Agenda Alamo Area Council of Governments Alamo Local Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Authority (LIDDA) Planning and Network Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 1:00 PM Al J. Notzon Ill Board Room 8700 Tesoro Drive, Suite 100 San Antonio, TX 78217-6228 1. Meeting called to Order. The Planning & Network Advisory Committee serves to provide advice and recommendation to the AACOG Board of Directors regarding the Local Plan for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities services in Bexar County and as such is meeting in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code (Open Meetings Act). 2. Roll Call. 3. Public Comments This time is for anyone to comment to the Advisory Committee on issues and items of concern. There will be no deliberation or action on these comments. Time allowed is at the discretion of the Chairman, with three (3) minutes being customary. 4. Declarations of Conflict of Interest. 5. Consider and act upon approval of the December 13, 2016 minutes. 6. Discussion and appropriate action on the recommendation to approve revisions to the Alamo Local Authority Local Plan. 7. Discussion and appropriate action on Vendor Rates for Fiscal Year 2018. 8. Program Reports A. Operations B. Waiver Services C. Non-Waiver Services D. LIDDA Director 9. Items to be placed on next meeting's agenda. 10. Next Meeting Date: June 13, 2017 11. Adjournment. This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities. The accessible entrance is located at the front entrance of 8700 Tesoro Drive. Accessible parking spaces are also available. Please contact AACOG for auxiliary aids and services for the hearing impaired, including interpreters for the deaf, at (210) 362-5200 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or by calling Texas Relay at 7-1-1 for assistance. ALA Planning Network Advisory Committee 5. Meeting Date: 03/07/2017 Title: PNAC Minutes 12/13/16 Presented by: Jacob Ulczynski, ALA Operations Manager AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Consider and act upon approval of the December 13, 2016 minutes. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: N/A DISCUSSION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A Attachments PNAC Minutes 12-13-16 ALA PLANNING & NETWORK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES December 13, 2016 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Irma Canfield, Chair Pam Stephens, Community Member Mary Hanlon-Hillis, Vice Chair John Evans, Parliamentarian Sandra Iracheta-Cruz, Community Member Jennifer Tarr, Community Member Cara Magrane, Community Member William Robinson, Community Member Virginia Burns, Community Member Martha Moyer, Family Member Ronald E. Moore, Family Member Debby Valdez, Family Member Krista Garcia, Community Member STAFF PRESENT GUEST Susan Lodge, Senior Director of ALA and Agency Coordination Frances Anderson Virginia Charles, Non Waiver Services Manager Marla Diel Jacob Ulczynski, Operations Manager & Privacy Officer Teresa S. Kolenda, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Caruso, ALA Training and Records Coordinator Beatrice Cardenas, Administrative Assistant Tiffany Harris, PR Coordinator 1. Ms. Canfield called the meeting to order at 12:58 pm. 2. Roll call by Ms. Kolenda. 3. Public Comments Ms. Canfield read the statement allowing time for anyone to comment to the Advisory Committee on issues and items of concern. There will be no deliberation or action on these comments. Time allowed is at the discretion of the Chairman, with three (3) minutes being customary. Concern regarding language referencing guardianship in handout for Board of Director’s Training Packet. The language will be updated to reflect correct information on guardianship cost. This will be addressed in item #7 on the agenda. 4. Declaration of Conflict of Interest Ms. Canfield read the following statement – If anyone has Conflict of Interest on any of the action items, they should abstain from voting. 5. Consider and act upon approval of the September 13, 2016 minutes. A motion was made by Ms. Valdez to accept the minutes with changes reflecting employment for Ms. Garcia, Northside Independent School District (NISD); change Mr. Robinson from Member Absent to Member Present for the meeting; seconded by Ms. Hanlon-Hillis, the motion carried unanimously. 6. Discussion and appropriate action on the applications for Planning and Network Advisory Committee membership for Anne Connell and Frances Anderson. Mr. Ulczynski discussed the current applications submitted by Ms. Connell and Ms. Anderson. Ms. Connell is employed as Director of Special Education in Northside Independent School District (NISD) and has experience in working with the population we serve. Ms. Anderson currently works with US Air Force as Family Support Specialist. Her experience in working with military families can provide a foundation and assistance to facilitate a strong working relationship. Discussion followed with members carefully reviewing and considering all aspects in selecting the candidates for membership. A motion was made by Mr. Robinson to accept both applications for PNAC membership; seconded by Ms. Hanlon-Hillis, the motion carried unanimously.. 