\ ■ UOSttCUJTH CO. HISTORICAL ASBH.. v fREEHQMU M..Jn ' •• :-vX \ ■ c o v e r in g Hjls_W fi£k_ t o w n s iu i*' o r UOLMDEL, MADIBON One Section MARLBORO. MATAWAN " ■ ' AND :: ' .■■■•■.' 16 PAGES MATAWAN BOKOUOB 1 lumbar ' • ■ . klimbir 9J*t YEAR — 51*1 W EEK Nattooal EdltorUi,, AmocUUM MATAWAN, N. ^THURSDAY, JUNE 23, I960 N«w J itiiy F rau AaiocUtkm Single Copy Ten Cent* Recreation Program Opens In Matawan Townshi] Resting Place Of Former Matawan TownsHip HaU Awards Presented At .......... ation Matawsn'HigH ScHool’s SJnd rchant? Association award of $25 nual commencement was Hew OS fortH* senior "commercial student the high kchfol (tHlello tleld Mt wHo has eXcelled In business sub­ THursday evening at which time jects, Margaret Elnn. 141 senior* vter* .presented with Also award given by Senior diplomas by Haroii Dolan* |>Tei!-. ScHolastic Magazine to oytstandlng dent ot tHe' Matawan' Township ®rl >nd boy wHo have excelled |n Board of EductUon. The eradaatlcm Current events work, during tHeir was postpopetfwrom Jun&JClS, t jnlor year, Josephine Quirk and Stats Sen? RicHard R. Stout, who nders Anderson; $10 award for was. to Have Wen tHe sppajjceiv ffttsfaHding service and leadership was unable to fHflll tHe engfgK j the class and scHool, Edward ment due to. tHe*cHange lyrno; Home Economics Depart­ date. He sent tHe'(S<jHool an official ment of MIIS, award of $10 (or state flag. F. HoWM uoyafsr,, eXcellcnce in home ; economics, Matawan, delivered -^e comnieuce- Joan Undersell, . ' ' ment addresj. Hariy H. Carothers Dr, Samuel Lazow award to III, president of « e senior class, boy, wHo during his four presented a check from tho c Ie s s In HigH acHool, Is considered to-.Luther A. Fosierj; HigH' scHool an outstanding all-around principal, to be used toward: the attHlele, Robert Rankl;" General purchase of a put)iic..fld<)re5s, syfi* Mills, Inc., award to "Betty tem. • Crocker Homemaker ol Tomor­ ■J Awards were presentecr'flr1 fol­ row," Kusan Smith; New Bnins- lows: Senior with tHe highest aver­ wlck SecretariaI, AceounUng-. .(md4> age, gold medsl, Margatet F|nn; Preparatory ScHools awards f o r senior with second highest averi>ge, outstanding work In ; secretarial silver medal, Marg&ret Cusanelll; training, Patricia Alexander and senior with tHird highest average, Juanita Conover. bronze medal, Norman Cullen; Mora than JM eager youngsters In Matawan rigHt, helped register tHe children, wHile Daniel J, Matawan Chapter, of tHe National 35 To Attend College - TownsHip turned out Monday morning to resister Stankiewicz, recreation- director, watched, Tho pro- Honor Society, ,two awards pf $40 Ol the 141 seniors in tHe graduate lor the summer recreation program. Mra.: Walter ram Is open to any child la the township from i-to- each to a'wortKy bo7 M d a .WBriHy Owens, seated at the left, ahd Mrs. William Llegel, tyeara-of-age. •' ■ ’ ■ , ■ : Ins class'35 eXpect to atfend four- J girl of tha senior class, Harry-Co- year collegri; ~ t w'o' wlu enter rotHers and Susan' Smith;-, iriathe; scHools of nursing; eight, business .Library Hours matlcs'citizenshlp awocd to senior and technical schools. - Higher in­ The old one-story frame building, long Ihe mu-1 blocks oil Routo 34. The liulhllng and properly was Half Church Lot Twp. Recreation for excellence tn