ALL THE NEWS JS ALL THE NEWS OF GLENGARRY M OF GLENGARRY FOR GLENGARRIANS j) FOR GLENGARRIAN8 Glengarry New THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO VOL. LI—No. 50. Alexandria, Ont., Friday, December 10, 1943. Reeve McPherson Re-Elected Here Holstein Men New Counties’ Mrs. Jane McCuaig Curlers Plan Local Youth Mine Kippen Is Deputy-Reeve In Kenyon Annual Banquet Sheriff Acting Died At Regina Holiday Start Accident Victim Donald O’Connor, 1-9, i? Objective Of 100 Members Duncan A. McNaughton Native Of Laggan Was J. T. Smith,SB.A. Elected Ballotting Light As Elections^ Held In Kenyon Killed At Falconbridge i Already Reached—Annual Has Taken Over New Last Surviving Member President, Succeeding And Alexandria, Monday—Dr McIntosh Meeting Later. Duties At Cornwall Of Father’s Family Dr. D. J. Dolan In Rock Fall And J. A. Laurin Are P.U. Commissioners In spite of the adverse weather con- Recently appointed sheriff of the The last surviving member of the An Immediate start In ice making! Donald Lome Joseph O’Connor, 19- Voters tn Alexandria and Kenyon i ir dltions, a goodly number of Holstein United Counties of $tonnont. Dun- Mary MacMillan of Laggan, passed with plans for a season opening im-1 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ranald «went to the polls, Monday, to select fljlf. ScHlGY IvClT breeders and friends attended the <*as an<* Glengarry, ■ Duncan A. Mc- family of the late Donald Dougald and mediately after Ohrsitmas, was the | OTJonnor, 16-lst Kenyon, was killed municipal officers In Alexandria to — — Annual Banquet held In the Maxville Naughton, of Cornwall, has assumed away at Grey Nuns’ Hospital, Regina, decision of members of Alexandria, Monday, In an accident at Falcon- "vote for reeve and- members of the Died At Saginaw United Church basement on Monday ^ new duties With .headquarters at Sask., Dec. 1st, after a brief illness. | Curling Club at their annual Ban- ’ bridge Nickel Mines. The youth had Public Utilities Commission, and In Relatives here have learned of the of this week. The ladles of the Max- county building, i Bom at Laggan, Ontario, August 4, quet Meeting, held Tuesday evening In kft home just six weeks ago to work Kenyon to chose a deputy-fëeve. In I oeath, Sunday, Dec. 5th, at Saginaw, ville United Church served a most The appointment fills the vacancy 1865, she moved west in 1903 with a the Masonic Rooms. Though attend- the mining country and news of "both cases the vote was a light one, | Mkh., of Mr. Sandy Kerr, son of the delightful meal. created by the death of Adrian I Mac- j brother, James and sister, Katherine, ance was smaller than usual, enthu- ths death came as a severe shock to .•due in part to adverse weather con- settling at Indian Head, Bask. She mar siasm was vef’v high and an Imme- family and friends. The tragic acci- I late Alexander Kerr and his wife, In the absence of L.B. Murray, doneU’ who held the position for many ditions and Icy streets and roads. Joanna MacDonald, pioneer residents ears i led Malcolm, D. McCuaig of Francis, diate drive for members promises as dent Is reported ot have occurred President of the Club, Roddie McLen- i . Mr. Macdonell was forced ,tô I Sask. on April 5, 1905. Mr and Mrs Me- large a membership as last year. The while O’Connor was working under- John David McPherson, for the past 0f Alexandria district. The late nan, Vice-President, very ably filled leave tae post when he took 111 in 1939 j three years reeve of Alexandria, re- j j^err is survive^ by one brother, The new also has been!011®18 resided at Francis until 1919. season will extend to March 8th. ground. He was at work scaling on the the capacity of toastmaster for the whUe there she was a J,tope at the 500 ft level when a celved' strong support In his bid for ' Alexander J. Kerr of Vancouver, B.C., evening. _Dr. Howarid Muriro, Reeve named local registrar of the Supreme j staunch sup- j. T. smith, B.A., was elected Pre- ’ porter of the large roclc fel1 on him re-election over Angus Cameron, a and a sister, Mrs. Felix Daprato, Ot- of Maxville, welcomed the Breeders. Court of Ontario, local Surrogate re- church and made many aident succeeding Dr. D. J. Dolan. j > crushing him j lasting friends. other Officers Include: Honorary Pre- severely and causing Instant death. former councillor. Reeve McPherson tawa. Owing to road conditions, it was im- Bistrar and county court clerk. Mr. HH In 1919 they moved to Regina. Dur- sMent— Cant. ET. L Chenevr Vice-1 Born ta the 1st Kenyon, a son of polled 352 votes to 212 for Cameron, possible for Mr. M. C. McPhail, Pre- McNaughton will have as his assistant] Jn lala tney movea t0 Keg“a' ^ sWent- Capt. H. L. Cheney; Vice- piling up a majority of 140 and lead- sldentsiuenc ofor theme Kemotvlllejs.emptviue AariculturalAgricultural Mrs- Wilfrid Algulre who is the de- |i ing WÊÊ ten years residence here they President _ — Dr. B. Prlmeau; .. Sec’y.