MASS SCHEDULE Daily: 9am ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE (9am Thursdays: Communion Service) Saturday Vigil: 5pm (Except June, July and August) Sunday: 9am, 11am and 12:30pm A community that is centered in Jesus, Holy Days: 9am gathers in worship, witnesses the Gospel, and MORNING PRAYER ministers to the spiritual and material needs 8:45am of the people. SACRAMENTS Baptisms In English: Fourth Saturday each month at 2pm (except during Lent and August). To register, call for an appointment at the Parish House to arrange for Baptism. Birth Certificate is required. Marriage Couples should speak with a priest or deacon at least six months before the desired wedding date. Confessions At Parish House anytime. Make an appointment by calling 718-680-1010 during office hours. Also before or after any Mass. Eucharist for the Homebound Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring communion to the homebound. Call the Parish House to make arrangements. For emergencies and to make arrangements for sick calls, wakes or funerals, call the Parish House at any time. LIVE STREAM @ ST ANDREW SACRAMENTOS We will be streaming Mass on Sundays (9am, 11am and 12:30pm) and weekdays at 9am. Go to our website Bautismos En español: El tercer sábado de cada mes a las www.standrewbrooklyn.com or our Facebook page St. 2pm (excepto durante la Cuaresma y agosto). Para Andrew the Apostle. If you have any questions, please call registrarse, llame para una cita a la Casa Parroquial y our office 718-680-1010 Ex 10. organizar el bautismo. Se requiere un certificado de nacimiento. Served by: Matrimonio Las parejas deben hablar con un sacerdote o Rev. Gregory A. Stankus, Pastor diácono al menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda Gregory Dixon, Deacon deseada. Ann Smyth, Director of Religious Education Confesiones En la Casa Parroquial en cualquier momento. Rosa Nava Leon, Asst. for Religious Education (Latino’s) Haga una cita llamando al 718-680-1010 durante el horario Susan Georgini, Coordinator of Parish Ministries de oficina. También antes o después de cualquier misa. Patricia Corbett, Parish Secretary Nina Varone, Parish Secretary Eucaristía en el Hogar Ministros de la Eucaristía están Sergio Sandí, Music Director disponibles para llevar la comunión a los inválidos. Llame a la Casa Parroquial para hacer arreglos. En caso de emergencia y para hacer los arreglos para visitas a los enfermos, velatorios o funerales, llame a la Casa ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parroquial en cualquier momento. JUNE 13, 2021 PARISH HOUSE OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday: 9:30am to 4:00pm Friday: 9:30am to 2pm Saturday and Sunday: Closed ALL ARE WELCOME! ¡TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS! Parish House Office: 6713 Ridge Boulevard, Brooklyn, New York 11220, 718-680-1010, Fax: 718-680-3160 Parish House e-mail: [email protected] Join our Facebook page: St Andrew the Apostle Parish website: www.standrewbrooklyn.com Wifi Access in church: theapostle-guest Password:standrew2020 St. Andrew the Apostle Parish, Brooklyn, NY REFLECTION REFLEXIÓN …all the trees of the field shall know that I, God, ... todos los árboles del campo sabrán que yo, Dios, bring low the high tree, lift high the lowly tree… baja el árbol alto, eleva el árbol humilde ... In Sunday’s first reading we hear God’s message above: “All the En la primera lectura del domingo escuchamos el mensaje de trees of the field shall know…”. The trees know, but do we? Both Dios: "Todos los árboles del campo sabrán ...". Los árboles lo this reading and Sunday’s Gospel tell us that might is not what saben, ¿pero nosotros? Tanto esta lectura como el Evangelio we humans are inclined to think. God does not ascribe to ranks of dominical nos dicen que el poder no es lo que los humanos superiority and inferiority. God rather surprises us by turning tiny estamos inclinados a pensar. Dios no se adscribe a rangos de seeds into substantial, strong adults. We start as those tiny seeds superioridad e inferioridad. Dios más bien nos sorprende al and we, through the grace of God, have the potential to grow into convertir pequeñas semillas en adultos fuertes y sustanciales. adults who can serve others as the mustard plant does, if we allow God to cultivate us. But we must remember that none of us is Comenzamos como esas pequeñas semillas y nosotros, a través better than another. We all carry the same promise and possibility de la gracia de Dios, tenemos el potencial de convertirnos en within us. May we humbly accept God’s grace to grow not bigger adultos que pueden servir a los demás como lo hace la planta de or better, but exactly as God intends for each of us. mostaza, si permitimos que Dios nos cultive. Pero debemos recordar que ninguno de nosotros es mejor que otro. Todos Pax Christi Metro New York! llevamos dentro la misma promesa y posibilidad. Ojalá que aceptemos humildemente la gracia de Dios para crecer no más grandes o mejores, sino exactamente como Dios quiere para cada uno de nosotros. