INDEX to FALKLAND ISLANDS GAZETTE, 1954. Alazia, D., Messenger. Posts & Tels. Dept. 107 Jones, Pte. I. H. - Clasp to Efficiency Medal 174 .. W., Blacksmith, P.W.D. 107 „ 2nd Lt. W. J., promotion to Lieutenant 54 Aldridge, N. termination of appointment 1 „ S. C., Yard Foreman/Water Bailiff, P.W.D. 107 Aslnnore, Dr. J. H., Medical Officer 35 Kerr, J., Air Pilot, Harbour and Aviation Dept. 137 Atkins, Miss A., confirmation of appointment 173 Assets and Liabilities 139,144 Lellman, E. F.. acting Colonial Treasurer 53, 72 Lennox-Boyd, A., Secretary of State for Colonies 120 Bain, J. L.. Plumber, P.W.D. (Development Programme) 35 Lippold, Miss H., Nursing Sister 35 Barnes, B., Coxswain, "Alert” 137 Lindenberg, Miss 0., Nurse Probationer 95 „ 11., confirmation of appointment 35 Luxton, M., Peat Officer P.W.D. 107 Bartlett, D., Camp Teacher, Education Dept. l Legislative Council Minutes 45.78,152 Barton, A. G., Leave of absence from Ex. Co. 108 Biggs, B. W., Police Constable and Handyman, Leave - South Georgia 5 Biggs, T. M. 127 ,, G. N.. W/T Operator, Posts & Tels. Dept. 1 Booth, S. A. 95 Blake, W. W., Justice of Peace 72 Bound, J. 95 Bound, H. L., acting Assistant Treasurer 95 Bowles, G. W. J. 53 J., award of Efficiency Decoration and Clasp 2 Calvert, R. 53,138 Briscoe, .J. E., acting Colonial Secretary 53, 72 Campbell, R. 71 Brown, G., Senior Wireless Operator Mechanic, Carey. T. A. 127 South Georgia 137 Cawkell, E. M. 5. 138 N. R., 1st Officer. "John Biscoe" 173 Clifford, Sir Miles 51,95 Cowling, J. R. 145 Campbell, C., administered Government 69 Devrell, F. J. 145 ., Miss J., transfer from Posts & Telegraphs Devrell, Mrs. G. 145 . Department to Secretariat 138 Dixon, E. Y. 1 Coley, J. A., Assistant Master, Education Dept. 95 Dunbar, Miss M. 71 Cowiing, J. R., Met. Assistant, South Georgia 35 Fairclough, G. 145 Commission appointing His Excellency 0. R. Arthur Fleuret, D. 35 as Governor 67 „ Mrs. R. 107 Commission of Enquiry-appointment of members 8 Goss, B. G. 35 Grierson. W. J. 1 ,, ., .. - Report 55 Corrigenda 97 Hillenbrand, F. K. M 95,173 6.54, 108,146 Hooley, T. V. 35 Cost of Living Committee findings Ikkint, D .E. J. Crown Agents - new title 73 95 Jones, H. D. 5,138 Committees - Kendall, J. A. 107 Broadcast Advisory Com. - Rev. Gould appt. member 54 I Kidd, J. M. 5,145 Cost of Living Committee findings 6.54,108,146 King, Mrs. Y. T. 1 Visiting Committee for Hospital - members 6 „ Y. T. 1 Latermann, E. 53 Lellman, E. F. 95 Davis, Miss P. G., Nurse Probationer 95 F. T. 95 Drayoott, D. J., O.i/c Education Department 35.138 Luxton, H. T. 5.119 Duncan. R. A., Dental Surgeon, South Georgia Oliver, J. P. 71.173 Daylight Saving 54.138 Osborne, Mrs. A. 71 Pitaluga, Mrs. G. 35 Evans, M. E., Plumber, P.W.D. 119 Raymond, J. 1 „ Miss N., confirmation of appointment 53 Reichert, H. 35 Efficiency Decoration award 2 Richter, P. K. E. 173 Efficiency Medal awards 174 Sedgwick, Miss D. 1 I Somerville, A. M. 145 Szeley, A. 53,138 Ford, Pie. A. ‘1 Efficiency Medal award 174 Foreign Ollice j.% .