- , formerRanal<1 AnnieO Connor McDougald, and his he.wife, leaves th- ing by substantial margins in all three uty were Joint Initiation School, to attend. A. V. Laneton. P registrar of Surrogate Court. I members of Knox Church, where Treas.—Eugene A. Macdonald. to mourn his loss in addition to his wards. j A the deceased continued her good work Committees—Ice — Albert Lauzon, Fleldman, for the Holstein Breeders warm welcome to Sheriff Mc- parents, three brothers John A. of In a three-cornered contest for two endearing herself to all who came In chairman, Harold Stlmson, Leo Ira- K. of C. Held for Eastern Ontario, outlined the Naughton was extended at the open- Levack Nickel Mine, Sudbury; Archie Public Utilities seats. Dr. D. D Mc- _] contact with her. In 1929 they brought combe, Lewis Greenspon. programme of the Holstein Breeders n thb^utay week court session at Corn- ■a fa chalr 1 Intosh and J. A. Laurin were success- Some 70 candidateswere Initiated at thT^TyeM aM c^^nted*^ ™ - ¥ Judge F. T. Cos-| «» near Regina where they were Me^bership_EUe Chenier, - hL^d f OM siste^M^B^h C^i 110 h ful, Alex. Lauzon meeting defeat after joint ceremonies for members of Haw- local club and breeders on their l* - Crown Attorney J. o. Harkness. : riding at the tune of her death. m ^ Lajoie Wm. Periard, Dave ? “ SW K several years’ membership on the kesbury and Glengarry Councils, solendld work. He stated that the -C. and J.S. Latchford, speaking on While here she. again,^as a member of Lalonde ^ron, Glen Roy; Mrs. Ambrose Mac- Commission Dr. McIntosh,* who retires Knights of COlumbus, here on Sunday. ; Holstéin-Friesian Association had <>f local members of the bar Uni^d C1’urch’ caried on her Match-Donald A. Macdonald, chair- H*len and Theresa> at sh this year after three years as Mayor, Among the many members of the K. ' made stm greater gains In Member- ^ erlff and county court clerk te-1faithful unselfish church work. 1Ran; Dr B primeau, Wilfred Menard' !ie Largely attended by friends and re- Accompanying the remains from received enthusiastic endorsement of^of O. present at the Initiation cere- gjjpg an(j Registrations over last year. P d briefly In acknowledgement. Geo. Simon. ' la lives, the luneral was held at Knox Falconbridge in addition to the two Ids fine administration, leading the j monies were representatives of Ontario j-jj. w g MacDiarmid, M.P.P. compll- Sheriff McNaughton Is a native of United Church,urcn Regina,Re8ma onn Friday, Ententainment — R. J. Graham, brbrotherSt,bers 010f t be6 dead youth, Werewere f0Urfour poll with 327 votes. J. A. Laurin polled Council, Cornwall, Ottawa Council nted the breeders on thetr year’s Pinch, but has resided In Cornwall ^ ’ , ’ ° . j™’ Jo» Fillon Ëie Chenier ° TO 324 and Lauzon 170. Rlgaud CouncU ,as well as Hawkes- ' ork. Mac Cumming> of for ^veral years. He Is a former ^ I ^ ^ ^ «.“ducted by chatanaA Jo^ mon !me Chenter Glengarry friends, Adie McKinnon. d A a TTmatters now stand, Alexandria [bury and Glengarry Councils. |the ^dre Breeders Club, brought Member of the Legislative Assembly' J^d wiSL^SLr - “ “ has four members of its 1944 council | The First Degree was put on by mem greetings from the Glengarry Ayrshire for Stormont county, representing the and William O'Shea, all of Qlen Ne- Church .who paid high tribute to her Among those who spoke briefly is. The party arrived here, Wednes- Mayor Romeo Rouleau, who received, bers of Onatrio Council, Cornwall; the Breeders, as did G. A. McNaughton ol riding from 1926 until 1934. V friendltaess, her grace and dignity and were Rev. J. McL. Fleming. E. A. Mac- day. and the funeral is to be held Fri- an acclamation; Reeve McPherson, ]Second Degree by Glengarry Council, pinch, President of the Stormont Hol- J to her Christian life. Intenhent was Gillivray, M.P.P., J. D. McPherson ay morning leaving the family resl- -elected Monday, and Councillors Lewis]while A.A.Gardiner, State»Warden of stein Breeders Club. I d made in tlfb family plot in Regina and Lewis Greenspon. A vote offence, 1st Kenyon at 9 o’clock, for Greenspon and A, Rancourt, the _only j Quebec State Council, and his team; y, ç Ettgh, Finch, Director of the cemetery. e : \ thanks to the ladies of the United gt Finnan’s Cathedral and cemetery two to qualify following the Novem-jfpom Montreal, put on the Third De- Holstein-Freisian Association of Can- OBITUARY The pallbearers were L.
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