' L't3A J ,1 c'r,OA Telephone 2365 Star Business Office SECOND EDITION. - p aaa VOL. XIX. TWELVE PAGES. HA,-y4lI- WEDNESDAY, HONOLULU. JULY 26, 1911. TWELVE PAGES. No. 6029 HAWAII AFTER RAW SUGAR TAKES THOUSAND AS TE AT THE MILE FLIGHT This nftern'o'bn's cablegram to tho Tho regular market quotations now PANAMA FAI Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association are 1.5217c por pound for centrifugal IN HOURS t'G 22 shows an advance In centrifugals of degree test, and 12s. lid. per long O.lGc. and in beets of 2d. from last hundredweight fof beets. It appears previous quotation. centrifugals that raws arc rapidly overtaking the Xow that the 1915 Fair site has arlve tho day after the Sierra. For (Associated Press Cables to the Star.) li Is an advance of 0.03c, over tho parity of beets, as was some time ago BROOKLANDS, Eng., July 26. been settled upon, the commission After ho has completed his onerous Beaumont won the $50,000 purse for i quotation of holders' demand received predicted by Willett & Gray as likely the-clrc- ult of Great Britain In an aeroplane. Tho distance was 1010 miles' no In get- task In San Francisco, Hughes will from Hawaii will lose time by Alexander & Baldwin on Saturday. to happen this season. and twenty-tw- o twenty-thre- e Hlart East Immediately In order to the time hours and minutes of actual Hying. ting to work In a suitable order that look Into other matters pertaining to i ' A CHINESE LYNCHING. ulte can be obtained for tho Hawaiian tho exhibit. Nothing will be left undone EL PASO, Tex., July 26. A has lynched forty exhibit that will be entered. lo make tho exhibit a success. Dut what Chinese been here and HULK OF Mft N Chinese are In Jail on suspicion. Tho commissioners comprise H. P. plans have been made, or how far they "Wood as chairman, J. LIdgato, of Ha- have gone, Hughes this morning pre- HAITI IN GENERAL REVOLT. waii, J. N. S. Williams, of Kahulul, C. ferred not to discuss. When pressed PORT AU PRINCE, July 26. The republic, excepting tho capital, E. Wright of Hllo and John Hughes bo sufficient HOW EVIDENCES OF entire he stated that it would Is in revolt. of Honolulu. John Hughes will he tho for the present to say that tho com- advance agent, and accordingly ho will was sending him on to the mission RECIPROCITY BILL SIGNED. go to San Francisco on the Sierra, ground to look for location a for the XTERNAL EXPLOSION WASHINGTON, July 26. The President has signed the reciprocity bill. leaving on August 2 for the coast. Ho exhibit. will pick out the best position avail- COMMITTEE SENDS NOTICE. DEFENSE FUND NEEDED. able 'for the Hawaii exhibit. It will Governor Frear has been advised HAVANA, July 18. Tho process of ting an examination of the plates, WASHINGTON, July 26. Secretary Morrison of the Federation of La-b- be seen that the local committee has by cable from President Moore, of removing surrounding the beams, ribs, etc., and it has been has appealed to labor unionists to raise f 500,000 for tho defense of the not delayed any at all, as Mr. Hughes Panama-Pacifi- c Exposition, th: t the water the shown conclusively that they origin- McNamaras. will be departing by the first possible the committee has finally arranged wreck of the Maine was practically ally belonged to the structure of tho tho selection of tho site. for a compromise site for holding the completed when lioat after this afternoon, the double bottom, which is now elevated COTTON TARIFF BILL. Lur-Un- e certainly could depart on the big show. The Information was along - He water In the cofferdam was- lowered to a height of about forty feet above WASHINGTON, July 26. The cotton tariff bill has been Introduced In leaving on August 1, but there the lines of the press dispatches re- eighteen feet, leaving the wreck sur- the normal position, apparently giving the House. would no saving by that, as she will ceived hero yesterday. be rounded by Islets of muci, small pools confirmatory evidence of a tremendous and sinkholes of green, slimy water, exterior explosion. TAFT DEFENDS ADMINISTRATION.- - The soundings show nowhere a depth' To this view, however, the engineers WASHINGTON, July 26. President Tatt has sent a message to ' ACCIDENT CURTIS IS HERE In excess of four feet. , decline to commit themselves, merely on the Controller Bay situation dcfondlng the course ct tho The water remaining can be re- admitting the identification of parts moved In a few hours, but It is now of the vessel. apparent engineers are con- In Wreckage (Morning Cable Report on Pago 7.) 