Editor-in-chief Marydee Ojala introduces you to magazine’s content and mission. Click here to subscribe contents MAR/APR 2016 10 28 38 46 56 features Meeting User Needs With adds important new features while retaining not only what they are, but also how best to the best of its classic version, writes experi- use them. Cataloger’s Desktop ..................10 enced chemical searcher Bob Buntrock. Bruce Johnson, Derek Rodriguez, and Susanne Ross Vendor Videos for The Library of Congress, assisted by Search Technol- Advanced Twitter Training and Sales ................... 56 ogies, Inc., redesigned Cataloger’s Desktop to help Search Commands ...............50 Marydee Ojala librarians around the world create metadata to biblio- Tracy Z. Maleeff Increasingly, our vendors are using videos to sell their graphically control library resources. This custom Billions of people use social media. But for products and effectively train both information profes- search application required paying close attention to information professionals, it’s the advanced sionals and end users on how to use those products. user needs and deploying ongoing, iterative changes. search capabilities that attract their atten- Online Searcher editor-in-chief Marydee Ojala de- tion, Tracy Maleeff goes deep into the ad- scribes the advantages and disadvantages of video vanced search features of Twitter, detailing and looks at individual vendors’ video channels. Synthesizing, Extracting, and Customizing Web Data .......16 Ernest R. Perez searcher’s voice... Tools such as the free import.io facilitate custom- ized data capture from websites and storage of information as formatted, easily transferable data files. Long time data librarian Ernest Perez walks THE SEARCHER’S VOICE ...33 Technological Singularity us through the process. Data extraction services, Resurrecting the and the Future of Information using browser technology, offer opportunities to Reference Interview and Libraries ..........................38 expand opportunities for information professionals. Barbara Quint By Nancy K. Herther As bq reminds readers—in part by sharing one In writing about our quickly changing techno- shining moment from her own search history— logical world, Nancy Herther uses the backdrop Survey Research: when you help your client more precisely define of astronomical and physics concepts such as Polling and Beyond....................22 what the question is, the more precise the re- singularity to theorize how these technologies Barbie E. Keiser sults will be. could impact information professionals as well The internet provides a fantastic platform for poll- as humankind as a whole. LIVE LINKS sters, whether they’re in the political sphere or not. Barbie Keiser explores some online survey tools INTERNET EXPRESS ...........35 and examines those that provide survey results. How Public Libraries Can Help ACRL’s New Information She adds tips about understanding and construct- Framework: Why Now and ing survey instruments. SUPPLIMENTAL CON- Syrian Refugees Irene E. McDermott TENT AND LIVE LINKS What Did It Discover? ............46 Irene McDermott shares this sobering statistic to By Robert Berkman kick off her column: As of November 2015, more Bob Berkman interviews Sharon Mader, visiting New STN: Remaking a Classic than 800,000 Syrians had sought refugee sta- program officer for information literacy at ACRL, While Keeping the Classic .........28 tus through the United Nations. She goes on to to find out the impetus behind the association’s Robert E. Buntrock share a multitude of ways information pros can release of its Information Literacy Framework for STN has long been the gold standard for chemis- help these refugees begin their new lives. And it Higher Education and what the Framework’s try searches. Its newest iteration, called New STN, all starts with the public library. LIVE LINKS biggest challenges are to date. COVER DESIGN BY JACKIE CRAWFORD Visit Online Searcher at onlinesearcher.net columns On the Net .......................................................................... 62 Volume 40 – Number 2 ISSN: 2324-9684 Searching for Definitions Vice President, Content Dick Kaser Greg R. Notess Online dictionaries and definition sources provide valuable alternatives to print Editor-in-Chief Marydee Ojala dictionaries. It’s not only web search engines and specific websites that help Senior Editor Barbara Quint with definitions, it’s also commercial databases. Editorial Services Manager Lauree Padgett Assistant Production Editor Alison A. Trotta The Dollar Sign ................................................................... 65 Branding Irons at the Ready: Researching Brand Names Production Manager Tiffany Chamenko Marydee Ojala Senior Graphic Designer Jackie Crawford Look around, and you’re bound to notice at least one brand name, if not more. Advertising Director David T. Panara Researching brand names involves reference works, general business databases, Ad Trafficking Coordinator Jackie Crawford intellectual property resources for trademark identification, and news stories. V.P., Marketing & Business Devel. Thomas Hogan, Jr. The Open Road .................................................................. 68 Circulation Manager Janeen Welsh Open Knowledge Versus Knowledge Management V.P., Information Technology Bill Spence Abby Clobridge President & CEO Thomas H. Hogan What do open access, open knowledge, and knowledge management have in common? Quite a lot, says Abby Clobridge, who delves into the similarities and Chairman of the Board Roger Bilboul differences. Consider who is the intended consumer, security and privacy issues, V.P. & CAO John Yersak metrics, and culture. Online Searcher: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies (ISSN: 2324-9684; USPS: 355-110) is published six times per year (January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/ October, November/December) by Information Today, Inc., 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055-8750 USA; Phone: (609) 654-6266; Fax: (609) 654-4309; Internet: www.infotoday.com. InfoLit Land ......................................................................... 71 Registered in U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. Evidence and the Doubter Periodicals postage paid at Vincentown, N.J., and additional mailing offices.© Copyright, 2016, Information Today, Inc. All rights reserved. William Badke No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in any medium without the Conspiracy theories, fake science, distorted views of events, and incorrect express permission of the publisher. Printed in USA interpretation of facts are the province of the doubters, which creates real POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Online Searcher, 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ dilemmas for those teaching information literacy. Outliers may be proved correct 08055-8750. RIGHTS AND PERMISSIONS or dead wrong. Bill Badke outlines five lessons for the information-literate when Permission to photocopy items is granted by Information Today, Inc. provided that a base fee of $3.50 plus $0.50 per page is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), or provided that striving for credibility in research. your organization maintains an appropriate license with CCC. 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Searchable archive of all articles with digital document delivery: www. iti-infocentral.com Contents also available online under direct licensing arrangements with EBSCO, NewsBank, ProQuest, and Gale and through redistribution arrangements with information service providers Hard Copy .......................................................................... 77 including, Dow Jones Factiva, LexisNexis, OCLC, STN International, and Westlaw. Recommended Reading on Transformations, Opting SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscriptions to Online Searcher are available at the following rates (per year): Subscribers in Out, Expert Information, and Causal Relationships the U.S.—$145; subscribers in Canada or Mexico—$160; subscribers outside North America— Deborah Lynn Wiley $187. All amounts payable in U.S. funds. Subscribe online or email [email protected].
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