Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-21-1987 The BG News April 21, 1987 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 21, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4654. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4654 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Falcon linksters end season, page 9 THE BG NEWS Vol. 69 Issue 112 Bowling Green, Ohio Tuesday, April 21,1987 Robinson-Perry win USG posts by 9 votes by Tilda Courtney staff reporter Election appealed, Nine votes was all that it took see story page 4 for David Robinson and Jim Perry to win last week's election 200 students. for president and vice president "I think it was a good aggres- of Undergraduate Student Gov- sive campaign this year. I ernment. haven't had that much fun talk- "Jim and I knew it was going Robinson Perry ing to so many people in a long to be close, 10 votes one way or time," Robinson said. the other," Robinson said. For and Julie Dalton received 654 Robinson said the increased every person that went in to vote votes. turn-out made him and Perry that we knew, another person Christopher Helmick and realize that students are inter- went in to vote for Barry and Charles King, who were write-in ested, but you have to come to Julie." candidates, pulled in 260 votes. them before they will come to Their guess was only one vote USG's promotional efforts to you. off. Robinson and Perry re- increase student voter turn-out "We talked to 48 different ceived 673 votes out of the 1,637 for this year's elections resulted groups on campus and every one ballots cast, and Barry Wurgler in an increase of approximately D See USG, page 6. Cultural diversity considered by Unda Hoy over whether senators were provided with suffi- staff reporter cient information about the feasibilty of imple- menting such a requirement. A resolution recommending the formation of a About a year ana a half ago, the Committee on committee on cultural diversity will be debated at Cultural Diversity in the American Experience today's 2:30 p.m. Faculty Senate meeting. reported its findings on the nature of cultural If this resolution passes, a committee will be diversity. Faculty Senate members were not formed to examine existing courses and to further given a copy of the written report. study a recommendation to create a fifth general education requirement which will integrate the Senate debate focused on why a copy of the Cultural Diversity in the American Experience report had dot been provided for each senator. category into the undergraduate curriculum. Kendall Baker, dean of the College of Arts and The University-wide committee will have two Sciences, said the report had been made available Pho, /M k Thalm n years to complete the study. for anyone who wanted to see it. Protesters persist ° " » At the April 7 Faculty Senate meeting, a prior Bartley Brennan, faculty senator, made a mo- Dwight Dowson (left) and Gary Boucher listen to a speaker at Friday's rally in the Union Oval Following resolution suggesting that a cultural diversity tion to table the resolution, and the motion passed. the rally, which University President Paul Olscamp spoke at. a daylong sit-in occurred in the Oval. See category be established was tabled after debate U See Diversity, page 6. related story on page 3. Rogers honored 3 arrested for conspiracy by Don Lee on Buck Road, near 1-75, said Douglas intent to distribute cocaine against Ramiro wire editor Domin, agent in charge of the Toledo FBI Vallejo in U.S. District Court in Toledo, in office. connection with a Lucas County drug of- Three men, including a Bowling Green Bowling Green police, FBI agents and fense, Domin said. man, were arrested Thursday in Rossford Rossford police participated in the arrest. The Vallejos made initial appearances for conspiracy to murder a Bowling Green The three had been meeting with an out- Friday in Perrysburg Municipal Court, police officer, city police said Friday. of-state FBI agent, who was posing as a hit where preliminary hearings for both were The arrests came at the end of a four-week man and narcotics trafficker, according to set for Thursday at 1:15 p.m. Sheldon made investigation by city police, the FBI and the FBI agents. an initial appearance Friday in Bowling Wood County Prosecutor's Office. Police said that the FBI helped to set up Green Municipal Court, where his prelimi- Ines Vallejo, 38, of 214 Napoleon Road, stakeouts on the three and set up several nary hearing was set for yesterday at 9 Apt. 91; his brother Ramiro Vallejo, 35, of undercover drug