Established October 1895 University has a role to play in helping country with future planning Page 4 Friday May 21, 2021 $2 VAT Inclusive WORRY OVER AMBER LISTING LOCAL tourism officials are hoping tine. projected to be “somewhat challenging”, that Barbados moves to the United The UK Government has placed coun- he told the BHTA’s Quarterly Media Kingdoms “green list” of countries tries in green, amber or red categories, in Update, yesterday. as the summer period quickly ap- light of the severity of their COVID-19 “At this stage occupancy is in the vicin- proaches. outbreak, among other factors. ity of 15%, we're anticipating that will As a result of currently being on the If this amber listing persists, CEO of likely continue for the summer period. “amber list”, any traveller arriving in the Barbados Hotel and Tourism We recently at Caribbean Hotel and the UK from Barbados will be subjected Association (BHTA) Senator Rudy Grant Tourism (CHTA) Marketplace had meet- Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the to tight restrictions, which includes quar- anticipates, “There will be a limited ings with a number of tour operators, Barbados Hotel and Tourism antine for as much as 10 days, whereas amount of visitors coming out of the UK”. and they would have indicated to us, as Association (BHTA) Senator Rudy green countries wouldn’t need to quaran- Already this year’s summer is being TOURISM on Page 3 Grant. Sagicor donates PPE to journalists ONE regional insurance company is showing its gratitude by donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to local journalists. Yesterday at Sagicor in Wildey, the President of The Barbados Association of Journalists and Media Workers (BAR- JAM), Keith Goddard received N95 masks, hand sanitisers and eye-protec- tive gear from Sagicor's Vice President of Customer Experience and Sales Strategy, Tracey Knight-Lloyd. In her remarks, Sagicor's representa- tive stated that throughout the pan- demic, the media has remained strong and can always be found in the field, ex- hibiting their commitment to bringing the news and keeping the public updated. "Sagicor has always had tremendous respect for the media, and coming off of a challenging 2020 for everyone, we made a deliberate decision to showcase our gratitude for the work that you do," said Knight-Lloyd. President of BARJAM, Keith Goddard said that Sagicor was the first corporate organisation to recognise the media and to offer PPE. "(The PPE is) relevant to this new op- eration with COVID and most recently the ashfall in St.Vincent….it places on record the importance of a company like Sagicor sees in terms of the media and our work to be done. I want to commend Sagicor and I hope that other entities across Barbados will recognise the role, a very important role that the media fill not only to provide stories, to provide in- formation and facts so people can be brought up to date and the public can be Yesterday, Sagicor donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to The Barbados Association of Journalists and informed but certainly to understand Media Workers (BARJAM), Keith Goddard and other members of the association. From left General Secretary of BAR- that we have families, we have lives, our JAM, Emmanuel Joseph, Sagicor's Vice President of Customer Experience and Sales Strategy, Tracey Knight-Lloyd, lives are at risk every day when we go out President of BARJAM, Keith Goddard and BARJAM Executive Member, Ryan Broome take a look at donation pre- on the road...," said Goddard. sented at Sagicor offices in Wildey. 2 • Friday May 21, 2021 The Barbados Advocate McBride (Caribbean) Limited donates Disinfectant Spray to the Ministry of Education WITH the return of that causes COVID-19. and Marketing Manager students, teachers and On hand to receive the of McBride, Shari Green ancillary staff to phys- product was Chief said she was pleased that ical classrooms at pri- Education Officer,Acting, McBride (Caribbean) mary and secondary Joy Adamson who wel- Limited was able to make schools, a local com- comed the donation not- a significant contribution pany is helping to en- ing that a top priority for to Government’s ongoing sure their health and the Ministry was ensur- efforts. safety. ing that schools remained “Our nation’s children McBride (Caribbean) fully sanitized at all have been severely im- Limited, Barbadian man- times. pacted by the pandemic ufacturer of Beep house- “We continue to work and have been away from hold products and a sub- with the parents, teach- the school environment sidiary of Goddard ers and non-teaching for some time now. Enterprises Limited, yes- staff to ensure that all McBride wanted to assist terday donated more COVID-19 protocols are