.-:« PHYSIOIANS. WILLMAR^TRIBUNE JIN EFFECf IVE REMEDY VOTED DOWN Lake Elizabeth. There was one governor at the late lUMJimjmMWUJuixxjyvaxujJKuinM&Mxs PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AT The excellent weather saves hay for QR. J. M. RAINS, WILLMAR, MINNESOTA, conference of governors who had the the stock Eggs still at this writ­ gocd sense and courage to suggest an Thgstriau mtd jsurijnm. RY THE ing 18c. It will pay you to have a „•>»'•.»,- TRIBUNE PRINTING CO. action that would have meant some­ good house for your chickens and give OFFICE OVER MOSSBEnG'8 DRUG STORE. HQME thing ard would have done much to Residence on Litchfield Avenue. VIOTOK K. IJAWSON. EDITOK. them plenty to>at Delf\ Boom WILLMAR. MINNESOTA. AUG. O. FOHSBKltG, ASSOCIATE EDITOK. convince railroads that they are ap­ came home Tuesday from Willmar, J. EMJL NELSON, BUS. M'G'H. proaching dangerously near the point where *he has for .some time work d OFF I OF, IN TRIBUNE BUILDING. of exhaufet'ng the patience of the peo­ for Mrs. F. W. Segerstrcm Rev. BENJAMINS A. F. MANTOR, Next Building South of Post Office. ple, and reaching the limit of their en­ Moen of Lake Lillian preached at durance. The governor of Idaho sub­ [Entered at the postoflice at Willmar, Minn, Mathias Mathiason's Monday even­ ANDREWS DENTIST, as second class mail matter.] mitted the following: ing. Part of the Lake Elizabeth and "Resolved: That one of the conclu­ Fahlun string~band furnished music.. 1 LL.D. WILLMAR. MINN. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 22, 1902. sions reached by this conferenc is —Jonas Nortnmade a business trip that government ownership of the great transcontinental lines must be to town of Kandiyohi Monday G. WHO IS IMPER1INENT? C. E. GERRETSON, the ultimate remedy to apply where A. Glader has decided to make Wash­ It cannot be doubted that every hon­ such roads combine with ths power to TO TEST FREE ington his future home The cream­ amMmmmftg Vl.—The Knickerbocker DENTIST, est Minnesota democrat is interested absolutely control the business of the ery will fill their ice house this week. in the success of his party in the elec­ country." and. afterwards furnish the correct WILLMAR, MINN. Albert M. OlsonTiauls hay to Ir­ Group. tions thi-a f All and in the restoration This is not a declaration for gov­ glasses at the correct price is our [The National Period of honest and rep itable government in ving, where he will .move in the spring. O writer of Irving's genius Office iu Mikkolson Block. ernment ownership, except as a threat­ method of doing business. could spring up in a bar­ tliis c uiuionwealth. *- # * This is The peddlers have again traded of American ened means to prevent such combina­ The use of scientific instruments en­ ut quest ioi ably the desire of the deino- horses, and John Wah'strom nas sold ren age without inspiring crais of Minnesota and is also un­ tions as th) conference fancied it had ables us to determine exactly the lens such mediocre talent as ATTORNEY: his share to Andy E. Norine About Literature doubtedly the wish of the members of met to. destroy. But the resolution required, and we can in this way sup­ might be inclined to leth­ 125 invitations have been issued for the Populist party who aided so great­ was voted down with "neatness and ply argy. The mere stirring of fallow i ly in winning the victory of 1898 the wedding of Mr. E. Engberg and BY LORENZO SEARS, LIT. % ground will send up unsuspected MARTIN E. TEW, dispatch." In explanation of this ac­ Eyeglasses and Spectacles But the obstacle—the serious obstacle Miss Mathilda Forsberg, which takes Profwor o' American Literature in {| growths, and the awakening which —in the way of uniting under one ban­ tion one of the excellencies present Brown University. «J place Jan. 29 A phone has lately c the keen humorist gave the drowsy Attorney at Law. ner alt the elements of re'orm is the sa,id, "we wanted to steer clear of which will relieve eye strain and the !t4W«W«Haitr«*^4W** «;«;«***)tttt men of Manhattan started a crop of test of Bryanism which the populists been set up for Nels Peterson E. COLLtCTIONS- wild-eyed populism." "If we can't resulting headaches and other troubles. leflWBI among other effects of the shock. If the name of the Knickerbocker, rind silver democrat will prubably Jackson called at Jonas Norine's Sun­ Ofllee in the li;iiik of \\ liinnir building. care the peopls without given 'em a Oculists' prescriptions filled. school be too large for the little group of authors who followed Diedrich, the •ry to saddle on the candidate. Indeed day Mrs. Stenberg was taken very