The Scout Association Northern Ireland Scout Council annual report for the year ended 31 March 2017 The Scout Association Northern Ireland Scout Council for the year ended 31 March 2017 Page Structure, Governance and Management .............................................................. 1 Northern Ireland Scout Council Membership ......................................................... 2 Letter from the President ........................................................................................ 4 Programme and Development Committee ............................................................. 5 Finance and General Purposes Committee ........................................................... 6 The Education and Training Inspectorate .............................................................. 6 Membership ............................................................................................................ 9 Adult Training and Support ..................................................................................... 9 Northern Ireland Scout Centre Crawfordsburn .....................................................10 Youth Shaped Scouting ........................................................................................15 The Scouting Programme .....................................................................................17 Beavers .................................................................................................................17 Cubs .....................................................................................................................18 Scouts ...................................................................................................................19 Explorers ...............................................................................................................19 Network .................................................................................................................21 United Youth Social Action Fund Project .............................................................22 Activities ................................................................................................................22 International ..........................................................................................................23 Arrowhead Club ....................................................................................................24 Around the Counties & A Million Hands ...............................................................25 Adult Awards ......................................................................................................................27 Scout, Explorer Scout and Network Awards .....................................................................28 Chair’s Conclusion .............................................................................................................30 Chief Commissioner ..........................................................................................................30 ......................................................................................................32 Fundamentals of Scouting and Key Policies .....................................................................48 Developing the Vision – Corporate Objectives The Scout Association was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1912. Its powers include the appointment of local bodies for the management of its affairs in any particular part of the United Kingdom; under these powers its affairs in N orthern Ireland are delegated to the Northern Ireland Scout Council with a Board for the management of its business. The Northern Ireland Scout Council is an autonomous Charity affiliated to The Scout Association and is recognised by the Inland Revenue as a Charity. The Board of the Council are responsible for preparing the Trustees Annual Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). The law applicable to charities in Northern Ireland requires the Board of Council to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the charity and of the incoming resources and application of resources of the charity for that period. In preparing these financial statements, the Board of the Council are required to: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • observe the methods and principles in the Charities SORP; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in operation. The Board of the Council are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the charity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008. The Board of the Council are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the charity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The management of the business of the Council is vested in the Board of the Council. The Board is responsible for policy making, but delegates certain operational decisions to its Executive and sub Committees (Finance and General Purposes and Programme and Development sub Committees). The Board keeps under review a business risk management analysis that identifies potential risks to the key functions of the Association. The Board delegates the day to day operation of the business to the Senior Management Team of the following: the Executive Commissioner Mr K Gillespie, the Administrative Officer Mrs P Hale and the Crawfordsburn Centre Manager Mr P Harrison. The amended Constitution of the Northern Ireland Scout Council was approved at the Annual General Meeting of the Northern Ireland Scout Council in September 2016 with further work ongoing. 1 (Incorporated by Royal Charter) Patron: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Founder: The Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, OM, GCMG, GCVO, KCB, LLD Chief Scout: Bear Grylls President: Mr R Philip Scott Vice Presidents Mr Noel Bogle, MBE Mr Ian M Coates Mr Mervyn Douglas, MBE Mr David Fawcett, DL Mr Brian D Mawhinney, MBE Dr Wilfred Mulryne, OBE Mr G Purdy, CBE Chief Commissioner: Mr Stephen Donaldson Chair: Dr Henry Brown Hon Treasurer: Mr Philip Price Secretary: Mr Kenneth Gillespie Chair of Finance and General Purposes Committee: Mr Roger Thompson Chair of Programme and Development Committee: Mr Steven Millar Appeals Treasurer: Mr Philip Price Bankers: Ulster Bank Ltd 11-16 Donegall Square East Belfast BT1 5UB Northern Ireland Registration Number with the Scout Association: 30000 Charity Commission Registration No. NIC103542 Contact: Mr Kenneth Gillespie Executive Commissioner The Scout Association Northern Ireland Scout Council, 109 Old Milltown Road, Belfast, BT8 7SP Northern Ireland Commissioners (ex officio) County Commissioners (ex officio) Mrs B Edgar Beaver Scouts Mr C McGrath Antrim Mrs J Major Cub Scouts Mr P Walker Armagh Mrs A Nicholson Scouts Mr S Mallett Belfast Mr A Stacey Explorer Scouts Mr S Wilton Down Mr D Scott Scout Network Mrs K Armstrong Fermanagh Mr J Morrison Adult Training Mr P Meikle Londonderry Mr M Kerry Activities Mr N Collins Tyrone Dr D Mehaffey Special Needs Mr A Parkes Crawfordsburn Nominated by Chief Commissioner Miss C Brown International Mr S Millar Miss R Wells Youth Mr C Thompson Mr R Thompson Chaplain Rev D Skuce 2 District Commissioners (ex officio) Mr W McCullough Antrim Mr N McKee South East Belfast Mrs A Morrow Lisburn Mr J Watson West Belfast Mr L Carswell Mid Antrim Mr R Watson South Down Mr O Townsend South East Antrim Mr R Dorrian Strangford Mr M Curran Armagh Mr P Wilson North Down Miss D Robinson Lurgan Mrs J Greer Mid Ulster Mrs B robb East Belfast Mr P Meikle Coleraine Mrs P Cooke North Belfast Mr R Edgar Londonderry Mr I Stewart South Belfast Elected Members Mr C Cully Mr C McCloskey Mr R McClean Mrs C Rankin Mr S McCallen Mr K Hughes Mr C Ireland Mr B Ross Mr I Ingram Mr A Clements Mr G Duffy Mr A Fawcett Mr M Curry Mr D Holmes Miss E White Mrs K Anderson Miss D Markwell Mr D Branagh Mr P Patterson Miss N Fergson Mr E Fleming Mrs A Willis Mr M Croft Mr A Meikle Mr B Hassard Mr N McIlwaine Mrs M Morrison Mr J Mullan Mr K Fisher Mr P Beck Miss Z Sinfield Mr D Morrow Mr T Blair Mr T Neill Mr W Shaw Mr F Graham Mrs C Elliott Mr M Cairns Miss B McAuley Mr R Beckwith Mr M Graham The Chief Commissioner, pro tem, Girlguiding Ulster The Chief Scout, pro tem, Scouting Ireland The Board Executive Chair: Dr H Brown (and ex-officio on all Committees) Mr C Lammey Dr H Brown Mr N Collins Mr S Donaldson Mr C McGrath Mr K Gillespie Mr A Meikle Mr C Lammey Mrs J Major Mr S Millar Mr P Meikle Mr P Price Mr P Walker Mr C Thompson Mr P Wilson Mr R Thompson Mr I Stewart Mr J Morrison Mr C McClosey Mr B Ross Council’s Committees Finance & General Purposes Programme & Development Mr C McGrath Chair: Mr R Thompson Chair: Mr S Millar Mr J Morrison Miss B McAuley Mrs K Armstrong Mrs A Nicholson Mr C McCloskey Miss C Brown Mr A Parkes Mr P Price Mr N Collins Mr D Scott Mr B Ross Mrs B Edgar Rev D Skuce
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