Public Document Pack PLANNING COMMITTEE Members of Planning Committee are invited to attend this meeting at South Walks House, South Walks, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1EE to consider the items listed on the following page. Matt Prosser Chief Executive Date: Thursday, 15 February 2018 Time: 1.00 pm Venue: Rooms A and B, South Walks House Members of Committee: F Horsington (Chairman), N Bundy (Vice-Chairman), T Bartlett, S Christopher, D Elliott, I Gardner, B Haynes, S Jones MBE, M Lawrence, R Legg, F McKenzie and R Potter USEFUL INFORMATION For more information about this agenda please telephone Linda Quinton 01305 252211 email [email protected] This agenda and reports are also available on the Council’s website at www.dorsetforyou.com/committees/ West Dorset District Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting with the exception of any items listed in the exempt part of this agenda. Mod.gov public app now available – Download the free public app now for your iPad, Android and Windows 8.1/10 tablet from your app store. Search for Mod.gov to access agendas/ minutes and select Dorset Councils Partnership. Disabled access is available for all of the council’s committee rooms. Hearing loop facilities are available. Please speak to a Democratic Services Officer for assistance in using this facility. Recording, photographing and using social media at meetings The council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it carries out its business whenever possible. Anyone can film, audio-record, take photographs, and use social media such as tweeting and blogging to report the meeting when it is open to the public, so long as they conform to the Council’s protocol, a copy of which can be obtained from the Democratic Services Team. A G E N D A Page No. 1 APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. 2 CODE OF CONDUCT Members are required to comply with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and the Council’s Code of Conduct regarding disclosable pecuniary and other interests. Check if there is an item of business on this agenda in which the member or other relevant person has a disclosable pecuniary or other disclosable interest Check that the interest has been notified to the Monitoring Officer (in writing) and entered in the Register (if not this must be done within 28 days) Disclose the interest at the meeting (in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct) and in the absence of dispensation to speak and/or vote, withdraw from any consideration of the item where appropriate. If the interest is non-pecuniary you may be able to stay in the room, take part and vote. 3 MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on 18 January 2018, previously circulated. 4 PLANNING APPLICATIONS To consider the applications listed below for planning permission. A copy of third party representations is available to view on the Planning Portal at Dorsetforyou.com/planning applications. Please note that third parties that have indicated that they wish to make verbal representations to the committee are allowed up to 3 minutes to speak. There will be specific occasions when, at the chairman’s discretion, this may vary and the relevant parties will be notified accordingly. 5 WD/D/17/1356 - THE ORCHARD, CIDER APPLE ORCHARD, 5 - 36 CHANTMARLE LANE, CHANTMARLE 6 WD/D/17/0152 - LAND ADJACENT WINDSOR CLOSE, 37 - 68 MOSTERTON 7 WD/D/17/0035 - LAND TO EAST OF WYND CLOSE, WEST 69 - 92 STAFFORD 8 WD/D/17/1668 - INNSACRE FARMHOUSE, SHIPTON ROAD, 93 - 102 SHIPTON GORGE 9 WD/D/17/1943 - OLD SHIRE HALL, HIGH WEST STREET, 103 - 110 DORCHESTER 10 WD/D/16/0691 - VALUE HOUSE STORES, MANDEVILLE ROAD, 111 - 138 WYKE REGIS 11 URGENT ITEMS To consider any items that the Chairman decides are urgent. 12 DATE OF SITE VISIT Monday 19 March 2018. 13 INFORMAL MEMBER'S BRIEFINGS To receive informal briefings from officers on major forthcoming applications (if any). 14 QUESTIONS To receive questions submitted by members in writing to the Chief Executive and in respect of which the appropriate notice has been given. 15 EXEMPT BUSINESS To move the exclusion of the press and public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5 Planning Committee 15 February, 2018 WD/D/17/001356 Application Number: WD/D/17/001356 Full Registration Date: 12 July, 2017 Application Site: THE ORCHARD, CIDER APPLE ORCHARD, CHANTMARLE LANE JUNCTION CHANTMARLE TO, CHALMINGTON, DORCHESTER, DT2 0HB Proposal: Use of land for siting of 5 shepherd's huts with composting toilets, extension to barn to form taproom, cafe and farm shop and installation of temporary mobile home. Applicant: Mr Green Ward Members: Cllr N M Penfold Case Officer: Robert McDonald The application is before Members following deferral at the previous meeting on 18 January 2018. The application was deferred to allow for further negotiations with the applicant over the hours of operation of the tap room/cafe/farm shop. Updates and amendments to the previous report are in bold below. Summary Recommendation 1.1 Approve subject to conditions. 