AND REMIND YOU: The Me.reury Gete All tM The Glenville Mercury CampUs Newa That's Pit te Priot.; Senior$ Subscribe Nowt Official Weekly Student Publication of Glenville State Teachers College I<·-------+ Senior President PAUL COLLINS IS COLLEGE ALUMNI WILL SPONSOR VARIED NAMED .PRESIDENT . PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES AS APART OF OF SENIOR CLASS COMMENCEMENT WEEK OBSERVANCE Rece-1otion and Dance Will be Clifford . C.a.rrett of Spencer. COMMENCEMENT CALENDAR Helc.! May 31; Many Special VicC~·President; Leah Stal­ Features Planned naker, SeeretQn Operetta, ''Pina!O!"(.'," Fi·i da)', May 27, 8:15 p. m. STANLEY HALL PRESIDENT Baccalaureate Sermon, "Ad. venturing With Jesus," Sunday, Rotary CNb May Arnoare f• Groop Will T~lc.e . Office Nul Falh May 29, 10:30 a. m., Dr. J. C. Luncheon; Store• Will be Dec..o- Ganett Automatically Becom• Broomfield or Fainnont. Mco:nber of s-ial <;ov:u"ittee Senior Play, "Spring Dance," Monday, May 30, 8:15 p. m. Alumni of Glenville State Pa.ul H .. Collins, of Durbin. Graduation exercises, Tuesday, Teachers College will present athktic manager in the Col­ May 31 , 10:30 a. ~ Sever.ty a program of varied activities lege, was ele;:: ted president of C'.l ndidates for A. B. degree. as their part in conneetion next. y e.ar's seni'or ·class at a meeting in the Co llege a.udi­ ----------- ;~~c~~e~~ll:~::ci~~~.ui~ c~S: .Paul CoUins. or Durbin, preaid~nt- lorium, W cd'ne&lay, immedi- revea.led at a meeting the oast elect or next )·ear·a Senior Cla'!B. ah:ly following assembly exer- Robert T. Crawford, superintend­ COLLEGE CHOIR TO cisel3. Collins., a graduat e of en.t ol schools io Lewis County and PRESENT PROGRAM ~~~~a~ 0~~htw~:hs ";,~~:~~~ DRAMATIC CLUB Greenbank High School, wt:ceedl a former instl'uctor in t he College, Stanley ("Joe") Hall. J . C. Rill ia Cottle. of SpeneeT. He is • will a dd,.ese students ud faculty ia WiH Slnl' Special Muaic at '29. presidinJZ. ADDS MEMBERS &On of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Collins. AUf'mbly t1 ~ re rom orrow at 10 a. m. Baccalaureate SennoD on · SUDday, May 29 As a headliner the Alumni Clitrord Ga.rrett. 110n at :Hr. aal will sponsor a reception and Oh~=t~o-;; ~:~::,:"~~ lni- Mn. c. w: Garre~ of Spetu;er~ ~a 1fO ADDRESS HIGH Twenty-t.hree members of the Col- dance in the College ~·· coma.. SCHOOL SENIORS lege Choral Class are rehearting for sium Tuesday night, May 31. w.- ~:::! a:::~:;ld~n:.Oa:u;:~"! ~pecia l music which .they will give Frank M. Bnll and his !llwing bal!d 0 Tt' n stu!ien t.s were made nle~ nbu s gnc:~:~e :m~r: ce;l: s;:roo;ed "nlree Mem.ben ro1 Fac.ulty pt'eCeding the Baccalaureate sermon, will furnish the music, and admiMioa Sunday morning,. Ka 29. The group, will be 75 cen~ a perso~ or $1.150 of the Ohnim<:ohow Pla yc r'!l nt 1\ ye:ar !lre.: St-cteUry, Leah Stalnake r, Vall Ci•e