in preventing any further than $5,000 in Beep adhered to. In addition, displacement of students Sales and Marketing Manager of McBride Shari Green presenting the Beep Disinfectant Spray to the we continue to fully sani- during the school term Disinfectant Spray to Chief Education Officer (Acting) Joy Adamson. Ministry of Education. tise all areas of the school and as such we felt that The donation includes plant and this donation this donation of Beep 1,800 cans of disinfectant from McBride Disinfectant Spray would spray including the new (Caribbean) Limited will be appreciated by the au- Travel Size version to aid go a long way in helping thorities,” Green stated. in sanitizing surfaces in us to keep our schools Other organizations the school environment safe,” Adamson said. earmarked to benefit across the island. Beep While acknowledging from donations of Beep Disinfectant Spray is the excellent work the are the Queen Elizabeth manufactured in Ministries of Education Hospital through the Barbados and is certified and Health are doing to Ministry of Health and by an accredited, US EPA ensure students and Her Majesty Dodds compliant lab to kill the teachers return safely to Prisons through the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in-person learning, Sales Ministry of Home Affairs. The Barbados Advocate Friday May 21, 2021 • 3 Encouraging men to High hopes for share important By Cara L. Jean-Baptiste MORE needs to be done to encourage me winter period to share their feelings. This was shared by clinical psycholo- gist, Krisnan Hurdle, as he shared his TOURISM from Page 1 have a situation where throughout the views during a recent Young Democrat’s globe, countries are seeking all at the panel discussion about the possible well as the airlines that the sum- same time to recover, and are encourag- causes of the increase of suicide among mer period is ‘soft’. Now, the ing persons to come to the destination males. Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. and what is happening is that a lot of Hurdle highlighted the fact that men is a engaging in some activity hav- discounting is taking place in the mar- were not the type to openly and willingly ing a campaign for the summer pe- ketplace”. share their feelings or reach out to get riod, and while that is something The CEO went on to point out that help because they did not want to be that we will fully embrace - the pro- BHTA is fully aware that if the occu- viewed as weak. jection is that for summer it is pancy is down, revenues will be down. “So there's a lot that we definitely going to be somewhat challenging”. “While we have seen with respect to ought to do for men in helping them and “Of course, as you know Barbados is revenues, April this year in compari- encouraging them to share their feel- on the “amber list” of countries from son to April last year, a significant per- ings,” he said. the UK, and with respect to that, while centage increase in terms of dollar fig- “Women have a part to play in the so- operators have reported to us that there ures – it is not significant at all. You're cialization of young men and the bring- is no legal impediment for persons to talking about moving from $1.7 million ing up of some young men are done by travel to Barbados, the persons are not to $5.7 million, which is not a signifi- families who were female led; so mums likely to come because when they get cant amount. And in fact, if you look at and Mother figures have a responsibility back to the UK, they have to quarantine what would have been the figure in to encourage their young men to share for 10 days and have two tests,” he said. April of 2019, that figure was $78.7 mil- your feelings and also find male figures Clinical psychologist and clinical However, the winter period remains lion. So, we are of course nowhere close or lead them in the direction of male fig- hypnotherapist, Krisnan Hurdle. optimistic, according to the Senator, to where we would have been in 2019”. ures that they can talk to.” who revealed that tour operators and Senator Grant also reported on the “So what we can do is encourage men ity to press through or to get through a airlines have informed that “it’s looking new travel protocol which took effect to speak, of course, or set up a support certain situation which seems to be very good and the bookings into 2022 May 8th for fully vaccinated travellers group. I know there is the Men’s weakening them actually means they are also very good”. into Barbados, revealing that persons Empowerment and Network Support are stronger. “The reality also is that while we are have been receiving their COVID tests and, of course there's also, MESA.
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