1 that the the confused mass of HIS FIRST TRIP UNDER ARREST fronted with an Infinitely more se- of the bow Is to be seen a curved rious problem, the removal of tho mud piece of steel, believed to be what En- An. auto accident occurred on in which tho remains of the battleship sign Powelson identified before tho E. Hendry L MEETING OF C VIC Queen street near Fort street about Marshal It. returned this ore imbedded from a minimum of Sampson court of Inquiry as part of SPECS morning in the Claudino from Hilo thirty-seve- n 12:45 p. m. today. A native boy nam--e- d feet to a depth that can the flat keel of the Maine. Naval Con- way ports, having James Kaai, an employe of the and in custody only be conjectured. structor Ferguson, in charge of the ex- George M. Curtis, quartermaster Hoard of Health, was rather badly of Although the water Is now only two amination, declines to say whether he FEOERATION TRIS AFTERNOON tho American-Hawaiia- n steamer Ari-zona- ; injured. feet lower than in previous pumping can fully confirm Pov. (.'.son's identifi- who was In by It appears that Kaal on a bicyclo arrested Hilo operations, the revelations with re- cation, but says adjacent plates and wireless order some days ago upon was proceeding eastward along gard to the shattered hulk have been beams are unquestionably from the vi- a charge smuggling opium. The executive committee of tho tion, of tho Federation In this partic- Queen street when he saw a car driv- of vastly enlarged, owing to the lateral cinity of the keel. By the same steamer arrived ular; others feel that the existing en by W. W. Savercoll coming to- there outspreading of the distorted frames 'The wardroom and ofilcers' quavters Civic Federation has called a special under subpoenas six or eight wit- plan of conducting tho of ward him. The car bore over to the and plating, especially in the forward on the starboard side are exposed, but meeting of all members of that organ- affairs the nesses, including some whites, from Federation are satisfactory, havln? Jeft side of tho street before .turning section, where tho explosion was "owing to a considerable list tho mud ization for four o'clock this after- thinking the Hilo and Kahulul to appear before stood tho test of time. Into Fort and Kaai, that greatest. i.is lovol with the celling, precluding n the Federal grand jury In opium noon at tho Public Service Ar.soeW-tlo- Ajiy.jne.mber, old or new, who has auto was going to turn makal, switch- The structure of tho bow as far aft cases. rooms, for the purpose of dis- an Idea on this Important Is ed over to the left side of Queen as frame 18 Is now exposed, permit (Continued on page eight.) matter Tho opium investigation occupied cussing street. Savercoll turned mauka, how- tho relation that should exist urged to bo present and participate the grand jury forenoon, re- existing com- ever, and a collision took place. this and between the executive in this discussion which It Is hoped, cess was taken until nine o'clock to- membership Kaai grabbed ono of the lamps of mittee and the Increased will help in determining the future morrow morning. fur- tho car and hanging to it, was dr Installation of Y SITE AND BARRACKS of the organization. policy of tho Federation, enabling it in the new Federal- a considerable distance, sustain- niture Judiciary 1R Some feel there should bo a change to carry on Its Important work In an sed quarters is not yet completed. 'policy, ing a bad cut on his right hand and in the If not In the organiza efficient and satisfactory manner. a nasty abrasion on the right side of LOCATION ARE liis face as well as some minor REPORTER Oi bruises. ARTHQUAK E CAMP OF Savercoll picked up the Injured boy mum and took him to the police-statio- Will the Territory get back tho old sent to Washington some time ago, IT where Motorcycle Officer Chilton is AT CRATER Drill shed property from the Federal oi:d will probably soon be in the hands investigating the matter. THE Government, for an armory location, of General Wood. AT LEILEHUA IS DEAD Savercoll states that he turned or will the War Department carry out The last legislature appropriated HI wide at the Fort street in order to Us haracks plan on this site? $100,000 from the loan fund for tho E. E. Richards, manager see If there were anything in the way. It is generally expected in official purpose of building a National Guard of the Hllo (Wireless to the Star.) The War Department has approved telephone system, and agent there The fact that he was driving an HILO, 26.
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