PACK TWKNTY.- KVENING HERALD. F ri„ March 9. 1979 Peanuts — Charlee M. ^ u l z Dear Abby ‘ftXf'RE 60IN6TO FLV WOlD'IPONTKNOlt).,. THAT'S A A CLEAROOTTOTOE ENP pr a c tic e' ■. ................ I THINK I'P BE name OFTHEWORLCIANPTHEN /a f/t \V600P'P6V RR5T ACROSS Answer to Previous Puzzle H ^ By Abigail Van Buren SORT OF SCAREP 5 Take as one's Scrolls Discovered 1 Four Reassume Posts I Kidnap Victims Tell 1 VConn vs, Syracuse LOOK OVER THE EP6E? 1 G rM kiea own 7 Proprietor 6 City on tha In Wesleyan Mummy I On Youth Commission I Details of Release 1 In NCAA Tournament 12 Songttreti Loire Lee 7 Slickest Page 3 1 Page 6 1 Page 6 1 Page^lO 13 Capital of 8 Marries Austria 9 Compass 14 Baaver Stata point 15 Eartiett bom to Ensign (abbr.) DEAR ABBY: Now I know why God leta the woman L 16 Appropot 11 Rodent outlive her huaband by about 10 yeara. She needa at leaat L 17 Family 13 Boat that much time to reat and recuperate. Pity the poor woman Priscilla’s Pop — Ed Sullivan member 18 Faux pas (pi.) iilaurhpBtpr who'a been married 50 yeara. I ’ve been married 17 yeara, 18 Watch.clotely 19 Exon Cloudy and if thia man of mine doean't go pretty aoon, I pray to God 21 Strained 20 The bull (2 23 Ovum that I will aoon be laid to reat. 1 couldn't take another 33 cdncentkation a m p SEVERAL INCHES OF wds.,Span.) -IMJON-REINFORCEP 1DOBA.P I roraaoT 26 Look to 34 More verdant 49 Gallic Highs 4S to 50 CARE ARE A MUST CUSHIONING ON THE SEAUNG TAPE, BANPEP 22 More tidy yeara of thia. I TO PUT IN THE VASE 28 Looks 35 Planted affirmative It'a nag and bragi Rant and ravel Yell and cuaal All he haa WHEN ONE wSAre A BOTTOM, SIPES, ANP AHOUNP THE LENGTH 23 Plenty Datallt on pago 2 FDR AUNT MILLIE.' 29 New (prefix) 39 Railroad 50 Energy-saving on hia mind la eat, aleep and aex (eapecially aexl. A poor FRAGILE Q F T FDR TOf? FOAM FtASTIC FOR ANP GIRTH OF THE O' 30 Repaating 24 Species ^ locomotive time (abbr.) woman goea to bed tired and wakea up tired. All a man ia MAIUNG.' THE RACKING"- _ RVCKAGE-ANP ITS/ from mamory groups 43 Toughen by 52 Poetic good for ia hia paycheck. p ^ T O N E ■ 31 Pannsyfvania 25 Egged city exercise contraction I've heard women talk about how lonely they are after 27 Hanker 33 Amidst 45 Sting 53 Compass their huabanda paaa on. Well, here ia one who ia looking for­ 32 Spanish 36 Fait sorry 47 Grows darker point gold ward to' that day. about 48 Misfortune '^edestrian Killed NO SIG IN GARDEN CITY 54 Lion’s home m 37 Sea dog Vol. XCVIII, No. 135 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, March 10, 1979 36 Woodwind rr GLASTONBURY - An 87-year- * A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 » 20$ Single Copy • 15(t Home Delivered DEAR NO SIG; Too bad you didn't aign your name. A instrumant old Glastonbury wo:nan was I huaband la entitled to know how hia wile feela about him. He 40 Hidaous giant killed Friday night as she was | ■ay want to hire a food taator. 41 Yaar |Sp.) walking in the area of Main Street 42 Ghostly near C'arini Road. DEAR ABBY: You recently publiahed a letter from 44 Auxiliary varb. 45 Flowar plot Martha Lambert of 712 Main St. LIKES IT LEGAL, who complained becauae her boyfriend Captarn EaVy — Crooka a Lawranca 46 Finish was pronounced dead on arrival at told her that the men in hia family never married - they juat 48 Seawead Merger Suit took common-law wivea. While your reaponae was sound, product lla rtfo id Hospital at 7:06 p.m. (SUITE A FUOATINS A VALUED YOU RECALL THAT PHANTOM IT A M ER E mO¥tB IMAOB 51 Cut out for following the 6:18 p.m. accident you missed a good opportunity to correct a common F0RTRE95 YOU HAVE ASSOCIATE!... ^ SHIP YOU SIOHTBP IN THE misconception a ^ u t common-law marriages. HERE,EAWAMUI$'.... PROJECreP A6A1W5T THE F06 55 Covatad despite efforts of police and am­ STORM- LIKE THE FLYINS -TO MARK OUR P05ITIOMI 56 Costly fur A common-law marriaj(e IS a legal and binding marriage. CAPTAIN MAKO ONE DUTCHMAN"? bulance personnel to revive her, AHDTHAT‘5 ' 57 Metric unit Just as valid as a ceremonial marriage with a licensel OF YOUR 9BAS0W6 police said. K ST006E5? NOT THE ONLV 56 Reduce A couple who live together, cohabit, and have established SEA 1LLU510W Police .said a car driven by Paul Stay Asked a reputation in their community as man and wife, are, in the WHICH P0Bt\m DOWN Rothman. 