-rice - compensation for Nazi persecution 72 McNab, D., Met. Assistant, South Georgia 137 Mackintosh, Miss AT. L., Nursing Sister, Medical Dept. 137 Goodwin, Miss C„ transfer from Secretariat to Treasury 35 Mayles, W. C., Steward/Cook South Georgia 71 „ N., confirmation of appointment 1 McCallum, Miss R., termination of appointment 1 Gould, Rev. J., Member Broadcast Advisory Committee 54 McGill. Miss J., Nurse Probationer 95 Grant, A., Diesel Electric Mechanic, South Georgia 137 McKay, Miss I., termination of appointment 127 „ J., Assistant Customs Officer „ „ 137 „ ' J. J.. Eugiuemau, Power Station, P.W.D. 107 Grave, Dr. G. F., Medical Officer 35 McLeod, P., W/T Operator, P. & T. Dept. 1 Greenaway, Dr. D. G. G., Medical Officer 119 McMullen. M., termination of appointment 119 Gutteridge, E. C., Superintendent Power Station 95 McPhee, P., Motor Driver. P.W.D. 107 Governor’s return to Stanley 36, 96,108,120,146 96 Miller, S., Registrar to perform a marriage 36 Government Office Hours Myles, W., transfer from W/T Operator to Clerk P. & T. Department 95 Hallidav Miss F., Telephone Operator 95 Magistrates and Justices of the Peace - list of 96 y’ L. j., transfer from Secretariat to P. & T. Dept. 138 Medical Practitioners - list of 6 Hansen, B., Motor Driver P.W D. 107 t- additions to list 36, 73, 96,127.174 Harries Miss H., termination of appointment 145 Medical Report 1953 177 ’ R N., Assistant Printer 107 Messages to and from S. of S. on Her Majesty’s Birthday 108 Hirtle, Miss C.. Kane Probationer, Medical Dept. 137 Message from Rt. Hon. 0. Lyttelton retiring S. of S. 120 W Acting Assistant Colonial Secretary 95 Ministers of Religion registered to celebrate marriages 2 Hosie, D. S., Met. Assistant, South Georgia 5 2 Honours, New Year Norris, J., acting Chief Constable 95 Nortliwood A., acting Superintendent of Works 119,146 Tuvi^f r> E J. acted as Collector of Customs, Shipping Notification - Pensionable Office - Met. Forecaster. iKK1 ’ ’ Master & Competent Authority (Supplies) 2 South Georgia 57 Instrument appointing M.C.a.’phe,, „ - List of pensionable offices 175 7,75. 97,121, 146, 174 Instrument appointing Mr. Cawkel. Member of ^ ^ Owen, T. G., W/T Operator, South Georgia 5 Offices - designation of 72 Instrument appointing Mr. ffilruth Ternary ^ 109 Instrument appointing Mr. Harding Member of Ordinances, Bills for 4 Administration of Justice (Amend.) Ordinance, 1954 124 \ INDEX—continued. Peck P., Orderly & Caretaker. Government House 1 Application of Enactments Ord., 1054 101, 120 107 l ............................. (Amend.) Ord. 1054 100 Perry, T., Mason P.W.D. 33 Pole-Evans. D. M., Registrar to celebrate marriage 72, 73 Appropriation (1054-55) Ord.. 1054 71 Currency Notes (Amend.) Ol d., 1054 125 Pollitt, Mrs. E., Cook/Housekeeper, Government House r" 31 Parade - Her Majesty’s Birthday 72 Customs (Amend.) Ord.. 1054 146 Income Tax (Amend.) Ord., 1054 101 Patent, registration of Interpretation and General Law (Amend.) Ord., 1054 120 Pensionable posts 3 72 .. „ (Amend.) Prison Visiting Justices (No. 2) Ord.. 1054 101 Probate 2,54, 73,07,108.120 11 Land (Amend.) Ord., 1054 09 Public Holidays Pensions (Amend.) Ord.. 1054 100 Savings Bank (Amend.) Ord.. 1954 128 Proclamations: Supplementary Appropriation (1052-53) Ord.. 1054 34 No. 1 of 1954 appointment of Mr. Campbell as O.A.G. 52 Ordinances : Assumption of Administration by His Excellency 0. R. Arthur 60 Colony Maintenance Oiders No. 1 of 1054 Interpretation and General Law (Facilities for Enforcement) 73 (Amend.) Ord.. 1054 0 Newcastle disease in Chile 74 2 „ Public Health (Amend.) Ord.. 1054 10 3 .. Exchange Control (Amend.; Ord.. 1054 Defence Force Old.. 1054 13 ; Reive. Miss Z., Telephone Operator. P. & T. Dept. 95 4 „ „ „ „ confirmation of appointment 110 5 .. Road Traffic (Temp. Amend.) Ord., 1054 25 Live Stock (Amend.) Old.. 1054 26 i Rippon, S. R.. Meat Inspector 35 6 .. 