NIIIIa ...... Vol IV No.23 Mood .. ,. AprU 16, 1". -Chait... J6, 1912 (Saka)- LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second SessiOD (NiDtiI Lok Sa..... ) CYol.IV COlJtains NOI_ 21 to SO} LOB SABRA SECRETARIAT . NEW DaLHI . Price 1 R,. ~.OO {O"Ouw.~ ~ ~ .. 1bIOI.- v..... tlaJotNAL HOIDt PaOC8I!DI'NOS IMCLUDID IN Hllmr VnsIoN WIU.. 'fIlM...., AI MJ'I'IIOUr4TJ\11 AND.oT ,.. TRANSLATION 1IIDN)Jt.J CONTENTS (Ninth Series, Vol. ,V. Second Session, 199011912 (Saka)] No. 23, Monday, April 16, 1990/Chaitra 26, 1912 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers To Questions: 1-36 ·Starred Question Nos. 451 to 456 Wr~ten Answers to Questions: 37-430 Starred Question Nos. 457 to 471 37-85 Unstarred Question Nos 4808 to 4842, 4844 to 4857, 85-415 4859 to 4885, 4887 to 4916, 4918 to 5019 Papers Laid on the Table 431-434 Commission of Inquiry (Amendment) Bill, 1990 435 As amended by Rajya Sabha Message from RaJya Sabha 434-435 Statements by Ministers 435-439 448-452 (i) Bomb blasts involving 5718 Dooars Express 435-439 on 12.4.90 and 5609 Avadh Assam Express on 13.4.90 on Allpurduar Division ot North East Frontier Railway and fire Accident in 383 MOkameh-Danapur Passenger Train on 16.4.1990 Shri George Fernandes ·The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the Question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) CoLUMNS (ii) Bomb explosion on a bus at Prembari Pal, 448-452 Ring Road, Delhi on 13.4.1990 Shri Mufti Mohammad Sayeed Matters under Rule 377 439-444 (i) Need for allocation of more funds 439--440 for early completionof Bangalore­ Mysore metre gauge railway line Shri Srikanta Datta Narasimha Raja Wadiyar (ii) Need to enquire transportation of coal 440 by HINDALCO by rail Shri Hari Kewal Prasad (iii) Need for doubling of railway line between 440-441 Ranaghat and Lalgola in West Bengal Dr. Asim Bala (iv) Need for steps to prevent recurrence of incidents 441 like chlorine gas leakage in the Standard Alkali Factory in Thane-Belapur strip Shri Vidyadhar Gokhale (1/) Need to ensure that upgradation of slum 441-442 areas in Nagpur City is not affected due to forest law regarding 'Zhudpi Jungle' Shri Banwarlilal Purohit (vi) Need to float debentures for various railway 442-443 projects in Marathwada, Maharashtra Dr. Venkatesh Kabde (vii) Need for payment of 'Hill Compensatory 443-444 Allowance' to the Central Government and Public Undertakings employees posted in Himachal Pradesh Shri Prem Kumar Dhumal (iii) CoLUMNS Demands for Grants (General), 1990-91 444-----447 Ministry of Industry 452-648 Shri M. Arunachalam 444-447 Shri Ishwar Chaudhary 452-45~ Shri Murli Deora 456-460 Shri Prahlad Singh Patel 460-463 Shri Chhedi Paswan 463-466 Shri Mitra Sen Yadav 466-469 Shri P. Narsa Reddy 469-473 Shri Mandhata Singh 473-479 Shri Piyus Tiraky 479-481 Shri R. Muthiah 481-486 Shri Janak Raj Gupta 486-489 Shri P.C. Thomas 489-+90 Shri Babubhai Meghji Shah 49Q-4~ Shri Harpal Singh Panwar 494-497 Shri R. Jeevarathinam 497-500 Shri M.S. Pal 509-502 Shri Amar Roypradhan 502-504 Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil 504-507 Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeya 507-510 Shn Rameshwar Prasad 510-511 Prof. K. V. Thomas 511-515 Shri Ram Krishan Yadav 515-518 Ov) CoLUMNS Dr. S.P. Yadav 518-520 Shri N. Dennis 521-525 Shri Chand Ram 525--527 Shri Ajit Singh 528-546 Demands for Grants (General). 1990-91 547-564 Ministry of Human Resource Development Shri N. Tombi Singh 558-563 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA ers Association has represented against the departure in transfer guidelines; and (f) if so, the action taken thereon? Monday, April 16, 1990IChaitra 26, 1912 (Saka) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOL­ OGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN DE­ PARTMENT OF EDUCATION IN THE The Lole Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DE­ VELQPMENT (PROF. M.G.K. MENON): (a) [MR. SPEAKER ;n the Cha;~ to (f). A statement is laid on the table of the House. ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS STATEMENT [English) The guidelines for transfer and posting Transfer of Teachers in Kendriya of teachersin Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Vidyalaya Sangathan are approved by the Board of Governors of the Sangathan. In the light of these guide­ + fines, the Sangathan had drawn operational *451. SHRI UPENDRA NATH guidelines for the academic session 1989- VERMA: 90 with the approval of the then Chairman of DR. SUDHIR RAY: the Sangathan (Minister of State for Educa­ tion). A copy each of these transfer guide­ Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased lines and operational guidelines is presented to state: in Annexures I and" below. (a) what are the guidelines for transfer The changes that