INCORPORATING RADIOIN AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND" ey,for transmission by post as a newspaper). SPECIAL ENLARGED NUMBER (84 Pages) Full Details of the Radio Exhibition Radio in 1929 The 1929 Neutrodyne Story by Brasso 3LO's Sporting Service All the Programmes Friday, 29th2Cith Apr:I, 1929. WIRELESS WEEKLY \kihslYIN)Shouldvisit' -RAbi4ES 6.,e locati4nac; /ost_year izokooa AT 5NAW 5 VDMEY 1. Because many yearsspentinmanufacturing Radiokes'rangeof R.F. componentsis very precision Radio apparatus has given Radiokes a complete. background of quality whichbuyersofparts 3.Because there you will be shown, and have ex. appreciate. plained all radio's latest coil kits, etc., and also 2. Because RADIOKES has given the set building how some are made up into popular receiving sets. community of the Commonwealth all the latest 4.Because you are invited to bring along your radio R.F. appliances to allow you to follow the rapid queries to Radiokes' demonstrators and tell them developments of the Radio art-and this season about your experiences with Radiokes apparatus. S.Because last, but by no means least, the new RADIOKES four valve All Electric receiver will he shovvo for the first time, and you owe it to yourselftoseethis wonderful receiver which bids fair to be the most popular factory built set for the forthcoming season. This isa typical example of Radiokes latest Coil Kit,-t' e Screen Grid Short Wave Tuner Kit represents the ultimate in coilkit construction. Don'tfailtoinspect the full range. Radiokes Products are available from all !hell -class Radio dealers or direct from METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Radiokes House, 126-130 Sussex Street, or York House, Little Collins St., Melbourne priday, 26th ATr11, 1923. WIRELESS WEEKLY Page Oni TEN SUPERB MODELS From the modest Astor Two Valve to the magnificent electrically operated Astor "Duo Symphonic" (combined radio and phonograph). The Astor Exhibit will contain the mostcom- prehensive range of receiversever manufactured. They are all Australian too. See Stand No. 19, Great Hall CONSOLE ASTOR SHIELDED SIX RADIO EXHIBITION, completewithAmplionSpeaker, Battery, £52. All Electric, £64 May 1st to 11th Out of Town folk, who are unable to visit Please forward me further part icu- the Exhibition, send the coupon for fur- ther particulars. AMPLION A/SIA., LTD., ADDRESS 53-55 YORK ST., SYDNEY atthe VOTIVITT-89 STAND N°1 On the left hand side of the Vestibule, Sydney Town Hall, May 1st -11th, 1929. Nowhere will you see a more comprehensive and inter- esting exhibit of Modern Radio thanat Harringtons. Stand.Some of the World's Finest Receivers, and 111 Radio parts and accessories will be on view. DO NOT MISS 41ARRINGTONS 14/PIP/473 ALL ELECTRIC Or Battery Operated This entirely new Receiver has met with such success that pro- duction facilities had to be considerably augmented to supply the demand. There are two beautiful models-the Console,illustrated above, a full length cabinet finished in two-tone effect; and the Table Model (below), encased in a gold -finished metal cabinet. We have prepared a handsome illustrated pricelistof the Imperia 3. MAIL THE COUPON NOW FOR YOUR COPY, Other Features at Harringtons Stand World-famous GILFILLANGeninue Neutrodyne Radio Sets. Latest styles in combination Radio and Phonograph. The recently announced PILOT A.B.C. POWER PACK, and a host of acces- sories produced by the beat manufac- turers. Aarringtons, Ltd., Box 41461 G.P.O., Sydney. I WOULD CERTAINLY like the de- tail* ofHarringtonaImperia 3-no LTD. obligation implied, of course. NAME ADDRESS 386 George Street, Sydney W.W., 26/4/29. Branches all States and New Zealand. Vol. I 3, No.18, Address: Friday, Box April 3366 PP, 26, G.P.O., 1929. Incorporating Radio in Australia 0 New Zealand," Sydney. IT'S THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS ! ETC, wee DETERMINED TO LISTEN (N" eic. TOTHEFASHION liku<5BUT I((AZ DETERMINED -roTUNE IN ON TI-IE F1 61.1T &14E.. AND WHAT ARE THEY WE (RING IH -RE.12C:1:" P 0-0--tyrf Le WILLIEStioN 13ENEATH HISPILLowWILL LOOK , HE ILL FlioNDp 159:1zup. - 3QUAWK-K-K 5ECTLES, COCKROACHES T e, FOR E.L. NATURE 5TUIV \ 4 TALKSTheMi55slaysirIP r,I° RECEIVING (-RAO<'6 \ -CRAcx ---A -- 1'143miNG of THE RIGHT TO soLAppLExu5 0;NDA LEFT. -ro r-iE ; 01 ,Itoe -s ,rc.1 kPROUO SON: °LISTEN To THAT Noce FROM UPSTAIRS :WHO'S DOWN THERE?" AINT DAD A seAUT AT (DESPERATE PAN:" 5-rartorl 2 M,Z. NOW CLOSING DoWN ! ALL TME. STATIONS UNTIL -7 A.m. Tor-ioRRow . C.00-0.0 NicoAT EVERYBODY.. AT ONCE A LE.X. AURAE'4,'ESII C.I1OI( AND -IRA GED 1" LV RAD/O. and ticroi±or Cold Logic A Question of Tact Three Relays V111LE Captain Stevens was putting over ANNOUNCERS are very much concerned