M I CHAEL SE RVETUS His Life an d Teac hin gs CAR L T HEOPH I LUS ODHNE R D E P R OF ES S OR OF C H U R C H HIS T ORY, A CA EM Y OF T H E N W CH C B Y AT HYN P A . UR H, R N , O n e truth fro m an e ne my is w orth m ore than a hun dred lies fro m o u r fri en ds — SE RV E T US PHI LAD ELPHIA P B . PP RESS OF J. LI INC OTT C OM PAN Y 19 10 COP R G HT 1910 BY C RL TH EOPH L S ODHNER Y I , , A I U CONT ENT S PART I . SERVETUS AND CALVIN SERVETU S IN M ODERN LITERAT URE T H E FAILURE OF TH E RE FORM ATION A GENUINE REFORM AT ION OFFERED T HROUGH S E R VETU S . THE LIFE AND WOR" OF SERVE T US T H E TRIAL A ND DEAT H OF SERVETU S THE AFTERM ATH P ART II . THE THEOLOG Y OF M IC HAEL SERVETUS SERVETU S A s A NAT URAL P HILOS OPHER TH T T E S PIRI UAL S EN S E OF S CRIP UR E . THE S PIRITUAL WORLD F T H CHA T Y AI AND RI . S I N F M TH S C M T S , REEDO , AND E A RA EN CHRI S T AND TH E TRINIT Y TH F T H TH I N T E S S E A ER , E NFI I E E TH E L G S TH SO C H S T O O , E UL OF RI TH E I NCARNATION THE G LORIFICATION TH E H OLY SPIRIT . THE M IS S ION OF S ERVETU S MI CHAEL SERVETUS H is L ife and T eac hin gs PART I . SERVET US AND CAL V I N . 1 SER E US I N M ODERN LI ERA URE . V T T T TH E recent celebrations of the four hundredth ’ anniversary of Calvin s birth have once more brought to of s public notice his treatment Michael Servetu , a the Spanish physician and reformer . C tholic and Protestant foes of Calvinism h ave gleefully pointed ’ to the auto - da-f"in Geneva as evidence of Calvin s a h as a fan ticism and cruelty ; it been pleasure, evi den tl rub of ease on e y, to the salt this into the ever open sore of the C alvinistic brethren . Th e t latter , while regretfully admit ing the one ” of great error their otherwise immaculate leader , hi have now, as ever before, endeavored to s eld his “ memory behind the barbarous age in which he ” of lived, and some his modern apologists have frankly admitted that they themselves would have as done Calvin did, had they lived in the sixteenth MI CHAEL SERVETUS di d t century . Moreover, not the Calvinists a one of sufficiently for the fault their theologian, when in the year 1 903 they erected at Geneva a mon u x iatoire ment e p to Michael Servetus, recording the “ i of ul of fact that it was ra sed by sons Calvin, f l respect and recognition of our great reformer , but condemni ng on e error which was the error of his ” ? U age nfortunately for the apologists , the fact ’ remains th at this on e error of Cal vin s was quite un ique in the whole Protestant world even in that “ ” b arbarous age . For Mich ael Servetus himself the Calvinists of - h to day h ave as little love as did Cal vin himself . T e latter burned the body of Servetus ; the former are still burning his character and teachings by repeat l ing the slanders original y invented by Calvin . Even so temperate a journal as the BIBLIOTH E CA “ SAORA is not ashamed to denounce Servetus as a persistent liar, a foul reviler, and at the best a vain a . 1 909 . dre mer ( Oct , , p Much , indeed, has been written about Servetus, yet " a little is known concerning his re l teachings . Socinians an d Unitarians h ave cl aimed him as a m a rtyr in their cause, seizing only upon his argu ments in denial of a Trinity of Persons but ignoring his sublime faith in the sole and complete Divinity Non e Of h is o k s av e i n co es o f th e o n a s w r h g pi rigi l , been an s a e n o E n an d ev en of th e e n s tr l t d i t g r pri t , s an d th e few em a n " a re a os n access b e li h , r i lm t i i l . 