18, of 314 Foote Road I eyes of the law, LEGALLY married. CAN CREATBl \ u (;m :i. n:\K soN Manchester, wl:ich led the efiort to collided with Mrs. 'La:nberl. who | Furthermore, common-law marriage cannot be epded by VT 1 Island off Mcnil:l Reporter consolidate the district a:ui the town, one spouse simply moving out. Each party has legal obliga­ Mozambique was a pedestrian. No charges [ then sued tl:e district. O'Neill ruled 2 Gridder MANCHESTER - The attorney tions to the other, just as husband and wife have in a so- have been filed. in favor of the co iim iittco and Jimmy_____ :cpros(>nting the Eighth Utilities called "legal" marriage. 3 By birth No further details on the acci­ ordered another :m'eting to appoint a District has filed a :iiotion to .stay the Thus, common-law marriage is much mure than just 4 Woman's dent were :nade available pending co!iimission within 20 days. "shacking up" or living together, and it should be made plain orders in the Superior Court decision (NEWtPAFffl INTIRMUtl AUNI investigation by Glastonbury | Mayor Stephen Penny scheduled that all couples who decide to live together do not necessari­ tiled Tuesday. It appears that action police. the meeting for March 26, hut ly establish a common-law relationship. w ill delay llte proposed March 26 ■) Abby, 20 states still recognize common-law marriage, and I.aBelle has asked for a delay of meeting to appoint a consolidation Ohio ia one of them. Allay Oop — Dava Qraua Win aUirldge O'Neill's orders because he plans to OHIO LAWYER New Approach :'oni:iiission. appeal the decision. Attorney John LaHelle Jr., district BOSTON (U P Il - U.S. Sen. I Attorney John Fitz(!erald. counsel DEAR LAWYER: Thank you for pointing out that In AWRISHT, MENI I WANTCHA T'SET ALL TH’ VW3MEN ...YOU THREE COME <'ounscl, tiled his application to slay, AND CHILDREN INTO TH' CAVES WHERE THEY'LL BE for the Cotnmittoe For One those states where coramon-law m a rries are rieegnlzed, INTO T H E .FALACE Adlai Stevenson, D-llL, said or delay, those orders included in SAFE/ WHEN SOU'VE FINISHED WITH THAT, 3ET WrrH m e ! Manchester, .said Friday he w ill not ^ they are as valid and binding as a marriage can be. And P'riday that the nation is looking .ludge Norris O'Neill's decision. BACK HERE ON TH'DOUBLE! ideal end play explained challenge I.aBclle's motion to sta y./ thank yon too for letting my readers know that “shacking for fresh, new approaches to O'Neill ruled the Committee For This, in all likelihood. :ncans the up” does not necessarily constitute a common-law marriage. East lead a club to him. many of its pressing problems. One Manchester acted properly last South plays two rounds of Stevenson, who reportedly w ill judge w ill approve the motion to year when it sought consolidation un­ DEAR ABBY; I am having a problem with my 11-year-old NORTH J4-A trumps and is delighted to decide in about a month whether stay. whi<'li probably would :lelay the ♦ KQ J3 der the Home Rule Act. One step un­ daughter, an only child. Annie thinks she's old enough to find that trumps have bro­ lo become a third party candidate | :iieeting until the appeal is heard, stay by herself when rfiy husband and I go out for a few V 864 3 ken two-two. Now he can der that act is th a t a consolidation « A 2 work an end play against for president, poke at the tenth FitzGerald said. hours in the evening. She says she is the only one in her class « QOS eoimiiission he appointed lo oversee He said he feels he could who still has a sitter. East. annual Northeast Regional He leads a diamond to a proposed consolidation plan. succe.ssfully challenge the district's My husband thinks Annie is right. She isn't a dumb child. WEST EAST Conference on Social Studies at | I.ast year, a meeting was held to She's in a special class with gifted children, but to me, that ♦ 7 4 « 65 dummy’s ace. Back to his the Boston Sheraton Hotel. motion, but his clients have asked » 95 » A K J 10 2 king and then a ruff of his appoint such a commission. But. that the district be given the oppor­ doesn't matter. I still think an 11-year-old should^ot be left last diamonct. Now he leads We now have an energy Eighth Utilities District voters at night without an adult. 1 would appreciate yoOTS^pinion.
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