Atlantic Forest Barra do Ararapira Paraná peak Rafting Mãe Catira River Mountain bike THE ATLANTIC FOREST: PROTECTED AREAS AND FULL NATURE MOUNTAINS AND FOREST A NATURAL AND CULTURAL SPECTACLE The Full Nature framework considers every year. In this view, new businesses The Atlantic Forest express its exuber- the existence of fruits to feed the fauna. The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diversity of wildlife, mountains, caves, the ecological integrity and the peace- have been established. However, not all ance in different landscapes: the pre- The rain is abundant, and thousands exuberant tropical forests in the world. waterfalls, bays, mangroves and beaches, ful coexistence between society and the activities take into consideration nature historic Araucaria Forest, mountains of rivers generated in the cradle of this Within its territory, this biome holds as well as local communities. It is up to natural environments as the basis for a conservation. Full Nature framework and rivers, the coastal plain and the sea. great forest carve the mountains and natural and cultural treasures, some of us to protect this treasure from the risk green and restorative economy, espe- was designed as a unifying cause to en- There are over15,000 species of plants give us beautiful waterfalls. A collection Brazil’s largest cities, and over 120 mil- of disappearance. cially in isolated and disadvantaged ru- sure that development is equitable and and more than 2,000 species of verte- of peaks and hills challenges the climb- lion inhabitants. Brazilian history was The economic development in this ral areas. Nature conservation should long lasting. And, most importantly, to brates within its territory. The Atlantic ers, professionals or amateurs, who have built in the Atlantic Forest which has region has in the Full Nature frame- not seem as an alternative to develop- guarantee that protected areas are also Forest is considered among the world’s the privilege of enjoying the altitude also witnessed the country’s develop- work its greatest source. The Atlantic ment, but rather as an economic oppor- considered as economic assets that ben- most biodiverse biomes. fields, the rocks and the meanders of ment. However, most of the landscapes Forest is a Brazilian natural heritage tunity to generate goods and services efits the entire society. The Atlantic Forest Great Reserve the bays. have been transformed by human ac- and must be valued, recognized and with high added value. Natural and encompasses a long stretch of the Serra tivities, and natural resources have preserved by all of us! cultural attractions create opportuni- do Mar mountain ranges. Not surpris- been intensively explored. All this has ties for employment and income gen- ingly, this rugged topography was one affected the environmental balance and eration in particular for young people of the factors that allowed the main- the quality of life of the Atlantic For- who have the opportunity to stay in tenance of this well preserved natural est inhabitants. The good news is that their hometowns. area harboring many endangered spe- we can still find a significant portion of The Atlantic Forest Great Reserve cies. Throughout the year, the gener- well-preserved forest! Along the coast of has several Public and Private Protect- ous blooming of the Brazilian firetree São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina ed Areas accounting for 28% of its ter- (Schizolobium parahyba), the guaricica states is located the largest remnant of ritory. Additionally, it is internationally tree (Vochysia bifalcata) and the purple this biome, called the Atlantic Forest recognized as a Biosphere Reserve and glory tree (Tibouchina granulosa) bring Great Reserve. This4.5-million-hect - a UNESCO Natural Heritage Centre. color and beauty to the forest. Along- ares natural area is home to a huge The region receives thousands of visitors side, multicolored pollinators guarantee Caiçara canoe Salto Morato Natural Reserve Tapir Guiana dolphin Ilha do Mel Black-faced lion tamarin Scarlet ibis Tradition Fandango Tourist accommodation Restaurants BAYS, BEACHES AND ISLANDS WILDLIFE CULTURAL DIVERSITY TOURISM AND LEISURE In the coastal region of the Atlantic For- birds such as the rufous crab-hawk (Bu- The environmental characteristics of the (Amazona vinacea) and white-necked In this region, human occupation ex- can remain and thrive in their lands The Atlantic Forest Great Reserve in- mountains, hiking or cycling on trails in est Great Reserve, there are attractions teogallus aequinoctialis), but also oth- Atlantic Forest make it one of the places hawks (Amadonastur lacernulatus). Tiny isted before the European colonization. while their traditions are respected and cludes four historic cities that are offi- the middle of forests. There are activities for all tastes: balnearies, historic