CHAPTER FIVE IMPORTED HELLENISTIC AND ROMAN POTTERY Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom 1. STAMPED JAR HANDLES Ofthe 140 stamped jar handles recovered from Areas A and Ashdod (Dothan 1971), Shiqmona (Elgavish (1974), Tell C, 133 stamps belong to Greek wine amphorae and only 7 Keisan (Halpern-Zylberstein 1980) and Jerusalem, the City to smaller vessels, i.e. lagynoi. The majority of amphorae ofDavid (Ariell990) in Israel, Delos (Grace/Petropoulakou were imported from Rhodes (1 04 stamps), 14 from Knidos 1970), Nea Paphos (Sztetyllo 1976), Crocodilopolis­ and 2 from Thasos, while the origin of 13 stamps could not Arsinoe (Empereur 1977), Salamis (Calvet 1972, 1978), be determined. It is a trade pattern which does not differ Kition-Bamboula (Calvet 1982), and Failaka (Hannestad from that of other Eastern Mediterranean sites; however, 1983), as well as the studies of Borker 1974, Nachtergael conclusions and a final evaluation will be presented when 1978, and Nicolaou/Empereur 1986. A card index for most the remainder of the stamps from the other areas will be of the stamps found during the 1980 and 1981 seasons was published. References are restricted to a few sites, including prepared by D.T. Ariel, whom I gratefully acknowledge. 1.1. RHODIANSTAMPS The Rhodian stamps are arranged in alphabetical order and dated to the accepted periods: Period I ca. 330-240 BCE Period II ca. 240-205 BCE Period III ca. 205-175 BCE Period IV ca. 175-146 BCE Period V ca. 146-108 BCE Period VI ca. 108-80 BCE 1.1.1. STAMPS WITH DEFINITE READINGS 1. Area CO, 1.4094, Reg. No. 40394. R, n, cur/ang h; rec: 3. 7 x 1.4 em. ArABOKAEYI:- 'Aym'JoKA.ij<;, fab of period III. Borker 1974: 42, No. 27; Sztetyllo 1976: No. 22; Empereur 1977: No. 1; Calvet 1972: No. 39, 1978: No.1, 1982: Nos. 12-14; Halpern-Zylberstein 1980: No. 40; Grace 1985: 10, with eponyms of 188-176 BCE; Ariell990: 38-39, Nos. S 58-65. 2. Area AO, Reg. No. A. E. 7. Fig. 5.0:3. R, n. cur/ang h; oval stamp: 3-2.6 em. Around rose, EniArEI:TP[ATOY]b.AAIOY- 'Aytcnpcno<;, ep of period IIIc. Borker 1974:38, No. 14; Sztetyllo 1976: Nos. 25-26 (rec); Grace 1985:8-9, A 2nd, dated 182-176 BCE; Ariell990; 39-40, Nos. S 72-83, rose stamps S 77, 79. 3. Area CO, L564, Reg. Nos. 4928, 5017/2, 5022. R, n, ang h; rec: 3.9 x 1.7 em. ABANOb.OTOY- 'Atluv68om;, fab of period III. Sztetyllo 1976: No. 45; Ariel 1990: 41, Nos. 85-86. 183 4. Area C2, L4603, Reg. No. 46008. R, n, ang h; rec: 4 x 1.2 em. AII:QllOY- A!crwnos, fab of period III. Not common, found in the Pergamon deposit (Schuchhardt 1895; 443, No. 855). 5. Area CO, L479, Reg. No. 4436. R, n, ang h; rec: 3.3 x 1.8 em. EniAAE31 MA BMPOMIO[Y]- 'AA.e~ia8as, ep ofbeginning of period V. Barker 1974: 43-44, Nos. 33-34 (mentioned); Sztetyllo 1976: No. 169; Grace/Petro poulakou 1970: 308, under E 19. 