June 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3661 repair efforts—everything from updat- full equality for people with disabil- war, who bravely served in South ing fire safety systems to building new ities. As the primary author of the Korea. As one of our Nation’s service- schools. In many cases, these Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and members, he made exceptional sac- dollars have served as the needed in- the ADA Amendments Act, I have had rifices for our country and deserves our centive to leverage local public and four guiding goals for our fellow citi- deepest gratitude. After his time in the private dollars, so it often has a tre- zens with disabilities: equal oppor- Air Force, Marv attended college and mendous multiplier effect within a tunity, full participation, independent eventually settled in Carson City. He school district. Over the years, Wash- living and economic self-sufficiency. had a long career of 30 years as an IBM ington County has received $1,971,496 in Nearly one-quarter century since pas- Corporation Representative in Carson Harkin grants. Similarly, schools in sage of the ADA, I see remarkable and after retirement, focused on giving Washington County have received changes in communities everywhere I back to the community by becoming funds that I designated for Iowa Star go in Iowa not just in curb cuts or mayor. Marv spent much of his free Schools for technology totaling closed captioned television, but in the time coaching Pop Warner football and $367,796. full participation of people with dis- Little League and was active in the de- Agricultural and rural development: abilities in our society and economy, velopment of the Boys and Girls Clubs Because I grew up in a small town in folks who at long last have the oppor- of Western Nevada. His service to his rural Iowa, I have always been a loyal tunity to contribute their talents and country, as well as his bravery and friend and fierce advocate for family to be fully included. These changes dedication to his family and commu- farmers and rural communities. I have have increased economic opportunities nity, earn him a place in history been a member of the House or Senate for all citizens of Washington County, among the many outstanding men and Agriculture Committee for 40 years— both those with and without disabil- women who have contributed to our including more than 10 years as chair- ities, and they make us proud to be a Nation and to the great Silver State. man of the Senate Agriculture Com- part of a community and country that His motivation and selflessness em- mittee. Across the decades, I have respects the worth and civil rights of championed farm policies for Iowans bodies the Battle Born State. With his all of our citizens. passing, Nevada lost a great man who that include effective farm income pro- This is at least a partial accounting is immortalized for his service to our tection and commodity programs; of my work on behalf of Iowa, and spe- Nation and to the Carson City commu- strong, progressive conservation assist- cifically Washington County, during nity. ance for agricultural producers; renew- my time in Congress. In every case, able energy opportunities; and robust this work has been about partnerships, My entire family extends our economic development in our rural cooperation, and empowering folks at thoughts and condolences to Marv’s communities. Since 1991, through var- the State and local level, including in wife Elizabeth and his loved ones, and ious programs authorized through the Washington County, to fulfill their own we thank them for their service as farm bill, Washington County has re- dreams and initiatives, and, of course, well. ceived more than $3 million from a va- this work is never complete. Even after I ask my colleagues to join me in re- riety of farm bill programs. I retire from the Senate, I have no in- membering Mayor Teixeira for his un- Keeping Iowa communities safe: I tention of retiring from the fight for a wavering loyalty and dedication to Ne- also firmly believe that our first re- better, fairer, richer Iowa. I will always vada.∑ sponders need to be appropriately be profoundly grateful for the oppor- trained and equipped, able to respond tunity to serve the people of Iowa as f to both local emergencies and to state- their Senator.∑ wide challenges such as, for instance, f CONGRATULATING NIA SANCHEZ the methamphetamine epidemic. Since REMEMBERING MARV TEIXEIRA 2001, Washington County’s fire depart- ∑ Mr. HELLER. Madam President, I ments have received over $776,144 for ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today wish to congratulate Nevada’s own, Nia firefighter safety and operations equip- I rise in remembrance of my friend, Sanchez from Las Vegas, on being ment and over $335,967 in assistance to mentor, and coach, Marv Teixeira, a crowned Miss USA 2014. Nia is the first law enforcement. true Nevada statesman and dedicated beauty queen in the competition’s his- Wellness and health care: Improving public servant. tory to ever win from the great State the health and wellness of all Ameri- Mayor Teixeira’s legacy as the long- of Nevada, and I am truly honored to cans has been something I have been est running mayor in Carson City ex- congratulate her on this great achieve- passionate about for decades. That is emplifies his commitment and dedica- ment. why I fought to dramatically increase tion to the betterment of his commu- The Miss USA pageant had its start funding for disease prevention, innova- nity. Marv served three terms as in 1952 as a local ‘‘bathing beauty’’ tive medical research, and a whole mayor and was always willing to listen competition that transformed into an range of initiatives to improve the to the voice of the people and base his international and annual tradition health of individuals and families not decisions on what citizens wanted. His that has been a part of American his- only at the doctor’s office but also in leadership and exemplary contribu- tory for the past 62 years. The women our communities, schools, and work- tions to the State of Nevada are, and who are awarded the crown and named places. I am so proud that Americans continue to remain, unmatched. Miss USA are goal-oriented, knowl- have better access to clinical preven- There was no disguising Marv’s love edgeable and aware of what is going on tive services, nutritious food, smoke- of Carson City, often referring to it as at home and abroad. These characteris- free environments, safe places to en- ‘‘Nevada’s best kept secret’’ and he was tics are exemplified in Nia’s everyday gage in physical activity, and informa- right. Carson City is a wonderful place life, as a woman who is constantly tion to make healthy decisions for to live and raise a family, and Marv’s seeking to improve the lives of others themselves and their families. These mayorship has contributed greatly. and her local community. efforts not only save lives, they will There is a long list of accomplishments also save money for generations to that he achieved for Carson: the Pony Nia truly is an example of a person come thanks to the prevention of cost- Express Pavilion, the V&T Railway Re- who overcame great obstacles to ly chronic diseases, which account for construction Project, and the Carson achieve her dreams. When she was 8 a whopping 75 percent of annual health freeway. As mayor, he brought new years old, she and her mother were care costs. I am pleased that Wash- companies and jobs to the area. He was forced to live in a women’s shelter, and ington County has recognized this im- an outstanding public servant. He al- that is one of the driving forces behind portant issue by securing $35,549. ways supported me, and we were able her choice to dedicate her life to serv- Disability rights: Growing up, I loved to work together on a bipartisan basis ing others. As a fourth-degree black and admired my brother Frank, who for the good of Nevada. belt and instructor, Nia spends her was deaf, but I was deeply disturbed by Born in 1935, Marv led a long life time teaching martial arts to women the discrimination and obstacles he dedicated to selflessly serving his and ‘‘Stranger Danger’’ classes to chil- faced every day. That is why I have al- country and the community. He was a dren in the community. She also volun- ways been a passionate advocate for U.S. Air Force veteran of the Korean teers her time teaching Sunday school VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:14 Mar 21, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\JUN 2014\S12JN4.REC S12JN4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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