matHsftiatlcl; citi­ stitutions of learning to be attended nlclpal Hill, pollco Headquarters, Jail and collector's I purchased by the/Atlantic Tlio Co., Atlantic Avo., Mrs. Robert Hardle, librarian; zenship and leadership; one (sHarp arc Albright College, Reading Pa,; office In'Matawan TownaHlp has beon moved from wHon the township moved Into now municipal quart To Be Conveyed Has announced tHat during July Program Begun of Farmer and'Merchants National Bloomfield Ojllege; Cedar Crest Its original site on Atlantic Ave, and new reals anltera on Main S t, _. ‘ and-August thi; Matawan Free Bank>tock; Zoo Clapp. , College, Allentown, Pa,;'' Columbia Planning Board Acts PuMIe Library will not b* open Stankiewicz Directs -. Also Bausch and Lomb honorary Unlveralty, New York; Duke Onl- Saturday afternoons. WitH tHli science, award to senior,, ititdcnt verslty, Durham, N, C.; Florida On M ain St. Parcel . exception, tHa hours will be as Children's A c tiv itie s wHo 'Has held the Highest -average Southern University, Lakeland; Madison Superintendent Speaks usual during the summer months. In science during the four yeari In Hood College, Frederick, Md,; A minor subdivision to permit The library Hours will be Monday marked tHe^ opening' of HigH school,. William Miller; Maryville College, Maryville, .conveyance of the easterly one- Monday and Wednesday after­ the Matawan TownsHip Recreation Woman’s Club o f Matawan, two Tenn.; Monmouth College; Uni­ Halt af the land, formerly the site noons from Z:30 o’clock until I program. Under, the direction of awards of (50 each to * senlpr versity ol Pennsylvania, Philadel­ To 155 Memorial School Grads D. J. Stankiewicz and many vol­ Of the First Presbyterian ChurcH p.m .;’Monday and Friday ave* girl and a senior boy, interested in pHia; Purdue Unlverajty, Lafay­ nlngs from 1 to 8;M o’clock and unteers, the program proved to be Dr.-William J. Sample, super­ Joyce, vies president of tHo board, the gift to tin' acHoul and tHu scTiuol of Matawan, Was approved by the furthering their education In <>nB of ette, Ind.’, Rutgers University, New Tuesday Irom 1* a,m.<until 12 a success. ___ tHe professions; Jean McCue: and Brunswick; Syracuse University; intendent of.. acHool! in Madison praaentoil tlm board of education band‘played tlm recessional, HoH< TownaHlp, delivered ths main ail- Matawan Borough Planning Board o’clock noon. ’ . Almost 300 children enjoyed Clifford Reeves; Malawan Junior Trenton State College; Upiata Col­ gilt and .Linda Mltr,o. tuspomlu<), ert.Platner wua tha nnmmmior, Monday. A report at the meeting The librarian asks tHat a l l playing -softball,- klckball, dodge- Woman's Club |10 award to fast lege, Eist Orange; Wesley Col­ dress to the 155 eighth grade grad­ uates of Memorial ScHool, Laur­ Carol Minton gavli the hoard gifts Honor roll studoiiis wove Clary the land would be conveyed "to resldentst* k e special note ot ball, badminton, volleyball, horse-‘ all-around student, Susan Smith! lege, Grand Forks, N. D.; West­ llaiuHi, Carol lluyil, Dorothy lllalr, " shoes, and otHer games.