2. Description of development 2.1 Site and surroundings The application site lies to the south of the Chalmington hamlet and about 0.5km north of the Cattistock settlement, which does not have a DDB but is a 200+ population settlement. The proposals concern a strip of land skirting around the northern boundary of the holding which is currently farmed as a cider orchard. The wider holding is some 7.86ha in size and comprises a 40 year old apple orchard, planted with some 2600 cider apple trees. 2.2 In terms of built form on site, the only existing building is a steel portal framed barn, finished in green, which services the land and cider production. There are areas of hardstanding adjacent to the barn and a track providing access to the unclassified road which connects the hamlet to the C class road passing through Cattistock and beyond. The existing entrance to the site is gated and set in a dip in the road, with levels rising up to the north and south. Page 5 2.3 The orchard is enclosed by substantial tree cover along some of the boundaries, with substantial hedgerows lining the SE and SW boundaries. A row of trees lining the road to the south east of the holding are protected by TPOs and, within the holding itself, the grouping of trees in the SW corner (known as Chalmington Firs) is also protected by a TPO. From this corner there is a public footpath that provides direct access across agricultural land to the village centre of Cattistock. 2.4 Like much of the district, the site is within the Dorset AONB. The wider setting has undulating topography. The Castle Hillfort, a scheduled ancient monument, lies about 0.5km to the south of the application site. The land around this is open access land which connects to public footpath which skirts around the western boundary of another schedule ancient monument called Middle Hill further east. The former open access land provides views over towards the holding and site. 2.5 Description of development The proposed development has been amended during the course of the application to omit some elements originally proposed, following discussions with the LPA. The proposal no longer includes a separate building for the taproom/café/farm shop use and an intended woodchip boiler house building has been omitted. 2.6 The application seeks planning permission to use the land for siting of 5 shepherd’s huts with composting toilets, an extension to the existing barn to form taproom, café and farm shop and the installation of a temporary mobile home for a rural worker. 2.7 The 5 shepherd’s huts would be spread out around the northern boundary of the holding at varying distances apart. The applicant's statement contends that the huts would be sited in discrete locations, utilising existing clearings. Each hut could accommodate up to two persons and would have a wood burner, compostable toilet, integral shower and be built to a high enough standard whereby it could be occupied throughout the year. The huts would be typical in design and vernacular for such structures, constructed from timber under a metal sheet roof. 2.8 The taproom, café and farm shop would be formed as a lean-to extension to the existing barn on site. The extension would project some 6.5 metres beyond the SE side of the existing building. The additional floor area to the building would measure some 90 square metres. It would also contain two toilets. There would be a small enclosed decking area on the SE side. The extension would be constructed from timber cladding with timber framed fenestration. 2.9 The applicant's statement indicates that this facility would be open on a “flexible” basis for the public but mainly used for customers and glampers wanting to consume the cider on site and to help facilitate cider tours on site. The applicants initially proposed to have the taproom/café/farm shop open to the public from 11am to 7pm Mon – Weds; 11am to 11pm Thurs – Sat; and 11am to 4pm on Sundays. Page 6 The opening hours for the tap room/cafe/farm shop have raised fundamental concerns from objectors, the Parish Council and Members during the January committee meeting. Some expressed concern the use could effectively become a public house in its use and function.
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