Commencanent 7 8 30 under the direction o! Miss Bertha a couple. Spec1al enterta.nment wfU Z:,:,eniag at : da ughter o! Dr. and Mrs. G\lY Stal- Addreaae• Thi. MOilth :.:~~in ~~;:~f E. Olsen. will eing "Bless the Lord." be prov~ded under supervision t1f The new membe.rs. who will be in- naker of Glenvillf'; and tnasur.r, Three members of the College Oy Jppolitlotf-Jvano6 and ''CberubiD Miss Be.arie Boyd Bell, and a co... itiated nnt week, are: G"'•e ndetlyn ;t;:.lin~ C';nin=~~~:;f =:- ::: facvltr have announcf!'ld they w~\1 Song" by Dimitri &rtuiansky, .mittee includi'J: two. ot~er penom. Beall, Athena Null, lbrbara Rau- , : St&l ak d II deliver commencement addrel!u 11:. The choir ls made up of sopranos, no~:o:;r!s Pr:~~l '~~:0 anin: mann, Ha rold Noroski, Olive Myen , Spnn~ . Mlu n Get' ld~ Re r. Gilmer County high and juoi1r higl:. 'ralu. Hinlde, Lollftie WiMman, cur. CUDnlngham .wct:ef'd 0 le )'D· acb.ool t h ~ month. :::';~~a~:::,nA:U~~w,S~ tenni~, softball, horseshoe pitclUrtc ford Ga.rrett. EmNtiae Hanieor: olcla of Gle11ville, .w:ho beld the COlO-- >Dean H. Laban White will all­ Paxtonr Frankie Woods, Mildred ftrst time tlle and Jean .llc.Gee. bieed oftlc:t! of HCretaey-treuurer 4rHs the craduating c: la.u of Rote· an~stb;~a:-;:;s·the Hunt, Gwendolyn and Athena Alumni will invite the Rotary Chb Bt~tauee tbe cto:t.'• member'tlhiOJ ta thia year. Mt. Sta~aake-rScbla Ia rrM· dale Junior High School, Thursd ~Ly ~ea ll Nul.l; altos. Adams, Atnes to sponsor a special chdlo limited to ~tr. Qdeute aft elect- uate of Glenn1le Ri&'b ~ and • oic'bt, 1May 19. B . Y. Cl.,.k, In· E'ugen~a all~ivic ed on tlJe bula of ta.e amount and former metnber of the soc.l cam- ltruetor in education, will apeak a\ :Wnc'ht., Teresa Birtch• and Mrfr· ·· ~nt:heo n , whk!h js t.o be held Tu..,_ jorie tenon, Vorley Re:<· 'ay, followiag gr:Ldu!\tion exe-reU... '111&1ity of th•it work ill dnmatin. mittee. C'ann i.upm .is a I(Taduate the I'J'&duation exerciHS at Ce:lar­ Bam~; Other .tadat. who aroa .U..'ble will of Calhoun Cou~tv Hllth ~ h onl. rille Junior High Sehool on Tun­ road, WaJlaee Phill i ~». Denzel Eligible to ·attend will be all n.ft... be takea into the c:hab at Ute be.- Mr. Collin. wdl aut.omMu.all)- be- day, May 17; and Linn B. Hickman, Garre~ Olin Hill and Paul Collilla; ing •Rotarians, Kiwan.iana and DSe~D-o , clnaiaa o1 fall t.e.nn. UIIIOanee come a member of next i-r'a 8tD- tnalruc:t.or in Enrflab and jqumai­ haa.t~~es. Ladd"W!I Bell, Harold Noroslri, bers of Liona dub3. WaJlle WiUiams, John &lid 'to add still another fature die Dftb.