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY LECTURAS PARA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Job 38:1, 8-11; Psalm XII Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario: Job 38:1, 8-11; 107:23-26, 28-31; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; and Mark 4:35-41. Salmo 107:23-26, 28-31; 2 Corintios 5:14-17; y Marcos 4:35-41. ON THE CALENDAR ST VINCENT DE PAUL CLOTHING DRIVE The SVDP truck will be here today from 8:30am to 12:30pm to Monday, June 14 pick up your clothes donations. Thank you for your donations. 7pm Jornada Group Meeting (KH) Tuesday, June 15 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 7pm Parish Council Meeting (CONF CALL) St Andrew’s need volunteers this summer to water the garden. God will assist on rainy days but any amount of time you could commit would Wednesday, June 16 keep our garden green. Please contact Maggie Dixon at 9:30am Miraculous Medal Novena (CHU) [email protected] or call the Parish House. 9:30am Communion & Liberation (ONLINE) 9:45am SVDP Food Distribution (KH) HELP WANTED 6pm Communion & Liberation (ONLINE) We are looking for a new maintenance worker for our church. The job includes general cleaning, minor repairs, outside cleaning, garbage Thursday, June 17 removal, table and chair set-up, assortment of deliveries and anything else that comes up. 9:30am Rosary (CHU) The hours are Thursdays and Fridays 8am-3pm (total 14 hours a week). The rate is $15 per hour. Since it is a part time job, no benefits are Saturday, June 19 included. You must pass a background check and fulfill any diocesan 9:30am Rosary (CHU) requirements for the safety of children. 2pm Baptisms in Spanish (CHU) If you or anyone you know are interested, please contact Fr Greg at the 4:30pm Confessions (PH) parish house during office hours (718 680-1010). Sunday, June 20 SUMMER CELEBRATION OF GIVING Masses at 9am, 11am and 12:30pm (bilingual) Saturday, June 26 at 1pm @Lutheran School Backyard, 440 Ovington 10:15am Rosary (CHU) Avenue. Event to benefit Meals on Wheels/Bay Ridge Center. Live music, food, beer & wine, desserts, raffles and gift baskets. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL GROUP FOOD PANTRY Tickets: $50 (includes 1 beer or wine). Purchase tickets on Eventbrite: HTTPS://BIT.LY/3GCVAOG Any questions email: [email protected] Your donations to the pantry of non-perishable food is truly appreciated. Please place your donations in the baskets located in the Gathering Spaces. We still need mayonnaise, rice, cans of soup, tuna and tomato sauce, cold cereal, mac & cheese, coffee, THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ketchup, mustard. The next monthly distribution is on Wednesday, July 21, from 9:45am to 10:45am, in Kiernan Hall. La próxima distribución de comida será el miércoles, 21 de julio, de las 9:45am a 10:45am. La documentación no es necesaria. Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time WELCOME BIENVENIDOS Our parish has been blessed with new members who were Nuestra parroquia ha sido bendecida con nuevos miembros que baptized into our church during the month of May. We offer fueron bautizados en nuestra iglesia durante el mes de mayo. them and their families a loving embrace and pray that Jesus Les ofrecemos a ellos y a sus familias un cariñoso abrazo y may walk with them and guide them for years to come. St. oramos para que Jesús camine con ellos y los guie en los años Andrew's parish joyfully welcomes our newly baptized: venideros. La Parroquia de San Andrés acoge con gozo a los que se han bautizado recientemente: DELANEY GERALDINE CARBAUGH VANYA VICTORIA LOPEZ TACK GARRETT PATRICIO XAVIER TACK GUEVARA WOLVERIC PASAG Now that we have journeyed through Lent and celebrated the Passion, MASS INTENTIONS Death and Resurrection of Jesus on Easter, I ask you to reflect on all that God has given you so that you may be His hands at work in Brooklyn Sunday, June 13 9am Helena Wirth and Queens during these challenging times. 11am Ricetti Family Your participation in the 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal joins you in faith 12:30pm Carlos Zamora-Ramirez with others in the Church to do good works; connecting our young Monday, June 14 9am Madeline & William Genco people to the Church, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick and Tuesday, June 15 9am Beyond the Grave: imprisoned, giving shelter to the homeless, welcoming the stranger, Raymond Carman, Mary & caring for the elderly, sharing our faith, educating the young and Eugene Leyden, Mary forming deacons and priests. The work you support with a donation to Coughlan, Josephine Shea, the Appeal goes beyond the abilities of any one parish while benefiting Thomas Hughes, the faithful in all parishes, including St Andrew the Apostle.
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