SAICA - INITIAL TEST OF COMPETENCE: November 2020 ** ** The second sitting of the ITC was postponed from June 2020 to November 2020 because of the Covid pandemic University statistic's contained within this document should be analysed/ reviewed holistically and therefore the individual university pass rates should not be regarded as the only measure of success. Of greater importance is the university's contibution to transformation of the CA profession. Index Analysis of Candidate Population (Number of candidates who wrote) 1 Overview of the results 3 Top candidates 4 By university (number of passes) 5 By university (all candidates) 8 By university (by attempt) 10 By university (by full time vs distance learning - all candidates) 11 By university (by demographics - all candidates) 13 By demographics - race (all candidates) 14 By demographics - gender (all candidates) 15 By demographics - race and gender (all candidates) 16 SAICA - INITIAL TEST OF COMPETENCE: November 2020 Analysis of Candidate Population (Number of candidates who wrote) November June June June June June January January January January January January First timers vs Repeats 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2020 *repeat 2019 *repeat 2018 *repeat 2017 *repeat 2016 *repeat 2015 **Note 1 only only only only only 58 2719 2698 2709 2188 2318 2234 First timers **Note 1 3% 74% 88% 90% 83% 91% 90% 1966 938 1554 371 1046 303 913 445 724 243 743 246 Repeats 97% 26% 100% 12% 100% 10% 100% 17% 100% 9% 100% 10% Total 2024 3657 1554 3069 1046 3012 913 2633 724 2561 743 2480 June June June June June November January January January January January January Full time vs Distance 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2020 2020 *repeat 2019 *repeat 2018 *repeat 2017 *repeat 2016 *repeat 2015 only only only only only 735 2353 479 2117 413 2088 423 1961 401 1912 305 1798 Full Time 36.3% 64.3% 30.8% 69.0% 40% 69.3% 46% 74% 55% 75% 41% 73% 1270 1294 1068 936 624 915 490 672 323 649 438 682 Distance 62.7% 35.4% 68.7% 30.5% 60% 30.4% 54% 26% 45% 25% 59% 28% University Total 2005 3647 1547 3053 1037 3003 913 2633 724 2561 743 2480 Chartered Institute of 19 10 7 16 9 9 Management Accountants 0.9% 0.3% 0.5% 0.5% 1% 0.3% (CIMA) Grand Total 2024 3657 1554 3069 1046 3012 913 2633 724 2561 743 2480 June June June June June November January January January January January January PGDA Year Completed 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2020 2020 *repeat 2019 *repeat 2018 *repeat 2017 *repeat 2016 *repeat 2015 only only only only only 46 Mid year 2019 **Note 1 2% 1307 2711 2019 65% 74% 528 765 1292 2686 2018 26% 21% 83.5% 88.0% 124 171 211 303 852 2700 2017 6% 5% 13.6% 9.9% 82.2% 89.9% 44 64 128 219 654 2188 2016 2.8% 2.1% 12.3% 7.3% 71.6% 83.1% 57 84 192 354 564 2318 2015 5.5% 2.8% 21.0% 13.4% 77.9% 90.5% 67 91 118 181 587 2234 2014 7.3% 3.5% 16.3% 7.1% 79.0% 90.1% 42 62 104 141 2013 5.8% 2.4% 14.0% 5.7% 52 61 2012 7.0% 2.5% 44 2011 1.8% University Total 2005 3647 1547 3053 1037 3003 913 2633 724 2561 743 2480 19 10 7 16 9 9 CIMA 0.9% 0.3% 0.5% 0.5% 0.9% 0.3% Grand Total 2024 3657 1554 3069 1046 3012 913 2633 724 2561 743 2480 **Note 1 - Both Milpark Education and Institute of Accounting Science Institutions had graduates from a midyear intake (starting June 2019) on their SAICA accredited programmes - these candidates' first sitting is therefore the November 2020 ITC. CIMA candidates are afforded 2 opportunities, hence some CIMA candidates are repeaters, others 1st timers. Page 1 SAICA - INITIAL TEST OF COMPETENCE: November 2020 Analysis of Candidate Population (Number of candidates who wrote) Continued June June June June June June November January January January January January January January Gender 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2020 2020 *repeat 2019 *repeat 2018 *repeat 2017 *repeat 2016 *repeat 2015 *repeat 2014 only only only only only only 1154 2047 931 1677 622 1628 529 1464 424 1383 438 1306 364 1338 Female 57% 56% 60% 55% 59% 54% 58% 56% 59% 54% 59% 53% 55% 51% 870 1610 623 1392 424 1384 384 1169 300 1178 305 1174 296 1280 Male 43% 44% 40% 45% 41% 46% 42% 44% 41% 46% 41% 47% 45% 49% Total 2024 3657 1554 3069 1046 3012 913 2633 724 2561 743 2480 660 2618 June June June June June June November January January January January January January January Demographics 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2020 2020 *repeat 2019 *repeat 2018 *repeat 2017 *repeat 2016 *repeat 2015 *repeat 2014 only only only only only only 1261 1703 949 1318 588 1255 445 1021 366 941 334 850 248 835 African 62% 47% 61% 43% 56% 42% 49% 39% 51% 37% 45% 34% 38% 32% 111 220 96 184 73 188 78 176 51 152 65 146 61 177 Coloured 5% 6% 6% 6% 7% 6% 9% 7% 7% 6% 9% 6% 9% 7% 292 540 197 430 177 430 170 395 157 395 144 457 127 430 Indian 14% 15% 13% 14% 17% 14% 19% 15% 22% 15% 19% 18% 19% 16% 357 