were brought about in of teachers in the Kendriya Vidyalaya San­ the transfer guidelines during the year 1989- gathan; 90 were the following: (b) any changes made in the last one 1. Addition of 'Compelling Adminis­ year: trative and Compassionate Rea­ sons' as a ground for transfer-as (c) whether the prescribed guidelines against the earlier criterion of have been followed in the matter 01 transfer 'Administrative Reasons'. in all categories; 2. The earliermedjcal groundfortrans­ (d) ~ not, the cases where the departure fer was specific. This has been from guideHnes was made and the reasons broadened and made general. therefore; 3. Earlier, death in the family of the (e) whether Kendriya Vidyalaya Teach- teacher was mentioned as a spe- 3 Oral Answers APRIL 16, 1990 Oral AnS"1S 4 cific ground tor transfer. This spa­ All India Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers cU/C men/Ion has bgen dispensed Association in an open letter to the Prime w~h. Minister, have, inter-alia, mentioned the al­ leged vk>Iation of transfer guidelines and 4. Earlier, transfer of unmarried girls suggested a probe into it. This is being to places of their convenience was looked into. not provided for. Now it has been provided. ANNEXURE-I 5. Provision has also been made for Guidelines for Transfer of Teachers 1989- tram,fer on grounds of teachers 90 developing handicaps in the course of employment in KVS. 1. The general policy will be not to transfer teachers including Princi­ 6. For Principals, previously there was pals frequently. The normal trans­ a fixed tenure for 5 years in a sta­ fers will be effected only for organ­ tion. Now this has been dispensed isational reasons or on request or with. on medical grounds. The transfer guidelines, inter-alia. pro­ 2. There will be no fixed tenure after vide that normal transfers will be made after which it may be necessary to trans­ effecting transfers of promotees In the first fer a teacherNice-Principal/Princi­ instance This policy had qeen followed during pal/Education Officer/Assistant the current academic session (1.5.89 to Commissioner. 30.4.90) also, except in the case of transfer of Trained Graduate Teachers on promotion 3. Transfer will be made after offering as Post Graduate Teachers. These trans­ promotions every year. fers on promotion could not be effected on account of a writ petition filed in the Madras 4. Transfers will generally be effected High Court, by Physical Education T each­ during the summer vacations. erSt who have prayed that they may also be Transfers will not be effected after made feeder category for promotion to the 31 st October. posts of Post Graduate Teachers as is done for Trained Graduate Teachers. In the light 5. Transfer will be made keeping in of legal opinion. the Kendriya Vidyalaya view the number of vacancies Sangathan has moved a petition before the expected to be filled up by promo­ Madras High Court and sought permission tions and direct recruitment. for promoting suitable Trained Graduate Teachers as Post Graduate Teachers. The 6. Transfers will be effected by ob­ Court has not disposed of the case. There­ serving the following prionties:- fore, before the promotional postings of Trained Graduate Teachers as Post Gradu­ (a) Transfers on administrative ate Teachers were effected, the transfers of reasons. existing Post Graduate Teachers were made with the approval of the then Chairman, (b) Transfers for reasons of seri­ KVS. ous illness requiring treatment away from the place of post­ The last date for effecting annual trans­ ing. fer of teachers as per guidelines is 31 st October. This was got extended with the approval of the Chairman, Kendriya (c) Transfer of spouses for joining Vidyalaya Sangathan to 20.12.89. the family and similarly trans- 5 Oral AnfMWI CHAITRA 26, 1912 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 fer of unmarried girls to a place grounds unless the teacher has ot their convenience. completed five years in his 8x\st~ng 1)\ace 0\ ~\\ng. 7. Mo request 'Of transtel'S witt mdi­ nat\\V ~ enterta\ned "un\ess a teacher has comp\eted three aca· demic sessions except in the cases Operational details of transfer.guidelines mentioned in (6) above. o( Teaching Staff for 1989-90 8. PRTs, TGTs and other category of The operational details of Transfer­ teachers in the identical scales will Quidelines of tea:hing staff of KVS for 1989· not normally be posted outside the 90, as discussed in a meeting with PS to region In which they were selected. MOS and Commissioner, KVS on 15.5.89 are listed below:- 9. Teachers of all categories on If'­ pointment will be posted as far as Board of Governors 01 KVS in its 52nd possible to schools in the interior meeting held on 27.12.88 approved guida· areas.
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