JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM THE PLYMOUTH LABORATORY VOLUME 49, No. 2 (issued May 1969) CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1969 Price £4 wt (U.S.A. $13.50) Amual Subscription for Vchmu (of four pans); £14 net (U.S.A. $47.00) Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 23 Sep 2021 at 15:53:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315400035888 THE MARINE BIOLOGIGAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM PATRON H.R.H. THE PRINCE PHILIP DUKE OF EDINBURGH, F.R.S. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL President: Prof. A. L. HODGKIN, SC.D., FJLS. Vice-Presidents Prof. A. V. HILL, CJL, O.BJ, ScD., LL.D., G. M. GRAHAM, C.M.G., O.BJL FJtS. Prof. Sir ALISTER C. HARDY, Kt., D.Sc., FJLS. Sir EDWARD J. SALISBURY, Kt., C.B.E., D.Sc, Sir C. MAURICE YONGE, Kt., C.BJE., D.Sc, F.R.S. LLJ)., F.R.S. Rear Admiral Sir EDMUND G. IRVING, K.B.E., CB. Prof. Sir JAMES GRAY, Kt., CJJJ3., M.C., ScD.. Sir FREDERICK S. RUSSELL, Kt., C.B.E., D.S.C, LL.D., F.R.S. D.F.C., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. Honorary Members Prof. Sir JAMES GRAY, Kt, C.B Ji, M.C., Sc.D., Miss MARIE V. LEBOUR, D.SC. LL.D., FJtS. Dr A. C REDFIELD Prof. Sir ALISTBR C. HARDY, Kt., D.Sc, F.R.S. Prof. G. THORSON, D J»hiL E. H. E. HAVELOCK, C.B., CB.E. Sir C. MAURICE YONGB, Kt., C.BJE., D.Sc, FJLS. Dr A. G. HUNTSMAN Prof. L. A. ZENXEVITCH COUNCIL Elected Members Prof. R. B. CLARK, D.SC. R. D. KEYNBS, Ph.D., F.R.S. G. E. R. DEACON, C.B.E., D.Sc, F.R.S. C E. LUCAS, CM.G., D.Sc, F.R.S. Prof. J. M. DODD, Ph.D. J. W. G. LUND, D.SC, F.R.S. Prof. G. E. FOGG, SCJ)., FJt-S. Prof. R. A. MORTON, D.SC, F.R.I.C., FJLS. Prof. Sir JAMES GRAY, KL, C.BJi Prof. J. G. PHILLIPS, D.SC. M.C., ScD., LL.D., FJI.S. Prof. J. E. G. RAYMONT, D:SC. J. P. HARDING, Ph.D. Rear Admiral G. S. RITCHIE, CB., D.Sc., F.R.I.CS. Prof. G. M. HUGHBS, Sc.D. J. C SWALLOW, Ph.D., FJI.S. Governors J. GRAHAM (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries S. SMITH, PhJ5. (Cambridge University) and Food) EDWARD HINDLE, SCD., F.R.S. (British The Worshipful Company of Fishmongers: Association) Sir EDWARD R. CHADWYCK-HEALEY, Bt., M.C. Prof. G. P. WELLS, SC JX, F.R.S. (Zoological Society) CoL Sir JOHN G. CARHW POLE, Bt., D.S.O., T.D. Prof. Sir BERNARD KATZ, KL, M.D., D.Sc, FJI.S. The Hon. HUGH WALDORF ASTOR, JJ*. (Royal Society) Prof. J. W. S. PRDTOLE, M.B.E., Sc.D., F.R.S. Prof. E. J. DENTON, SCDO FJR.S. (Physiological (Oxford University) Society) Hon. Treasurer: The Hon. HUGH WALDORF ASTOR, J. P., 14 Culross Street, London, W.I. Secretary: J. E. SMITH, SCD., FJI.S., The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, Devon SCIENTIFIC STAFF Director: J. E. SMITH, SCJ>., D.SC, F.IJH0L, F.R.S. D. P. WILSON, D.SC, F.I.BioL, F.RJ.S. (.Zoologist) J. V. HOWARTH, B.Sc (Physiologist) L. H. N. COOPER, D.SC, F.R.I.C., F.G.S., F.LBioL, Q. BONE, MA, D.PhiL (Zoologist) FJLS. (Chemist) G. T. BOALCH, B.Sc, PhJD. (Phycologist) G. M. SPOONBR, M.B.E., MJV., F.RJE.S. (Zoologist) G. W. BRYAN, B.SC, PhJ). (Zoologist) MARY W. PARKB, D.SC, PhJ)., F.L.S., F.I.BioL A. G. DAVIBS, B.SC, Ph.D. (Physical Chemist) (Phycologist) P. E. GIBBS, B.Sc, MA, Ph.D. (Zoologist) P. G. CORBIN, BA (Zoologist) B. L. ROBERTS, M.A., Ph.D. (Physiologist) N. A. HOLME, M^. (Zoologist) J. C. GREEN, Ph.D (Phycologist) G. R. FORSTER, B.Sc (Zoologist) D. K. GRIFFITHS, M.SC (Physical