W1LLMAU. - - MINN. ^his is tie attitude of th; sta'e central dose of populism, the railroad gober- historian, afar, it may be said that the term was applied to less dignified ob­ c unmittee of the peoples patty and of lin's may get 'em," is the true inter­ ill Monday last week, but is now jects in the "'ay of its immense popularity and to more worthy ones since. MASON W. SPICER, he various orjjaiis of the sta*e. But pretation of the foregoing sentiment. Anderson Bros*, around again, doing her work. Hilda The New York Evening Post had been established in the first year of the HS an essential is not this a little too A««d nothing could more clearly re­ Norine has been the housekeeper while century with a hospitable policy toward letters, as well as a critical spirit strongly ui centiliter? If the contest Mrs. Stenberg was sick S. Sten­ ; veal the "politics" iu the whole busi­ which enhanced the honor of appearing in its columns. To gain admittance to that we are »oing to have in ih s state Jewelers & Opticians. berg and Nels Peterson were to Min­ next fa 1 shou'd involve the question ness. That the "common people" a*e them was next to having a book published. On the street and in coffee houses neapolis last week and bought a churn were knots of young men with corresponding ambitions notwithstanding the WILLMAR, MINN, of free silver or have any relation t» but litt'e considered is shown by the deaths from delirium tremene; two ohe populiflic issues with which Mr and a Bone syphon refrigerator for commercial bias of the city and the material bent of the age. Foremost among Bank of Willmar Building. absence of any disposition to do any­ from alcoholism; three from freezing; Bryan is identifi.d it would ba entirely the creamery J. .Pearson's visited them was a banker's clerk who was not so far lost in arithmetical figures that thing for their relief, but potitical five from ac ddental deaths; one sui­ he could not appreciate poetical and even wished that he might "lounge upou liitrng, if not hidisp nsabie, that tht in Irving Sunday Some of our Samuel Olsi-u. Charles Johnson nominee for governor should be an fortunes are being 'enderly nursed.— cide, and one man shot while resist­ a rainbow and read Tom Campbell," a sentiment with which a bystander farmers brought cattle to Atwater ardent supporter of Mr. B-yan and Farm Stock & Home. ing arrest, making a total of sixteen agreed. In this way Fitz-Greene Halleck and Joseph Rodman Drake became OLSON & JOHNSON, ais faith. But the approaching state Monday Charlie Stenberg came acquainted in the spring of 1819, the beginning of a literary companionship as deaths whfch found their way into the contest is not g >iug to hinge on issues home Tuesday from Dakota on a two intimate as it was brief, for Drake died the next year. of that kind. The democrats will be The Commercial West, a prominent paper, given as a result of booze. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. weeks's visit Rev. J. Johnson of Judged by what he had begun to do, this young poet was cut down at the called upou to unite for the deliver­ financial organ published in Minnea­ In addition to this there were three Office In I. O. Ulsou Block, Cokato has been conducting meetings opening of a promising career. His early essays found their subjects for satire ance of tne slate Irom the con'rol of polis, argues that the merger is a attempted suicides; five murderous as­ .VILLMAU. - - - MINN. -poiismnn with whom public plunder every evening for over two weeks in in the topics of the town, but descriptive aud patriotic pieces soon followed, good th:ng because it will lead to com­ saults; twenty-nine assaults, not with is the chief object of political power different houses here The the address to the American flag deserving a higher place than all that Geo. H. Oiu>nu-.->s. ,lno. M. Downs. loci who base their sole source of ap­ petition between the Hill system and intent to kill; four divorce suits; thir­ have succeeded it. A more remarkable feat was the production in two or creamery paid $1.08 per 100 pounds peal to the people upon the sp-.ctacu the Union Pacific. If competition is a ty miscellaneous crimes, and "plain three days of "The Culprit Fay" in refutation of an assertion that it would be of milk for December, and 24 cts. per Otterness & Downs, lurstand taken in regard to the for­ good thing why should we rejoice that drunks" in bunches and batches that difficult to write a fairy poem purely imaginative without the aid of human mation <»f the Northern Securities Com­ pound for butter fat.
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