95 7 Stanley Town Council (Amend.) Rowlands. Miss (’., confirmation of appointment Ord.. 1054 20 Rutter. A., O.i/c Agricultural Department 95 76 8 „ Customs (Amend.) Ord., 1054 58 1 Resolution - Customs Order amendment 9 .. Supplementary Appropriation (1052-53) Ord., 1954 60 Regulations : 10 „ Appropriation (1954-55) Ord., 1054 62 ! 11 .. Land (Amend.) Ord., 1054 155 No. 1 of 1054 Pensions Regulations 44 12 Pensions (Amend.) Ord.. 1054 156 Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 110 13 .. Application of Enactments Ord., 1054 158 " -5 " " Whale (Amendment) Regulations 122 14 Income Tax (Amend.) Ord., 1954 165 Export (Amendment) Regulations 122 15 .. Interpretation & General Law Defence Force Regulations 148 (Amend.) Ord., 1054 166 Savings Bank (Amend.) Ord., 1954 167 ' 16 .. Rules : .. 17 .. Administration of Justice (Amend.) Ord.. 1054 168 Falkland Islands Defence Force Club Rules 150 18 Currency Notes (Amend.) Ord.. 1954 160 Rules for Grant of Travelling & Subsistence Allowances 110 Dependencies __ j Returns : No. 1 of 1954 Application of Colony Laws Ord., 1054 ; | Stock Returns 1053/54 102 Non-disallowance of Ordinances: Colony Receipts and Payments: No. 1 of 1954 Interpretation & General Law Statement of Receipts and Payments 140,142 (Amend.) Ord.. 1954 120 I „ 2 „ ,. Public Health (Amend.) Ord.. 1954 108 „ 3 ,. Exchange Control (Amend.) Old.. 1954 120 Schonfeld, L., Dental Surgeon 35 4 „ Defence Force Ord., 1954 97 Shorey. B., confirmation of appointment 5 Road Traffic (Temp. Amend.) Ord., 1954 94 Shorey, B., File Clerk, Secretariat 173 ;; e r, " Live Stock (Amend.) Ord., 1954 07 Skilling, A. R., Carpenter, P.W.D. 107 .. 7 „ Stanley Town Council (Amend.) L., Carpenter P.W.D. 107 Ord., 1954 97 i Smith. A. A.. Met. Assistant, F.I.D.S. 5 8 Customs (Amend.) Ord., 1954 127 E., Messenger, P. & T. Department 71 9 „ .. Supplementary Appropriation „ confirmation of appointment 137 (1052-53) Ord., 1954 120 „ ,. temporary transfer to Messenger Secretarial 173 .. 10 .. „ Appropriation (1954-55) Ord., 1954 108 Spencer, Miss S., confirmation of appointment 35 Spivey. R. E., Administrative Officer, South Georgia 71 Dependencies Stellfeld, Miss L. B. R., Tuberculosis Sister, Med. Dept. 119 Strong. Miss R., awarded M.B.E. 2 No 1 of 1954 Application of Colony Laws Ord., 1954 174 Summers, L/Cpl. K., Efficiency Medal 174 Stock Returns 1953/54 192 Orders : No. 1 of 1954 Exchange Control (Payments) Order. 1054 37 Tapper, R., Painter, P.W.D. 119 2 „ ,. Consular Conventions Tomlinson, R. R., termination of appointment 53 (Kingdom of Greece) Order, 1954 98 Town Council Statements of Assets & Liabilities 89 ,, 3 „ „ Consular Conventions „ „ Estimates 92 (French Republic) Order. 1954 98 Vacancy for Councillor 97 Order by Competent Authority revoking Orders made under Regulation 41 of the Defence Regulations 1039 146 "Vital Statistics 64 Whitney, J., acting Customs Officer, South Georgia 5 Peck, Miss E.
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