Oceanographer) E. D. S. CORNER, M.SC., Ph.D. (Biochemist) P. R. DANDO, B.SC, Ph.D. (Special appointment A. J. SOUTHWARD, D.SC, Ph.D. (Zoologist) Biochemist) J. H. WICKSTEAD, D.Sc, PhJ)., Ministry of Overseas Development (Zoologist) Prof. E. J. DENTON, SC.D., F.I.BioL, F.R.S. (Physiologist), Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/coreRoyal Societ. IPy address:Researc Professo, ron o 23f BristoSep 2021l atUniversit 15:53:54, ysubject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0025315400035888 May 1969 JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS TITLE must be inked in. The lines on graph paper The title of the paper should be kept as short are not normally reproduced, and should be as possible. blue or faint grey. The name of the author at the beginning Legends for figures must be typed all of the paper should be followed only by together on a separate sheet, and not inserted senior qualifications. on the actual illustrations. Text-figures are numbered in arabic TEXT numerals, and referred to in the text as Manuscripts must be typed (double-spaced) 'Fig. i', etc. Where there is a plate con- on one side of the paper, leaving ample taining several figures, the text-figures are margins, with the folios numbered. Words to referred to as ' Text-fig. 1', etc. be printed in italic should be underlined. The All line-drawings are printed as text- first mention of Latin names of species should figures, as well as photographs for which be followed by the authority, except where fine detail is not required. reference is made to a work in which the autho- rity appears (e.g. Plymouth Marine Fauna). PLATES Manuscripts should be as concise as pos- Photographs should be on smooth-surfaced sible. Undue length will undoubtedly lead paper, semi-matt or glossy. The edges of to delay in publication as the paper will be the photograph must be trimmed square. It returned to the author for shortening. is important that the background in the All linear measurements and weights photograph be of a uniform tone and free should be in the metric scale. from blemishes. 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On the growth and feeding of the position in which they are to be inserted young herring in the Clyde. J. mar. biol. by an arrow in blue pencil. This should be Ass. U.K., Vol. 23, pp. 427-55. kept to a workable minimum, all details being RUSSELL, F. S. & YONGE, C. M., 1928. The included in the legend. Seas. 379 pp. London: Frederick Axes and graduation marks on graphs Warne. Authors are requested to see that their manuscripts are in finished form and completely ready for publication so that corrections may be reduced to a minimum, and these are confined as far as possible to the first proof. If the cost for corrections exceeds a reasonable figure, the author is liable to be charged to the full extent of the excess. SUBSCRIPTIONS Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom is published quarterly. Single parts cost £4 net (S13.50 in the U.S.A.) plus postage. Four parts form a volume. The subscription price of a volume (which includes postage) is £14 net ($47.00 in the U.S.A.). Application to mail at second class postage rates is pending at New York, N.Y. Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 23 Sep 2021 at 15:53:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms.
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