6. Area A2, LIOOI. Reg. No. 10058. N, ang h; rec: 3.2 x 1.6 em. [Eni]AAE 31MAXOY ArPIANIOY- 'AA.e~iJ.Laxos, ep of period IV. Barker 1974; 41, No. 26; Sztetyllo 1976: Nos. 139-41; Empereur 1977: No. 12 Landau/Tzaferis 1979: No. 8. 7. Area Cl, L4436, Reg. No. 48219. N, ang h; rec: 4.2 x 1.8 em. AMYNTA, on r. wreath, red spot near stamp- 'AJ.Lilnas, fab with eponyms ofth< years 188-176BCE. Barker 1974: 40, No. 23 and 42, No. 30; Sztetyllo 1976: Nos. 33-40; Nachtergae 1978:No. 6; Grace 1985:1 0; Nicolaou/Empereur 1986:532-33, 183 BCE with eponyrr Athanadoros; Ariell990:42, Nos. S 96-102. 8. Area Cl, L524, Reg. No. 4804/1. R, ang h; rec: 4.6 x 1.6 em. EniANA3IBOY AOY APTAMITIOY - 'Ava~i~ouA.os, ep of period Ill or later. According tc Grace/Petropoulakou 1970: 291, note 2, wrongly attributed to period III; all othen Ill: Sztetyllo 1976; Nos. 43-44; Landau/Tzaferis 1979: No. 33; Calvet 1982: No. 22. 9. Area CO, L4091, Reg. No. 40355. Cur/ang h; rec: 4 x 1.5. em. En![ AN]L'.PIA llANAMOY- 'Av8pias, ep of period V, last quarter of 2nd century BCE. Grace/Petropoulakou 1970: 297, note 1. 10. Area Cl, L4850, Reg. No. 48230/2. N, ang h; rec: 3.9 x 1 em. EniAPATO <I>AN[EY]I: APTA[MI]T[IOY]- 'Aparo<ptiV1'jS, epA 1st- period III, 182-176 BCE; A 2nd­ early period VI, ca. 100 BCE. Grace/Petropoulakou 1970: 313, No. E 34; Sztetyllo 1976: Nos. 51-52; Empereur 1977: No. 16; Calvet 1978: No.8; Landau/Tzaferis 1979: No. 27; Grace 1985: 8; Ariel 1988: 31-32 for A 2nd, 1990: 43-44, Nos. S 112-20. 11. Area CO, L4092, Reg. No. 40446. Ang h; rec: 3.8 (broken) x 1. 7 em. EniAPAT O<!>ANEYI: KAPNEIOY- 'Aparo<ptiVllS· On date see No. 10. 12. Area CO, L494, Reg. No. 4692. R, n, ang h; rec: 4.5 x 1.5 em. [Eni]Al,'II:TA KOY llANAMOY, red spot on neck between stamp and rim - 'ApicrtaKOS, ep of period IV. Sztetyllo 1976: 145. 184 13. Area C2, L4539, Reg. No. 45207. N, ang h; rec: 4.4 x 1.6 em. EIIIA[P]l~T A KOY [IIAN]AMOY- 'ApicrtaKoc;. On date see No. 12. 14. Area C2, L4553, Reg. No. 4528811. Cur h; rec: 3.3 x 1.8 em. EIIIAPIC [TEQL], on I. symbol of Helios - 'Apt<Heuc;, ep of period I. Grace in BCH 1952: 528, period I; Calvet 1982: No. 27 (date uncertain). 15. Area CO, L565, Reg. No. 4858. R, n, ang h; rec: 3.4 x 1.6 em. APILTIQNOL- 'Aptcrclwv, fab of early period III. Sztetyllo 1976: Nos. 56-58; Halpern-Zylberstein 1980: No. 24; Calvet 1972: Nos. 25-28, 1982: Nos. 28-30; Grace 1985: 40, with eponyms of 210-199 BCE. 16. AreaC2, L4528, Reg. No. 45127. N, ang h; rec: 3.2 x 0.9 em. APlLTIONOL (sic)-' Aptcrciwv. On date see No. 15; for spelling see Cal vet 1982: No. 30. 