towns er species such as the adorable Guiana with the largest diversity of species on and colorful frogs, like the Brachyceph- Thus, we have a magnificent archeolog- appreciated. cially protected by the Brazilian National for all tastes and ages. And, after an in- or deserted beaches, open seas or bays, dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) and, with the planet. The Atlantic Forest Great alus coloratus, live only in this territory. ical collection. Some hills up to 30 me- We can identify the Portuguese Institute of Artistic and Historic Heri- tense day of recreation, there is nothing and touristic or wild islands. There are some luck, the impressive jumps of the Reserve is today the main shelter of this The impressivescarlet ibis (Eudo- ters high are actually “sambaquis” or heritage in the region’s colonial archi- tage – São Francisco do Sul-SC, Parana- better than to enjoy the hospitality and hundreds of kilometers of jagged coast- giant oceanic manta ray (Manta biros- biome for endangered species such as cimus ruber), a bird with intense red middens: deposits of shells and residues tecture and typical cuisine such as the guá-PR, Antonina-PR and Iguape-SP; coziness of a hotel network for all budgets. line, bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, in- tris). Finally, the Atlantic goliath grou- jaguars (Panthera onca), Southern mu- feathers that almost became extinct in of the nomadic people who lived here “barreado” – a stewed made in a clay pot and two of the oldest towns in Brazil – The region is well connected thanks viting locals and tourists for a visit. For per (Epinephelus itajara), a majestic riquis (Brachyteles arachnoides), the larg- this region, can be spotted once again. thousands of years ago. with cassava flour, rice, and bananas as Guaraqueçaba-PR and Cananéia-SP, to highways and by the proximity to those who like to surf, there are appro- endangered fish that can exceed 400 kg, est primate in the Americas, and tapirs Its presence brings colors to the sky in Thecaiçaras , traditional inhabitants side-dishes. which are full of charming colonial archi- international airports such as São Pau- priate and beautiful beaches! finds shelter in the reefs protected by (Tapirus terrestris), the largest terrestrial this coastal area. of the coast, have originated from the tecture. Rustic and colorful houses made lo-Guarulhos (GRU) and Curitiba In- In the bays, the encounter of oce- oceanic islands. mammal in South America. miscegenation of Indians, Africans and of stone, sand and whale oil decorate the ternational-Afonso Pena (CWB). All anic saltwater and the freshwater - from The exuberant nature harbors pop- Europeans. The manufacture of canoes, historic centers with their pedestrian this makes it easier to welcome visitors. the rivers - provides incredible land- ulations of top predators like cougars artisanal fishing, extractivism activities, streets, small squares and bandstands. scape with unique species. And, it also (Puma concolor) and herbivores like land cultivation and handicrafts are Throughout the year, cultural festi- nourishes nurseries of the sea: the man- white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) parts of their rich culture. The region- vals liven up these cities by bringing to- grove forests. This fertile environment and collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu). al folklore is best represented by the gether music, theater, cinema, fine arts, guarantees the productivity of fishing We can also spot endemic species of Fandango Caiçara, a musical-choreo- and gastronomy, attracting artists and activities and the survival of a great the Atlantic Forest, that are also en- graphic-poetic and festive expression, visitors from all over Brazil. part of the marine life in this region. dangered, like black-faced lion tama- that is officially registered as “Brazilian For those who like the excitement of A boat trip through these calm waters rins (Leontopithecus caissara), black lion Intangible Cultural Heritage”. Thanks connecting with nature, it is possible to allow the visitors to enjoy the imposing tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus), to the diversity of environments and have adventures with floaters, kayaks or silhouette of the Serra do Mar moun- red-tailed amazons (Amazona brasil- preserved natural heritages, traditional rafting on the rivers. It is also possible to tain ranges, the presence of endangered iensis), vinaceous-breasted amazons groups, indigenous, and quilombolas join a boat trip, to dive, to climb on the Mangrove Red-tailed amazon Agroforestry systems Historic architecture São Paulo atlanticforestgreatreservecom GrandeReservaMataAtlantica TAPIRA São Paulo MIRACATU PERUBE RIBEIRO DA SERRA Alto Rieira Lagaar Region Norte Region IGUAPE CAATI BARRA DO
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