7. Annual Training for PNAC Members and Input on Board Training. Mr. Ulczynski introduced Ms. Caruso who will be reviewing the current AACOG Board of Director’s training: Brief discussion on slides for each program Relevant information includes DADS FY16-17 Performance Contract, Acronyms utilized in conjunction with ALA, review of 3 new programs, Community First Choice, Enhanced Community Coordination and Crisis Intervention. Handouts of related materials provided. Discussion followed with all members satisfied with the relevance of the materials with only minor changes in wording to remove “mental retardation authority” and referencing cost of guardianship. 8. Discussion and update on ALA Programs. For members perusal, an overview of Intake & Eligibility Program available on AACOG website. One minor change in the wording to remove “MR” on page 4. Ms. Charles gave an overview FY 2017 Service Authorizations Current census in GR program – 444 active Overview of FY 2017 GR Obligations $995,819.11 and Utilization of $647,859.70. Census in PASRR – 414 active Community First Choice (CFC) 416 Active, 32 - CFC SC, 384- Intake/CFC SC Waiver Services – HCS 2236 and TxHmL 544 South TX provided training for 72 Hour Service Caregivers. Serenity House is in transition to provide this service. Mr. Ulczynski discussed the scheduled audit of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) in June and outcome was satisfactory. An onsite audit conducted to account for inventory of equipment. A Plan of Action was in place due to the previous findings of error on IT department not reconciliation of inventory. In October, IT department was transitioned to Computer Solution. DADS will follow up in 2017. Purchase of software for equipment inventory to regulate expeditiously. Ms. Lodge reports on LIDDA highlights that include: Crisis Intervention funding utilized to develop curriculum of First Responders. 2017 TAPPestry Conference to be held on February 18. An article on Center for Health Care Services (CHCS) indicates more officers training in recognizing and dealing with mental health individuals. Learn How to Interact with Police, presented by Emily Iland – A free community Safety Event on February 21, must RSVP with Ms. Charles. Alamo Aging and Alamo Service Connection are in development of a Mobile App coming soon. 9. Presentation on the AACOG Website Ms. Lodge introduced Ms. Harris to present members the improved AACOG website. Ms. Harris reviewed the website by showing members on items of interest: How to access information on ALA/PNAC as well as Board of Directors Review of services in different programs. PNAC application Some of the suggestions from members include a link for HHS for any newsflash and a list for contacts. Mr. Ulczynski asked for volunteers in revamping ALA website. 10. Next meeting scheduled for March 7, 2017 at 1:00 pm. 11. Adjournment A motion to adjourn at 2:42 pm was made by Ms. Hanlon-Hillis, seconded by Ms. Valdez, the motion carried unanimously. ALA Planning Network Advisory Committee 6. Meeting Date: 03/07/2017 Title: Alamo Local Authority Local Plan Revision Presented by: Jacob Ulczynski, ALA Operations Manager AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion and appropriate action on the recommendation to approve revisions to the Alamo Local Authority Local Plan. BACKGROUND/HISTORY: To be provided at the meeting. DISCUSSION: Draft Plan revisions are attached and will be reviewed and discussed at the meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends approval of the revisions to the Local Plan. Please contact Jacob Ulczynski, 210-832-5035. [email protected] Attachments Local Plan revisions Alamo Local Authority for Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities ALA Page 1 of 10 ALA Local Plan FY 2016 & FY 2017 Revised 03-07-2017 Page 2 of 10 LOCAL PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Definition of the Local Plan 3 Executive Summary 4 Mission, Vision, and Values 5 Principles 7 AACOG’s History 8 History of IDD Services in Bexar County 9 Planning Process 12 Priority Settings 13 Public Input 14 ALA’s Goals and Objectives 15 Authority Development and Services 176 Administrative Support Services Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0.5" 22 Attachment 1 – Quality Management Plan 23 Attachment 1A – ALA Plan to rReduce Abuse/Neglectthe number cCases of abuse and neglect 37 Attachment 2 – AACOG’s Marketing Plan and Goals Strategic Marketing Plan 43 Attachment 3 – LIDDA Crisis Respite Plan 5352 Page 3 of 10 Page 4 of 10 DEFINITION OF THE LOCAL PLAN The Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) Alamo Local Authority for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (hereinafter called “ALA”) Local Plan for FY 2016 & FY 2017 is a formal document that communicates AACOG’s goals, objectives, direction, and expected outcomes to various community audiences. This Local Plan is a dynamic document, which incorporates the Quality Management and Strategic Marketing Plans. This plan is updated as needed. Page 5 of 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On September 1, 2006, the Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) became the Local Authority (LA) for Bexar County (formerly known as Mental Retardation Authority for Bexar County).
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