THERE have been two successful his National Anthem session some Sun- over an article by a man who obviously Kai Gee Orw (Oakland) lately; ors days no, someone rang up and requested the knows something, In which it was said that 2FC and the other from 2BL.In Esquimaux National "mezzo," in its relation to sopranos, should be stances the announ- The Cap- cer read out the news Anthem. pronounced "medso," and not "metro," which of the Southern Cross tainexplainedthatmeans "over -ripe." Of course, they will let he didn't have a copy rescue search.This these gentlemanly feelings prevail. newt must have tra- in the studio; where- velled pretty quickly, upon the voice asked. accusingly, if he knew because at 3o'clock what the Esquimaux 2BL was relaying nationalsongwas from America new, RADIO HEARTTHRoaa whichhadbeen The Captain replied "Hylore," she sang, "is like the rose that, although he was broadcast, forthe That blooms in the month of June. first time, at 1 not sure whether the My toccata like a meiody o'clock. 2BL's control Esqulmauxhadan That's sweetly played in tune." he operatorandan- anthem ornot, "Of course," the man on trials said. nouncer managed to thought the visit of "Her love might sound like that arrive at the studio the Nobile expedition I/ the month were not December at 5.30 to relay the English 58W. might have grafted a little Italian culture on And her notes were not so nal." the Esquimaux mentality, and suggested that weather interfered with reception, and Italian opera might have influenced these was alittle fading; otherwise, soweare Arctic tribes in their choice of a national air everything was most desirable. Those listenedwere deeply interestedIna "Such songs as 'Che Gelida Manina' ('Your which was being transmitted from 2L0. Tiny Hand is Prozenl," he said, "would comeCruelto be Kind technique of the production, so they say, very naturally to an Arctic people." We A RAW countryman came down to Sydney think the hypothesis a little far-fetched. almost perfect.And it would take a to be operated on.Not by confidence good play to reconcile a control operator announcer to getting up at half -pad 4 men, but by doctors-you wouldn't appreci- the morning. Love Stories of Famous Announcers ate the difference.It was necessary that he THE B.B.C. will no longer print announcers'should be starved before the operation, attd names programmes.They say he was starved for four days and four nights. The Pra* (oun)cing Steed that the flappers' old nabits of writing to an- On the fourth day he told the nurse he wasTHE question of pronounciation cropped ntimcers whose voices they admired havefeeling a bit peckish. The nurse told him to recently during the morning track Mr. Ferry tells the story.There was a rim been superseded by personalvisits, listen -in to 2FC-it would wipe all tears from horse named Chuquisaca, or very nearly that;' take up the announcer s time. Mr. Cochrane, his eyes.So he listened for a few minutes, and someone asked the boy who was up 11:4 1 Captain Stevens. Mr. Halbert, and Mr. Basil then the headphones clashed back to theirhe pronounced the name. The boy tried alai Kirke, so we understand, have arranged a table."No good, nurse," he said disgustedly.failed; and the affair became a standing jct. deputation to protest to Mr. Anderson against "First thing I heard was one of Miss Furst's Not being able to stand standing Jokes, iii decided to re -namethehorse "Chucra- the N.S.W.B.C.'s tardiness in allowing the recipes for rump steam" B.B.C. to get infirst with this finetesti- slicer." and the name has been adopted er monial to its announcers' Adontslty, although, many punters and bookmakers since tin, to the present time, they have preferred not We should think so. Of course, the an. to broadcast the fact. nouncers don't have quite no much tine a. A totonionsir? this boy to re -name the unpronouncable. bat they have done fairly well in this direr VHEN Uncle Bas was under the influenza even if they have dispensed with c So This is English influence a week or so ago, a kind lis- "ANawtorembeel trim onthe bittewmen op - tener -in wrote to him, and expressed his deep posit our bassolt Sennotaaf to -day. A sympathy, while, in aStill More Wallpaper constable was quickly on the seen. makeing very practical man- 1113L CARDS areheldforthe aseetic remarks. The shofer, who was suffer- ner, he enclosed eight ."-hams, who are requested to either He recipes for the cure send stamped addressed envelopes for ing sate casewaltees. was unshagreened. of bad throats.The belongings:-VK2EK, VK2TW. ecsplaned. as in hate, that he was taking an "Syrup of Onion" re- VK2FP, VK2ZY, VK2MF, WORM, urgent commewnikay from the B.B.C.
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