series minerals, (Fe,I\4n) solid solution, Cl-enrichment,Canadian hecambrian suLfrdedeposits, brine- pool model,precious-metal rnineralization. Solwtenn Nous avonsd6couvert des membres de la s6rie de la pyrosmalite[(Fe,Mn)3Si6O15(OH,Cl)10] dans des gisementsm6tamor- phis6s de sulfures dans trois campsminiers pr6cambrienscanadiens: Matagami, Qu6bec(arch6en, Zn-Cu-Ag-Au)' Manitouwadge,Ontario (arch6en,Cu-Zn-Ag-Au), et la ceinturenickelilbre de Thompson,Manitoba (protfrozolque,Ni - Au - 6l6mentsdu groupedu platine). A la lumibre desdonn6es obtenues par microsonde6lectronique, la pyrosmaliteest une solu- tion solide continueMn(Fe + Mn) entre 0.08 et 0.851et concenre le Cl pr6sentdans ces toches. l,es texturescaractfristiques et la r6partition des 6l6mentsmonffent que la pyrosmalitea cristallis6i la fois au cours d'un m6tamorphismer6gional et pen- dant une activit6 hydrothermaletardive. Toutefois,l'enrichissement initial des lithologies h6tesen Cl aurait pu se produire au cours d'une alt€rationhydrothermale lors de la mindralisationsyng6n6tique en m6taux de base,sur les fonds ocdaniques.La prdsencede la pyrosmalitedans des gisements volcanog6niques de sulfuresmassifs 6taye l'hypothbse d'un bassinde saumures impliqu6 dansia mindralisation;la pr6senced'une accumulationdes m€taux pr6cieux couramment associ6e i ce gemede gise- ment de sulfurest6moignerait de f implication d'une phasefluide riche en chlore. (Iraduit par la R6daction) Mots-cl6s: min6rauxdu groupede la pyrosmalite,solution solide (Fe, Mn), ernichissementen Cl, gtsementsde sulfurespr6- cambrienscanadiens, modble de bassinde saumures,min6ralisation en m6tauxpr6cieux. INTRODUCI]ON upward- and downward-facingin six-membered Si6O15rings (Kashaev1968, Tak6ucht et al. L969, Pyrosmalite was originally establishedas a single Kato & Tak6uchi 1983),with Cl preferentiallylocated mineralspecies (Zambonini 1901, DanaL920, Frondel at OH(l) positions(Kato & Tak6uchi1983). Similar & Bauer 1953, and referencestherein), but presently sheetsilicates include "brokenhillite" (Czank 1987, refers to minerals within the solid-solution series questionablestatus in Nickel & Nichols 1991), (Mn,Fe)sSi6O15(OH,Cl)10,including the end-members friedelite (cf, Bauer & Berrnan1928, Frondel & Bauer manganpyrosmaliteand ferropyrosmalite(vaughan 1953),mcgillite @onnay et al. 1980),nelenite (Dunn 1987).In tlis paper, "pyrosmalite" will be used to & Peacor 1984) and schallerite(c/ Bauer & Berman refer to the sclid-solution series.The structure of 1928, Frondel & Bauer 1953), and are collectively pyrosmaliteconsists of brucite-typelayers of octa- referred to as minerals of the friedelite group. Peacor hedra alternatingwith sheetsof tetrahedra,both & Essene(1980) suggestedthat caryopilite has a gen- 696 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST SABIA 1. OCCI'ERBNCE5 OI ISE PYROATAI]IIE SENTEE tletoeDces Oorut@a c6tDsttion ta€t@rttbic Or.d€ t&boatrl 1901, Xoadnut, atGden Ir- 0.41-0.49 aDpbt"bollt€ fscLeg Drs 1920 (F€r ha!o6i,c, cl - 3.79-4.a8 Zrabolr.al 1tol, D!@, g€da :&r O.81 epblboUte trct€E D&. 1920 (te, Prstaro6lo) CI - 3.52-3.?0 B!u* & Bs!.nr! 1928, At6ruag Eill, :bo 0.76 gttlullts flclea Fsnda:, I Baus 1t53 tra at€rrry, UBA cl. 3.80 (t!-tFltt, PloteFrolcl guit6 1956, B!o!.€n Etlt, au3tral.h gtaault!. g'tttlcU Au- O.42-O.85 facl€. e !.cAndr* {PF !-Ag, Prteruol.s) cl - 3.78-3.9O 1957, rl1@ 1984 l'tt.ltbe & lGto 1958, tluaatg Dias, X&E O.53-O.82 (mtarcr!|hor€d) tlatuab€ et !1. 1961 !€bl.gi, Jat[! Cl r 5.00-5.63 (F*La, Pal@@l.cl AatrotEa 1964 Itrhuaat eat Ogblatlm tsE 0.60 (@lqrcr!tro6ad) dstpslta, Xaeatbatu - (FFlln) cl 3.62 ga€bs Ott€dal & 1965 Doldearkito dnss, ao tnfomtto! ? Crond, OElo, loll,ay audius gtll€tors, 6l 11. 1966 s€deD no tnforutloa allrhi"bo:.tta frolea (Ag-tFtaa, [email protected] fsacbaroLo et al. Pr!@r!E, tluEsl. Sh€ (mt@rfftosed) t9?9 (Pb--Ua-lo-Ag, 0.55-0.64 cl E CrsEac€asl 5.35 vrugbe 1986 P€guolt, Austlalir Xe- O.OS &tth$ollt€ facl€s (Pb-ZD, Ploteercj,c) cl . 4.O0-4.2s ru €t !1. 1992 nafalgz!, X*- 0.65 coatasE LLaolbg, chlla ct- @t6m4'bsd (tln-ls, hotatorclc) :.ag cost! at al. 1983, bttlgatlt ta&e obs, grsEcbisi froleE tbia study :&! 