DDeeeepp BBoorreehhoollee DDiissppoossaall ooff NNuucclleeaarr SSppeenntt FFuueell aanndd HHiigghh LLeevveell WWaassttee aass aa FFooccuuss ooff RReeggiioonnaall EEaasstt AAssiiaa NNuucclleeaarr FFuueell CCyyccllee CCooooppeerraattiioonn David von Hippel and Peter Hayes 12/8/2010 www.nautilus.org 1 Nautilus Institute Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 4 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 6 1.1. SUMMARY OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL AND RELATED PROLIFERATION SITUATION IN EAST ASIA.................................................................................................................................. 7 1.2. SPENT FUEL MANAGEMENT OPTIONS—STORAGE AND DISPOSAL .................................. 10 1.3. REPROCESSING/RECYCLING OF SPENT FUELS .................................................................. 11 1.4. DEEP BOREHOLE DISPOSAL OF NUCLEAR SPENT FUEL AND HIGH LEVEL WASTE AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR REGIONAL COOPERATION ................................................................. 13 1.5. GOALS AND STRUCTURE OF THIS STUDY......................................................................... 15 2. USE OF DEEP BOREHOLES TO DISPOSE OF NUCLEAR WASTES .................... 15 2.1. GENERAL DBD CONCEPT ............................................................................................... 16 2.2. KEY RESEARCH TO DATE ................................................................................................ 17 2.3. SITING OF BOREHOLE FACILITIES ................................................................................... 19 2.4. PREPARATION OF BOREHOLES ........................................................................................ 20 2.5. PREPARATION OF WASTES FOR DISPOSAL ....................................................................... 24 2.6. EMPLACEMENT AND ENTOMBMENT OF WASTES ............................................................. 26 2.7. SITE SECURITY ................................................................................................................ 29 2.8. COSTS ............................................................................................................................. 30 2.9. TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN RELATED INDUSTRIES ............................................ 31 2.10. KEY ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY CONCERNS .................................................................... 32 3. KEY UNKNOWNS, UNCERTAINTIES, REGARDING DBD OF NUCLEAR WASTES, AND POTENTIAL BARRIERS TO APPLICATION ................................ 34 3.1. TECHNOLOGICAL UNCERTAINTIES .................................................................................. 34 3.2. LEGAL UNCERTAINTIES .................................................................................................. 35 3.3. POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL BARRIERS ..................................................................... 36 4. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT IN EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC TO DATE ......... 38 4.1. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT AND RELATED WORK IN JAPAN ............................................. 38 4.2. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT AND RELATED WORK IN ROK ............................................... 39 4.3. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT AND RELATED WORK IN THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES‘ REPUBLIC OF KOREA (DPRK) ........................................................................................ 39 4.4. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT AND RELATED WORK IN CHINA ............................................ 39 4.5. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT AND RELATED WORK IN AUSTRALIA..................................... 40 4.6. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT AND RELATED WORK IN RUSSIA ........................................... 41 4.7. WORK ON DBD CONCEPT AND RELATED WORK ELSEWHERE IN EAST ASIA .................. 41 5. POSSIBLE REGIONAL DEEP BOREHOLE REGIONAL COLLABORATION CONCEPTS ........................................................................................................................ 42 5.1. GEOLOGICAL SUITABILITY AND FEASIBLE LOCATIONS ................................................... 42 5.2. DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHOICES ......................................................................... 43 2 Nautilus Institute 5.3. HAZARDS AND STANDARDS ............................................................................................ 43 5.4. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY ACCEPTANCE ..................................................... 44 5.5. ECONOMICS OF SCALE .................................................................................................... 44 5.6. INSTITUTIONAL DESIGN .................................................................................................. 45 5.7. SAFEGUARDS IMPLICATIONS OF ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS ................................................ 45 5.8. RELATIVE PROLIFERATION RESISTANCE OF DEEP BOREHOLE VERSUS COMPETING REGIONAL SCHEMES ....................................................................................................... 46 5.9. RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS ............................................................................................... 46 3 Nautilus Institute Executive Summary This study explores a possible technological strategy that would avoid security and sustainability dilemmas associated with the management of the rapidly growing quantities of nuclear spent fuel in the East Asia region. The region‘s spent fuel inventories from nuclear power are growing rapidly. The standard approach is to store spent fuel in retrievable surface storage or relatively shallow (tens to hundreds of meters) shallow geologic repositories. In contrast, this study examines the disposal of spent fuel directly into very deep boreholes after a once-through cycle (that is, without separating its radioactive components of reprocessing). The deep borehole disposal approach would avoid many of the proliferation-prone steps involved with reprocessing and recycling fissile material from spent fuel. It also could prove to be more acceptable socially and politically, more economic in the short and long run, and less hazardous with respect to the technological and ecological risks arising from the disposition of large amounts of radioactive material. To date, no systematic investigation into the deep borehole disposal option has been done in the major nuclear power states in East Asia, nor has an assessment been made of the regional cooperation potential from its implementation in lieu of various proposed regional spent fuel storage and reprocessing schemes. Deep borehole technology is advancing rapidly, and there are many opportunities for regional cooperation to explore the potential for deep borehole disposal, to compare it with other regional cooperation schemes to manage spent fuel, and to avoid safeguards and security dilemmas associated with accumulating large amounts of separated fissile material from spent fuel. This issue is especially salient in the Korean Peninsula, where spent fuel storage is already in scarce supply. It could also play a role in the eventual resolution of the North Korean nuclear weapons issue if a regional nuclear weapon free zone is adopted that includes collaboration between national nuclear fuel cycles. Deep borehole disposal of nuclear materials is not a new concept, but has attracted a resurgence of interest in recent years. In this concept, boreholes of 0.5 to 0.8 meters in diameter would be drilled on the order of 5 km deep into stable, crystalline basement rocks. Nuclear materials to be permanently and (essentially) irretrievably disposed of—potentially including spent nuclear reactor fuel, high level nuclear waste from spent fuel reprocessing and similar processes, and separated or partially-separated plutonium—would be placed in canisters and buried in a disposal zone at depths of 3 to 5km in the borehole, which would be capped. This approach presents potential technical simplicity and cost implications, relative to other approaches to nuclear materials, as well as for its promise of permanent disposal. It is also attractive for its potential to offer more robust safeguards against diversion of nuclear materials, reduction of nuclear materials stocks and transport, reduction in spent fuel handling, and other considerations, relative to some of the other fuel cycle options. Possible institutional configurations for deep borehole disposal in East Asia include the use of the technology for nuclear materials disposal by each nation going it alone, by some nations contracting for disposal with a few service supplying nations, or through the coordinated 4 Nautilus Institute development and operation of one or a few central deep borehole facilities used and governed by all of the key nuclear user (present and future) nations of the region. In the study that follows, we describe the nuclear power sector in East Asia, note some of the attributes and questions related to deep borehole disposal of nuclear wastes, explore the barriers and uncertainties that may be involved in applying the concept, review the status of research on or related to deep borehole disposal of nuclear wastes in the countries of East Asia, and present some key research questions that need answering in order to compare different deep borehole disposal concepts with other national and regional proposals for managing spent fuel. We conclude this study by proposing a multi-disciplinary collaborative program
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