<tlu* Niuu -Eampslyre VOL. No. 35 Issue 17 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, FEBRUARY 14, 1946____________________PRICE THREE CENTS Carnival Time Randy Brooks Orchestra Plays Marie Susmann Chosen Queen; A t Carnival Ball Festivities Popular Trumpet Artist UNH Campus Becomes Toyland In First UNH Appearance Ruth and Nell Rankin Randy Brooks, one of America’s foremost trumpet soloist is appearing Give Recital Feb. 20 on campus this weekend for the Car­ nival Ball. In polls taken recently Ruth and Nell Rankin ,young duet from many leading music magazines singers, will give a recital in New he is ranked tops among the country’s Hampshire Hall at 8 o’clock on Wed­ first-rate trumpet stars. nesday, February 20, under the spon­ Through the years he has played sorship of the Lectures and Concerts with such noted personalities as Rudy Committee. Vallee, Art Jarrett, and Claude Thorn­ The Rankin sisters, whose home is hill. For a while he managed Bob in Montgomery, Ala., have been study­ Allen’s orchestra and brought it to the ing for the past two years in New public eye. After this, he saw oppor­ York with Coenraad V. Bos, noted tunities for bigger things with Les composer, accompanist and coach for Brown. Helen Traubel and other well-known / With this background he went on singers. The Rankins also have given his own early in 1945 with an outfit numerous concerts in the east, have which is rapidly climbing to the top of sung on many radio programs, and ap­ the musical ladder. In addition to peared as soloists in such churches as setting a new record in length of stay St. Bartholomew’s, where Nell replaced in New York’s famed Roseland Ball­ Martha Lyton of the Metropolitan room, Brooks was selected to play for Opera as contralto soloist. the annual Harvest Moon Ball at Mad­ They will be accompanied by Don­ ison Square Garden. He has also been ald Comrie, young American pianist billed at Frank Daly’s popular Mead- and accompanist. After graduating owbrook in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. from the Juilliard School of Music, Mr. Comrie concertized in Canada, Cuba, Carnival Queen and Her Aides—left: Anne Thompson; center: Queen Marie Susmann; right: Diana Sherman and throughout the United States. He Dr. William Axling has performed as guest artist over the First Postwar Carnival Canadian National Broadcasting and Boosts School Spirit Columbia Broadcasting‘ systems. Improved Wildcats Queen Marie H. Susmann and her Speaks on Japanese PROGRAM aides, Anne C. Thompson and Diana Ruth and Nell Rankin, Vocal Duo February 10 at Murkland Auditorium Sherman Will reign over the 26th An­ I Die Meere (The Seas), Brahms; Dr. Wiliam Axling, former missionary Wallop Lowell 62-42 nual Winter Carnival which begins Die Schwestern (The Sisters), Brahms; to Japan and biographer of Kagawa, today for a long weekend packed full Liebesgram (Love’s Sorrow), Schu­ Japan’s great Christian leader and Pile Up 10-Point Lead of events. During the election of the mann; Schon Blumelein (The Beauti­ WINTER CARNIVAL WEEKEND statesman, spoke on the focal points Before Weavers Score Queen on February 4, 750 students ful Flower), Schumann; Ruth and Nell on which Japan can build a peaceful Feb. 14, 15, 16, 17, 1946 voted, excelling the record of the past Rankin. Petrochilos High Man nation. Chairman, Frances Mikol several years. According to Dr. Axling there are II Die Florelle (The Trout), Schu­ Committee: Bob Austin, Buck Jor­ Opening up with a barrage of 32 Crowning of Queen \ two Japans, one of the militarists who bert; Der Lindenbaum (The Linden points early in the second half the Uni­ dan, Laura Hamm, Alva Hiller, Bar- The big winter weekend will start have held the power until now, and one Tree), • Schubert; Der Erlkonig (The versity of New Hampshire Wildcats Bie Berger, Jinnie Parker, Bob Eisner, at 6:30 o’clock this evening with the of 78 million people. One of these fac­ Erlking), Schubert; Nell Rankin. garnered their second hoop win of the Eloise Braun, Becky Fairbank, Eddie Torchlight Parade. Starting at Com­ tors is racial solidarity. The population III Recit et Air de Lia (L ’Enfant season as they throttled Lowell Textile Messer. mons, students will march along Fra­ is homogeneous and 'thus spared of Prodigue), Debussy; J’ai Pleure en 62-42 last night at the Field House in Feb. 14, Thursday ternity Row and up Garrison Avenue tensions of racial and cultural differ­ Reve (I Wept in a Dream), Georges a wide open game. In the preliminary 6:30—Torchlight parade to snow- to T-Hall. They will be led by Dick ences which ward off disintegration Hue; Ouvre Ton Coeur (Open Thy contest the Wildcat