0.33-0.85 liBtage!', Qu€b€c a ( 8a-Gr-eg-es, Arab€m) Cl 0.79-5.42 Pe i tleat 1992, Geso & tatltroy elEs, this Btudt ltaaltoMdg€, ODtulo (Chr-h-ag-etr, lrobest lr'.';.'J,i;.'i ff.:ff::T":i* tbla rtudy llbffitEo! nl'm, lb6ten, t{an!,,lo5b! o;.1,11;.1'" (rl-eu-F$, PtltaEaola) Iri P.3ffi*T#.' && - l{!./(t€ + u!) at@lc ratlo. eral formula of (Mn,Fe,Mg)8Si6O15(OH)tsand also is recently, we have identified pyrosmalite-seriesminer- a memberof the friedelite groirp. als in two other Canadian Precambriansulfide Although pyrosmalite was originally consideredto deposits:the Willroy Cu-Zn-Ag-Au massivesulfide be exceedinglyrare, it has since been observedwith deposit of the Manitouwadgemining camp, Ontario, increasingfrequency in metamorphosedpolymetallic and the Thompsonnickel sulfide deposit of the sulfide depositsand Fe-Mn depositsworldwide (Table ThompsonNickel Belt, Manitoba. I). However, identification of pyrosmalite-seriesmin- In this paper,we report on the texturesand chemi- erals has undoubtedlybeen obscuredby its optical cal compositionsof pyrosmalite-seriesminerals in the resemblanceto white micas @an & Fleet 1992).The above three CanadianPrecambrian mining camps. discovery of the pyrosmalite-seriesminerals in Resultsof electron-microprobeanalyses establish a the Geco Cu-Zn-Ag-Au massive sulfide deposit of continuoussolid-solution between ferropyrosmalite the Manitouwadgemining samp,Ontario @an& Fleet sld manganpy'osmalite.Textural characteristicsand 1992,8.U. Petersen,pers. courmun.l9g2) was made element partitioning are used to elucidate the para- only through a combinationof electron-microprobe genesisand origin of pyrosmalitein thesemeta- analysisand X-ray powder diffraction. Similarly, man- morphosedsulfide deposits;assemblages of coexisting ganFl'rosmalitein the MattagamiLake Zn{u-Ag-Au minerals and available fluid-inclusion data are ana- massivesulfide deposit,Matagami, Quebec(Costa lyzed to consfrainits conditionsof fonnation. In addi- 1980, Costa et al. 1,983)was recognizedby partial tion, we discussthe significance of pyrosmaliie, and electron-microprobeanalysis (without a determination particularly its high Cl content,in metamorphosed of Cl) and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. More rnassivesulfide depositsin the light of syngeneticmod- PYROSMALIIE IN CANADIAN STJLFIDEDEPOSITS 697 els @riesenet aL L982,Costa 1980,Costa et al. L983, and overlain by the Key Tufflte (Fig. 1; Costa 1980, I-arye 1992).Finally, the occurrenceof pyrosmalitewith Costaet al. 1983,and referencestherein). associatedCl-rich fluids is related to precious-metal Pyrosmaliteat the Mattagami Lake mine is res- mineralizationcommonly associatedwith hecamb'rian tricted to the uppermostportion of the pyrite-spha- sulfide deposits(cf Friesenet al. 1982,Costa 1980, lerite unit, just below the hanging-wall Key Tuffite Costaet aL 1983,Hanninglon & ScotrL989,1-arge et al. (Fig. l). The pyrosmalite-bearingrocks are composed 1989,&en et al. 1993,LargeL992). of pyrite, sphalerite,pyrrhotite, magnetite,chalcopy- rite, carbonates(calcite, dolomite, ankerite and OccunnsNcEsam Pgrnocnapnv siderite),talc, cummingtonite-dannemorite,actino- lite-tremolite, chloriteo stilpnomelane, pyrosmalite, Matagami,Quebec and caryopilite (Costa1980, Costa et al. 1983). Pyrosmalite locally makestp 3040Vo by volume The MattagamiLake mine exploits an Archeanvol- of the pyrite - sphaleriteore, commonly occurring canic rock-hosted Zn-Cu-Ag-Au massive sulfide as large grains or flakes (up to 0.5 X 0.3 mm) deposit located in the Matagami mining camp of with well-developedbasal cleavageoin close asso- northweslernQuebec, within the Abitibi subprovince ciation with carbonatesand disseminatedwithin of the SuperiorProvince (Costa 1980, Costa et al. the ore minerals (Fig. 2a). Mutual contactswith 1983,and referencestherein). It consistsof two ore amphiboles(1.e., cummingtonite-dannemorite zones (a pyrite - sphalerite unit and a pyrite - and actinolite-tremolite) and other silicate minerals pyrrhotite - magnetiteuoit) and is underlainby
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