1177 311 1123 208 1125 214 1008 147 1068 198 1008 221 1169 White 18% 32% 20% 37% 20% 37% 23% 38% 20% 42% 27% 41% 33% 45% 3 17 1 14 0 14 6 33 3 5 2 19 3 7 Other 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% Total 2024 3657 1554 3069 1046 3012 913 2633 724 2561 743 2480 660 2618 Page 2 SAICA - INITIAL TEST OF COMPETENCE: November 2020 Overview of the results Jan 2020 Nov 2020 **Note 2 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 862 1857 2719 68% 36 22 58 38% **Note 3 Repeat candidates 646 292 938 31% 1547 419 1966 21% Grand Total 1508 2149 3657 59% 1583 441 2024 22% Jan 2019 June 2019 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 643 2055 2698 76% n/a Repeat candidates 251 120 371 32% 967 587 1554 38% Grand Total 894 2175 3069 71% 967 587 1554 38% Jan 2018 June 2018 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 605 2104 2709 78% n/a Repeat candidates 187 116 303 38% 412 634 1046 61% Grand Total 792 2220 3012 74% 412 634 1046 61% Jan 2017 June 2017 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 423 1765 2188 81% n/a Repeat candidates 256 189 445 42% 330 583 913 64% Grand Total 679 1954 2633 74% 330 583 913 64% Jan 2016 June 2016 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 462 1856 2318 80% n/a Repeat candidates 156 87 243 36% 480 244 724 34% Grand Total 618 1943 2561 76% 480 244 724 34% Jan 2015 June 2015 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 395 1839 2234 82% n/a Repeat candidates 194 52 246 21% 275 468 743 63% Grand Total 589 1891 2480 76% 275 468 743 63% Jan 2014 June 2014 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 408 1786 2194 81% n/a Repeat candidates 262 162 424 38% 279 381 660 58% Grand Total 670 1948 2618 74% 279 381 660 58% Jan 2013 June 2013 FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS FAIL PASS TOTAL %PASS First time candidates 314 1884 2198 86% n/a Repeat candidates 531 388 919 42% 516 360 876 41% Grand Total 845 2272 3117 73% 516 360 876 41% **Note 2: For the first time in 2013, SAICA offered a second sitting of the ITC in June. For ease of reference all June results headings are highlighted in GREEN. **Note 3: Both Milpark Education and Institute of Accounting Science Institutions had graduates from a midyear intake (start June 2019) on their SAICA accredited programmes - these candidates' first sitting is therefore the November 2020 ITC. Page 3 SAICA - INITIAL TEST OF COMPETENCE: November 2020 Top candidates NO CANDIDATES MET THE CRITERIA This list represents the top achiever(s) in the Part I - Initial Test of Competence (ITC) Exam. To be eligible to appear on this list, candidates must achieve a minimum of 70% in the above examination. There were no candidates that achieved this in the ITC June 2019 examination. ** Candidates who achieve 75% or more, will be awarded a pass with honours. Page 4 SAICA - INITIAL TEST OF COMPETENCE: November 2020 By university (number of passes) Jan 2020 Nov 2020 First timers Repeats Total First timers Repeats Total Total Jan and Nov No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of PGDA UNIVERSITY NAME PASSES % of total PASSES % of total PASSES % of total PASSES % of total PASSES % of total PASSES % of total PASSES % of total Institute of Accounting Science 65 3.5% 2 0.7% 67 3.1% 7 0.4% 11 3.8% 18 0.8% 85 3.1% Milpark Education **Note 7 12 12 0.6% 12 0.4% Monash SA/IIE MSA 18 1.0% 16 5.5% 34 1.6% 7 2.4% 7 0.3% 41 1.5% Nelson Mandela University 71 3.8% 1 0.3% 72 3.4% 3 1.0% 3 0.1% 75 2.7% North-West University 89 4.8% 1 0.3% 90 4.2% 12 4.1% 12 0.6% 102 3.7% Rhodes University 16 0.9% 4 1.4% 20 0.9% 12 4.1% 12 0.6% 32 1.2% University of Cape Town 282 15.2% 5 1.7% 287 13.4% 33 11.3% 33 1.5% 320 11.6% University of Fort Hare 23 1.2% 0 0.0% 23 1.1% 4 1.4% 4 0.2% 27 1.0% University of Free State 55 3.0% 1 0.3% 56 2.6% 8 2.7% 8 0.4% 64 2.3% University of Johannesburg 165 8.9% 6 2.1% 171 8.0% 22 7.5% 22 1.0% 193 7.0% University of Kwazulu-Natal 71 3.8% 4 1.4% 75 3.5% 19 6.5% 19 0.9% 94 3.4% University of Limpopo 15 0.8% 0 0.0% 15 0.7% 9 3.1% 9 0.4% 24 0.9% University of Pretoria 180 9.7% 3 1.0% 183 8.5% 16 5.5% 16 0.7% 199 7.2% University of South Africa (UNISA) 272 14.6% 240 82.2% 512 23.8% 199 68.2% 199 9.3% 711 25.8% University of Stellenbosch 252 13.6% 4 1.4% 256 11.9% 25 8.6% 25 1.2% 281 10.2% University of the Western Cape 24 1.3% 2 0.7% 26 1.2% 4 1.4% 4 0.2% 30 1.1% University of the Witwatersrand 259 13.9% 3 1.0% 262 12.2% 33 11.3% 33 1.5% 295 10.7% University Total 1857 292 2149 19 417 436 2585 CIMA **Note 4 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.1% 2 0.1% 5 0.2% 5 0.2% Grand Total 1857 292 2149 22 419 441 2590 Total number of candidates 2719 938 3657 58 1966 2024 5681 % Pass 68% 31% 59% 38% 21% 22% 46% Jan 2019 June 2019 First timers Repeats Total Repeats Total Jan and June No.
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