-A Swim­ ence Harbor, at commencement and Karen Adlln tho call tn Itnard Ralph C. Bedle, adjoining owner these hours for July and August, . Danforth Foundation, two awanjs minster College, and WlUon Col­ Jnsuph Crlminlns, l.nura .Lukacs, ming program for children nlne- exercises Hold Sunday In the Laur- members. Susan Martin; Pamela on tHe"HortH, wa9 confirmed SyT to a' worthy boy and a worthy lege, Chamberaburtj, Pa, - Karen Lombardi, John Kocenski, years-of-age and over is being wHo Have displayed outstanding cnco Harbor CaBlno. Dr, Sample Kostulukos ond Pamela Sadowakl . ScHools of nursing to be entered used “Progress" as his-topic. Carol llmton, Sunan Mnrttp, Tlmm- Edward Farry Jr., Keyport, attor­ planned. - : ‘ leadershlp-qualitles, George Rlttur are Monmouth Medical Center and preaunted (lowers to tlie clnfia par­ as Htat|bacH, I,Inda. Mltro, Hubert ney for the trustees of tHe church, Activities in the Cliffwoqd area jr. and,1Constance Iniley; Business it; peter’* Hospital. Business and The program; opened with tho ents. Alter tin) singing af tin Alma I’lntnor, I’umela Kostiirakos, Pam­ processional, !‘Pomp;*nil(-Clrc‘um' ...MaWr, Tliomas StmtbacH presented in obtaining the minor mb^lvislotu will be-Held every MondSy, Wed-' sttd Proleislorial Woman’i Club of floHoolsi wl>W*,. students itt„■ ............ ela Sadqwalti, and Karen Adlln. w, netday, and Tbursdiy lrom *t(WCe,^, 'jil#yed aoildolf** ;T«*c|ii»rj. of. tjio : tfepArinwnltl1 1 TJieconyeyanc* b t t 9 ^ | p ^ n Sfradbaw »re»i«»«er. «efV»eo.«nd biuttff followed by tHe Mint* to the ^ wmen.iHe former WHitt-resldence tsrlal t v l6tHtrin« Qlbl» Irug. Wd by Susiin Martin,' Pam. scHuol ari* James Cannon, Alfred Matawan .-Board Gets otHerw8» specified.' In . tHs Oak achievement,- Lorna Kerr; BPW, Secretlrial ScHool; Mandla ScHool # l i s » l . CnluclcHi, William Johnson, Mrt, Is located and goes «<iutH to the Shades area it will be on Tuesday Matawan, award of * 150 savings of Medical Office, Assistants, New­ el* Kostulakos‘rand J’amola. Snd- . Option A g a i n s t It i owskl, Tlio entire assomliiy, san/; Alice Spadnro anil John ZoHloio- lands of F.'j^oward 'L16yd;sfr tlie and Friday, with the same hours. bond to the girl, maintaining (He ark Preparatory ScHool and Trap­ wlcli. John liulser'ls eietneninry lot retained by tHe church tHflt Rumor tHat; a shopping center Winners Of Accuracy Throwing highest average during Her. four hagen ScHool of Fashion, . the Star Spangled Banner, after Graduates 127 which the Kcv, William n. Web­ supervisor;. Lurry- MeCkvs, .«rt faces on Jackson St. Has the form- migHt'get ln ahead of, the scHool^ Winners of. accuracy throwing years in high school, Margaret Eight college scholarships were toaclmr; Jusepii KnscHuk, Victor t-*r- lecture room of' the church sit- were BecmaJi Hamilton, Bill Vree­ Finn. * ster, pastor of tho Laurence Har­ EXercises THursday at tHe'35-acre Bechsteln tract on received by tHe graduates, totaling bor Community ChurcH, gnvo tlio l'iiik and Unbelt Walters, itiuslo USled upon it. land, Garry Clifton, Ed Guthrldge, Other Awards ,$23,100 for four years, or-$577J an­ At Old Bridge Stadium ih-iiurliucttt. .... .......... ............... * conveyed lot Ha3‘ ft-frontage Routo 34 proved disturbing to the Joe JoHnston, WHit Jones, Ted Alsij "Matawin TeacHer’s Associ­ invocation,- ........................................... nually, Local awards totaled $550 The class sang "You’ll Never I.lit Of Gratiliales .
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