2 HI S LI FE AND TEACHIN GS a of Jesus Christ . The only av ilable biography of E a S T AND Servetus in the nglish l nguage , ERVE US L N U Dr. CA VI (London , is by a nitarian , R th e obert Willis, who has hardihood to assert that Servetus was an Arian wh o moreover denied the life after this " The work is worthl ess from a theological hi s point of view, but is of great value as unbiased of tory . The portrait Servetus in the present treatise is copied from the frontispiece in the work of Dr. of a in Willis . The history this portr it is given ’ Allwoerden s HI STORIA M I CH AELI S S ERVETI ' wh ere it is stated that it was origin ally drawn by a friend who visited Servetus in his prison in Geneva w as a at (p . It engr ved in copper Amsterdam F E . 1 607 . ( See the LI E OF S RVETUS by J G de Ch au if l e 1 7 7 1 . p , London, , p The most recent contribution to the literature on a Servetus is a paper by Prof . Ephr im Emerton in R TH OLOG C L R E W A l 1909 . the HA VARD E I A EVI for pri , “ This writer admits that there h as not yet appeared any one successful effort to unravel the mystery of ’ ” Servetus life an d thought . His manner of expressing hi mself is confusin g and intricate to the a so so a ow n l st degree, much th t neither in his time, n or h as on e a sa since, any quite d red to y that he u nderstood it . Prof . Emerton certainly h as not been successful in grasping even the central idea of S ervetan the theology, since he commits such gross “ errors as to m aintain th at Servetus declared that 3 MI CHAEL SERVETUS Christ was n ot consubstantial and co- eternal with ” “ God , and that like his great forerunner, Arius, he was willing to accept almost any description of the d — ivine perfections of the redeeming Christ, only he would not admit the thought of his eternal exist ence i In Germany, however, more serious and mpartial efiorts have been m ade to investigate the theological system of Michael Servetus . We refer to the volume on M CH L S R N N V ORGAN ER . I AE E VET U D SEI E G , by F 328 Trech sel 1 83 9 . (Heidelberg, , pp ) a very fair and ’ systematic study of Servetus own works : an d more especially th e three v olumes on DAS LEH RSYSTEM ’ H L SERVET Giiters MIC AE S, by the late Henri Tollin ( 1 87 6 of the loh, The latter, a pastor F e to rench Prot stant Church in Magdeburg, seems h ave devoted his whole life to the study and defense of of Servetus, writing a series not less than twenty on e f m di ferent volu es, pamphlets, and monographs , dealing with this subject . His LEH RSYSTEM is really a most remarkable work, written with a warm hearted sympathy hardly to be expected from a Lutheran theologian . It is, in fact, a complete com en dium of of p the works Servetus, consisting largely of in quotations free German rendering, with the original Latin sentences as footnotes . Tollin himself is so unsparing in his denunciation of the funda a of one mental f lsities the Old Theology , that might almost suspect him of being a secret Swedenborgi an . 4 HIS LI FE AND TEACHINGS v of There is no direct e idence, however , his having read the Writings of Swedenborg . I n the New Church the interest in Michael Ser vetus dates from the time when the late Rev . Louis of an d H . Tafel published an account Calvin Ser ” vetus in the last issue of WORDS FOR THE NE W H R C U CH ( Philadelphia, This writer, after an independent but somewhat cursory study of the of original works Servetus, came to the conclusion “ of that the latter, with the exception some minor e. and unimportant errors, as, g , his belief in the of of revolt angels and his rejection infant baptism, represents quite fully as to his general teachin g the D of New Viz . : Heavenly octrines the Jerusalem , God of in Christ, and the conjunction Faith and Charity ; and with the exceptions mentioned above, the doc trines taught by Servetus are in general agreement with those enunciated in their fulness, and with innumerable particulars, by the Lord at His Second ” Coming .
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