APP 04 Application Number: 13/01607/OUT Major Outline planning permission for the construction of residential development AT Site At Days Inn Hotel , M1 Motorway Service Area North And South, Little Linford Lane FOR Welcome Break Group Ltd Target: 25th October 2013 Ward: Hanslope Park Parish: Great Linford Parish Council Report Author/Case Officer: Stephen Gee Contact Details: 01908 253145 [email protected] Team Leader: Nicola Wheatcroft Contact Details: [email protected] 1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultee responses and public representations. Full details of the application, including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council’s Public Access system www.milton- All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation. 1.2 The Site The proposed development is located on the site of the existing 92-bedroom Days Inn hotel and car park which are currently accessed from Little Linford Lane and the rear service entrance to Newport Pagnell Motorway Service Area. 1.3 The site is made up of 4 buildings, the hotel car park and a lawn that form the hotel grounds. The 4 on-site buildings are the main hotel building, a bungalow (ancillary use to the main hotel), a small store building and a garage. The bungalow is not in residential use currently and has not been for at least 10 years. 1.4 This application, along with a full planning application for a new hotel and office building, submitted simultaneously, (ref. 13/01608/FUL) form a comprehensive re-development of the site guided by an over-arching masterplan. 1.5 This application site is bounded to the north by a highways depot with Little Linford Lane beyond and the Redhouse Park (Northern Expansion Area (NEA) Area 4) development to the south which is currently undeveloped but has the benefit of a resolution to approve planning permission ref. 12/02253/MKPC for 116 dwellings subject to a S106 Agreement following consideration at the Council’s Development Control Committee on 7th November 2013. 1.6 The application site is bounded to the west by a public bridleway no. 47 and Linford Lakes beyond. To the east of this application site is part of the grounds of the hotel which is subject to a separate full planning application ref. 13/01608/FUL submitted simultaneously with this application. 1.7 The northern and western boundaries of the application site are enclosed with existing native tree and shrub planting, the southern boundary features both native planting and a non-native conifer hedge. To the eastern edge of the site there are a number of trees in the grass bank running adjacent to the Motorway Service Area access road. There is a general fall in level across the site from the south east to the north west corner. 1.8 Details of the location of the site and its relationship to surrounding properties can be seen in the plans attached to this report. 1.9 The Proposal This application proposes to demolish the existing hotel building and seeks consent to develop the site for residential use. An indicative scheme is submitted with this application, however the applicant seeks outline planning permission for the principle of residential development only with all other matters reserved (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) and so the indicative scheme is for illustrative purposes only. 1.10 The indicative scheme illustrates that 60 dwellings could be accommodated on this site with sufficient car parking, open space and other works. Access could be taken from the proposed link road which would join this part of the Northern Expansion Area to the rest of Redhouse Park. 1.11 The indicative layout illustrates a higher density of development fronting onto the proposed extension of Top Fair Furlong, and a lower density arrangement in the ‘Lanes and Lakes’ area to the west (adjacent to Linford Lakes). The overall density of the indicative scheme is 31 dwellings per hectare. 1.12 In accordance with the requirements of the Northern Expansion Area Development Framework, the proposal includes a continuation of a bus route from Redhouse Park to Little Linford Lane. A bus gate is also proposed restricting access for vehicles of the existing and proposed residential developments to and from Little Linford Lane. All traffic serving the residential development is proposed to come from the south via the existing Redhouse Park development. All traffic for the hotel and office building and the bus service would be accessible to and from Little Linford Lane. 2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application) 2.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) paragraph: 12 Accordance with Development Plan 14 Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development 17 Core Planning Principles 18-19 Securing economic growth 32 Transport 56-66 Design 103 Flood Risk 173 Ensuring viability and deliverability 2.2 Local Policy Core Strategy CS1 Milton Keynes Development Strategy CS2 Housing Land Supply CS11 A Well Connected Milton Keynes CS12 Developing Successful Neighbourhoods CS13 Ensuring High Quality, Well Designed Places CS19 The Historic and Natural Environment CS21 Delivering Infrastructure Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 D1 Impact of Development Proposals D2 Design of Buildings D2a Urban Design Aspects of New Development D4 Sustainable Construction EA6 Northern Expansion Area NE3 Biodiversity and Geological Enhancement T1, T2, T3, T5, T9, T10, T15 Transport and Parking H1 Land Allocated for Housing H4 Affordable Housing – target and threshold H5 Affordable Housing – site and market conditions H8 Housing Density H9 Housing Mix L3 Leisure and Recreation Provision PO4 Percent for Art Supplementary Planning Guidance Northern Expansion Area Development Framework (May 2004) Parking Standards (January 2005) and Addendum (April 2009) Sustainable Construction (April 2007) Affordable Housing (March 2013) Social Infrastructure Planning Obligations (September 2005) Planning Obligations for Education Facilities (December 2005) Planning Obligations for Leisure, Recreation and Sports Facilities (2005) New Residential Development Design Guide (April 2012) Other Documents Northern Expansion Area Development Brief and Design Code (August 2005) 3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision) 3.1 1. Principle of Development 2. Layout and Built Form 3. Traffic, Street Design, Access and Parking 4. Site Viability, Affordable Housing and Planning Obligations 4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) 4.1 It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of this report and a S106 Agreement to secure a proportion of affordable housing and S106 contributions in line with either Option 1 or Option 2, provision of a Redway link from Little Linford Lane and a mechanism for a re-appraisal of the viability of the scheme at the time of the submission of reserved matters and a provision for the Council to require a proportionate increase in affordable housing and S106 contributions should viability improve. 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have lead to the officer Recommendation) 5.1 Principle of Development The application site is part of the Northern Expansion Area allocated in the Milton Keynes Local Plan (Policy EA6). The Northern Expansion Area Development Framework allocates the site as ‘mixed-use’ to include a replacement hotel and the delivery of a bus only link to Little Linford Lane. 5.2 The application site is not identified as a specific housing site under Policy CS2: Housing Land Supply of the Core Strategy. However, the applicant has promoted the site through the Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and the Site Allocations Development Plan Document ‘call for sites’, where it was identified as being a potentially suitable housing site. 5.3 The Council’s Development Plans Officer has confirmed that the principle of some housing development as part of the mix of uses in this location would be acceptable. In addition, Policy CS1 of the Core Strategy sets out a priority for the completion of the existing Local Plan Expansion Areas. The current proposal would deliver the completion of an expansion area in accordance with the Milton Keynes Development Strategy. The principle of the proposed development is therefore acceptable. 5.4 Layout and Built Form The design and layout of the site is not a matter for consideration as part of this outline planning application. However, an illustrative master plan has been submitted to show a potential option for the layout of the site which demonstrates that 60 dwellings could be achieved and represents an overall density of 31 dwellings per hectare which is consistent with the density of NEA Area 4 on the adjacent Redhouse Park development. The exact layout would be fully considered at reserved matters stage. 5.5 The NEA Development Framework Plan (May 2004) does not address development form on the application site. However, the Northern Expansion Area is identified as having a range of densities moving from a more structured high density along the main residential street to a lower density and more relaxed building form where the development fronts onto open space areas. The illustrative master plan demonstrates that a residential development could be accommodated on this site in accordance with these design principles. 5.6 The proposed illustrative layout indicates an area of open space that continues the western open space buffer provided in the rest of the Northern Expansion Area.
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