transactions. a.m., court spokespersons said. Delta; and Jonathan Sheldon, 23, of Bloom- Both Vallejos were also charged with Ines Vallejo had been arrested Feb. 26 in dale, were arrested at 11:45 a.m. Thursday aggravated cocaine trafficking in Rossford. Bowling Green on charges of aggravated in the parking lot of the Denny's Restaurant Trie FBI filed a charge of possession with □ See Attempt, page 6. Davis Besse monitors potential hazards BG News/Pete FeBman "and they said it went wonder- Martha Rogers accepting the Master Teacher Award last night at Editor's note: This is the fully." the University Activities annual award banquet in the Lenhart first segment of a four-part MYERS SAID "A meltdown is Grand Ballroom. series about hazardous Hazardous waste: not the problem, the (nuclear) materials and our commu- waste is." by Beth Thomas nity. Tomorrow's segment The reactor, which was first staff reporter What must be done? started in 1975, has a 90 ton fuel will concern potentially dan- core which lasts 41/2 years and Martha Rogers, assistant professor of marketing, was hon- gerous substances being produces 25 billion kilowatt ored last night as the 1987 Master Teacher at the Alumni stored at the University. hours, he said. Myers added that Association's annual awards banquet. lactating animals would have to thing." one third of the core is changed Rogers is the sixth Master Teacher named at the University, by Caroline Langer be monitored for side effects, The plant participates in an at a time and approximately 29 and the first woman to win the award. She was one of six Friday editor according Ted Myers, nuclear annual "End of the World" prac- tons of it is still uranium. The finalists for the award last year. safety and licensing director of tice drill in which it is assumed other ton is considered high She received her bachelor of arts degree from Birmingham- Bowling Green is on the outer Toledo Edison Co., Bowling that all safety mechanisms have level radioactive waste." Southern College In 1974, her master's degree from the Univer- fringe of the danger zone which Green is located 45 miles from failed and the plant is about By the year 2000, nuclear sity of New Orleans in 1979 and her doctorate from the would be present if the Davis the plant. ready to have a complete melt- Kwer facilities in the U.S. will University of Tennessee in 1983. Besse nuclear power facility "Outside of the 10 mile radius, down in order to train personnel ve produced 66,000 tons of Rogers told the committee that her philosophy of education were to undergo a total melt- a meltdown would be no prob- and rescue workers on how to high level nuclear waste - stream variety. down. lem; and that would only happen deal with such an situation, My- enough to fill a storage facility "I strive to be fresh, interested and interesting - open- This area ranges in a circle if everything in the world goes ers said. the size of 10 football fields, minded ... I feel especially rewarded when students say, 'She between 10 to 50 miles away wrong and then some more,' he State agencies, such as the Myers said. O Sec Refers, page 6. from the plant and is considered said. "When anything breaks, I Department of Health, partici- At the Davis Besse plant, high- the agricultural radius in which want the plant shut down first pated in the March practice D See Hazard, page 5. Tuesday News in Brief O The shanty built in the Union Oval as a A University chemistry professor will discuss cussions of verification understandable to the call for divestment burns down Sunday f the issue of verification in any nuclear arms non-scientists. morning: See story, page 3. agreement between the United States and the The lecture is free and open to the public. > Soviet Union today at 8 p.m. in Room 116 of the D The U.S. Supreme Court denies a citi- (JniVersitV Cnem DrOfeSSOr Business Administration Building. Newman will discuss the verification of test zen's group appeal to stop the Perry nuclear ' ' _ David Newman will discuss the technical ban treaties, which limit testing on nuclear plant from going to full power, while the tO addreSS Verification aspects of treaty verification, which makes use weapons, as well as arms agreements. He will of devices such as satellites, radar, and radio to give his assessment of the techniques available NRC gives the 'all clear' for burying waste sure tnat a sludge at Davis Besse plant near Toledo: See of niidear arms treaties make country & following the terms to monitor whether a country is violating a stories, page 7.
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