-n for the. opereU.a Marjorie Cra6clock, PNSicle:at. dut Coun~il, and ~arr.tt ..m ..,.,. l.m, 'llll'ill be the eommeneflnent Boll~ .. follo.. : VioW.... Ele-a~~or on the aoc•l coornnue:tf!co. 11peakeor at Sand Fork High School John W. lllowre;r, Jr. Associaiton named .Marvin Cooper, lUDH W.ft'J', AlJ'ce on Friday nil'ht, liar 2<1. A trio compoaed of lliu !Be:J.tba a committee o! one t.o con~&c:t _. .....u ••d o.lo Snider; SaOjecta for the vario\1:1 ad­ E. Olaeo, 1)iano, Hrs. A. P. Bohr- invite all loeal bualneu mea U. .......... drMea ha,.e not been announced. boqk. cello, •nd Mila Eleanor C. decorate Utdr store fronta for ~ bdtlli; tnl....- ~:ate;... llndtR, riolia, m&7 pl&7 apeeial ~ .,.neeme•• ..... _ Gan Olea; hom SpeQ.I Pr'OI"'.. III An-aftaed f« ......... at No•a R.-. dr.uiNI. Orrit Stutlu. COLLEGE SURVEY ben, wa!b;x;dn~~~:~o;, ~==ium-·.~-"'-'c ---. .,;Ution of masic is Speakers Wh~ Coaducted Good wm T-. Commutinc mf!n students are now MADE IN CHAPEL TEACHER ~; IN CHARLESTON >Committee asaignmenta are: ~ bJ c. c. ltic:W'd COlO· 1pe.nding th~r noon re.ceate• in three ·-- tertainment -snd Oft'hestra, ·Beede flf BoAoa. ud c•um~ wUI IMemben or Clen.vitft,'a Pioneer front room.! of Fireat.one Lode-e. a Students Fill Out Question- Col&..- . •••lrut~ Pre-t for Bo)·d Bell, •M.n. Earl R. B~ .. rated fi'D'III Boo'ke:r·Ro•e. Com· Week t.nm wen honored with a privllece, which came the past week aaire by State Cawweul•• Meeti•• ,._ of Jlau. P~red R~N- !~~:::=~~~ ti;::~~C. ~~~·~a:: aa-nm. chkkea clinaer 1..,_ rriPt at e o'cl~'k ... a result of action by Pruident E. .aa-ta. lksl W co.twne m~ · Departmeet I Dr. Charle-s- P. lbrper and Dr. C. bell Summers, llbs Alma Arbuckle; •t W Wbitlnr Tu Room. The din­ G. Rohrbouch om. • petition pre­ I ...,.. ~warda aad Orris Stat­ ner wu spona01"ed b1 the Student sented by Dennl Garftt.t, president A qut'stionnalre prepared b' the L. Underwood, Iaeu.Jtr.members, and properties, William MeGinuia. 0.... maaapn. and ,_ .,.. .aap Jbct.rd Council and Denael Gan-ett. presi­ or the Student Ctn~ncil . State Department of Edueatiob 1Na Earl R. •llocg•, principal of Glen- 'ald. Younr. lloyd M. Jonea: P11t"'­ Drer b 1a Qarp of buinn~ and cknt. wu t.outm&lter. The mell formerly uaed the< base· riven to students in uwmbly, Wed- ville .High Scb•IOI, attend~d t.heir re· ilcity LinD B Hickman lin. E. G. P'o'n~ the di1'1ner plan~ wtre ment noom O'J'POSite the Y. ll. C. A. nesday mominw at 10 o' clock t~ or- ~Pt'<"ti'ft t:o_m,nattee meet~ngs. study: Robr~u'Cb~ if";:-c. D. Witfoar. ~-· ---- made to umplete the procram. In beadquarten ror a lunch room. der to det.ermine how •ell collen-1 ,.I"J'. ~e re~u of the state teachers athletics, Fred Madison WldtinJ', Jr~ ..... 1PRAJt AT IIUUSYIU.& near flJture. the team will ~Y A IOUIIp in lhe fl'rl•' "baitmentll In West Virainia are me.tinw th'e! tn.In1ii,r curn:ula, the past""!Tid&y John wmlid: Shreve< and Woodnnr ~lt. to all of the Gilmer Co.mt:y Ku been opened for use aa a lun ch needs ot students. ud &\turday in Charleston. ·Wolft'. hlrh K hoola that Mve not bee-n room f or commutinc #Omen stu· Dr.
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