Javees racked up sculpture in front of “ T ” Hall for Starke, his band and a sound truck, and will be an asset in peaceful Japan. Heart), Georges Bizet; Ruth Rankin. their second straight triumph as they crowning of the Queen. donated for the occasion by a UNH There is also linguistic unity which eli­ IV Nuit d’ Ete (Summer Night), nosed out the Portsmouth Naval Pri­ 7:30-9:30—Ski-boot informal at the graduate, Capt. Alphonse F. Lucier of minates difficulty in communicating Benjamin Godard; La Vierge a la son Navy five 41-35. Field House the U. S. Army Recruiting Service in ideas. Creche (The Virgin at the Cradle), 10:00-12:00 — Mid-nite movie at the Start Strong Concord. The Queen will be driven The modern educational system on Cesar Franck; Berceuse (Lullaby), Franklin. to her ice throne in front of -T-Hall, a national scale by which all people 16th Century Folk Song; Ruth and The Swaseymen started off strong via horse-drawn sleigh, where she will have at least six years of education is Feb. 15, Friday against the Weavers as they hit for 10 Nell Rankin. be crowned by Robert Austin. In case bringing about high literacy. Tokyo 2:00—Ice Frolic with all-skate fol­ successive points in the first few min­ V Piano Solos—Ballade in G mi­ of rain, the coronation will take place alone has twenty educational institu­ lowing. utes of the duel while the Lowell boys nor, Chopin; Fantasie Impromptu in in the Field House, following the tions of college levels. Militarists work­ 4:00—Judging of Snow-sculptures were being held scoreless by the fine Cjfc minor, Chopin; Jeux d’eau, Ravel; Torchlight Parade. ed through this system but it can be 6:30—Blue Circle formal dinner guarding of Andy Mooradian and A1 Donald Comrie. Following the coronation, which will used for peaceful ends too. As advisor 9:00-2:00—Carnival Ball Britton. McKniff broke the Lowell VI S’io non moro a questi accenti be enhanced by p. display of fireworks, of the Department of Public Welfare, scoring ice as he flipped in a layup (Accents of Love) from Idomeneo, Feb. 16, Saturday the Field House will be open for the Dr. Kagawa is revising text books. shot. Britton and Petrochilos retaliat­ W. A. Mozart; Ruth and Nell Rankin. 10:30—Ski events and games at Me­ males vs. females basketball game and Japan is a crossing of the cultures of ed with two neat shots and the Cats morial Field the ski boot brawl, which will be -the Occident and the orient, and the VII English Songs. were on their way as the best the 2:00—-Girls’ basketball games versus M.C.’d by Bruce “ Shorty” Bulger and Japanese know something of our prin­ Weavers could do was to come within men William “ Windy” Hayes. A midnight ciples of life. During the war and be­ 7 tallies of the UNH hoopsters and as Combination Tickets for Varsity game with Boston Univ. movie at the Franklin Theatre, with 12 fore, Japan- was isolated from all but the half ended the Swaseymen were Carnival Weekend on Sale 8:00—Round Robin House dances o’clock permissions for the girls, will their own militaristic ideas, but now on top 30-21. sponsored by all houses and dorms climax the firs^ evening. the barriers are down and the people The Combination Ticket for Carni­ on campus, informal The second canto was much like the are open to all the creative influences val Weekend sells for one dollar and first, Coach Swasey substituted freely Ice Frolic of the world. entitles the bearer to all the events Feb. 17, Sunday as the Cats found the range and began On Friday noon, classes are sched­ ' The Japanese philosophy of life is happening from Thursday through 9:30—Transportation to Gilford for to run away with the ball game. High ules to stop at noon for the remainder fatalistic, for the people have endured Sunday afternoon’s concert. The fifty all-day skiing scorer for UNH was Petrochilos with of the weekend. Therefore, everyone great hardships. For them life is a per cent discount 'to Outing Club mem­ 3:00— Concert at N. H. Hall 13 markers While Needle of the Wea­ will be able to attend the Ice Frolic at 2 o’clock, on the skating rink. Feature series of crises and 'their attitude is: it bers was only in effect on February 4:00—Teas at the larger dormitories vers hit for 12 tallies. skaters will include Mary Barbara Mc­ can’t be helped, so now we will try 12. This ticket must be shown at all The next game on the docket for the Donough of Walpole, Mass., a mem­ something new. Dr. Axling claims events and must be worn by every­ CARNIVAL NOTICE Wildcats is with the high flying Boston ber of the Boston Skating and the they have the same attitude about the body.
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