17. Area CO, W544 (~L426), Reg. No. 4839. Nand lip in onset, ang h; rec: 4.2 x 1.8 em. APILTQNOL- 'Apicrcwv, fab oflate period III. Halpern-Zylberstein 1980: Nos. 42-43; Grace 1985: 10, with caduceus and eponyms of ca. 188-176; Arie1!990: 47, No. S !52. 18. Area CO, L55l, Reg. No. 5019/4. R, n, cur/ang h; rec: 3 x 1.6 em. API[LT]QNOL or API[LTI]QNOL. On date see Nos. 15 and 17. 19. AreaA2, LI034, Reg. No. 10277. R, n, ang h; cir: diam. 3 em. Around rose, APILTOKAEYL- 'AptcrwKA.i;c;, fab between 183 and middle of 2nd century. The fabricant appears on a complete jar from Cyprus with the eponym Aratophanes Jst (see our No. 10), Grace/Petropoulakou 1970: 313; B6rker 1974; 43, No. 33; Sztetyllo 1976: Nos. 54-55; Empereur 1977: Nos. 17-18; Cal vet 1982: No. 32; Grace 1985: 10; Nicolaou/Empereur 1986: 532-33; Ariel1990: 45-46, Nos. S 136-45. 20. Area CO, L4114, Reg. No. 40544. Ang h; cir: diam. 3.4 em. Around rose, APILTOKAEYL, below handle substamp B and star - , AptcrWKA.i;c;. On date see No. 19. 21. Area Cl, L4304, Reg. No. 43205/l. N, ang h; rec: 3. 7 x 1.2. em. IIANAMOY APIC[TOY], to r. star-'Apicrwc;, fab of period Ill. 185 Grace/Petropoulakou 1970: 294-95; Sztetyllo 1976: No. 67; Ariel 1990: 47, No 150-51. The restoration is not definite, though probable in view of the space left f< completing the name. Another possibility: APIC[TEI~A] ~ 'Aptmdlios, fab of periods II-III; Ariel 1991 33, No. S 18 (star tor.); Nilsson 1909: No. 81, star to 1. 22. Area CO, L480, Reg. No. 4486. R, n, ang h; rec 5.1 x 1.7 em. EI1IAPXEM BPOTOY IIANAMOY (N retrograde)- 'Apxtfl~pom;, ep of period V or VI. Grace/Petropoulakou 1970: 315, No. E 40; Dothan 1971; 63, Fig. 26:7; Sztetyllo 1971 No. 221. 23. Area C2, L4603, Reg. No. 46027. Ang h; rec: 3 x 2 em. EIIIAP XOKPA, on 1. head of Helios; device and inscription framed by line of dots- ' ApxoKp<'ttTJS, ep of period Ill, ca. 200-190 BCE. _ B6rker 1974: 36, No.8; Sztetyllo 1976; No. 69; Empereur 1977: No. 24; Nachterga< 1978: No. 13; Halpern-Zylberstein 1980: Nos. 9-10 (dated 240-220 BCE); Ariell99( 48-49, s 162-66. 24. Area C2, L4534, Reg. No. 45257/5. N, ang h; rec: 4 x 1.5 em. EIII[A2:TY]MH~EY2: [ArP]IAN!OY- 'AcHUflTJDTJS, according to Grace 1974: 195, A 1st~ before fall c Carthage, A 2nd~ after 150 BCE, A 3rd ~1st BCE; Sztetyllo 1976: Nos. 71-7, Nachtergael1978: No. 19; Nicolaou/Emperenr 1986: 532-33, ca. 150 BCE for A 2nc Ariel 1990: 34, No. S 28 for A 1st. 25. Area A2, L1006, Reg. No. 10027. N, ang h; rec: 4. 7 x 1.6 em. EIIIALTY MH~EY2: ~AAIOY- 'AcHUflTJDTJS· On date see No. 24. 26. Area A2, L1012, Reg. No. 10074. N, ang h; rec 4.7 x 1.6 em. EIIIA2:TY MH~EY2: ,A.[AA]IOY- 'AG"WflTJOTJS· Same stamp as No. 25; on date see No.
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